Saul Williams

Image of Saul Williams
For all the ghosts and corpses that shall never know the breath of our children so long for the sacrifice and endurance of our mothers and the sustained breath of our fathers we live
- Saul Williams
Collection: Mother
Image of Saul Williams
I think everything has its place. So if the ideas or the fluidity isn't coming in writing, maybe it's related to ingestions.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Saul Williams
It was always important to me to be that kid who could rock the party as well as rock the English professor's mind.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Party
Image of Saul Williams
I think it's misleading to think that art is only there for escapism, only there for our dreams of being rich and f - king whoever we wanna f - k.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Dream
Image of Saul Williams
When I can feel you breathing into me i, like a stone gargoyle atop some crumbling building, spring to life a resuscitated angel.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Spring
Image of Saul Williams
There is a lot of fun to be had when you try and fit as many words as you can within a three-minute song, but there is also a lot of fun in trying to get that message across in three words, or better yet when the music can overpower the words and convey something really pure and perfect that affects our psycho-emotional space.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Song
Image of Saul Williams
American culture is often so self-consumed that we often think that our problems are just our problems.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Thinking
Image of Saul Williams
A lie preserved in stained glass doesn't make it more true.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Lying
Image of Saul Williams
I hear the weed is really strong in California.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Weed
Image of Saul Williams
When I wake up in the morning, the first things that I see are the clouds. They're right there. I look out my window now and there's always, always a black bird of some sort on the ledge there. Usually I wake up and look at the birds.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Morning
Image of Saul Williams
It's not the rules everywhere, you know? That's not the rules everywhere - that things have to be dumbed down in order to become massively popular. And that hasn't always been the rule, even in America.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Order
Image of Saul Williams
The role that theater has placed in enhancing consciousness and moving systems ahead. I think of what South African theater meant for the apartheid movement, for example. I think of what music has meant for so many social movements across time.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Moving
Image of Saul Williams
I spend my time sitting in train stations, parks, parking lots, cafes, just looking at people - eavesdropping, basically. I'm vulnerable to all of it.
- Saul Williams
Collection: People
Image of Saul Williams
There's so much to be found in literature, especially if you don't have the money to travel or the means to get out of your neighborhood or get off work.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Mean
Image of Saul Williams
Books are carefully folded forests/void of autumn/bound from the sun
- Saul Williams
Collection: Book
Image of Saul Williams
I can't say that I always want to get out of bed, you know.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Bed
Image of Saul Williams
It's crazy when you see very little reflection between what's played on the radio and what people are talking about in the streets. It lets you know how far off we are from a real movement.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Crazy
Image of Saul Williams
I have a very family-like connection to hip-hop, which is why it frustrates me so much.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Hip Hop
Image of Saul Williams
I was fed by the music I listened to as a kid. Hip-hop fed me psychologically, spiritually, politically. I learned from that music.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Kids
Image of Saul Williams
I'm a very sensitive person at times. Not just to words that anybody says, but in relationships for example, the people that you open up to, you listen to, you hear - you know? So a lot of times, the key to some of my vulnerability is just through things, simple things - or critiques or whatever - or could be very simple things that are said.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Simple
Image of Saul Williams
I think we fool ourselves and really negate a great deal of history if we think that the oral history of poetry is shorter than the written history of poetry. It's not true. Poetry has a longer oral tradition than it does written
- Saul Williams
Collection: Thinking
Image of Saul Williams
Come, my love, we have oceans to sail.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Ocean
Image of Saul Williams
I keep trying to forget, but I must remember. And gather the scattered continents of a self, once whole. Before they plant flags and boundary my destiny. Push down the watered mountains that blemish this soiled soul before the valleys of my conscience get the best of me. I'll need a passport just to simply reach the rest of me. A vaccination for a lesser god's bleak history.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Destiny
Image of Saul Williams
I don't really believe in writer's block or anything like that. If I'm not feeling words, I may pick up an instrument and play with sounds or delve into different types of creativity and expression.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Block
