Top Snacks Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Snacks quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Maira Kalman
Everyone I know is looking for solace, hope and a tasty snack.
- Maira Kalman
Collection: Snacks
Image of Mac Barnett
Danger is the snack food of a true sleuth.
- Mac Barnett
Collection: Snacks
Image of Naturi Naughton
I work out and go to the gym, but I still enjoy my soul food and snacks. But I’m a pretty petite young woman, and I just do everything in moderation and make sure that I just keep everything together.
- Naturi Naughton
Collection: Snacks
Image of Jackie Warner
Most Americans are skipping meals and when they do eat, they're starving and they're eating an excess of sugar and calories. Really it's about eating breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner, and trying to feed yourself.
- Jackie Warner
Collection: Snacks
Image of Jennifer Pharr Davis
Food is like a torture device because hiking 47 miles a day is hard enough. And then you're trying to get down 6,000 calories a day. Every hour, I needed a snack, every few hours I had to take in a meal and it's just not food, it's fuel. You're not enjoying it - you're seriously shoving it in your mouth and following it with water, juice or Gatorade.
- Jennifer Pharr Davis
Collection: Snacks
Image of Paul Ford
It usually takes me at least ten days and a number of snacks to go from feeling something to being able to articulate what I felt.
- Paul Ford
Collection: Snacks
Image of Jozy Altidore
Snacking is important. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a great example of a perfect snack. They can go a long way.
- Jozy Altidore
Collection: Snacks
Image of Ruby Gettinger
The meal plan was hard at first because I am a snack eater, but the most challenging part is trying to change my pallet to like healthy food.
- Ruby Gettinger
Collection: Snacks
Image of John Scalzi
The Scooby gang doesn't travel because they are looking for crimes to solve. They travel because they're one step ahead of the deprogrammers. Somehow, Fred's got them all snookered. It probably has something to do with the Scooby Snacks.
- John Scalzi
Collection: Snacks
Image of Mehmet Oz
Before you reach for the saltshaker, consider swapping your snacks for a healthier option.
- Mehmet Oz
Collection: Snacks
Image of Jim Butcher
Chocolate fends off all kinds of nasty stuff. And if you get hungry while warding off evil, you have a snack. It's multipurpose equipment.
- Jim Butcher
Collection: Snacks
Image of Rick Riordan
The thing about plummetting downhill at fifty miles an hour on a snack platter - if you realize it's a bad idea when you're halfway down, it's too late.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Snacks
Image of Rachel Caine
She was starting to feel a little like a hamburger at a dieters’ convention. Nobody was likely to snack on her, but absolutely everybody noticed she was edible.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Snacks
Image of Karen Chance
They’ll have to eat first. And by the time they’re finished, you’ll be back.” “With the condoms.” “Right.” “For the giant orgy you’re convinced we’re about to have in the backyard.” “Dory! Just go!” “I’ll go with,” Ray said, getting up. “I need a snack.” Which was how I ended up condom shopping with a vampire.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Snacks
Image of Russell Brand
I don't see why someone should lose their life just so you can have a snack.
- Russell Brand
Collection: Snacks
Image of Ilona Andrews
He referred to you as his little snack." "He's a sweetie.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Snacks
Image of Rick Riordan
"Let us find the dam snack bar," Zoe said. "We should eat while we can." Grover cracked a smile. "The dam snack bar?" Zoe blinked. "Yes. What is funny?" "Nothing," Grover said, trying to keep a straight face. "I could use some dam French fries." Even Thalia smiled at that. "And I need to use the dam restroom."... I started cracking up, and Thalia and Grover joined in, while Zoe just looked at us "I do not understand." "I want to use the dam water fountain," Grover said. "And..." Thalia tried to catch her breath. "I want to buy a dam T-shirt."
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Snacks
Image of Rick Riordan
I need to use the Dam Bathroom, I need to use the Dam Snack bar, I want a Dam Tee-Shirt.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Snacks
Image of Rick Riordan
Nico, you can do this," Jason said. "It might be embarrassing, but it's for the scepter." Nico didn't look convinced. In fact he looked like he was going to be sick. But he squared his shoulders and nodded. "You're right. I- I'm not afraid of a love god." Favonius beamed. "Excellent! Would you like a snack before you go?
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Snacks
Image of Michael Pollan
People who snack sometimes sometimes eat kind of thoughtlessly and end up eating a lot more. But in principle, it's a really good idea if you can exert the kind of discipline needed.
- Michael Pollan
Collection: Snacks
Image of Cassandra Clare
If you knew how to cook, maybe I would eat," Jace muttered. Isabelle froze, her spoon poised dangerously. "What did you say?" Jace edged toward the fridge. "I said I'm going to look for a snack to eat." That's what I thought you said." Isabelle turned her attention to the soup.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Snacks
Image of Chrissy Teigen
I will buy six pieces or so a day and just snack on them. Sometimes I wrap them up in my mini seaweed sheets.
- Chrissy Teigen
Collection: Snacks
Image of Celine Dion
Fruits are snacks, which are rich in vitamins, and can be eaten the whole day.
- Celine Dion
Collection: Snacks
Image of Dane Cook
Then it was snack time, right in the middle of mass. Right out of nowhere, the priest would look down and say, 'Let's have some yum yums!' You would get in line - you would jump in the line - and you would go up and get the crouton O'Christ.
- Dane Cook
Collection: Snacks
Image of DJ Khaled
I did a 22 Days Nutrition program. That's something I know works. Also, do at least an hour of cardio. Eat six meals a day. Meal, snack, meal, snack, meal, snack, meal. Small portions. No carbs, no dairy. You lose it fast and you'll be feeling amazing. It's something that we have to do and discipline ourselves.
- DJ Khaled
Collection: Snacks
Image of Onew
I receive a lot of snacks and yogurt that have nearly the same name as me.
- Onew
Collection: Snacks
Image of Anne Lamott
The road to enlightenment is long and difficult, and you should try not to forget snacks and magazines.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Snacks
Image of Demetri Martin
Cotton candy is the perfect snack for when I'm in the mood to eat dry, scratchy fabric.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Snacks
Image of Demetri Martin
I'm a body builder, but I don't use weights. I use snacks. It's kind of a different building process.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Snacks