Top Marine Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Marine quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Ted Williams
It's a funny thing, but, as years go by, I think you appreciate more and more what a great thing it was to be a United States Marine... People will tell me what a shame it was I had to go back into the service a second time, but I'm kinda glad I did.. Besides, I am a U.S. Marine and I'll be one till I die.
- Ted Williams
Collection: Marine
Image of Zell Miller
Motivated more by partisan politics than by national security, todays Democratic leaders see America as an occupier, not a liberator. And nothing makes this Marine madder than someone calling American troops occupiers rather than liberators.
- Zell Miller
Collection: Marine
Image of George Packer
It's kind of funny to read the work of ex-Marines and soldiers because what they said to me as a reporter was only a fraction of what they were thinking and feeling and saying to one another.
- George Packer
Collection: Marine
Image of Jean-Marie Le Pen
Marine Le Pen may want me dead, that's possible, but she must not count on my co-operation
- Jean-Marie Le Pen
Collection: Marine
Image of Don Van Vliet
I like the blues..... but I like aqua marine just as much.
- Don Van Vliet
Collection: Marine
Image of James L. Jones
Ensure that no Marine who honorably wore the eagle, globe and anchor is lost to the Marine Corps family.
- James L. Jones
Collection: Marine
Image of Smedley Butler
I had a swell racket. I was rewarded with honors, medals, promotions. l might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate a racket in three city districts. The Marines operated on three continents.
- Smedley Butler
Collection: Marine
Image of Daniel Pauly
We suggest that in the next decades fisheries management will have to emphasize the rebuilding of fish populations embedded within functional food webs, within large 'no-take' marine protected areas.
- Daniel Pauly
Collection: Marine
Image of Lee Marvin
And once by God, I was a Marine!
- Lee Marvin
Collection: Marine
Image of John Zachary Young
A marine protozoan is an aqueous salty system in an aqueous salty medium, but a man is an aqueous salty system in a medium in which there is but little water and most of that poor in salts.
- John Zachary Young
Collection: Marine
Image of James Mattis
Demonstrate to the world there is "No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy" than a U.S. Marine.
- James Mattis
Collection: Marine
Image of Wesley Clark
The more Marines I have around, the better I like it.
- Wesley Clark
Collection: Marine
Image of Edward Johnson
I can never again see a UNITED STATES MARINE without experiencing a feeling of reverence.
- Edward Johnson
Collection: Marine
Image of Winfield Scott
I placed the Marines where the hardest work was to be accomplished, and I never once found my confidence in them misplaced.
- Winfield Scott
Collection: Marine
Image of Tom Monaghan
A Marine is never intimidated.
- Tom Monaghan
Collection: Marine
Image of Thomas Holcomb
The Marine Corps went from 15,000, which its strength was when I was Commandant, to approximately 400,000 when I retired, and more than that afterward, without losing its individual characteristics. It was the same Marine Corps. It was not different in any respect.
- Thomas Holcomb
Collection: Marine
Image of Chesty Puller
Old breed? New breed? There's not a damn bit of difference so long as it's the Marine breed.
- Chesty Puller
Collection: Marine
Image of Chesty Puller
So they've got us surrounded, good! Now we can fire in any direction, those b*****ds won't get away this time!
- Chesty Puller
Collection: Marine
Image of Renee O'Connor
I always thought I would be a marine biologist because I love the sea - but considering the fact that I've always loved acting and the theater, I don't think I ever gave anything else much of a chance.
- Renee O'Connor
Collection: Marine
Image of John A. Lejeune
The future success of the Marine Corps depends on two factors: first, an efficient performance of all duties to which its officers and men may be assigned; second, promptly bringing this efficiency to the attention of the proper officials of the government, and the American people.
- John A. Lejeune
Collection: Marine
Image of John A. Lejeune
Fleets cannot operate without bases.
- John A. Lejeune
Collection: Marine
Image of Merritt A. Edson
There it is. It is useless to ask ourselves why it is we who are here. We are here. There is only us between the airfield and the Japs. If we don't hold, we will loose Guadalcanal.
- Merritt A. Edson
Collection: Marine
Image of Chuck Wepner
I've been a survivor my whole life...if I survived the Marines, I can survive Muhammad Ali.
- Chuck Wepner
Collection: Marine
Image of Paul Watson
Seafood is simply a socially acceptable form of bush meat. We condemn Africans for hunting monkeys and mammalian and bird species from the jungle yet the developed world thinks nothing of hauling in magnificent wild creatures like swordfish, tuna, halibut, shark, and salmon for our meals. The fact is that the global slaughter of marine wildlife is simply the largest massacre of wildlife on the planet.
- Paul Watson
Collection: Marine
Image of Jacques Yves Cousteau
The best way to observe a fish is to become a fish.
- Jacques Yves Cousteau
Collection: Marine
Image of Joseph C. Lincoln
But very unfortunately the merchant marine died away till even the majority of fishing done about the Cape is in the hands of the Portuguese who emigrated to the Cape some fifty years ago.
