Lyndon B. Johnson

Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
The debris of civilization litters the landscapes and spoils the beaches. Conservation's concerns now is not only for man's enjoyment-but for man's survival.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Beach
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
An unfolding technology has increased our economic strength and added to the convenience of our lives. But that same technology-we know now-carries danger with it. From the great smoke stacks of industry and from the exhausts of motors and machines, 130 million tons of soot, carbon and grime settle over the people and shroud the Nation's cities each year. From towns, factories, and stockyards, wastes pollute our rivers and streams, endangering the waters we drink and use.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Technology
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
I don't think that I need to tell you how important to the outcome of that race is the education legislation that is now before the Congress. I hope that it is important enough that most of you have studied it in detail. I hope that you understand that it represents the very best thinking that the leading educators of this country can produce.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Education
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
This is not a jungle war, but a struggle for freedom on every front of human activity.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Military
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
No nation in the world has had greater fortune than mine in sharing a continent with the people and the nation of Canada.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: People
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
. . . the time has also come to identify and preserve free-flowing stretches of our great rivers before growth and development make the beauty of the unspoiled waterway a memory.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Memories
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Conservation is ethically sound. It is rooted in our love of the land, our respect for the rights of others, our devotion to the rule of law.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Rights
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Control of space means control of the world.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Future
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Men who have worked together to reach the stars are not likely to descend together into the depths of war and desolation.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Stars
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
No man should think that peace comes easily. Peace does not come by merely wanting it, or shouting for it, or marching down Main Street for it. Peace is built brick by brick, mortared by the stubborn effort and the total energy and imagination of able and dedicated men. And it is built in the living faith that, in the end, man can and will master his own destiny.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Life
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
There is no excuse-and we should call a spade a spade-for chemical companies and oil refineries using our major rivers as pipelines for toxic waste. There is no excuse for communities to use other people's rivers as a dump for their raw sewage.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Oil
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
A clear stream, a long horizon, a forest wilderness and open sky - these are man's most ancient possessions. In a modern society, they are his most priceless.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Men
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
A good president does with executive power what Pablo Picasso did with paint. He takes bills into new and slightly discomfiting territory. He puts extra eyes on policies. He moves the mouth of the Supreme Court from where it should be to where it must be.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Moving
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
There are two kinds of speeches: the Mother Hubbard speech, which, like the garment, covers everything but touches nothing, and the French bathing suit speech, which covers only the essential points.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Mother
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
In a nation of millions and a world of billions, the individual is still the first and basic agent of change.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Firsts
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
I dont believe in labels. I want to do the best I can, all the time. I want to be progressive without getting both feet off the ground at the same time. I want to be prudent without having my mind closed to anything that is new or different. I have often said that I was proud that I was a free man first and an American second, and a public servant third and a Democrat fourth, in that order, and I guess as a Democrat, if I had to takeplace a label on myself, I would want to be a progressive who is prudent.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Believe
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
John ain't been worth a damn since he started wearing $300 suits.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Suits
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
I am a compromiser and maneuverer. I try to get something. That's the way our system works.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Democracy
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Come now. let us reason together.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Presidential
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
There are some, I know, who see beautification as a frill, as an extra, or as something that is luxurious enough to postpone. Well, they make me impatient because I am convinced that beauty and order in our environment are not frills. I am convinced that they are urgent necessities because they will determine whether our grandchildren can live in a decent land or whether they will be surrounded by glittering junkheaps.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Future
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Today, 8 million adult Americans, more than the entire population of Michigan, have not finished 5 years of school. Nearly 20 million have not finished 8 years of school. Nearly 54 million - more than one-quarter of all America - have not even finished high school.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Education
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
At the desk where I sit, I have learned one great truth. The answer for all our national problems - the answer for all the problems of the world - come to a single word. That word is "education."
