Image of Rumi
Water in the boat is the ruin of the boat, but water under the boat is its support.
- Rumi
Collection: Water
Image of Mark Twain
He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Inspirational
Image of J. C. Ryle
Prayer is the mightiest weapon that God has placed in our hands.
- J. C. Ryle
Collection: Prayer
Image of Aristotle
A change in the shape of the body creates a change in the state of the soul.
- Aristotle
Collection: Soul
Image of Isaac Asimov
Any book worth banning is a book worth reading.
- Isaac Asimov
Collection: Book
Image of Lil Wayne
We are not the same, I am a martian.
- Lil Wayne
Collection: Martians
Image of Pierre Bourdieu
The point of my work is to show that culture and education arent simply hobbies or minor influences. They are hugely important in the affirmation of differences between groups and social classes and in the reproduction of those differences.
- Pierre Bourdieu
Collection: Class
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Climate
Image of Eleanor Roosevelt
Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Collection: Happiness
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
I am a proud staunch Sanatani Hindu.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Proud
Image of Louise Hay
Each day is a start of a new adventure, and I eagerly look forward to today.
- Louise Hay
Collection: Life
Image of Ernest Hemingway
Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: Writing
Image of Greg Mortenson
Slow down and make building relationships as important as building projects.
- Greg Mortenson
Collection: Business
Image of Richard P. Feynman
But the real glory of science is that we can find a way of thinking such that the law is evident.
- Richard P. Feynman
Collection: Real
Image of Abraham Maslow
To make the growth choice instead of the fear choice a dozen times a day is to move a dozen times a day towards self-actualisation.
- Abraham Maslow
Collection: Moving
Image of John D. Rockefeller
Next to doing the right thing, the most important thing is to let people know you are doing the right thing.
- John D. Rockefeller
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
Make war not on terrorism but on ignorance, on sickness and on environmental degradation.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: War
Image of Jane Austen
Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness.
- Jane Austen
Collection: Food
Image of Gary Hamel
Win small, win early, win often.
- Gary Hamel
Collection: Winning
Image of Audrey Hepburn
I believe in miracles.
- Audrey Hepburn
Collection: Believe
Image of Catherine McAuley
Let us take one day only in hands at a time. Resolve to do good today and better tomorrow.
- Catherine McAuley
Collection: Hands
Image of Ayn Rand
I never found beauty in longing for the impossible and never found the possible to be beyond my reach.
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Gabrielle Bernstein
What you believe, you receive.
- Gabrielle Bernstein
Collection: Believe
Image of Dale Carnegie
Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.
- Dale Carnegie
Collection: Order
Image of Thomas S. Monson
There is no tomorrow to remember if we don’t do something today, and to live most fully today, we must do that which is of greatest importance. Let us not procrastinate those things which matter most.
- Thomas S. Monson
Collection: Matter
Image of Charles Bukowski
The crowd is the gathering place of the weakest; true creation is a solitary act.
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Gathering
Image of John D. Rockefeller
I never placed my head upon the pillow at night without reminding myself that my success might only be temporary.
- John D. Rockefeller
Collection: Night
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
One does not surrender a life in an instant. That which is lifelong can only be surrendered in a lifetime.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Narendra Modi
Innovation no longer remains a choice but has become an imperative.
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Choices
Image of Arthur Conan Doyle
There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
Collection: Truth
Image of John C. Maxwell
Integrity is important in building relationships. And is the foundation upon which many other qualities for success are built, such as respect, dignity, and trust.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Integrity
Image of Alexander McQueen
I want people to be afraid of the women I dress.
- Alexander McQueen
Collection: Women
Image of Gustavo Cerati
I spend my life imagining you, it is not time to be a coward.
- Gustavo Cerati
Collection: Coward
Image of Thomas Kuhn
The answers you get depend upon the questions you ask.
- Thomas Kuhn
Collection: Entrepreneur
Image of Jacques Derrida
We are all mediators, translators.
- Jacques Derrida
Image of Joseph Pilates
Breathing is the first act of life, and the last.
- Joseph Pilates
Collection: Breathing
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Be a gift and a benediction.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Benediction
Image of B. J. Palmer
It is the path of least resistance that makes rivers and men crooked.
- B. J. Palmer
Collection: Wise
Image of Margaret Thatcher
That is what capitalism is: a system that brings wealth to the many, not just the few.
- Margaret Thatcher
Collection: Wealth
Image of Dylan Thomas
I hold a beast, an angel, and a madman in me, and my enquiry is as to their working, and my problem is their subjugation and victory, down throw and upheaval, and my effort is their self-expression.
- Dylan Thomas
Collection: Writing
Image of Claude Debussy
Art is the most beautiful deception of all. And although people try to incorporate the everyday events of life in it, we must hope that it will remain a deception lest it become a utilitarian thing, sad as a factory.
- Claude Debussy
Collection: Art
Image of Henry Cloud
Leadership is not taken, it is given. People give leadership to those that they trust. They allow people that they trust to have influence over their lives.
- Henry Cloud
Collection: Taken
Image of Niels Bohr
Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.
- Niels Bohr
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Every person who invests in well-selected real estate in a growing section of a prosperous community adopts the surest and safest method of becoming independent, for real estate is the basis of wealth.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Real
Image of Jean Vanier
When we begin to believe that there is greater joy in working with and for others, rather than just for ourselves, then our society will truly become a place of celebration.
- Jean Vanier
Collection: Believe
Image of Wilhelm Wundt
Our mind is so fortunately equipped, that it brings us the most important bases for our thoughts without our having the least knowledge of this work of elaboration. Only the results of it become unconscious.
- Wilhelm Wundt
Collection: Science
Image of Nikola Tesla
Of all things, I liked books best.
- Nikola Tesla
Collection: Book
Image of Richard Branson
If you aim higher than you expect, you could reach higher than you dreamed.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Aim High