Karen Chance

Image of Karen Chance
What?” I said defensively, clutching the mink and my dignity. Since I was barefoot, mostly naked and completely hungover, I was pretty sure I grasped only one of them.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Naked
Image of Karen Chance
Pritkin and Mircea mixed like oil and water, only not so well.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Oil And Water
Image of Karen Chance
I wasn't entirely sure, but a polite John Pritkin might be a sign of the apocalypse.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Might
Image of Karen Chance
He had the look of an atheist who’d just had a visit from God: stunned, disbelieving and faintly ill.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Atheist
Image of Karen Chance
All I want to know is why a party of Fey wanted to kill me,” I said heatedly. The beetle’s lips twisted enough to show fang. “Doesn’t everyone?” Radu hustled me out the door before I could find out if the vamp’s plump little carcass would fit into his overstuffed desk.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Party
Image of Karen Chance
You love me?" He just looked at me for a moment. And then he reared back his head and laughed, a rich, mellow sound, unreserved and unashamed. " No, not at all. I regularly battle gods for women I dislike!
- Karen Chance
Collection: Battle
Image of Karen Chance
He wasn't that good looking, he had the social skills of a wet cat and the patience of a caffeinated hummingbird
- Karen Chance
Collection: Cat
Image of Karen Chance
We're going jogging." "I don't run for recreation. I run when someone's after me with a weapon." "That can be arranged.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Running
Image of Karen Chance
There are things we want, and things we may have.... Sanity lies in knowing the difference.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Lying
Image of Karen Chance
I keep hitting [Escape], but I'm still here! --Unknown, but used by Karen Chance in "Hunt the Moon
- Karen Chance
Collection: Moon
Image of Karen Chance
So,high heels weren't a modern invention. I couldn't believe women had been putting up with these torture devices for centuries.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Believe
Image of Karen Chance
Great. I'd been dumped in Hell's waiting room.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Waiting Rooms
Image of Karen Chance
This was Dante's. Crazy was what we had for breakfast when we ran out of Corn Flakes
- Karen Chance
Collection: Crazy
Image of Karen Chance
You mean you let him talk to you like that and you aren't even getting any Man what a rip-off.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Rip
Image of Karen Chance
I couldn’t see Pritkin’s face very well, just a pale blur against the shadows, but he didn’t sound happy. Some people thought he had only one mode... pissed off. In reality, he had plenty of them. Over the past few weeks, I’d learned to tell the difference between real pissed off, impatient pissed off and scared pissed off. I suspected that this was the last kind. If so, that made two of us.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Real
Image of Karen Chance
You know, I've lived a long time," he told me, massaging my calf more firmly now. "And I met a lot of people. But I ain't never met a woman made me want to beat her to death as often as you.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Long
Image of Karen Chance
I narrowed my eyes at it. Ming-de’s little gift, I assumed. “You look better in color,” I snapped. He sent me a sultry look over his shoulder. “Really? Most women think I look better in nothing at all.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Eye
Image of Karen Chance
He smiled at that, and then his gaze shifted to a spot over my shoulder and it faded. 'These doubts wouldn’t have anything to do with the company you’re keeping of late, would they?' I didn’t get a chance to answer before the shop door was thrown open and a furious war mage stomped in. Pritkin spotted me and his eyes narrowed. 'You shaved my legs?!' Mircea looked at me and folded his arms across his chest. I looked from one unhappy face to the other and suddenly remembered that I had somewhere else to be.
- Karen Chance
Collection: War
Image of Karen Chance
My name is Cassie Palmer and I’ve cheated death more times than anyone has a right to expect. In the last two months, I’ve been shot, stabbed, beaten and blown up a few dozen times, and that doesn’t count all the magical ways I’ve almost been killed. I’d have been dead a long time ago if not for my friends, one of whom had just jumped off the cliff after me. I’d have been a lot more appreciative if he hadn’t pushed me first.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Names
Image of Karen Chance
Trash can!” Pritkin cursed and grabbed one, just about the time everything I’d eaten that night paid a repeat visit. Whiskey, pizza, milk shake, beer-and a lone, half-dissolved gummy bear, which was a surprise, since I couldn’t actually recall having eaten any. Fun times.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Fun
Image of Karen Chance
I turned over, and those big hands got to work on my back. I stifled a whimper in the pillow, because Marco's idea of a massage bore no resemblance whatsoever to the relaxing spa variety. There was no lavender oil, no soothing music, no hot towels. Just an all-out assault on cramped muscles, until they cowered in surrender and turned to Jell-O.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Hands
Image of Karen Chance
So maybe it was just as well that my companion was more like Mulder. A coked-out Mulder with a lot of weapons, who knew that the monsters under the bed were real and would gut you.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Real
Image of Karen Chance
It's okay. You aren't my type. What's your type? Someone who gets into less trouble.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Trouble
Image of Karen Chance
No they called it the Codex Merlini because it was written by a guy named Ralph.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Guy
Image of Karen Chance
I’d been declared—over my loud and sustained protests—Pythia, the chief seer of the supernatural world.
