Top exercise Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of exercise quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Justina Chen
You would be surprised what two hours of daily exercise and five hundred stomach crunches can do for you.
- Justina Chen
Collection: Exercise
Image of Clarence Thomas
The Constitution, in addition to delegating certain enumerated powers to Congress, places whole areas outside the reach of Congress' regulatory authority. The First Amendment, for example, is fittingly celebrated for preventing Congress from "prohibiting the free exercise" of religion or "abridging the freedom of speech." The Second Amendment similarly appears to contain an express limitation on the government's authority.
- Clarence Thomas
Collection: Exercise
Image of Julia Stiles
The exercise in theater is night after night you are doing the same play, but you have another opportunity to explore. It changes nightly even because of the audience and your day going into the evening of the performance. With film it's much more controlled.
- Julia Stiles
Collection: Exercise
Image of Francis Quarles
If thou wouldst preserve a sound body, use fasting and walking; if a healthful soul, fasting and praying. Walking exercises the body; praying exercises the soul; fasting cleanses both.
- Francis Quarles
Collection: Exercise
Image of Philip Gourevitch
Genocide, after all, is an exercise in community building.
- Philip Gourevitch
Collection: Exercise
Image of Tony Benn
If one meets a powerful person--Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin or Bill Gates--ask them five questions: "What power have you got? Where did you get it from? In whose interests do you exercise it? To whom are you accountable? And how can we get rid of you?
- Tony Benn
Collection: Exercise
Image of Dean Ornish
Love and intimacy are at the root of what makes us sick and what makes us well...I am not aware of any other factor in medicine-not diet, not smoking, not exercise-that has a greater impact.
- Dean Ornish
Collection: Exercise
Image of Sakyong Mipham
It seems we all agree that training the body through exercise, diet, and relaxation is a good idea, but why don't we think about training our mind?
- Sakyong Mipham
Collection: Exercise
Image of Elizabeth Olsen
My favorite thing about acting is you have to learn how to work with people that you probably would never try to. Some people just aren't supposed to be in a room together, and you have to be in a room with a group of people who might not all get along and you have to figure out how to come together for one thing. That collaboration is special, and people don't get to exercise that. I think that's why people become stubborn, and I think that's why people become uninspired to change. In this job you have to.
- Elizabeth Olsen
Collection: Exercise
Image of Richard Stallman
If the users don't control the program, the program controls the users. With proprietary software, there is always some entity, the "owner" of the program, that controls the program and through it, exercises power over its users. A nonfree program is a yoke, an instrument of unjust power.
- Richard Stallman
Collection: Exercise
Image of Clay Aiken
I don't think that there's substantiated evidence that shows that voter fraud is such a rampant problem that we have to put in place measures that people have to pass in order to exercise that constitutional free right. Voting should be -- and is required to be -- a right that is unencumbered. That does not have tests that people must pass.... Anything put in place to restrict that right, or to make it more difficult for people to exercise it, should be outlawed, and should not be allowed.
- Clay Aiken
Collection: Exercise
Image of Helen Oyeyemi
Magic is an exercise of a pattern of thought (sometimes represented by a gesture, ritual, or the calling of a true name) that results in manifestation/s. But these patterns of thought can have so much to do with whimsy that magic often is jokes.
- Helen Oyeyemi
Collection: Exercise
Image of John Wycliffe
In order to the existence of such a ministry in the Church, there is requisite an authority received from God, and consequently power and knowledge imparted from God for the exercise of such ministry; and where a man possesses these, although the bis.
- John Wycliffe
Collection: Exercise
Image of Bobby Seale
All I did in Chicago was to exercise my legal right to speak on my own behalf and I was given four years in jail as a result. But I think the most serious injustice perpetrated by the court system in America is the inability of a black man to get a jury of his peers.
