Top Color Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Color quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Camille Pissarro
The subject should be observed more for shape and color than for drawing... precise drawing is dry and hampers the impression of the whole, it destroys all sensations.
- Camille Pissarro
Collection: Color
Image of Camille Pissarro
Don't be afraid of putting on color, refine the work little by little.
- Camille Pissarro
Collection: Color
Image of Camille Pissarro
It is the brushwork of the right value and color which should produce the drawing.
- Camille Pissarro
Collection: Color
Image of Jeremiah Wright
(The United States) is the same as al-Qaeda, under a different color flag, calling on the name a different God to sanction and approve our murder and our mayhem!
- Jeremiah Wright
Collection: Color
Image of Calvin Trillin
Anybody caught selling macrame in public should be dyed a natural color and hung out to dry.
- Calvin Trillin
Collection: Color
Image of Aberjhani
Beneath the armor of skin/and/bone/and/mind most of our colors are amazingly the same.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Color
Image of Merlin Stone
Each arc of color may be lovely to behold, but it is the full spectrum of our woman rainbow that glows with the brightest promise of better things to come.
- Merlin Stone
Collection: Color
Image of Thomas Brooks
Satan often paints sin with virtue's colors.
- Thomas Brooks
Collection: Color
Image of Mary Catherine Bateson
What would it be like to have not only color vision but culture vision, the ability to see the multiple worlds of others.
- Mary Catherine Bateson
Collection: Color
Image of Edward Tufte
If your words or images are not on point, making them dance in color won't make them relevant.
- Edward Tufte
Collection: Color
Image of Helen Prejean
When people of color are killed in the inner city, when homeless people are killed, when the "nobodies" are killed, district attorneys do not seek to avenge their deaths. Black, Hispanic, or poor families who have a loved one murdered not only don't expect the district attorney's office to pursue the death penalty -which, of course, is both costly and time consuming- but are surprised when the case is prosecuted at all.
- Helen Prejean
Collection: Color
Image of Tristan Tzara
Dada Dada Dada, a roaring of tense colors, and interlacing of opposites and of all contradictions, grotesques, inconsistencies: LIFE.
- Tristan Tzara
Collection: Color
Image of Christian Siriano
The bows, the polka dots, the color, the playfulness - you don't have to over do it. You just have to be able to style it in the right way.
- Christian Siriano
Collection: Color
Image of Adam Young
There is no old Adam Young, there is no new Adam Young, merely different colors and different brushstrokes over the same canvas.
- Adam Young
Collection: Color
Image of Vita Sackville-West
But you, oh gardener, poet that you be / Though unaware, now use your seeds like words / And make them lilt with color nicely flung.
- Vita Sackville-West
Collection: Color
Image of Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Painting is literature in colors. Literature is painting in language.
- Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Collection: Color
Image of Solomon Northup
What difference is there in the color of the soul?
- Solomon Northup
Collection: Color
Image of Mark Rothko
If you are only moved by color relationships, you are missing the point. I am interested in expressing the big emotions - tragedy, ecstasy, doom.
- Mark Rothko
Collection: Color
Image of Isaac Mizrahi
Color is like food for the spirit - plus it's not addictive or fattening.
- Isaac Mizrahi
Collection: Color
Image of Pierre Bonnard
Drawing is feeling. Color is an act of reason.
- Pierre Bonnard
Collection: Color
Image of Pierre Bonnard
The principal subject is the surface, which has its color, its laws over and above those of object.
- Pierre Bonnard
Collection: Color
Image of Pierre Bonnard
The painter's only solid ground is the palette and colors, but as soon as the colors achieve an illusion, they are no longer judged.
- Pierre Bonnard
Collection: Color
Image of Katherine Applegate
My favorite color is rainbow.
- Katherine Applegate
Collection: Color
Image of Andres Segovia
Every guitarist has a special quality of sound. The best ones will use a good ear, much sensitivity and a thorough knowledge of music to prepare the nuances and colors of sound.
- Andres Segovia
Collection: Color
Image of Anna Louise Strong
It was as if I had worked for years on the wrong side of a tapestry, learning accurately all its lines and figures, yet always missing its color and sheen.
