Top Loss Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Loss quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Kristina McMorris
Not every loss was confirmed by an officer at the door. Nor a telegram with the power to sink a fleet. Loss, often the worst kind, also arrived through the deafening quiet of an absence.
- Kristina McMorris
Collection: Loss
Image of Joel Fuhrman
For both optimal health and weight loss, you must consume a diet with a high nutrient-per-calorie ratiothere are no shortcuts.
- Joel Fuhrman
Collection: Loss
Image of Lauren Willig
Miles was still mourning the loss of his Romantic Plan. 'There was going to be champagne, and oysters, and you' - he held out both hands as though shifting a piece of furniture - 'were going to be sitting there, and I was going to get down on one knee, and...and...
- Lauren Willig
Collection: Loss
Image of Nancy Pearcey
The loss of objectivity in moral thought does not lead to liberation. It leads to oppression. Secular ideologies preach liberty, but they practice tyranny.
- Nancy Pearcey
Collection: Loss
Image of Fred Rogers
Transitions are almost always signs of growth, but they can bring feelings of loss. To get somewhere new, we may have to leave somewhere else behind.
- Fred Rogers
Collection: Loss
Image of Rafael Sabatini
He was suffering from the loss of an illusion.
- Rafael Sabatini
Collection: Loss
Image of Robin Roberts
Life provides losses and heartbreak for all of us-but the greatest tragedy is to have the experience and miss the meaning.
- Robin Roberts
Collection: Loss
Image of Horace Bushnell
Take your burdens, and troubles, and losses, and wrongs, if come they must and will, as your opportunities, knowing that God has girded you for greater things than these.
- Horace Bushnell
Collection: Loss
Image of Andrew Shue
After a devastating loss, your whole perspective shifts, and you're kind of in a blank space. You feel like on one side nothing matters, and on the other side a freedom because nothing matters.
- Andrew Shue
Collection: Loss
Image of Boris Pasternak
In life it is more necessary to lose than to gain. A seed will only germinate if it dies.
- Boris Pasternak
Collection: Loss
Image of Paula McLain
More and more I find myself at a loss for words and didn't want to hear other people talking either. Their conversations seemed false and empty. I preferred to look at the sea, which said nothing and never made you feel alone.
- Paula McLain
Collection: Loss
Image of Birch Bayh
And I thought my loss was not, certainly, the end of the world, but to lessen the enthusiasm of those young people who were signed up, I thought that was tragic.
- Birch Bayh
Collection: Loss
Image of Catherine Fisher
Even across the dark, even across the loss, even across the emptiness, soul will speak to soul
- Catherine Fisher
Collection: Loss
Image of Elizabeth Berg
Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.
- Elizabeth Berg
Collection: Loss
Image of Lisa See
What stays with me most is a general sense of loss, unease, and longing for the past that cannot be relieved.
- Lisa See
Collection: Loss
Image of Meghan O'Rourke
There are many kinds of loss embedded in a loss - the loss of the person, and the loss of the self you got to be with that person. And the seeming loss of the past, which now feels forever out of reach.
- Meghan O'Rourke
Collection: Loss
Image of Meghan O'Rourke
One of the grubby truths about a loss is that you don't just mourn the dead person, you mourn the person you got to be when the lost one was alive. This loss might even be what affects you the most.
- Meghan O'Rourke
Collection: Loss
Image of Brian Weiss
More learning can occur when there are many obstacles then when thear are few or none. A life with difficult relationships, filled with obstacles and losses, presents the most opportunity for the soul's growth. You may have chosen the more difficult life so that you could accelerate your physical progress
- Brian Weiss
Collection: Loss
Image of Lisa Unger
We can't hold on to anyone or anything, you know. We lose everything except that which we carry within us.
- Lisa Unger
Collection: Loss
Image of Sebastian Faulks
It was too difficult. People weren't prepared to put in the hours on the donkey work - you know, dates and facts and so on. I think in retrospect my generation will be seen as a turning point. From now on there'll be a net loss of knowledge in Europe. The difference between a peasant community in fourteenth-century Iran and modern London, though, is that if with their meager resources the villagers occasionally slipped backward, it was not for lack of trying. But with us, here in England, it was a positive choice. We chose to know less.
- Sebastian Faulks
Collection: Loss
Image of Ice T
Winners have to absorb losses.
- Ice T
Collection: Loss
Image of Ralph Nader
Ours is a system of corporate socialism, where companies capitalize their profits and socialize their losses…in effect, they tax you for their accidents, bungling, boondoggles, and mismanagement, just like a government. We should be able to deselect them.
- Ralph Nader
Collection: Loss
Image of Gabriela Sabatini
When I lose a match, I know that I lose on the court and not in life.
- Gabriela Sabatini
Collection: Loss
Image of Thomas Tusser
What a greater crime. Than loss of time.
