Top Climate Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Climate quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Mark Udall
We really don't have a policy [on climate change]. There's a lot of rhetoric and not a lot of action.
- Mark Udall
Collection: Climate
Image of Brian Cox
Climate change: Don't undermine the science just because you don't like the economics
- Brian Cox
Collection: Climate
Image of Bill McKibben
Climate change is the single biggest thing that humans have ever done on this planet. The one thing that needs to be bigger is our movement to stop it.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Climate
Image of Alister E. McGrath
Rational argument does not create belief, but it maintains a climate in which belief may flourish.
- Alister E. McGrath
Collection: Climate
Image of Hugo Chavez
If the climate were a bank, they would already have saved it.
- Hugo Chavez
Collection: Climate
Image of Simon Heffer
The more a climate can be created in which neither the English nor the Scots are given cause to resent each other, the better.
- Simon Heffer
Collection: Climate
Image of Nicholas Stern
Climate change represents the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen
- Nicholas Stern
Collection: Climate
Image of Jonathon Porritt
The collapse of the world's banking system and the impending disaster of accelerating climate change are not separate phenomena. They are simply the most visible symptoms of a particular model of capitalism that will bring civilisation to its knees. But those symptoms will not get sorted unless and until we commit to a radical transformation of the way we create and distribute wealth in the world today
- Jonathon Porritt
Collection: Climate
Image of Harrison Schmitt
Several indisputable facts appear evident in geological and climate science that make me a true 'denier' of human-caused global warming.
- Harrison Schmitt
Collection: Climate
Image of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Today, something is happening to the whole structure of human consciousness. A fresh kind of life is starting. Driven by the forces of love, the fragments of the world are seeking each other, so that the world may come into being.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Collection: Climate
Image of Russ Feingold
The climate is obviously changing dramatically.
- Russ Feingold
Collection: Climate
Image of Maria Rodale
Switching to all organic food production is the single most critical (and most doable) action we can take right now to stop our climate crisis.
- Maria Rodale
Collection: Climate
Image of Michael Bennet
Colorado's economy is already being threatened by unchecked climate change.
- Michael Bennet
Collection: Climate
Image of Laurens van der Post
We have a mighty task before us. The earth needs our assistance.
- Laurens van der Post
Collection: Climate
Image of Ivar Giaever
Is climate change pseudoscience? If I'm going to answer the question, the answer is: absolutely.
- Ivar Giaever
Collection: Climate
Image of Hendrik Tennekes
The so-called scientific basis of the climate problem is within my professional competence as a meteorologist. It is my professional opinion that there is no evidence at all for catastrophic global warming. It is likely that global temperatures will rise a little, much as IPCC predicts, but there is a growing body of evidence that the errant behavior of the Sun may cause some cooling in the foreseeable future.
- Hendrik Tennekes
Collection: Climate
Image of Richard Keen
Earth has cooled since 1998 in defiance of the predictions by the UN-IPCC....The global temperature for 2007 was the coldest in a decade and the coldest of the millennium...which is why 'global warming' is now called 'climate change.'
- Richard Keen
Collection: Climate
Image of Joseph J. Romm
Time is short. We have at most a decade to sharply reverse course.
- Joseph J. Romm
Collection: Climate
Image of Joseph J. Romm
The science is crystal clear: we humans are the primary cause of global warming, and we face a bleak future if we fail to act quickly.
- Joseph J. Romm
Collection: Climate
Image of Raymond Pierrehumbert
The big damages come if the climate sensitivity to greenhouse gases turns out to be high causing greater global warming than current projections. Then it's not a bullet headed at us, but a thermonuclear warhead.
- Raymond Pierrehumbert
Collection: Climate
Image of Tom Burke
A stable climate is the most fundamental resource of all. No one has yet built a civilisation in an unstable climate
- Tom Burke
Collection: Climate
Image of Richard Lindzen
The influence of mankind on climate is trivially true and numerically insignificant.
- Richard Lindzen
Collection: Climate
Image of Richard Lindzen
To say that climate change will be catastrophic hides a cascade of value-laden assumptions that do not emerge from empirical science.
- Richard Lindzen
Collection: Climate
Image of Kerry Emanuel
As you warm the climate, you basically raise the speed limit on hurricanes
- Kerry Emanuel
Collection: Climate
Image of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
We are embarking on the biggest project in human civilisation," he said. "We must ensure that the United States ... is part of such post-2012 arrangements.
- Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Collection: Climate
Image of Joan Ruddock
Adapting to climate change: It really is time for action...we are on a never-ending road; this is with us for the rest of our natural lives
- Joan Ruddock
Collection: Climate
Image of Hilary Benn
Our changing climate has changed our politics.
