Top Blood Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Blood quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Simon R. Green
Eddie Drood: Is this why we become agents? To play games, to chase after secrets that are rarely worth all the blood spilled on their behalf...To end up stabbed in the back, just when you thought you'd won, bleeding out in some nameless backstreet...With most people never even knowing who you were, or what you did, or why it mattered?
- Simon R. Green
Collection: Blood
Image of Steven Seagal
I'm gonna take you to the bank, Senator Trent. To the blood bank!
- Steven Seagal
Collection: Blood
Image of Patricia McCormick
Then I place the blade next to the skine on my palm. A tingle arced across my scalp. The flood tipped up at me and my body spiraled away. Then I was on the ceiling looking down, waiting to see what would happen next. What happened next was thet a perfect, straight line of blood bloomed from under the blade.The line grow into a long, Fat bubbel, A lush crimson bubbel that got bigger and bigger. I watch from above, waiting to see how big it would get before it burst. when it did, I felt awesome. Satisfied, finally. Then exhausted.
- Patricia McCormick
Collection: Blood
Image of Patrick deWitt
Our blood is the same, we just use it differently.
- Patrick deWitt
Collection: Blood
Image of Tina St. John
Would I be healed now if you gave me your blood, Nikolai?” “Are you asking me for it?” “If I were, would you give it to me?
- Tina St. John
Collection: Blood
Image of Arthur Rubinstein
I was born very, very lazy and I don't always practice very long. but I must say, in my defense, that it is not so good, in a musical way, to overpractice. When you do, the music seems to come out of your pocket. If you play with a feeling of 'Oh, I know this,' you play without that little drop of fresh blood that is necessary – and the audience feels it.
- Arthur Rubinstein
Collection: Blood
Image of Judith Wright
This is the blood's wild tree that grows the intricate and folded rose
- Judith Wright
Collection: Blood
Image of William Strunk, Jr.
Rather, very, little, pretty - these are the leeches that infest the pond of prose, sucking the blood of words. The constant use of the adjective little (except to indicate size) is particularly debilitating; we should all try to do a little better, we should all be very watchful of this rule, for it is a rather important one, and we are pretty sure to violate it now and then.
- William Strunk, Jr.
Collection: Blood
Image of Luke Davies
What passes relentlessly through the years is blood, and time; all the bitterness or warmth along the way is almost incidental. Even blood gets forgotten eventually, bleached into myth which are bleached of all colour into ashes of myth.
- Luke Davies
Collection: Blood
Image of Joan Miro
Poetry and painting are done in the same way you make love; it's an exchange of blood, a total embrace - without caution, without any thought of protecting yourself.
- Joan Miro
Collection: Blood
Image of Thomas Brooks
Our sins are debts that none can pay but Christ. It is not our tears, but His blood; it is not our sighs, but His sufferings, that can testify for our sins. Christ must pay all, or we are prisoners forever.
- Thomas Brooks
Collection: Blood
Image of Erwin Rommel
Sweat saves blood, blood saves lives, but brains saves both.
- Erwin Rommel
Collection: Blood
Image of Augustine Birrell
Poetry should be vital--either stirring our blood by its divine movements or snatching our breath by its divine perfection. To do both is supreme glory, to do either is enduring fame.
- Augustine Birrell
Collection: Blood
Image of Robin Wasserman
I should probably start with the blood.
- Robin Wasserman
Collection: Blood
Image of Bobby Bowden
When I go after something, I go after it hard. It has always been that way. I don't know. It's in my blood.
- Bobby Bowden
Collection: Blood
Image of Enoch Powell
As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood.
- Enoch Powell
Collection: Blood
Image of Lynsay Sands
We're just people Jo he said quietly. Yeah I suppose. People with fangs who drink blood live a long time and apparently do crafts. She shook her head.
- Lynsay Sands
Collection: Blood
Image of Ellen Schreiber
Here's to new blood." -Jagger Maxwell
- Ellen Schreiber
Collection: Blood
Image of David Malouf
Achilles too staggered a moment. He felt his soul change colour. Blood pooled at his feet, and though he continued to stand upright and triumphant in the sun, his spirit set off on its own downward path and approached the boarders of an unknown region.
- David Malouf
Collection: Blood
Image of Susie Bright
When AIDS was at its most brutal, frightening, my-God-what-are-we-going-to-do era, that was when vampire stories and stories about blood and trust swept the literary world.
- Susie Bright
Collection: Blood
Image of Susan Abulhawa
Under the broken promises of superpowers and under the worlds indifference to spilled Arab blood.
- Susan Abulhawa
Collection: Blood
Image of Fritz Leiber
There are vampires and vampires, and not all of them suck blood.
- Fritz Leiber
Collection: Blood
Image of John Owen
Christ's blood is the great sovereign remedy for sin-sick souls.
- John Owen
Collection: Blood
Image of Maximilien Robespierre
By sealing our work with our blood, we may see at least the bright dawn of universal happiness.
- Maximilien Robespierre
Collection: Blood
Image of Kenneth Patchen
You will protect with the last drop of someone else's blood what was never yours.