- Bobby Seale
Collection: Exercise
Image of Michael Flynn
Exercising during the cold and flu season will help people stay in shape, and most likely fight off colds or reduce the number of days a person is ill. The cold season should not be an excuse for the average person to refrain from exercising - working out at the gym, a brisk walk in the park or a jog through the neighborhood.
- Michael Flynn
Collection: Exercise
Image of Richard G. Scott
Since the Lord will not force you to learn, you must exercise your agency to authorize the Spirit to teach you.
- Richard G. Scott
Collection: Exercise
Image of Laird Hamilton
Exercising underwater also creates tremendous benefits by challenging your body in ways you can't on dry land.
- Laird Hamilton
Collection: Exercise
Image of Patrick O'Brian
I am opposed to authority, that egg of misery and oppression; I am opposed to it largely for what it does to those who exercise it.
- Patrick O'Brian
Collection: Exercise
Image of Erwin Rommel
Winning the men's confidence requires much of a commander. He must exercise care and caution, look after his men, live under the same hardships, and-above all- apply self discipline. But once he has their confidence, his men will follow him through hell and high water.
- Erwin Rommel
Collection: Exercise
Image of Sid Waddell
Big Cliff Lazarenko's idea of exercise is sitting in a room with the windows open taking the lid off something cool and fizzy.
- Sid Waddell
Collection: Exercise
Image of Steve Vai
Make an exercise out of everything you can’t do.
- Steve Vai
Collection: Exercise
Image of Gena Lee Nolin
If you eat right and you exercise and you get breast implants, you can look like us.
- Gena Lee Nolin
Collection: Exercise
Image of Mencius
When Heaven is about to confer a great office on a man, it first exercises his mind with suffering, and his sinews and bones with toil ; it exposes his body to hunger, and subjects him to extreme poverty ; it confounds his undertakings. By all these methods it stimulates his mind, hardens his nature, and supplies his incompetencies.
- Mencius
Collection: Exercise
Image of Noah Webster
When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers just men who will rule in the fear of God. The preservation of a republican government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty.
- Noah Webster
Collection: Exercise
Image of Jean-Pierre de Caussade
If the work of our sanctification presents us with difficulties that appear insurmountable, it is because we do not look at it in the right way. In reality, holiness consists in one thing alone, namely, fidelity to God's plan. And this fidelity is equally within everyone's capacity in both its active and passive exercise.
- Jean-Pierre de Caussade
Collection: Exercise
Image of Boyd Rice
Well, I have an interest in power. I have an interest in people who find themselves in the position to exercise absolute power
- Boyd Rice
Collection: Exercise
Image of William Stafford
You can treat experience as a set of surprises on which to exercise your quirky self.
- William Stafford
Collection: Exercise
Image of Daniel Webster
Human beings will generally exercise power when they can get it, and they will exercise it most undoubtedly in popular governments under pretense of public safety.
- Daniel Webster
Collection: Exercise
Image of Taslima Nasrin
Religion is now the first obstacle to women's advancement. Religion pulls human beings backwards, it goes against science and progressiveness. Religion engulfs people with a fear of the supernatural. It bars people from laughing and never allows people to exercise their choice.
- Taslima Nasrin
Collection: Exercise
Image of Jessica Mitford
[On the United States:] A nation which does not appreciate that the simple elocution exercise 'Merry Mary married hairy Harry' contains not one but three vowel sounds.
- Jessica Mitford
Collection: Exercise
Image of Gabrielle Reece
I take the choice out of exercise. It's not an option.
- Gabrielle Reece
Collection: Exercise
Image of Tim Winton
For a while Australians were desperately trying to be cosmopolitan. I think it is a pointless exercise. Australian novels are those rooted in Australia, with Australian landscapes and colours. My work has always had bits of Western Australia in it. It is always here. The world comes to us.
- Tim Winton
Collection: Exercise
Image of Josiah Warren
Liberty, then, is the sovereignty of the individual, and never shall man know liberty until each and every individual is acknowledged to be the only legitimate sovereign of his or her person, time, and property, each living and acting at his own cost.
