Top Land Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Land quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Ann Rinaldi
I will stand by you. You must not be afraid. This is a brave land, Susanna, founded by brave people who never shrank from their duty or their vision of freedom. But this land has a future only if each of us stands up for what is right when it is given us to do so.
- Ann Rinaldi
Collection: Land
Image of Rupert Brooke
And in that Heaven of all their wish, there shall be no more land, say fish
- Rupert Brooke
Collection: Land
Image of Don Roff
It’s hard to land a devastating jab/cross/hook/uppercut combo to your reader’s imagination when you’re telegraphing your punches.
- Don Roff
Collection: Land
Image of Akhenaton
When you are risen on the eastern horizon You have filled every land with your beauty... Though you are far away, your rays are on Earth.
- Akhenaton
Collection: Land
Image of Lisa St. Aubin de Terán
I knew, as every peasant does, that land can never be truly owned. We are the keepers of the soil, the curators of trees.
- Lisa St. Aubin de Terán
Collection: Land
Image of Steven Soderbergh
In the land of ideas, you are always renting.
- Steven Soderbergh
Collection: Land
Image of Jerry Springer
Somewhere in the land, a monster lurked.
- Jerry Springer
Collection: Land
Image of Charley Pride
No one church has all the answers or the perfect map to the Promised Land, and I prefer to work out my own faith and my own convictions in the seclusion of my own mind.
- Charley Pride
Collection: Land
Image of Andrei Codrescu
The peasants of all lands recognize power and they salute it, whether it's good or evil.
- Andrei Codrescu
Collection: Land
Image of Christina Rossetti
Remember me when I am gone away, gone far away into the silent land.
- Christina Rossetti
Collection: Land
Image of Merle Shain
If there are no endings, there are no beginnings and you see no new lands, so for everything that's lost, there is usually something gained.
- Merle Shain
Collection: Land
Image of Halldór Laxness
Where the glacier meets the sky, the land ceases to be earthly, and the earth becomes one with the heavens; no sorrows live there anymore, and therefore joy is not necessary; beauty alone reigns there, beyond all demands.
- Halldór Laxness
Collection: Land
Image of Susan Abulhawa
They had bombed and burned,killed and maimed,plundered and looted.Now they had come to claim the land.
- Susan Abulhawa
Collection: Land
Image of Susan Abulhawa
We come from the land, give our love and labor to her, and she nurtures us in return. When we die, we return to the land. In a way, she owns us. Palestine owns us and we belong to her
- Susan Abulhawa
Collection: Land
Image of Ben Nelson
We can take full comfort in realizing the continuing strength of our nation. Americas lands remain radiantly rich with diversity, and freedom still reigns.
- Ben Nelson
Collection: Land
Image of David Abram
A particular place in the land is never, for an oral culture, just a passive or inert setting for the human events that occur there. It is an active participant in those occurrences. Indeed, by virtue of its underlying and enveloping presence, the place may even be felt to be the source, the primary power that expresses itself through the various events that unfold there.
- David Abram
Collection: Land
Image of Terry Tempest Williams
It is time for us to take off our masks, to step out from behind our personas - whatever they might be: educators, activists, biologists, geologists, writers, farmers, ranchers, and bureaucrats - and admit we are lovers, engaged in an erotics of place. Loving the land. Honoring its mysteries. Acknowledging, embracing the spirit of place - there is nothing more legitimate and there is nothing more true. That is why we are here. That is why we do what we do. There is nothing intellectual about it. We love the land. It is a primal affair.
- Terry Tempest Williams
Collection: Land
Image of Nichiren
If you care anything about your personal security, you should first of all pray for order and tranquility throughout the four quarters of the land.
- Nichiren
Collection: Land
Image of Daniel Webster
If the power of the Gospel is not felt throughout the length and breadth of the land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness will reign without mitigation or end.
- Daniel Webster
Collection: Land
Image of Wendell Berry
For the true measure of agriculture is not the sophistication of its equipment the size of its income or even the statistics of its productivity but the good health of the land.
- Wendell Berry
Collection: Land
Image of Michele Bardsley
At this point, a spaceship could land on Main Street and Elvis could saunter out singing "Love Me Tender," and I wouldn't be surprised
- Michele Bardsley
Collection: Land
Image of Amy Sedaris
Before you can give of yourself to others you must know what of yourself you have to give. Every person is special. In all the land there is only one you, possibly two, but seldom more than sixteen.
- Amy Sedaris
Collection: Land
Image of Tea Obreht
Kelly Link's prose is conveyed in details so startling and fine that you work up a sweat just waiting for the next sentence to land. This is why we read, crave, need, can't live without short stories.
- Tea Obreht
Collection: Land
Image of Brendan Behan
They took away our land, our language, and our religion; but they could never harness our tongues.
