Lyndon B. Johnson

Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
I will not seek, and I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Party
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Never make a speech at a country dance or a football game.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Football
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
As man draws nearer to the stars, why should he not also draw nearer to his neighbor?
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Stars
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
In a thousand unseen ways we have drawn shape and strength from the land.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Land
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
There is nothing that exasperates people more than a display of superior ability or brilliance in conversation. They seem pleased at the time, but their envy makes them curse the conversationalist in their heart.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Heart
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
President Can't Swim.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Swimming
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
A nation that fails to plan intelligently for the development and protection of its precious waters will be condemned to wither because of its shortsightedness. The hard lessons of history are clear, written on the deserted sands and ruins of once proud civilizations.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Civilization
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
There's something special for everyone to do. Remember, no experience is a bad experience unless you gain nothing from it.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Perspective
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
The Great Society is a place where every child can find knowledge to enrich his mind and to enlarge his talents. It is a place where the city of man serves not only the needs of the body and the demands of commerce but the desire for beauty and the hunger for community. It is a place where men are more concerned with the quality of their goals than the quantity of their goods.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Beauty
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Not now, or not there, or too much, or not at all.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Too Much
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
This Civil Rights Act is a challenge to all of us to go to work in our communities and our states, in our homes and in our hearts, to eliminate the last vestiges of injustice in our beloved country. So tonight I urge every public official, every religious leader, every business and professional man, every working man, every housewife - I urge every American - to join in this effort to bring justice and hope to all our people, and to bring peace to our land.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
The exercise of power in this century has meant for all of us in the United States not arrogance, but agony.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Exercise
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Americans have always built for the future. That is why we established land grant colleges and passed the Homestead Act to open our Western lands more than 100 years ago.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: College
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Every gift contains a danger. Whatever gift we have we are compelled to express. And if the expression of that gift is blocked, distorted, or merely allowed to languish, then the gift turns against us, and we suffer.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Motivational
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
If there is one word that describes our form of society in America, it may be the word-voluntary.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: America
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Today - wealthier, more powerful and more able than ever before in our history - our Nation can declare another essential freedom.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Education
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
A President must call on many persons--some to man the ramparts and to watch the far away, distant posts; others to lead us in science, medicine, education and social progress here at home.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
The Great Society is a place where every child can find knowledge to enrich his mind and enlarge his talents.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Children
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Many have no happier moments than those that they pass in solitude, abandoned to their own imagination, which sometimes puts sceptres in their hands or miters on their heads, shifts the scene of pleasure with endless variety, bids all the forms of beauty sparkle before them, and gluts them with every change of visionary luxury.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Dream
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Every man of any education would rather be called a rascal, than accused of deficiency in the graces.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Men
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
...that though they may refuse to grow wise, they must inevitably grow old; ...that the proper solaces of age are not music and compliments, but wisdom and devotion; that those who are so unwilling to quit the world will soon be driven from it; and that it is therefore in their interest to retire while there yet remain a few hours of nobler employments.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Wise
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Scarcely any law of our Redeemer is more openly transgressed, or more industriously evaded, than that by which he commands his followers to forgive injuries. Samuel
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
It is not uncommon for those who at their first entrance into the world were distinguished for attainments or abilities, to disappoint the hopes which they had raised, and to end in neglect and obscurity that life which they began in honour. To the long catalogue of the inconveniences of old age, which moral and satirical writers have so copiously displayed, may be often added the loss of fame.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Loss
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
I'm willin' for any solution - religious, political. I'm not going to keep offerin' to negotiate so much because they turn us down each time. It indicates a weakness on our part.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Religious
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
We will not have served the water needs of Americans if we meet only the requirements of today's population. A prudent nation must look ahead and plan for tomorrow.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Future
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
I believe that the country weekly acts as a form of social cement in holding the community together.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Country
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Not merely a nation but a nation of nations.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Usa
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Every funeral may justly be considered as a summons to prepare for that state into which it shows us that we must some time enter; and the summons is more loud and piercing as the event of which it warns us is at less distance. To neglect at any time preparation for death is to sleep on our post at a siege; but to omit it in old age is to sleep at an attack.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Distance
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Books and ideas are the most effective weapons against intolerance and ignorance.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Book
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
If the purpose of lamentation be to excite pity, it is surely superfluous for age and weakness to tell their plaintive stories; for pity presupposes sympathy, and a little attention will show them, that those who do not feel pain seldom think that it is felt.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Pain
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
One hundred years ago, the slave was freed. One hundred years later, the Negro remains in bondage to the color of his skin.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Color
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Education is the key to opportunity in our society, and the equality of educational opportunity must be the birthright of every citizen.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Education
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Hug your friends tight, but your enemies tighter ? hug ?em so tight they can?t wiggle.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Hug
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Democrats legislate; Republicans investigate.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Conservative
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Never miss an opportunity to say a word of congratulation upon anyone's achievement.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Congratulations
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
If you're I politics and you can't tell when you walk into a room who's for you and who's against you, then you're in the wrong line of work.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Lines
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Justice requires us to remember that when any citizen denies his fellow, saying, 'His color is not mine,' or 'His beliefs are strange and different,' in that moment he betrays America, though his forebears created this nation.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Color
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Nothing comes free. Nothing. Not even good, especially not good.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Environment
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
You know, doing what is right is easy. The problem is knowing what is right.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Patriotic
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Democracy is a constant tension between truth and half-truth and, in the arsenal of truth, there is no greater weapon than fact.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Honesty
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
The Organization of American States couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Stupid
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Our understanding of how to live with one another is still far behind our knowledge of how to destroy one another.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Understanding
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Did you ever think that making a speech on economy is a lot like pissing down your leg? It seems hot to you, but it never does to anyone else.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Funny
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
But more classrooms and more teachers are not enough. We must seek an educational system which grows in excellence as it grows in size. This means better training for our teachers. It means preparing youth to enjoy their hours of leisure as well as their hours of labor. It means exploring new techniques of teaching, to find new ways to stimulate the love of learning and the capacity for creation.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Education
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Light at the end of the tunnel? We don't even have a tunnel; we don't even know where the tunnel is.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Tunnels
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
If government is to serve any purpose it is to do for others what they are unable to do for themselves.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Government
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Heck by the time a man scratches his behind, clears his throat, and tells me how smart he is, we've already wasted fifteen minutes.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Funny
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
'If you let a bully come in and chase you out of your front yard, he'll be on your porch and the next day he'll rape your wife in your own bed.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Next Day