Top Cutting Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Cutting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Julia Stiles
With film, so much is in the director's hands. Once something is cut together - unless you're in the editing room - you don't really remember what the alternatives are.
- Julia Stiles
Collection: Cutting
Image of Michael Scott
Magic is really only the utilization of the entire spectrum of the senses. Humans have cut themselves off from their senses. Now they see only a tiny portion of the visible spectrum, hear only the loudest of sounds, their sense of smell is shockingly poor and they can only distinguish the sweetest and sourest of tastes.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Cutting
Image of Jeanette Winterson
I find pieces of myself everywhere, and I cut myself handling them.
- Jeanette Winterson
Collection: Cutting
Image of Jacques Pepin
It's more useful to have knowledge about cuts of meat than a lot of money.
- Jacques Pepin
Collection: Cutting
Image of Lilith Saintcrow
Oh, the testosterone. You could have cut it with a cafeteria spoon.
- Lilith Saintcrow
Collection: Cutting
Image of Aristotle Onassis
In business we cut each others' throats, but now and then we sit around the same table and behave-for the sake of the ladies.
- Aristotle Onassis
Collection: Cutting
Image of James Sallis
Get Carter remains among the great crime novels, a lean, muscular portrait of a man stumbling along the hard edge - toward redemption. Ted Lewis cuts to the bone.
- James Sallis
Collection: Cutting
Image of Barry Sonnenfeld
The first cut I do is usually between five and 10 minutes shorter then the cut that we release. Anything I think isn't working or might not work, I don't even put it in the director's cut. And usually it's the studio suggesting I put stuff back in, as opposed to studios saying, "You got to lose 40 minutes," they are always saying, "You've got to gain five minutes."
- Barry Sonnenfeld
Collection: Cutting
Image of Barry Sonnenfeld
I'm an unusual director in that my cut is usually shorter then the final released film. I like short films.
- Barry Sonnenfeld
Collection: Cutting
Image of Chuck Berry
I'm a millionaire, but I cut the grass. And each time I cut it, it's my grass. And that is satisfying.
- Chuck Berry
Collection: Cutting
Image of Vinoba Bhave
If you want to cut down a tree, it is no use to climb into its branches.
- Vinoba Bhave
Collection: Cutting
Image of Vinoba Bhave
I am convinced that those who get themselves involved in the machinery of power politics, even for the purpose of destroying it, are bound to fail in their purpose. To destroy it we have to stay out of it. If we want to cut down a tree, it is of no use to climb into its branches. The desire to keep contact with something, even to destroy it, is a subtle and insidious illusion.
- Vinoba Bhave
Collection: Cutting
Image of Matt Stone
Cutting carbs, fats, or calories (dieting) is like trying to hold your breath. The longer you do it, the more your body resists it until you finally gasp for air – taking in more than ever to overcome the short-term deficit you induced.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Cutting
Image of Vidal Sassoon
I think that as good architecture enhances a city, a good cut enhances the definition and expression of a face.
- Vidal Sassoon
Collection: Cutting
Image of Vidal Sassoon
My idea was to cut shape into the hair, to use it like fabric and take away everything that was superfluous.
- Vidal Sassoon
Collection: Cutting
Image of George Plimpton
You do not cut a check in the state of Kansas to John Doe, executioner. The executioner is paid in cash so there's no trail to him
- George Plimpton
Collection: Cutting
Image of Laura Moriarty
The young can exasperate, of course, and frighten, and condescend, and insult, and cut you with their still unrounded edges. But they can also drag you, as you protest and scold and try to pull away, right up to the window of the future, and even push you through.
- Laura Moriarty
Collection: Cutting
Image of Amber Benson
I'm not going to throw up or over-exercise myself into oblivion to look like a model. People tell me, 'You'd work all the time if you just lost twenty pounds.' What am I going to do, cut off my head?!
- Amber Benson
Collection: Cutting
Image of Benjamin Franklin Fairless
You cannot strengthen one by weakening another; and you cannot add to the stature of a dwarf by cutting off the leg of a giant.
- Benjamin Franklin Fairless
Collection: Cutting
Image of Matt Taibbi
Unquestionably, however, something else is at work, something that cuts deeper into the American psyche. We have a profound hatred of the weak and the poor, and a corresponding groveling terror before the rich and successful, and we're building a bureaucracy to match those feelings.
- Matt Taibbi
Collection: Cutting
Image of China Mieville
I have danced with the spider. I have cut a caper with the dancing mad god.
- China Mieville
Collection: Cutting
Image of John Robbins
It takes 16 lbs of grain to make 1 lb of beef. It takes 1 lb of grain to make 1 lb of bread. So, how many more plants are you eating if you eat a pound of beef? Secondly, I've harvested cabbages and pulled up carrots out of the ground and I've been in slaughter-houses and seen the animals have their brains bashed out with sledgehammers and their throats cut - the experiences are not comparable.
- John Robbins
Collection: Cutting
Image of Ismail Kadaré
His suspicion that he was not going in the right direction tortmented him more and more. At last he had the conviction that he would never go anywhere but in the wrong direction, to the very end of the handful of days that was left to him, unhappy moonstruck pilgrim, whose April was to be cut off short.
- Ismail Kadaré
Collection: Cutting
Image of Catherine Marshall
The only time I ever find my dealings with God less than clear-cut is when I'm not being honest with Him. The fuzziness is always on my side, not His.
- Catherine Marshall
Collection: Cutting
Image of David Allen
Sometimes the biggest gain in productive energy will come from cleaning the cobwebs, dealing with old business, and clearing the desks—cutting loose debris that's impeding forward motion.
