Top Atheist Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Atheist quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Theodore Parker
I do not pretend to understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways; I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight, I can divine it by conscience. And from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice.
- Theodore Parker
Collection: Atheist
Image of John Lothrop Motley
The finger of the atheists' own divinity, Reason, wrote on the wall the appalling judgments that there is no God; that the universe is only matter in spontaneous motion; and, most grievous word of all, that what men call their souls die with the death of the body, as music dies when the strings are broken.
- John Lothrop Motley
Collection: Atheist
Image of Nancy Pearcey
Atheists often denounce Christianity as harsh and negative. But in reality it offers a much more positive view of the human person than any competing religion or worldview. It is so appealing that adherents of other worldviews keep free-loading the parts they like best.
- Nancy Pearcey
Collection: Atheist
Image of Ron Reagan
I would be unelectable. I'm an atheist. As we all know, that is something people won't accept.
- Ron Reagan
Collection: Atheist
Image of Robert J. Sawyer
There is no indisputable proof for the big bang," said Hollus. "And there is none for evolution. And yet you accept those. Why hold the question of whether there is a creator to a higher standard?
- Robert J. Sawyer
Collection: Atheist
Image of Ludwig Feuerbach
Wherever morality is based on theology, wherever the right is made dependent on divine authority, the most immoral, unjust, infamous things can be justified and established.
- Ludwig Feuerbach
Collection: Atheist
Image of Ludwig Feuerbach
Man created God in his own image.
- Ludwig Feuerbach
Collection: Atheist
Image of Sonya Sones
She flashes me a smile so devastating that it could even make an atheist believe in God.
- Sonya Sones
Collection: Atheist
Image of Doug Stanhope
You never hear in the news, "200 killed today when Atheist rebels took heavy shelling from the Agnostic stronghold in the north."
- Doug Stanhope
Collection: Atheist
Image of Louis Nizer
The best reply to an atheist is to give him a good dinner and ask him if he believes there is a cook.
- Louis Nizer
Collection: Atheist
Image of Max Born
Those who say that the study of science makes a man an atheist, must be rather silly people.
- Max Born
Collection: Atheist
Image of Czeslaw Milosz
Religion used to be the opium of the people. To those suffering humiliation, pain, illness, and serfdom, religion promised the reward of an after life. But now, we are witnessing a transformation, a true opium of the people is the belief in nothingness after death, the huge solace, the huge comfort of thinking that for our betrayals, our greed, our cowardice, our murders, we are not going to be judged.
- Czeslaw Milosz
Collection: Atheist
Image of William Temple
Christianity founds hospitals and atheists are cured in them, never knowing they owe their cure to Christ.
- William Temple
Collection: Atheist
Image of Edward Abbey
I am not an atheist but an earthiest. Be true to the earth.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Atheist
Image of Scott Dikkers
Be sure to lie to your kids about the benevolent, all-seeing Santa Claus. It will prepare them for an adulthood of believing in God.
- Scott Dikkers
Collection: Atheist
Image of Scott Dikkers
A true friend is a gift from God. Since God doesn't exist, guess what? Neither do true friends.
- Scott Dikkers
Collection: Atheist
Image of Maria McCann
I followed him up the stairs. I was a fornicator, of unnatural appetite, in thrall to an Atheist. I repeated the words in my head and tried to feel the shock of them, but they remained strange and cruel, far removed from Ferris and me. It was simpler to say I was in love.
- Maria McCann
Collection: Atheist
Image of Emile Zola
Civilization will not attain to its perfection until the last stone from the last church falls on the last priest.
- Emile Zola
Collection: Atheist
Image of Charles Bradlaugh
Atheists would teach men to be moral now, not because God offers as an inducement reward by and by, but because in the virtuous act itself immediate good is insured to the doer and the circle surrounding him.
- Charles Bradlaugh
Collection: Atheist
Image of Charles Bradlaugh
Atheist, without God, I look to humankind for sympathy, for love, for hope, for effort, for aid.
- Charles Bradlaugh
Collection: Atheist
Image of James Randi
The market for nonsense is infinite.
- James Randi
Collection: Atheist
Image of Francis Collins
Addressing the conclusions of The God Delusion point by point with the devastating insight of a molecular biologist turned theologian, Alister McGrath dismantles the argument that science should lead to atheism, and demonstrates instead that Dawkins has abandoned his much-cherished rationality to embrace an embittered manifesto of dogmatic atheist fundamentalism.
- Francis Collins
Collection: Atheist
Image of Sean M. Carroll
Just the idea that we, these little collections of atoms and molecules, are part of the world, but a part that can look at the rest of the world and figure it out in a self-referential way, is kind of breathtaking.
- Sean M. Carroll
Collection: Atheist
Image of Zoë Heller
It seems to me that my lack of faith is not, as I once thought, a triumph of the rational mind, but rather a failure of the imagination - an inability to tolerate mistery.
- Zoë Heller
Collection: Atheist
Image of Taslima Nasrin
I strongly believe that no one can be a true feminist without being an atheist. All religions are anti-women. No one can be pro-woman while supporting anti-woman dogmas.
- Taslima Nasrin
Collection: Atheist
Image of Taslima Nasrin
I am an atheist. I do not believe in prayers, I believe in work. And my work is that of an author. My pen is my weapon.
- Taslima Nasrin
Collection: Atheist
Image of Taslima Nasrin
It is unfair to label me anti-Islam. I am an atheist and a secular humanist.