- Hilary Benn
Collection: Climate
Image of Gina McCarthy
Greenhouse gas pollution, through its contribution to global climate change, presents a significant threat to Americans health and to the environment upon which our economy and security depends.
- Gina McCarthy
Collection: Climate
Image of Willie Soon
The close relationships between the abrupt ups and downs of solar activity and of temperature that I have identified occur locally in coastal Greenland; regionally in the Arctic Pacific and north Atlantic; and hemispherically for the whole circum-Arctic, suggesting that changes in solar activity drive Arctic and perhaps even global climate.
- Willie Soon
Collection: Climate
Image of Ottmar Edenhofer
We cannot afford to lose another decade. If we lose another decade, it becomes extremely costly to achieve climate stabilization.
- Ottmar Edenhofer
Collection: Climate
Image of Ottmar Edenhofer
Climate change is a global commons problem.
- Ottmar Edenhofer
Collection: Climate
Image of Wallace Smith Broecker
Climate is an angry beast and we are poking at it with sticks
- Wallace Smith Broecker
Collection: Climate
Image of Richard Alley
The more the climate is forced to change, the more likely it is to hit some unforeseen threshold that can trigger quite fast, surprising and perhaps unpleasant changes.
- Richard Alley
Collection: Climate
Image of Rajendra K. Pachauri
An extremely effective instrument would be to put a price on carbon. It is only through the market that you can get a large enough and rapid enough response [to climate change]
- Rajendra K. Pachauri
Collection: Climate
Image of Margaret Beckett
Achieving climate security must be the core of foreign policy. All of us have to pick up the pace.
- Margaret Beckett
Collection: Climate
Image of Peter Sissons
It is effectively BBC policy to ignore climate change sceptics.
- Peter Sissons
Collection: Climate
Image of Mark Lynas
Once the 'portals of the future close - in Amazonia, Siberia or the Arctic - we will find ourselves powerless to affect the outcome of this dreadful tale.
- Mark Lynas
Collection: Climate
Image of Mark Lynas
This is like playing Russian roulette with a Luger rather than a revolver. One bullet, one chamber - and we're pulling the trigger.
- Mark Lynas
Collection: Climate
Image of Mark Lynas
Only by advocating 'politically unrealistic' CO2 concentrations can runaway global warming be avoided. But what is politically realistic for humans is whollymunrelated to what is physically realistic for the planet.
- Mark Lynas
Collection: Climate
Image of David Clennon
...I'm saying that we (Americans) have sunk pretty low and I'm saying that you can look at the moral climate in Germany in 1933. We have to ask ourselves if we found ourselves in Nazi Germany, what would we do. Now I say, let the inspection process take its course.
- David Clennon
Collection: Climate
Image of Roy Spencer
Nature is not static, but causes its own, internally-generated changes - both in climate and in biological systems.
- Roy Spencer
Collection: Climate
Image of Ferdinand von Mueller
Where timber vegetation is ruthlessly destroyed, aridity and its sequence sterility will prevail and the hotter the climate, the more to be dreaded.
- Ferdinand von Mueller
Collection: Climate
Image of Kevin Warwick
I am afraid that I do not hold with the theory of 'global warming' - there will always be climate change....Big thing here is - do we know what we are doing that is bringing about climate change? At present the answer to this is NO.
- Kevin Warwick
Collection: Climate
Image of Eban Goodstein
It will be politics that determines the material welfare of future generations: the pace at which we advance toward "our destination of economic bliss," andnperhaps, whether we continue to advance at all.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Climate
Image of Austin Farrer
What no one shows the ability to defend is quickly abandoned. Rational argument does not create belief, but it maintains a climate in which belief may flourish.
- Austin Farrer
Collection: Climate
Image of Kenneth P. Green
We can expect the climate crisis industry to grow increasingly shrill, and increasingly hostile toward anyone who questions their authority.
- Kenneth P. Green
Collection: Climate
Image of Jim Yong Kim
We will never end poverty if we don't tackle climate change.
- Jim Yong Kim
Collection: Climate
Image of Richard Glover
Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.
- Richard Glover
Collection: Climate
Image of Gregg Easterbrook
The only reason runaway global warming seems unstoppable is that we have not yet tried to stop it.
- Gregg Easterbrook
Collection: Climate
Image of Eric Chivian
What degree of proof about the human catastrophe from global climate change do we need, before we are motivated to act to prevent it?
- Eric Chivian
Collection: Climate