- Kenneth Patchen
Collection: Blood
Image of Annette Curtis Klause
I had the taste of blood and chocolate in my mouth, one as hated as the other.
- Annette Curtis Klause
Collection: Blood
Image of Robert Toombs
Liberty, in its last analysis, is but the sweat of the poor and the blood of the brave.
- Robert Toombs
Collection: Blood
Image of Joë Bousquet
I gazed upon the earth and saw that a body, in its tender faithlessness, had located it in the sky. A splendid scarf of blood, looming above the abyss.
- Joë Bousquet
Collection: Blood
Image of Rick Riordan
Far, far below, red liquid bubbled. Blood? Lava? Evil ketchup? None of the posibilities were good.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Blood
Image of Edmund Waller
But virtue too, as well as vice, is clad in flesh and blood.
- Edmund Waller
Collection: Blood
Image of Robert Penn Warren
To be an American is not...a matter of blood; it is a matter of an idea--and history is the image of that idea.
- Robert Penn Warren
Collection: Blood
Image of Esi Edugyan
Of all the excellent copyedits I've received over the years, Marie-Lynn Hammond's was by far the best. Her work on Half Blood Blues was incredibly sensitive and astute.
- Esi Edugyan
Collection: Blood
Image of Yitzhak Rabin
Enough of blood and tears. Enough!
- Yitzhak Rabin
Collection: Blood
Image of Jeanne Birdsall
And I don't know if Batty's gotten over it yet,' said Skye. Mr. Penderwick looked out the window to where Batty was playing vampires with Hound. Hound was on his back, trying to wiggle out of the black towel Batty had tied around his neck. Batty was leaping over Hound's water bowl, shrieking, 'Blood, blood!' 'She looks all right,' he said.
- Jeanne Birdsall
Collection: Blood
Image of Poppy Z. Brite
Why bother? I was right all along: the second you make yourself vulnerable to someone, they start drawing blood.
- Poppy Z. Brite
Collection: Blood
Image of Gore Vidal
Politics is made up of two words: "Poli," which is Greek for "many," and "tics," which are bloodsucking insects.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Blood
Image of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
A crown, a throne could not be based on the not too very solid foundation of blood.
- Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
Collection: Blood
Image of Boethius
So it follows that those who have reason have freedom to will or not to will, although this freedom is not equal in all of them. [...] human souls are more free when they persevere in the contemplation of the mind of God, less free when they descend to the corporeal, and even less free when they are entirely imprisoned in earthly flesh and blood.
- Boethius
Collection: Blood
Image of Scott Snyder
Vampires as creatures have evolved over time as different vampire bloodlines have hit different populations of humans. Every once in a while the blood will make something new and mutate into a new species with different powers, abilities, weakness, physical characteristics, and so on. I don't want to give anything away, but there are whole species and branches that date all the way back to pre-modern times.
- Scott Snyder
Collection: Blood
Image of Tom Metzger
Nothing changes without blood flowing.
- Tom Metzger
Collection: Blood
Image of Tom Metzger
Either we're going to solve this by realistic negotiation or there will be blood on the border.
- Tom Metzger
Collection: Blood
Image of Thom Yorke
The society, is, a dishwasher, where all the water, is, dead chipmunk blood. God I'm brilliant.
- Thom Yorke
Collection: Blood
Image of John Roberts
If we had enough cadaver organs to go around we wouldn't do living donor liver transplants because one is we don't want to put a donor at risk, but the second is that it's a more difficult surgery for the recipient because you're getting a piece of a liver rather than a whole liver. It takes you longer to recover, and it has more complications related to where we sew together the blood vessels and the bile ducts.
- John Roberts
Collection: Blood
Image of Gaston Leroux
Blood!...Blood!... That's a good thing! A ghost who bleeds is less dangerous!
- Gaston Leroux
Collection: Blood
Image of Elizabeth Haydon
Oi’m always noble, sir; it’s in my blood. ’As been ever since Oi ate that knight a few years back. Why?
- Elizabeth Haydon
Collection: Blood
Image of Marianne de Pierres
Kero and Rollo stood over it, slick with blood, both holding knives. ‘Kero, you came? Why?’ asked Naif. ‘Maybe I just needed someone to show me how to be brave enough,’ he replied with a hint of a dangerous grin.
- Marianne de Pierres
Collection: Blood
Image of Paul Dudley White
You get most out of walking by going along briskly, swinging the arms and breathing deeply. It also helps promote the circulation of blood to the brain. The Greek philosophers promenaded as they philosophized.
- Paul Dudley White
Collection: Blood
Image of John Webster
Do you not weep? Other sins only speak; murder shrieks out. The element of water moistens the earth, But blood flies upwards and bedews the heavens.
- John Webster
Collection: Blood
Image of Jennifer Crusie
I had you pictured dead in a pool of blood in front of the fireplace. And now you show up alive, and I want to kill you myself. (Zack)
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Blood
Image of Eiichiro Oda
Whether we wound or are wounded, the blood that flows is red.
- Eiichiro Oda
Collection: Blood