- Anna Louise Strong
Collection: Color
Image of Rachilde
I want a dress the color of suffering
- Rachilde
Collection: Color
Image of Robert Silverberg
It was like that all the time, in those years: an endless trip, a gaudy voyage. But powers decay. Time leaches the colors from the best of visions. The world becomes grayer. Entropy beats us down. Everything fades. Everything goes. Everything dies.
- Robert Silverberg
Collection: Color
Image of Bill Walton
I could smell colors, I could feel sounds.
- Bill Walton
Collection: Color
Image of Monica Seles
It's a drag having to wear socks during matches, because the tan, like, stops at the ankles. I can never get my skin, like, color coordinated.
- Monica Seles
Collection: Color
Image of Ida B. Wells
Virtue knows no color line.
- Ida B. Wells
Collection: Color
Image of Allen West
As Conservatives, We Don't Care About The Color of Your Skin, We Care About The Color of Our Flag
- Allen West
Collection: Color
Image of Amanda Palmer
The pattern's laid out on the bed With dozens of colors of thread But you've got the needle I guess that's the point in the end
- Amanda Palmer
Collection: Color
Image of Rick Steves
Ideally, travel broadens our perspectives personally, culturally, and politically. Suddenly, the palette with which we paint the story of our lives has more colors.
- Rick Steves
Collection: Color
Image of Charles Stross
We are Bay Aryans from Berkeley: prepare to be reengineered in an attractive range of color schemes for your safety and comfort!
- Charles Stross
Collection: Color
Image of Charles Rangel
We all have a large stake in preserving our democracy, but I maintain that those without power in our society, the black, the brown, the poor of all colors, have the largest stake not because we have the most to lose, but because we have worked the hardest, and given the most, for what we have achieved.
- Charles Rangel
Collection: Color
Image of Rosie Perez
Women of color: if you're over 40 and you get fat, you will work. But if you're hot and over 40 and a woman of color, they don't know what to do with you.
- Rosie Perez
Collection: Color
Image of Keri Hulme
I am not dead yet! I can still call forth a piece of soul and set it down in color, fixed forever.
- Keri Hulme
Collection: Color
Image of Joey Comeau
When the end comes, I hope it’s as strange as that. I hope that the sky tears open and the world is washed with colors that we’ve never seen before.
- Joey Comeau
Collection: Color
Image of Josef Albers
Every perception of color is an illusion, we do not see colors as they really are. In our perception they alter one another.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Color
Image of Josef Albers
If one says “Red” (the name of a color) and there are 50 people listening, it can be expected that there will be 50 reds in their minds. And one can be sure that all these reds will be very different.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Color
Image of Josef Albers
Color deceives continuously.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Color
Image of Josef Albers
Color is like cooking. The cook puts in more or less salt, that's the difference!
- Josef Albers
Collection: Color
Image of Josef Albers
I want color and form to have contradictorily functions.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Color
Image of Louise Berliawsky Nevelson
Some of us come on earth seeing – some of us come on earth seeing color.
- Louise Berliawsky Nevelson
Collection: Color
Image of Massimo Vignelli
Any color works if you push it to the extreme.
- Massimo Vignelli
Collection: Color
Image of Wim Wenders
It's almost scary how stylish things can look if you take the color out - how much more you see the essence of things and how much more something can appear elegant.
- Wim Wenders
Collection: Color
Image of Sandra Boynton
Carob works on the principle that, when mixed with the right combination of fats and sugar, it can duplicate chocolate in color and texture. Of course, the same can be said of dirt.
- Sandra Boynton
Collection: Color
Image of Clive Bell
It is not by his mixing and choosing, but by the shapes of his colors, and the combination of those shapes, that we recognize the colorist. Color becomes significant only when it becomes form.
- Clive Bell
Collection: Color
Image of Sarah Weeks
If truth were a crayon and it was up to me to put a wrapper on it and name it's color, I know just what I would call it-dinosaur skin.
- Sarah Weeks
Collection: Color
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
My favorite color is you.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Color