Elisabeth Elliot

Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Fear arises when we imagine that everything depends on us.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Sometimes life is so hard you can only do the next thing.Whatever that is just do the next thing.God will meet you there.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Next
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
This hard place in which you perhaps find yourself is the very place in which God is giving you opportunity to look only to Him, to spend time in prayer, and to learn long-suffering, gentleness, meekness - in short, to learn the depths of the love that Christ Himself has poured out on all of us.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Prayer
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
The secret is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circumstances.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
A whole lot of what we call 'struggling' is simply delayed obedience.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Struggle
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
God will not protect you from anything that will make you more like Jesus.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Jesus
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Today is mine. Tomorrow is none of my business. If I peer anxiously into the fog of the future I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of me now!
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
It is always possible to be thankful for what is given rather than to complain about what is not given. One or the other becomes a habit of life.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Being Thankful
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Silence, as someone has said, is the mother of prayer and the nurse of holy thoughts. Silence cuts down on our sins, doesn't it? We can't be sinning in so many different ways if we are being quiet before God. Silence nourishes patience, charity, discretion.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Mother
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
The deepest lessons come out of the deepest waters and the hottest fires.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Fire
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Faith is not an instinct. It certainly is not a feeling - feelings don't help much when you're in the lions' den or hanging on a wooden Cross. Faith is not inferred from the happy way things work. It is an act of will, a choice, based on the unbreakable Word of a God who cannot lie, and who showed us what love and obedience and sacrifice mean, in the person of Jesus Christ
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Jesus
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Ordinary work, which is what most of us do, most of the time, is ordained by God every bit as much as is the extraordinary.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Ordinary
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
God has promised to supply all our needs. What we don't have now, we don't need now.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
This job has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege. Therefore, it is an offering I may make to God. Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
The way you keep your house, the way you organize your time, the care you take in your personal appearance, the things you spend your money on, all speak loudly about what you believe. The beauty of thy peace shines forth in an ordered life. A disordered life speaks loudly of disorder in the soul.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Believe
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
I'm convinced that there is nothing that can happen to me in this life that is not precisely designed by a sovereign Lord to give me the opportunity to learn to know Him.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
One reason we are so harried and hurried is that we make yesterday and tomorrow our business, when all that legitimately concerns us is today. If we really have too much to do, there are some items on the agenda which God did not put there. Let us submit the list to Him and ask Him to indicate which items we must delete. There is always time to do the will of God. If we are too busy to do that, we are too busy.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Yesterday
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Leave it all in the Hands that were wounded for you
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Restlessness and impatience change nothing except our peace and joy. Peace does not dwell in outward things, but in the heart prepared to wait trustfully and quietly on Him who has all things safely in His hands.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Prayer lays hold of God's plan and becomes the link between His will and its accomplishment on earth. Amazing things happen, and we are given the privilege of being the channels of the Holy Spirit's prayer.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Prayer
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
The willingness to be and to have just what God wants us to be and have, nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else, would set our hearts at rest, and we would discover the simpler life, the greater peace.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Heart
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
We can't really tell how crooked our thinking is until we line it up with the straight edge of Scripture.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
God never witholds from His child that which His love and wisdom call good. God's refusals are always merciful -- "severe mercies" at times but mercies all the same. God never denies us our hearts desire except to give us something better.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Children
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
It is God to whom and with whom we travel, and while He is the end of our journey, He is also at every stopping place.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Discipline, for the Christian, begins with the body. We have only one. It is this body that is the primary material given to us for sacrifice. We cannot give our hearts to God and keep our bodies for ourselves.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Christian
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
The man whose eye is single for the glory of Another can be trusted.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Eye
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Experience had quickly taught her that she could not survive the storms without the anchor of the constraining love of Christ and what she called the "Rock-counsciousness" of the promise given her, "He goeth before.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Jesus never pussyfooted
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Jesus
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Holiness has never been the driving force of the majority. It is, however, mandatory for anyone who wants to enter the kingdom.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Majority
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
It is in our acceptance of what is given that God gives Himself.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Most of the time we like the idea of our own freedom. There are times when we do not at all like the idea of the freedom of others. If we suffer because of their freedom, let us remember that they suffer because of ours.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Ideas
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
The woman who accepts the limitations of womanhood finds in those very limitations her gifts, her special calling which bears her up into perfect freedom, into the will of God.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Perfect
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
A great many things determine how people live, and money is not at the top of the list. Choices are always available. What you choose will depend on how you see things: yourself, your work, your right to express taste and desire and personality, your understanding of the love of God as expressed in His creation and order and harmony.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Order
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Jesus loved the will of His Father. He embraced the limitations, the necessities, the conditions, the very chains of His humanity as He walked and worked here on earth, fulfilling moment by moment His divine commission and the stern demands of His incarnation. Never was there a word or even a look of complaint.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Jesus
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Think of this- we may live together with Him here and now, a daily walking with Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Thinking
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
I believe a woman, in order to be a good wife, must be (among other things) both sensual and maternal.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Believe
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
The only basis of peace is the cessation of the conflict of two wills: my will vs God’s.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Two
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
God is God. I dethrone Him in my heart if I demand that he act in ways that satisfy my idea of justice.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Heart
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
The heart set to do the Father's will, need never fear defeat.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Father
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
One way to begin to see how vastly indulgent we usually are is to fast. It is a long day that is not broken by the usual three meals. One finds out what an astonishing amount of time is spent in the planning, purchasing, preparing, eating, and cleaning up of meals.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Long
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
We fundamentalists are a pack of mood-loving showoffs. I'm sure the Minor Prophets would have found subject for correction.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Mood
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Cold prayers, like cold suitors, are seldom effective in their aims.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Prayer
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
If we do anything to further the kingdom of God, we may expect to find what Christ found on that road abuse, indifference, injustice, misunderstanding, trouble of some kind. Take it. Why not? To that you were called.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Women
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Action that is clearly right needs no justification.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Accomplishment
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
The world cries for men who are strong--strong in conviction, strong to lead, to stand, to suffer. I pray that you will be that kind of man--glad that God made you a man, glad to shoulder the burden of manliness in a time when to do so will often bring contempt.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Strong
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Virginity is something that can be offered to God.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Virginity
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Things which sound like platitudes become vital, living and powerful when you have to learn them in the bottom of the barrel, in dark tunnels.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Powerful
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
What sort of world might it have been if Eve had refused the servants offer and had said to him instead, “let me not be like God. Let me be what I was made to be - let me be a woman'?
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: World
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
Our natural reason looks at marriage and turns up its nose and says, Alas! Must I rock the baby? wash its diapers? make its bed? smell its stench? stay at nights with it? take care of it when it cries? heal its rashes and sores? and on top of that care for my spouse, provide labor at my trade, take care of this and take care of that? do this and do that? and endure this and endure that? Why should I make such a prisoner of myself?
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Baby