- Brendan Behan
Collection: Land
Image of John Moody
The United States as we know it today is largely the result of mechanical inventions, and in particular of agricultural machinery and the railroad. One transformed millions of acres of uncultivated land into fertile farms, while the other furnished the transportation which carried the crops to distant markets.
- John Moody
Collection: Land
Image of Michael Palin
There are many ways of seeing the world. You can hang upside down from a meteor, volunteer to be the fourth stage of a three-stage rocket, or simply get in a balloon and keep going. But if it's sheer, unadulterated discomfort you're looking for, just stay on land.
- Michael Palin
Collection: Land
Image of E. F. Schumacher
Study how a society uses its land, and you can come to pretty reliable conclusions as to what its future will be.
- E. F. Schumacher
Collection: Land
Image of Ilsa J. Bick
I am a ghost in a land of phantoms and forgotten nightmares.
- Ilsa J. Bick
Collection: Land
Image of Zadie Smith
You are never stronger...than when you land on the other side of despair.
- Zadie Smith
Collection: Land
Image of Billy Boyd
Hobbits are a lot like Scots. It’s all about nature and enjoying their land, which is a very Scottish thing.
- Billy Boyd
Collection: Land
Image of Aneurin Bevan
We could manage to survive without money changers and stockbrokers. We should find it harder to do without miners, steel workers and those who cultivate the land.
- Aneurin Bevan
Collection: Land
Image of Emiliano Zapata
The land belongs to the people who work it.
- Emiliano Zapata
Collection: Land
Image of Mildred D. Taylor
We ain't never gonna lose this land.
- Mildred D. Taylor
Collection: Land
Image of Daniel D. Palmer
Compulsory vaccination is an outrage and a gross interference with the liberty of the people in a land of freedom.
- Daniel D. Palmer
Collection: Land
Image of Linda Hogan
There is a language beyond human language, an elemental language, one that arises from the land itself.
- Linda Hogan
Collection: Land
Image of Ariel Gore
Settling other people's land is an American tradition.
- Ariel Gore
Collection: Land
Image of Anna Torv
They say Australians get that ten-yard stare. It comes from the land and the horizon. You can see all around you for as far as you can see. So you just stare. I do it all the time.
- Anna Torv
Collection: Land
Image of Lynn Austin
The land promised to Abraham and his descendants is once again theirs. God always keeps His promises. Even in times of cataclysmic upheaval and change, God's love and faithfulness are unchanging.
- Lynn Austin
Collection: Land
Image of Sandra Lerner
But I live very simply. I farm - there is something visceral about being attached to the land. I am a recording engineer. I do my own laundry most days and I get on with the business of living.
- Sandra Lerner
Collection: Land
Image of Sister Souljah
So for everybody who allows themselves to be separated from me because I said "African" instead of "Nubian" or "Black" or "Kemet" or "original" or "Israelite," don't be so foolish. I say "African" because the continent of Africa is the land from which we all originate. It is the word that we are most familiar with right now.
- Sister Souljah
Collection: Land
Image of Kevin O'Leary
The road to riches is never straight and narrow. It can be riddled with financial land mines.
- Kevin O'Leary
Collection: Land
Image of Winona LaDuke
The only compensation for land is land.
- Winona LaDuke
Collection: Land
Image of Winona LaDuke
The essence of the problem is about consumption, recognizing that a society that consumes one-third of the world's resources is unsustainable. This level of consumption requires constant intervention into other people's lands. That's what's going on.
- Winona LaDuke
Collection: Land
Image of Christine Todd Whitman
Americans are finally realizing that once you lose land, you can't get it back.
- Christine Todd Whitman
Collection: Land
Image of Lucy Christopher
The land wants you here. I want you here," you called. "Don't you care about that at all?
- Lucy Christopher
Collection: Land
Image of Hun Sen
I will not resolve a land dispute if civil groups or politicians are involved in the land disputes.
- Hun Sen
Collection: Land
Image of Catherine O'Hara
There's nothing like having a history with someone, when you're in a foreign land.
- Catherine O'Hara
Collection: Land
Image of Ellen Meloy
There are people who have no engaged conversation with the land whatsoever, no sense of its beauty or extremes or limits and therefore no reason to question their actions in a place that is merely backdrop.
- Ellen Meloy
Collection: Land
Image of James Stephens
My three-thousand mile walk through Ireland convinced me of one thing - the possibility of organising a proper movement for the independence of my native land.
- James Stephens
Collection: Land
Image of Gloria E. Anzaldúa
The Gringo, locked into the fiction of white superiority, seized complete political power, stripping Indians and Mexicans of their land while their feet were still rooted in it. Con el destierro y el exilo fuimos desuñados, destroncados, destripados - we were jerked out by the roots, truncated, disemboweled, dispossessed, and separated from our identity and our history.
- Gloria E. Anzaldúa
Collection: Land