- Thomas Tusser
Collection: Loss
Image of Thomas Tusser
The stone that is rolling can gather no moss;For master and servant oft changing is loss.
- Thomas Tusser
Collection: Loss
Image of Gail Caldwell
Hope in the beginning feels like such a violation of the loss, and yet without it we couldn't survive.
- Gail Caldwell
Collection: Loss
Image of Susan Abulhawa
the reverse side of love is unbearable loss.
- Susan Abulhawa
Collection: Loss
Image of Joanne Woodward
It is upsetting that many people don't seem to observe what's happening to the environment, what's happening in terms of global warming, the loss of habitats and wild things.
- Joanne Woodward
Collection: Loss
Image of Adam Rex
...Almost everything inside was filled with sugar, cheese, and weight-loss tips.
- Adam Rex
Collection: Loss
Image of Tim Harford
Loss aversion is a really disproportionate anxiety about stuff that doesn't matter very much. So for instance, if you lose $5, you feel really bad about the $5 you've lost. You're cursing yourself. You're going through it again and again. If, on the other hand, you find $5, you go - hey, great, five bucks. And you've forgotten about it really quickly.
- Tim Harford
Collection: Loss
Image of Kay Ryan
If we have not struggled/as hard as we can/at our strongest/how will we sense/the shape of our losses/or know what sustains/us longest or name/what change costs us,/saying how strange/it is that one sector/of the self can step in/for another in trouble,/how loss activates/a latent double, how/we can feed/as upon nectar/upon need?
- Kay Ryan
Collection: Loss
Image of Denise Levertov
We call it "Nature"; only reluctantly admitting ourselves to be "Nature" too.
- Denise Levertov
Collection: Loss
Image of Robert Smithson
Photographs are the results of a diminution of solar energy, and the camera is an entropic machine for recording gradual loss of light.
- Robert Smithson
Collection: Loss
Image of Walter Raleigh
Men endure the losses that befall them by mere casualty with more patience than the damages they sustain by injustice.
- Walter Raleigh
Collection: Loss
Image of William Bradford
The loss of...honest and industrious men's lives cannot be valued at any price.
- William Bradford
Collection: Loss
Image of Kathleen Norris
If grace is so wonderful, why do we have such difficulty recognizing and accepting it? Maybe it's because grace is not gentle or made-to-order. It often comes disguised as loss, or failure, or unwelcome change.
- Kathleen Norris
Collection: Loss
Image of Juana Inés de la Cruz
In loss itself I find assuagement: having lost the treasure, I've nothing to fear.
- Juana Inés de la Cruz
Collection: Loss
Image of Mark Slouka
Gone. The saddest word in the language. In any language.
- Mark Slouka
Collection: Loss
Image of Sathya Sai Baba
Every experience is a lesson. Every loss is a gain.
- Sathya Sai Baba
Collection: Loss
Image of Gretel Ehrlich
Finally, the lessons of impermanence taught me this: loss constitutes an odd kind of fullness; despair empties out into an unquenchable appetite for life.
- Gretel Ehrlich
Collection: Loss
Image of Kathy Lette
dealing with loss and heartache doesn't make you stronger. It only makes people think you are.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Loss
Image of Daniel Patrick Moynihan
To strip our past of glory is no great loss, but to deny it honor is devastating.
- Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Collection: Loss
Image of Anne Tyler
People who hadn't suffered a loss yet struck me as not quite grown up.
- Anne Tyler
Collection: Loss
Image of Arnold J. Toynbee
On this showing, the nature of the breakdowns of civilizations can be summed up in three points: a failure of creative power in the minority, an answering withdrawal of mimesis on the part of the majority, and a consequent loss of social unity in the society as a whole.
- Arnold J. Toynbee
Collection: Loss
Image of Carl Sandburg
Now is the time. It is never too late to start something.
- Carl Sandburg
Collection: Loss
Image of Cybill Shepherd
I just remember that disturbing feeling of walking into that prison, the complete loss of privacy, the complete loss of stimulation, dignity.
- Cybill Shepherd
Collection: Loss
Image of Pam Houston
I wanted her to see that the only life worth living is a life full of love; that loss is always part of the equation; that love and loss conjoined are the best opportunity we get to live fully, to be our strongest, our most compassionate, our most graceful selves.
- Pam Houston
Collection: Loss
Image of Amartya Sen
The lack of economic freedom could be a very major reason for loss of liberty, liberty of life.
- Amartya Sen
Collection: Loss
Image of Leslie Nielsen
Are you having problems hearing? If so, those around you already know it. Hearing loss is no laughing matter, so don't be a punchline.
- Leslie Nielsen
Collection: Loss
Image of Gabrielle Zevin
It’s difficult to ever go back to the same places or people. You turn away, even for a moment, and when you turn back around, everything’s changed.
- Gabrielle Zevin
Collection: Loss