Image of Saul Williams
The music aids the message, it's there to punctuate and abbreviate and shape the silence
- Saul Williams
Collection: Silence
Image of Saul Williams
Half of the popcorn sh-t that's out there, we know it's popcorn. But we're like, "It's my guilty pleasure." I feel like we have more guilty pleasure than actual f - kin' pleasure.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Popcorn
Image of Saul Williams
Сommercial hip-hop is not youth rebellion, not when the heroes of hip-hop like Puffy are taking pictures with Donald Trump and the heroes of capitalism - you know that's not rebellion. That's not "the street" - that's Wall Street.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Wall
Image of Saul Williams
Vulnerability is power.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Vulnerability
Image of Saul Williams
the greatest Americans have not been born yet they are waiting patiently for the past to die
- Saul Williams
Collection: Past
Image of Saul Williams
Music has always pushed ahead social movements and can do much more than just dumb down a populace.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Dumb
Image of Saul Williams
she kissed as if she, alone, could forge the signature of the sun
- Saul Williams
Collection: Signatures
Image of Saul Williams
i laced my shoes with sorrow and walked a weary road dead end streets don't come undone with double knots wing tipped shoes that walk on air through vacant lots
- Saul Williams
Collection: Air
Image of Saul Williams
I think that heartbreak is a good thing.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Thinking
Image of Saul Williams
Dying is something you have no control over. Why waste your life being afraid of it?
- Saul Williams
Collection: Death
Image of Saul Williams
I feel that people need to be jolted out of their comfort zones.
- Saul Williams
Collection: People
Image of Saul Williams
I think everybody on this planet does that - trying to capture your dream after you wake up.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Dream
Image of Saul Williams
I used to have weird practices in crowded used-book stores in New York where I'd go in and just stomp my foot and see what fell from the shelf. And of course, because it's an unexpected encounter, there's always some magic that comes from it.
- Saul Williams
Collection: New York
Image of Saul Williams
i am like a survivor of the flood walking through the streets drenched with God surprised that all of the drowned victims are still walking and talking
- Saul Williams
Collection: Talking
Image of Saul Williams
I have offered myself to the inkwell of the wordsmith that I might be shaped into new terms of being.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Might
Image of Saul Williams
They say that I am a poet I wonder what they would say if they saw me from the inside I bottle emotions and place them into the sea for others to unbottle on distant shores I am unsure as to whether they ever reach and for that matter as to whether I ever get my point across or my love
- Saul Williams
Collection: Sea
Image of Saul Williams
We cannot continually barricade ourselves under some falsified idea of race, because our idea of blackness and race is simply reactionary. Africans didnt walk around Africa being black and proud, they walked around proud.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Race
Image of Saul Williams
Fax me a fact and I'll telegram a hologram or telephone the son of man and tell him he is done. Leave a message on his answering machine telling him there are none. God and I are one. Times moon. Times star. Times sun. The factor is me. You remember me.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Stars
Image of Saul Williams
I'm usually trying to get back into the dream or analyzing the dream. And yeah, the days, most days begin like that.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Dream
Image of Saul Williams
I'm somewhat of an empath, I would say. I relate easily to ideas and stories, books, films, music. I'm moved by all of these things. Art in general. But not just art, you know?
- Saul Williams
Collection: Art
Image of Saul Williams
Art itself is underserved when we don't realize the power of it.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Art
Image of Saul Williams
You start to realize connections between experiences and things that push your buttons, and things that have touched you in those vulnerable areas and what-have-you. And they form a little collection over time - at least I do - and as time progresses and new things are learned, you kind of sift through those things until they're air or danceable, you know? But they start as this thing that's either too hard or too soft to dance to.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Air
Image of Saul Williams
You change the beat up, you might change the way people dance to the music. If you change the way they move, maybe they'll think about it differently.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Moving
Image of Saul Williams
If not then you must be trying to hear us and in such cases we cannot be heard. We remain in the darkness, unseen. In the center of unpeeled bananas, we exist. Uncolored by perception. Clothed to the naked eye. Five senses cannot sense the fact of our existence. And that's the only fact. In fact, there are no facts.
- Saul Williams
Collection: Eye
Image of Saul Williams
Jay Z and President Bush have a lot in common, that same brash confidence
- Saul Williams
Collection: President