- Taslima Nasrin
Collection: Atheist
Image of Myla Goldberg
I’m a total atheist, and for me it’s just about trying to find something that rises above the banal day-to-day bullshit of living.
- Myla Goldberg
Collection: Atheist
Image of Thomas Adams
The hypocrite, certainly, is a secret atheist; for if he did believe there was a God, he durst not be so bold as to deceive Him to His face.
- Thomas Adams
Collection: Atheist
Image of Julian Baggini
Atheists have to live with the knowledge that there is no salvation, no redemption, no second chances. Lives can go terribly wrong in ways that can never be put right.
- Julian Baggini
Collection: Atheist
Image of Julian Baggini
The reason to be an atheist is not that it makes us feel better or gives us a more rewarding life. The reason to be an atheist is simply that there is no God and we would prefer to live in full recognition of that, accepting the consequences, even if it makes us less happy.
- Julian Baggini
Collection: Atheist
Image of Karen Chance
He had the look of an atheist who’d just had a visit from God: stunned, disbelieving and faintly ill.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Atheist
Image of Maurice Blanchot
We can never put enough distance between ourselves and what we love. To think that God is, is still to think of him as present; this is a thought according to our measure, destined only to console us. It is much more fitting to think that God is not, just as we must love him purely enough that we could be indifferent to the fact that he should not be. It is for this reason that the atheist is closer to God than the believer.
- Maurice Blanchot
Collection: Atheist
Image of Frank Zappa
Reality is what it is, not what you want it to be.
- Frank Zappa
Collection: Atheist
Image of Nathaniel Branden
Anyone who engages in the practice of psychotherapy confronts every day the devastation wrought by the teachings of religion.
- Nathaniel Branden
Collection: Atheist
Image of Charles Stross
I wish I was still an atheist. Believing I was born into a harsh, uncaring cosmos - in which my existence was a random roll of the dice and I was destined to die and rot and then be gone forever - was infinitely more comforting than the truth. Because the truth is that my God is coming back. When he arrives I’ll be waiting for him with a shotgun. And I’m keeping the last shell for myself.
- Charles Stross
Collection: Atheist
Image of Stephen Batchelor
What is it that makes a person insist passionately on the existence of metaphysical realities that can be neither demonstrated nor refuted? (176)
- Stephen Batchelor
Collection: Atheist
Image of Howard Stern
I am circumcised, and I tell you something, I despise it. I despise it. I despise it... I am completely pissed off that I'm circumcised.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Atheist
Image of Julia Sweeney
I just became a stronger agnostic, and then I started to realize that everyone who was saying they were agnostic really hadn't thought about it that much. Still, I went with agnosticism for a long, long time because I just hated to say I was an atheist -- being an atheist seemed so rigid. But the more I became comfortable with the word, and the more I read, it started to stick.
- Julia Sweeney
Collection: Atheist
Image of Julia Sweeney
It's fantastic to believe, because they get so many benefits. I get mad at the atheist community when they put down believers because they put down religion so much. Now I am an atheist, but I don't like to describe myself with that term. I prefer secular humanist. But I do see first hand how beneficial religion is, for example if you are a refugee getting in a boat to take you across the Mediterranean, a belief in God is an advantage. I completely understand that comfort.
- Julia Sweeney
Collection: Atheist
Image of Heinrich Böll
I don't trust Catholics," I said, "because they take advantage of you." "And Protestants?" he asked with a laugh. "I loathe the way they fumble around with their consciences." "And atheists?" He was still laughing. "They bore me because all they ever talk about is God.
- Heinrich Böll
Collection: Atheist
Image of Bertrand Russell
Religion is based ... mainly upon fear ... fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty, and therefore it is no wonder if cruelty and religion have gone hand in hand. My own view on religion is that of Lucretius. I regard it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Atheist
Image of Rob Bell
Often times when I meet atheists and we talk about the god they don’t believe in, we quickly discover that I don’t believe in that god, either.
- Rob Bell
Collection: Atheist
Image of Bill O'Reilly
It's just as much a stretch to believe in God as it is to be an Atheist
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Atheist
Image of Michael Palin
If atheists are deaf to the word of God, then theists are blind to the ways of man.
- Michael Palin
Collection: Atheist
Image of Julia Kristeva
The depressed person is a radical, sullen atheist.
- Julia Kristeva
Collection: Atheist
Image of Greg Graffin
As I’ve said, I’ve never believed in God, which technically makes me an atheist (since the prefix “a” means “not” or “without”). But I have problems with the word “atheism.” It defines what someone is not rather than what someone is. It would be like calling me an a-instrumentalist for Bad Religion rather than the band’s singer. Defining yourself as against something says very little about what you are for.
- Greg Graffin
Collection: Atheist
Image of Michael Shermer
The whole point of faith, in fact, is to believe regardless of the evidence, which is the very antithesis of science.
- Michael Shermer
Collection: Atheist
Image of Peter O'Toole
Question: How do you know you're God? Answer: Simple. When I pray to him, I find I'm talking to myself.
- Peter O'Toole
Collection: Atheist
Image of Steven Pinker
Knowing there is a world that will outlive you, there are people whose well-being depends on how you live your life, affects the way you live your life, whether or not you directly experience those effects. You want to be the kind of person who has the larger view, who takes other people's interests into account, who's dedicated to the principles that you can justify, like justice, knowledge, truth, beauty and morality.
- Steven Pinker
Collection: Atheist