- Joseph C. Lincoln
Collection: Marine
Image of David A. Freedman
With their survival as an institution and as individual human beings at stake, the Marines have had to ruthlessly and endlessly examine, discard, define, refine, and redefine their approaches to achieve the ultimate in rapid, effective response to dynamic challenges.
- David A. Freedman
Collection: Marine
Image of Huey Morgan
I was given an opportunity to join the marines instead of go to jail - and I think I made the correct decision.
- Huey Morgan
Collection: Marine
Image of Huey Morgan
Everybody who wants to be in a band should be made to join the marines.
- Huey Morgan
Collection: Marine
Image of Huey Morgan
The marines gave me an eternal discipline.
- Huey Morgan
Collection: Marine
Image of Ernst Otto Fischer
Their fiery advance and great tenacity were well recognized by their opponents.
- Ernst Otto Fischer
Collection: Marine
Image of Jeff VanderMeer
If I wasn't a writer, I don't know what I'd be. Probably a marine biologist or something.
- Jeff VanderMeer
Collection: Marine
Image of William Overgard
It does not pay to be friendly with officers, they take advantage of you.
- William Overgard
Collection: Marine
Image of R. Lee Ermey
Without discipline, there is no Marine Corp.
- R. Lee Ermey
Collection: Marine
Image of Keiji Shibazaki
It would take one million men, one hundred years
- Keiji Shibazaki
Collection: Marine
Image of Daniel James, Jr.
The Marines don't have any race problems. They treat everybody like they're black.
- Daniel James, Jr.
Collection: Marine
Image of Freema Agyeman
I was very much into science when I was young - I wanted to be a marine biologist, then I wanted to be a doctor, and then something else, I was always changing. Acting didn't come up until much later, probably about 16 or 17. I thought, "Oh, I quite like this."
- Freema Agyeman
Collection: Marine
Image of Louis Aragon
The whole fauna of human fantasies, their marine vegetation, drifts and luxuriates in the dimly lit zones of human activity, as though plaiting thick tresses of darkness. Here, too, appear the lighthouses of the mind, with their outward resemblance to less pure symbols. The gateway to mystery swings open at the touch of human weakness and we have entered the realms of darkness. One false step, one slurred syllable together reveal a man's thoughts.
- Louis Aragon
Collection: Marine
Image of Lewis William Walt
Our young men in Vietnam have not only acquitted themselves in an outstanding manner during combat operations, but they also have been outstanding ambassadors of goodwill in the vital civic action and pacification work among the tortured populace of South Vietnam.
- Lewis William Walt
Collection: Marine
Image of Katherine Amelia Towle
The aim of every woman is to be truly integrated into the Corps. She is able and willing to undertake any assignment consonant with Marine Corps needs, and is proudest of all that she has no nickname. She is a "Marine."
- Katherine Amelia Towle
Collection: Marine
Image of Rob Halford
Their brilliant audio expert, who is a marine biologist, should really be looking after Flipper
- Rob Halford
Collection: Marine
Image of Daniel Daly
Any officer can get by on his sergeants. To be a sergeant you have to know your stuff. I'd rather be an outstanding sergeant than just another officer.
- Daniel Daly
Collection: Marine
Image of Lynn Montross
Americans often did not realize that their Marine Corps was a force without counterpart in the world. European navies used Marines for limited duties on shipboard or in naval bases, but neither the numbers nor the training were provided for large-scale offensive operations.
- Lynn Montross
Collection: Marine
Image of John Taylor Wood
Sir: It gives me pleasure to report to you the fine bearing and soldierly conduct of Captain Wilson and his men whilst absent on special duty. Though their duties were more arduous than those of others, they were always prompt and ready for performance of all they were called upon to do. As a body they would be a credit to any organization, and I will be glad to be associated with them on duty at any time.
- John Taylor Wood
Collection: Marine
Image of Holland Smith
We had generals who were admirals and admirals who wanted to be generals. Generals acting as admirals are bad enough, but it was the admirals who wanted to be generals who imperiled victory among the coral islands.
- Holland Smith
Collection: Marine
Image of Adam Kokesh
Due to the oath I swore to the constitution when I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, by virtue of the universal human right to self defense, in accordance with the Supreme Court case, D.C. vs. Heller, which affirmed that the statutes under which I am being charged are unconstitutional and thus null and void, and on behalf of all freedom loving Americans, I plead not guilty.
- Adam Kokesh
Collection: Marine
Image of Sheherazade Goldsmith
Coral reefs represent some of the worlds most spectacular beauty spots, but they are also the foundation of marine life: without them many of the seas most exquisite species will not survive.
- Sheherazade Goldsmith
Collection: Marine
Image of Daniel Benjamin
Based on information from the Pentagon and estimates by analysts such as former Reagan Pentagon official Lawrence Korb, the costs of restoring destroyed and damaged Army and Marine Corps equipment is now estimated to be close to $30 billion, and it will grow by an additional $14 billion for every additional year we stay in Iraq. Even if these funds were available tomorrow, it would take years to restore the forces to the state they were in at the outset of the conflict.
- Daniel Benjamin
Collection: Marine