Mira Grant

Image of Mira Grant
You know, addressing my crazy by name doesn’t exactly help me stay sane,” I said. “Nothing can help you stay sane at this point, Mason,” said Becks. “That ship has sailed.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Crazy
Image of Mira Grant
Some people say I have issues. I say those people need to expand their horizons because I don't have issues, I have the Library of Congress
- Mira Grant
Collection: Issues
Image of Mira Grant
The one thing I have absolute faith in is mankind's capacity to make things worse. No matter how bad it gets, we're all happy to screw each other over. It's enough to make me wonder if we should have let the zombies win.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Winning
Image of Mira Grant
Well, that’s that, then. We’re all going to die. Charming.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Charming
Image of Mira Grant
That's Becks. Always ready to offer a helping headshot.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Helping
Image of Mira Grant
Remember what I said about the mosquitoes?" "Which part" asked Maggie. "The scary part, the really scary part, the legitimately terrifying part, or the part that makes suicide sound like an awesome way to spend the evening?
- Mira Grant
Collection: Suicide
Image of Mira Grant
I honestly have no idea what's going on anymore. I just need to find something I can hit. (Shaun Mason)
- Mira Grant
Collection: Ideas
Image of Mira Grant
Mother Nature is a freaky lady who probably created pot so she could spend all her time smoking it.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Mother
Image of Mira Grant
At least you know that you're crazy. That means you have the potential to recover.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Crazy
Image of Mira Grant
There weren’t any fairy tales in the streets around me. If there was ever a Cinderella, her glass slippers shattered under her weight and she limped home bleeding from the ball.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Home
Image of Mira Grant
...If there’s a God, there are plenty of people who know where he is.” I shrugged, still watching the sky. ... “I just want to know that he’s there, so that I can die knowing there’s going to be someone I can punch in the mouth on the other end.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Sky
Image of Mira Grant
That’s the trouble with being scared all the time. Eventually, people just go numb.
- Mira Grant
Collection: People
Image of Mira Grant
There was no warning before the outbreaks began. One day, things were normal; the next, people who were supposedly dead were getting up and attacking anything that came into range. This was upsetting for everyone involved, except for the infected, who were past being upset about that sort of thing.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Past
Image of Mira Grant
There comes a point when you need to get over the fear and get on with your life, and a lot of people don’t seem to be capable of that anymore. From blood tests to gated communities, we have embraced the cult of fear, and now we don’t seem to know how to put it back where it belongs.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Blood
Image of Mira Grant
Past experience told me he could smell my fear; it also told me that the anger accompanying it would pretty much cover the scent. It's good to know how to compensate for your own weaknesses.​
- Mira Grant
Collection: Past
Image of Mira Grant
Rose goblins are built like porcupines - if you rub them the right way, you don't have to worry about the spines. They're sort of like people in that regard, too.​
- Mira Grant
Collection: People
Image of Mira Grant
That,' he said, with almost religious fever, 'was the coolest thing you have ever done. In fact, that may have been the coolest thing you ever will do. Your entire existence has been moving toward one shining moment, George, and that was the moment when you thought, 'Hey, why don't I just go over the zombies?