- Karen Chance
Collection: World
Image of Karen Chance
Thank you, Captain Obvious." "I'm on the Senate," he reminded me. "It's Lord Obvious.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Captains
Image of Karen Chance
Louis-Cesare’s anger suddenly filled the small room like water, and in a heartbeat his eyes went from silver tinged to as solid as two antique coins. I sat frozen, awash in a sea of power. I was beginning to understand why Mircea had wanted him along, only Daddy had failed to mention anything about the hair-trigger temper. I guess he assumed the red hair would clue me in.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Eye
Image of Karen Chance
Then why are you getting dressed?” “Maybe I don’t like being the only naked one in the room,” I said sarcastically. And immediately regretted it. “That is easily remedied,” he told me, and pulled off his sweater.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Sweaters
Image of Karen Chance
And then I got to my feet and stumbled toward the door again. And got halfway there before I realized I was naked. Of course I am, I thought angrily, and went back to the bed for a sheet. God forbid I actually wake up dressed anymore.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Halfway There
Image of Karen Chance
I left it with a warmer,” he said drily. Because war mages ate their fried chicken frozen to the ground and they liked it.
- Karen Chance
Collection: War
Image of Karen Chance
I started to duck under the spears, only to have the two vamps on the other wall suddenly appear in my face. Or, at least, their crotches did. Another day, I would have made a cute remark about heat and leather jock straps, but I wasn’t feeling real cute right now.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Cute
Image of Karen Chance
Can we just do this?” Ray asked tightly, clinging to Zheng’s already slightly elongated arm. Because Louis-Cesare wasn’t the only one with a master power around here. “Let go,” Zheng told him. “I’m the rubber band; you’re the spitball. And spitballs don’t hold on to rubber bands.” “Die in a fire,” Ray told him savagely. But he let go.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Karen Chance
Fools fight; winners think.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Fighting
Image of Karen Chance
I looked up, but had to crane my head back, leaving the features above me wrong-side up. The clear green eyes were the same, and, unfortunately, so was the spiky blond hair. It didn’t look any better from this angle, I decided.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Eye
Image of Karen Chance
I lay there, no longer fighting, since my head was spinning too much. And because I wasn’t going to win anyway. And because I kind of liked the feeling of sensual captivity, at least by this particular jailer.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Fighting
Image of Karen Chance
My body cheerfully informed me that he felt really good pressed against me like that, all hard muscles and smooth contours and ominous bulges. My body liked the air of barely leashed strength and caged mayhem he was giving off. My body thought he smelled really good, like heat and coffee and electricity. My body was going to get me killed.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Coffee
Image of Karen Chance
Dorina?" Louis Cesare's voice was loud in my ear. The one I had squeezed against the phone, which was squeezed against my sore shoulder, becuase I was using both hands to keep Ray's point in his pants. "The fey, damm it!" I told him. "They're for the fey!" "Which one?" Louis Cesare asked, his voice going velvety soft. "All of them- No Ray! Ray, cut it out!" "All of them?
- Karen Chance
Collection: Cutting
Image of Karen Chance
I'm about to rupture something," he was informed, as the big, gaily wrapped box she was carrying smacked into the small of his back again. She had an uncanny ability to hit the same spot every time.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Rupture
Image of Karen Chance
I hadn't realized how much I'd relied on his scowls or his shrugs or his grudging looks of approval to help me figure something out-until they weren't there anymore. Or how I could talk to some people about a lot of things but only to him about everything. And how unbelievably valuable that was.
- Karen Chance
Collection: People
Image of Karen Chance
Pritkin kissed like he did everything else, straightforward, accepting no prisoners and with an intensity that left me breathless. It was hot and hard and desperate, like he was starving for it, and I opened my mouth and took it, because, God.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Hot
Image of Karen Chance
To know Pritkin was to want to kill him, but so far I'd resisted temptation.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Temptation
Image of Karen Chance
Fresh blood at midnight isn't red. It's a purplish black that easily blends into the shadows.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Blood
Image of Karen Chance
You decent?” I pulled the towel up a little higher. “Yes, if my wrinkled toes don’t offend.” Marco’s swarthy head popped around the doorjamb. “Naw, they’re cute.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Cute
Image of Karen Chance
You know, I was gutting this loser the other day, and I thought, It’d be more fun fighting that little dhampir. I wonder if she’s recovered yet. And here you are.” “Lucky me,” I said. Scarface grinned. “You know, I might even let you live. You’re funny.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Fun
Image of Karen Chance
More worryingly, my baby fangs were out, which usually happened only when I was perilously close to tipping over into Mr. Hyde territory. I quickly drew them back in. It didn’t help much. I still looked like Dracula’s daughter. Which was completely unfair, since he’d only been an uncle.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Daughter
Image of Karen Chance
They always assumed that I did not speak. That I could not. So many had plotted my death, discussed it, laughed about it, even while I was in the same room, because they assumed I was mindless. Like one of the failures of their kind, born mad. But I was not a failure. I was what I was supposed to be. I was dhampir. And they never lived to tell anyone they were wrong.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Mad
Image of Karen Chance
They’ll have to eat first. And by the time they’re finished, you’ll be back.” “With the condoms.” “Right.” “For the giant orgy you’re convinced we’re about to have in the backyard.” “Dory! Just go!” “I’ll go with,” Ray said, getting up. “I need a snack.” Which was how I ended up condom shopping with a vampire.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Snacks
Image of Karen Chance
They don’t eat that much.” “In comparison to what? Starving marines?
- Karen Chance
Collection: Marine
Image of Karen Chance
I don’t know. Just pick one.” “Well, there’s a lot of choice. I mean, you got your flavored, your ridged, your pre-lubed, your thin, your super-ultra-thin, your super-ultra-thin-pre-lubed, your…Huh.” “Huh what?” “Would you look at this?” he asked, examining a small box. “It says it glows in the dark.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Mean
Image of Karen Chance
Country is based on folk music, which has been around for centuries—” “So has the plague.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Country