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Educational
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Let us close the springs of racial poison. Let us pray for wise and understanding hearts. Let us lay aside irrelevant differences and make our nation whole.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Wise
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
You never want to give a man a present when he's feeling good. You want to do it when he's down.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Men
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
In Asia we face an ambitious and aggressive China, but we have the will and we have the strength to help our Asian friends resist that ambition. Sometimes our folks get a little impatient. Sometimes they rattle their rockets some, and they bluff about their bombs. But we are not about to send American boys 9 or 10,000 miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Home
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
The land flourished because it was fed from so many sources--because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions and peoples.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Land
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
But, most of all, the Great Society is not a safe harbor, a resting place, a final objective, a finished work. It is a challenge constantly renewed, beckoning us toward a destiny where the meaning of our lives matches the marvelous products of our labor.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Destiny
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
War is always the same. It is young men dying in the fullness of their promise. It is trying to kill a man that you do not even know well enough to hate. Therefore, to know war is to know that there is still madness in the world.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Peace
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
A third place to build the Great Society is in the classrooms of America. There your children's lives will be shaped. Our society will not be great until every young mind is set free to scan the farthest reaches of thought and imagination. We are still far from that goal.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Education
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Of all the problems of conservation, none is more urgent that the polluted air which endangers the American people. We have been fortunate so far. But we have seen that when winds fail to blow, the concentrations of poisonous clouds over our cities can become perilous.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Blow
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
First, this law - the National Defense Education Act - ended years and years of debate about one controversial question: 'Shall the Federal Government, with all its massive resources, get directly involved in aiding American education?' The answer this law gave was a loud 'Yes!' - and thus we paved the way for a new era of support for education in America. This law, in fact, helped make possible more than 50 new education laws passed in my administration.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Education
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
We don't propose to sit here in our rocking chair with our hands folded and let the Communists set up any government in the Western Hemisphere.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: War
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
In 1838, Mirabeau B. Lamar, the Second President of the Republic of Texas and the Father of Texas education, declared: 'The cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy. It is the only dictator that free man acknowledges. It is the only security that free man desires.'
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Education
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
We Americans know - although others appear to forget - the risk of spreading conflict. We still seek no wider war.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: War
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Nothing is more unjust, however common, than to charge with hypocrisy him that expresses zeal for those virtues which he neglects to practice; since he may be sincerely convinced of the advantages of conquering his passions without having yet obtained the victory as a man may be confident of the advantages of a voyage or a journey, without having courage or industry to undertake it, and may honestly recommend to others those attempts which he neglects himself.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Passion
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
America has not always been kind to its artists and scholars. Somehow the scientists always seem to get the penthouse while the arts and humanities get the basement.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Art
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
If anybody has any idea of hoarding our silver coins, let me say this. Treasury has a lot of silver on hand, and it can be, and it will be used to keep the price of silver in line with its value in our present silver coin. There will be no profit in holding them out of circulation for the value of their silver content.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Hands
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
He's a nice guy, but he played too much football with his helmet off.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Football
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
If a single act of folly was more responsible for this explosion than any other it was the arbitrary and dangerous announced decision that the Straits of Tiran would be closed. The right of innocent, maritime passage must be preserved for all nations
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: War
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
I may not worry as much as Prime Minister Eshkol does about Israel, but I worry as deeply.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Israel
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
For it was only after I could become President of this country that I could really see in all its hopeful and troubling implications just how much the hopes of our citizens and the security of our Nation and the real strength of our democracy depended upon the learning and the understanding of our people.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Education
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Liberty is not enough.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Liberty
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
I am afraid, ... that health begins, after seventy, and often long before, to have a meaning different from that which it had at thirty. But it is culpable to murmur at the established order of the creation, as it is vain to oppose it. He that lives, must grow old; and he that would rather grow old than die, has God to thank for the infirmities of old age.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Order
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
In many places, classrooms are overcrowded and curricula are outdated. Most of our qualified teachers are underpaid, and many of our paid teachers are unqualified. So we must give every child a place to sit and a teacher to learn from. Poverty must not be a bar to learning, and learning must offer an escape from poverty.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Education
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
I don't have any handicap. I am all handicap.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Golf
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
All that Hubert needs over there is a gal to answer the phone and a pencil with an eraser on it.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Phones
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
For the college years we will provide scholarships to high school students of the greatest promise and greatest need and guarantee low-interest loans to students continuing their college studies.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Education
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
In the last few decades entire new categories of waste have come to plague and menace the American scene. Pollution is growing at a rapid rate. Pollution destroys beauty and menaces health. It cuts down on efficiency, reduces property values and raises taxes. Almost all these wastes and pollutions are the result of activities carried on for the benefit of man. A prime national goal must be an environment that is pleasing to the senses and healthy to live in. Our Government is already doing much in this field. We have made significant progress. But more must be done.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Beauty
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
As it was 189 years ago, so today the cause of America is a revolutionary cause. And I am proud this morning to salute you as fellow revolutionaries. Neither you nor I are willing to accept the tyranny of poverty, nor the dictatorship of ignorance, nor the despotism of ill health, nor the oppression of bias and prejudice and bigotry. We want change. We want progress. We want it both abroad and at homeand we aim to get it.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Morning