Mira Grant

Image of Mira Grant
The difference between the truth and a lie is that both of them can hurt, but only one will take the time to heal you afterward.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Hurt
Image of Mira Grant
Be good. Be kind to each other. And if there's somebody you love, tell them. The world always needs more love.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Needs
Image of Mira Grant
My mother once told me that no women is naked when she comes equipped with a bad mood and a steady glare.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Mother
Image of Mira Grant
I guess in the end, it doesn’t matter what we wanted. What matters is what we chose to do with the things we had.
- Mira Grant
Collection: What Matters
Image of Mira Grant
Nobody cares if you're an idiot, as long as you're a useful one.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Long
Image of Mira Grant
The only thing we have in this world that is utterly and intrinsically ours is our integrity.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Integrity
Image of Mira Grant
Think about that for a moment. They died for you. Now take a good look at the life you're living and tell me: Did they do the right thing?
- Mira Grant
Collection: Thinking
Image of Mira Grant
Given a choice between life and death, choose life. Given a choice between right and wrong, choose what's right. And given a choice between a terrible truth and a beautiful lie, choose the truth every time.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Mira Grant
Blood is thicker than water, but family isn’t just about blood. Family is about faith, and loyalty, and who you love. If you don’t have those things, I don’t care what the blood says. You’re not family.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Mira Grant
...even saying good-bye isn’t enough. There’s always one more thing you should have had the time to say, or do, or ask. There’s always going to be that one missing piece.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Should Have
Image of Mira Grant
Follow the rules whenever possible. That makes it a lot more surprising when you break them.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Break
Image of Mira Grant
Crazy gets all the knives.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Crazy
Image of Mira Grant
And then everything was in the hands of gravity, which has never had much love for the terminally stupid.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Stupid
Image of Mira Grant
Librarianship is a form of heroism. It’s just not as flashy as swords and dragons.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Dragons
Image of Mira Grant
When Rome burned, the emperor's cats still expected to be fed on time.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Cat
Image of Mira Grant
Nothing is impossible to kill. It's just that sometimes after you kill something you have to keep shooting it until it stops moving
- Mira Grant
Collection: Moving
Image of Mira Grant
Dramatic exits are the last refuge of the infantile personality
- Mira Grant
Collection: Personality
Image of Mira Grant
Never tempt fate. It plays for keeps.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Fate
Image of Mira Grant
One man's gospel truth is another man's blasphemous lie. The dangerous thing about people is the way we'll try to kill anyone whose truth doesn't agree with ours.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Lying
Image of Mira Grant
We are a nation equally afraid of gathering together and being alone.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Together
Image of Mira Grant
Alive or dead, the truth won't rest. Rise up while you can.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Alive
Image of Mira Grant
I require something so horrifically alcoholic that it makes livers tremble with fear and run for their lives when its name is uttered.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Running
Image of Mira Grant
Just once, I want to meet the villain in a cheerful, brightly lit room. Possibly one with kittens.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Cheerful
Image of Mira Grant
Everyone thinks of them in terms of poisoned apples and glass coffins, and forgets that they represent girls who walked into dark forests and remade them into their own reflections.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Girl
Image of Mira Grant
You want to stay alive in a zombie swarm? You go alone or in a small group, where everyone is of similar physical condition and weapons training. You never stop, you never hesitate, and you never show any mercy for the people that would slow you down.That is what the military says we should do, and if I ever meet anybody who listens to that particular set of commands, I may shoot them myself just to improve the gene pool. When you can help people stay alive, you help them. We're all we've got.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Military
Image of Mira Grant
Since Dominic's been sleeping with me, the mice have been trying various labels on him, looking for one that fits. My personal favorite was the week they spent calling him "the God of Absolutely Never Smiling, No, Not Ever.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Sleep
Image of Mira Grant
Whoever authorized the evolution of the spiders of Australia should be summarily dragged out into the street and shot.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Australia
Image of Mira Grant
What happened?” she breathed, staring at me. “I got hit in the face with a pie,” I said. Mags stopped, blinking. “You got...hit in the face with a pie,” she repeated. “I...what? I’m sorry, but I’ve been in charge of this Library for a long time. I’ve seen a lot of really ridiculous things. I lived in Wales. And there is no way being hit with a pie should have turned you human.” “It was a really evil pie,” I said.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Sorry
Image of Mira Grant
Sorry...I got distracted listening to you and hot glued myself to my unicorn
- Mira Grant
Collection: Sorry
Image of Mira Grant
You are covered in blood," Tybalt said again, stressing the words harder this time. "It makes me tense." There was a thud as the guard hit the floor, and Tybalt returned to my side. "Wow. You must be tense a lot." He sighed. "You have no idea.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Stress
Image of Mira Grant
Mira Grant is actually my pseudonym. And Seanan is pronounced SHAWN-in.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Pseudonyms
Image of Mira Grant
You'd challenge me and lose. You know it, I know it, but you'd still do it. Sometimes your sense of honor confuses the hell out of me.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Challenges
Image of Mira Grant
Sometimes humanity is the reason we can't have nice things
- Mira Grant
Collection: Nice
Image of Mira Grant
No one wants to set out to be a hero, and discover that they've been a villain all along.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Life
Image of Mira Grant
It's not hard to marginalize people when they've already done it to themselves.
- Mira Grant
Collection: People
Image of Mira Grant
There is nothing truer in this world than the love of a good dog.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Dog
Image of Mira Grant
Things it is not polite to discuss at the dinner table: politics, religion, and the walking dead.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Walking Dead
Image of Mira Grant
If anything attacked us, we could just panic at it until it went away.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Panic
Image of Mira Grant
Now I'm a God, but tomorrow, when you have to stop me from playing with dead things again, you'll be right back to calling me an idiot, won't you?
- Mira Grant
Collection: Calling
Image of Mira Grant
Don't think she can breathe over there, chief." drawled Shaun. "Pretty sure she hasn't kicked the oxygen habit yet.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Thinking
Image of Mira Grant
If we didn't fear the truths we didn't hear, we'd lose the need to fear the ones we did.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Needs
Image of Mira Grant
His idea of traffic safety is going too fast for the cops to catch up.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Ideas
Image of Mira Grant
Never steal another reporter's story; never take the last of another reporter's ammo; never mess with another reporter's computer. Those are the rules, unless you work for a tabloid, where they replace "never" with "always".
- Mira Grant
Collection: Stories
Image of Mira Grant
Nothing says "deeply in mourning" like canapés and free beer.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Beer
Image of Mira Grant
You can't win. Logic has no power over her when her territory has been invaded by heathens.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Winning
Image of Mira Grant
I was still wearing my shoes. The staff was paid to wash the sheets after every visit, and by the point we left the field, I’d dressed and undressed so many times in the course of decontamination that I never wanted to remove my clothes again. I’d just wear them until they dissolved, and then spend the rest of my life naked.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Shoes
Image of Mira Grant
I am, in fact, immortal when annoyed.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Annoyed
Image of Mira Grant
Remember how pissed you got when we had to do all that reading about the Rising back in sixth grade? I thought you were going to get us both expelled. You said the only way things could've gotten as bad as they did was if people were willing to take the first easy answer they could find and cling to it, rather than doing anything as complicated as actually thinking.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Reading
Image of Mira Grant
Sometimes in the news, "luck" is just a matter of "capitalizing on someone else's pain.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Pain
Image of Mira Grant
Shaun get your sister her glasses. She looks naked without them. It's creeping me out.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Glasses