- David Allen
Collection: Cutting
Image of Koren Zailckas
My demeanor isn't that of a woman enraged. To see me slumped, glassy-eyed, holding a sandwich someone has cut for me into four "manageable" pieces, a person might tell you I look much more like a woman subdued.
- Koren Zailckas
Collection: Cutting
Image of John Stott
Every time we look at the cross Christ seems to say to us, 'I am here because of you. It is your sin I am bearing, your curse I am suffering, your debt I am paying, your death I am dying.' Nothing in history or in the universe cuts us down to size like the cross.
- John Stott
Collection: Cutting
Image of Alane Ferguson
No, that's because there are more interesting things to do." Her grandmother looked at her sharply. "Like cutting into dead bodies" Carmeryn swallowed back her irration. "Yeah-the live one kick too much.
- Alane Ferguson
Collection: Cutting
Image of Evan Bayh
As Indiana's governor, I balanced eight budgets, never raised taxes, and left the largest surplus in state history. It wasn't always easy. Cuts had to be made and some initiatives deferred. Occasionally I had to say 'no.
- Evan Bayh
Collection: Cutting
Image of Satyajit Ray
Particularly in the final stages I always find that I'm rushed. It's dangerous when you're rushed in the editing stage, most of my early films are flawed in the cutting
- Satyajit Ray
Collection: Cutting
Image of Elena Ferrante
In order not to cut out a large part of one's private life, the creative work should not swallow up every other form of self-expression. But that is the most complicated thing.
- Elena Ferrante
Collection: Cutting
Image of Carrie Vaughn
It’s only a scratch, don’t cut my arm off!
- Carrie Vaughn
Collection: Cutting
Image of Blake Nelson
But I think Cybil was my biggest fan. She cut out my articles and hung them in her locker and we were always cracking up how if you wrote the simplest, most obvious thing in the world people thought you were a genius.
- Blake Nelson
Collection: Cutting
Image of Enoch Powell
All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs.
- Enoch Powell
Collection: Cutting
Image of Sheri S. Tepper
Boys play with death as though it were a game, cutting their teeth on daggers.
- Sheri S. Tepper
Collection: Cutting
Image of Rand Paul
We will not cut one penny from the safety net until we've cut every penny from corporate welfare.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Cutting
Image of Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
The first time I kissed you, you had just cut off your hair with a plastic knife. You were in restraints and your lips were completely chapped and dry from the tranquilizers. The next day you tried to kill me with a torn-off piece of bedsheet. I've seen you at your worst. You hardly need to dress up for me.
- Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Collection: Cutting
Image of Stephen Baxter
The past is a distraction, a source of envy, enmity, bitterness. Only the present matters, for only in the present can we shape the future. Cut loose the past; it is dead weight. Let the Extirpation continue. Let it never end.
- Stephen Baxter
Collection: Cutting
Image of Bettie Page
For years I had my hair parted down the middle in a ponytail, tucked down around the sides Well, I went and cut the bangs, and I've been wearing them ever since. They say it's my trademark.
- Bettie Page
Collection: Cutting
Image of Jennifer Armintrout
Well, I always did want to go out in a Braveheart kind of way. I'll just have to think of something cool to yell before they cut my head off.
- Jennifer Armintrout
Collection: Cutting
Image of Mike Mignola
Lady, I was gonna cut you some slack, 'cause you're a major mythological figure...but now you've just gone nuts!
- Mike Mignola
Collection: Cutting
Image of Ben Bernanke
A money-financed tax cut is essentially equivalent to Milton Friedman's famous 'helicopter drop' of money.
- Ben Bernanke
Collection: Cutting
Image of Mel Odom
Sarcasm, as it turned out--even when it was instinctive and quick--cut into the time one had to manufacture one's escape.
- Mel Odom
Collection: Cutting
Image of Arlen Specter
I served as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee. Let me tell you, it's tough to find out what the CIA is doing. They led us astray on the weapons of mass destruction that they said Saddam Hussein found. We sent out Collin Powell, Secretary of State, former National Security Counselor, chief of staff, four star general, couldn't find it out. I'd be reluctant to cut into term limits. I think if the voters would become informed and aroused, they could impose the proper limits on the guys who ought to be out.
- Arlen Specter
Collection: Cutting
Image of Tom Shales
Somewhere around the turn of the century, it stopped being hip to say you never watched TV. Adults are much more likely to find something to engage them on television than they are at the local multiplex. Edges are being cut on television all the time, but at the movies only now and then.
- Tom Shales
Collection: Cutting
Image of Evelyn Underhill
Love is creative. It does not flow along the easy paths, spending itself in the attractive. It cuts new channels, goes where it is needed.
- Evelyn Underhill
Collection: Cutting
Image of Richard Preston
Occasionally they came to villages, and at each village they encountered a roadblock of fallen trees. Having had centuries of experience with the smallpox virus, the village elders had instituted their own methods for controlling the virus, according to their received wisdom, which was to cut their villages off from the world, to protect their people from a raging plague. It was reverse quarantine, an ancient practice in Africa, where a village bars itself from strangers during a time of disease, and drives away outsiders who appear. (94)
- Richard Preston
Collection: Cutting
Image of Stefano Benni
Destiny cuts the cake of love, Three slices to some, To others, a crumb.
- Stefano Benni
Collection: Cutting
Image of Jane Hirshfield
At some point I realized that you don't get a full human life if you try to cut off one end of it, that you need to agree to the entire experience, to the full spectrum of what happens.
- Jane Hirshfield
Collection: Cutting
Image of Issey Miyake
Of course there are many ways we can reuse something. We can dye it. We can cut it. We can change the buttons. Those are other ways to make it alive. But this is a new step to use anything - hats, socks, shirts. It's the first step in the process
- Issey Miyake
Collection: Cutting