- Josiah Warren
Collection: Exercise
Image of Pliny the Elder
As land is improved by sowing it with various seeds, so is the mind by exercising it with different studies.
- Pliny the Elder
Collection: Exercise
Image of Heather Morris
When I’m working 16-hour days and I can’t work out, I get angry very easily. It’s because I’m missing all those good endorphins. For me, exercise equals happiness.
- Heather Morris
Collection: Exercise
Image of Sylvester Stallone
If you make exercise your hobby instead of your enemy it becomes your friend; it's the one thing that will never let you down. It will always be there for you and it will always make you better than you were before. Remember: every time you go to the gym, every time you put the right supplement in your mouth, you're better than you were ten minutes ago. [...] The irony is most people know what to do, they just don't do what they know.
- Sylvester Stallone
Collection: Exercise
Image of Rudolf Steiner
People who are unable to use their hands skillfully for all kinds of work, will not become good thinkers and will behave awkwardly in life. It is not the head alone, but the whole human being that is a logician. Activities demanding manual and bodily skill, such as knitting, leads to the enhancement of the faculty of judgment. This faculty is actually developed least of all by exercises in logic.
- Rudolf Steiner
Collection: Exercise
Image of Gene Tunney
But I do say that, if you will regularly devote 15 minutes a day, preferably before breakfast, for 60 days to the simple set of exercises that I devised for conditioning men in the navy, I guarantee that you will enjoy increased physical buoyancy and mental vigor.
- Gene Tunney
Collection: Exercise
Image of Ellen G. White
Exercise will aid in the work of digestion. Take a walk after a meal; but no violent exercise after a full meal.
- Ellen G. White
Collection: Exercise
Image of Victoria Woodhull
The sin of all time has been the exercise of assumed powers. This is the essence of tyranny.
- Victoria Woodhull
Collection: Exercise
Image of Victoria Woodhull
All talk of women's rights is moonshine. Women have every right. They have only to exercise them.
- Victoria Woodhull
Collection: Exercise
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Exercise
Image of Francis Beaumont
As men do walk a mile, women should talk an hour, After supper. 'Tis their exercise.
- Francis Beaumont
Collection: Exercise
Image of Alyssa Milano
I've learned that exercise alone is not enough to stay healthy - it's a whole lifestyle.
- Alyssa Milano
Collection: Exercise
Image of Esi Edugyan
I guess mercy is a muscle like any other. You got to exercise it, or it just cramp right up.
- Esi Edugyan
Collection: Exercise
Image of Alan Turing
Mathematical reasoning may be regarded rather schematically as the exercise of a combination of two facilities, which we may call intuition and ingenuity. The activity of the intuition consists in making spontaneous judgements which are not the result of conscious trains of reasoning. The exercise of ingenuity in mathematics consists in aiding the intuition through suitable arrangements of propositions, and perhaps geometrical figures or drawings.
- Alan Turing
Collection: Exercise
Image of John Patrick Shanley
Doubt requires more courage than conviction does, and more energy; because conviction is a resting place and doubt is infinite – it is a passionate exercise. You may come out of my play uncertain. You may want to be sure. Look down on that feeling. We’ve got to learn to live with a full measure of uncertainty. There is no last word. That’s the silence under the chatter of our time.
- John Patrick Shanley
Collection: Exercise
Image of Thomas Paine
A constitution defines and limits the powers of the government it creates. It therefore follows, as a natural and also a logical result, that the governmental exercise of any power not authorized by the constitution is an assumed power, and therefore illegal.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Exercise
Image of Stacy Schiff
parenting is an exercise in unintended consequences.
- Stacy Schiff
Collection: Exercise
Image of William Howard Taft
We can't have a decent government unless those in power exercise self restraint.
- William Howard Taft
Collection: Exercise