- Mira Grant
Collection: Religious
Image of Mira Grant
Didn't we talk about this?" "HAIL!" "That isn't an answer." I planted my hands on my hips. "Was there a reason for shoving the gummy bears off the counter? Did they tell you they were suicidal? On second thought," I raised a hand, palm out, "don't answer that. If the candy is talking, I don't want to know.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Suicidal
Image of Mira Grant
Do we have to have the 'don't lie to the telepath' talk again? It won't take long. I say 'don't lie to the telepath, it never works,' you glare at me, and then you go find something you can hit.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Lying
Image of Mira Grant
I really don’t think you should put your hand inside the manticore, dear. You don’t know where it’s been.” –Enid Healy
- Mira Grant
Collection: Thinking
Image of Mira Grant
Some lines were never meant to be crossed, however good your cause may seem.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Lines
Image of Mira Grant
Last guy I was interested in turned out to be an incestuous necrophiliac," she said. "So no, not currently dating, and definitely not doing any more shopping in the 'sociopath' category
- Mira Grant
Collection: Shopping
Image of Mira Grant
He's going to be okay," said Quentin. "He has to. He's Tybalt. You'd be all weird and irritating if he wasn't around." "Weird and irritating?" I raised an eyebrow. "What gives you that idea?" Quentin shrugged. "That's already how you get when he isn't around.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Eyebrows
Image of Mira Grant
My dear October, we are bound by an enchanted rose made from the hair of a Duchess, and my blood is covering your hand. You can learn anything you wish to know about me merely by licking you fingers." Tybalt laughed a little. "Yes, you may ask me a question.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Hair
Image of Mira Grant
April frowned, irritation evident. “I did not consent to your presence,” she said peevishly. “Please depart, and attempt your political assassination on someone else’s property.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Irritation
Image of Mira Grant
It’s not that Etienne dislikes Tybalt. Etienne just dislikes chaos, and Tybalt causes almost as much commotion as I do. Sometimes more, when he really sets his mind to it, although my chaos is a little more destructive, if I do say so myself.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Mind
Image of Mira Grant
Being a King sort of sucks," I said. Quentin wrinkled his nose, "So does your outfit." "Blood is in this season.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Kings
Image of Mira Grant
How did you find me anyway." "For all that I must keep reminding you that I am not a bloodhound, it's true that on occasion, having a sensitive nose is a useful thing. I followed the smell of you." Tybalt sighed, looking exaggeratedly put-upon. "If you must be ferried back to your people, I suppose I can oblige. But only because you asked me so very nicely, and promised me a kiss.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Kissing
Image of Mira Grant
He said that he was sure you would be amendable to this course of action." April paused, eyes widening, before she said indignantly, "I believe he may have lied to me!
- Mira Grant
Collection: Believe
Image of Mira Grant
Children's games are stronger than you remember once you've grown up and left them behind. They're always fair, and never kind.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Children
Image of Mira Grant
This is Shaun Mason activating security protocol Campbell. The bridge is out, the trees are coming, and I’m pretty sure my hand is evil. Now gimme some sugar, baby.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Baby
Image of Mira Grant
Protecting the human race should really come with a per diem, I swear.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Race
Image of Mira Grant
Life as the chosen religious figure for a colony of cryptid mice can be a lot of things, but it's definitely never boring.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Religious
Image of Mira Grant
By the time Buffy finished its Bay Area theatrical run - including a two-month stint at the dollar theater - I had seen the movie well over three dozen times. I was in love.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Running
Image of Mira Grant
There is a list of things Im not allowed to discuss at the dinner table! I am extraordinarily passionate about the Black Death, which is not something most people are into.
- Mira Grant
Collection: People
Image of Mira Grant
It felt odd to be laughing during a firefight. Then again, if you can't laugh when you're about to die, when can you?
- Mira Grant
Collection: Laughing
Image of Mira Grant
Fooling laymen with science is sometimes so easy it should be criminal.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Criminals
Image of Mira Grant
Besides, killing all the humans will totally trash the cable schedule, and there are some shows I'm really excited to have back on the air.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Air
Image of Mira Grant
The world is out of order. It's been broken since you came.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Order
Image of Mira Grant
If anything, global response to the Rising only confirmed something that many Australians had quietly believed for quite some time: If forced to live in Australia for a year, most of the world's population would simply curl up in a fetal ball and die of terror.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Years
Image of Mira Grant
Running around in the grass near an unsecured structure and a bunch of trees is a good way of taking yourself out of the gene pool.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Running
Image of Mira Grant
No one should be posing for duck-lipped selfies with the plaque of the dead. That wouldn't be right.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Ducks
Image of Mira Grant
If you want to go foraging into the wilds of Canada without proper gear, you deserve what you get, even if that happens to include being attacked by an undead moose.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Moose
Image of Mira Grant
We are in the middle of what looks increasingly like the zombie apocalypse. Moaning people don't need help. Moaning people are intending to eat us.
- Mira Grant
Collection: People
Image of Mira Grant
I've done tangos with men who thought my ass was a squeaky toy.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Men
Image of Mira Grant
When you're late in a fairy tale, people wind up dead. And not true-love's-kiss, glass-coffin-nap-time dead. Really dead, the kind of dead you don't recover from.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Kissing
Image of Mira Grant
Any man who doesn't believe in carrying weapons on a first date is not a man worth knowing.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Believe
Image of Mira Grant
Nothing lasts forever. That's the tragedy and the miracle of existence - that everything is impermanent. Everything changes. All we can do is make the best of the time we have. And go down shooting, naturally.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Miracle
Image of Mira Grant
I’m also fascinated by the difference between terror and fear. Fear says, “Do not actually put your hand in the alligator,” while terror says, “Avoid Florida entirely because alligators exist.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Florida