Top loyalty Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of loyalty quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Hugo Black
Words uttered under coercion are proof of loyalty to nothing but self-interest. Love of country must spring from willing hearts and free minds.
- Hugo Black
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Richard E. Byrd
At the end only two things really matter to a man, regardless of who he is; and they are the affection and understanding of his family. Anything and everything else he creates are insubstantial; they are ships given over to the mercy of the winds and tides of prejudice. but the family is an everlasting anchorage, a quiet harbor where a man's ships can be left to swing to the moorings of pride and loyalty.
- Richard E. Byrd
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Robert J. Shiller
Liberalism downplays certain of our moral senses: loyalty, authority, and sanctity.
- Robert J. Shiller
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Gene Hill
When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive. When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile. When I am happy, he is joy unbounded. When I am a fool, he ignores it. When I succeed, he brags. Without him, I am only another man. With him, I am all-powerful. He is loyalty itself.
- Gene Hill
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Pierre Trudeau
We must now establish the basic principles, the basic values and beliefs which hold us together as Canadians so that beyond our regional loyalties there is a way of life and a system of values which make us proud of the country that has given us such freedom and such immeasurable joy.
- Pierre Trudeau
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Patrick Carman
It occurred to me then that it was in times of struggle that I found the best parts of myself - courage, loyalty, an unexpected peace - and I always discovered what I needed to break through and go on.
- Patrick Carman
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Timothy B. Tyson
It appeared clear to me - partly because of the lies that filled my history textbooks - that the intent of formal education was to inculcate obedience to a social order that did not deserve my loyalty. Defiance seemed the only dignified response to the adult world.
- Timothy B. Tyson
Collection: Loyalty
Image of David Lee Roth
Women are great. When they dig you, there's nothing they won't do. That kind of loyalty is hard to find - unless you've got a good dog.
- David Lee Roth
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Peggy Noonan
Loyalty consists of many things, including being truthful with our friends. When you really disagree, you have to say so.
- Peggy Noonan
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Courage and kindness, loyalty, truth, and helpfulness are always the same and always needed.
- Laura Ingalls Wilder
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Patrick O'Brian
...I have had such a sickening of men in masses, and of causes, that I would not cross this room to reform parliament or prevent the union or to bring about the millennium. I speak only for myself, mind - it is my own truth alone - but man as part of a movement or a crowd is indifferent to me. He is inhuman. And I have nothing to do with nations, or nationalism. The only feelings I have - for what they are - are for men as individuals; my loyalties, such as they may be, are to private persons alone.
- Patrick O'Brian
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Jacqueline Carey
We are all these things [...]. Pride, desire, compassion, cleverness, belligerence, fruitfulness, loyalty...and guilt. But above it all stands love. And if we desire to be more than human, that is the star by which we must set our sights.
- Jacqueline Carey
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Julius Evola
The substance of every true and stable political organism is something resembling an Order, a Männerbünd in charge of the principle of the imperium, comprising men who see loyalty as the basis of their honor.
- Julius Evola
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Mira Grant
Blood is thicker than water, but family isn’t just about blood. Family is about faith, and loyalty, and who you love. If you don’t have those things, I don’t care what the blood says. You’re not family.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Colin Powell
When we are debating an issue, loyalty means giving me your honest opinion, whether you think I'll like it or not. Disagreement, at this state, stimulates me. But once a decision is made, the debate ends. From that point on, loyalty means executing the decision as if it were your own.
- Colin Powell
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Vandana Shiva
I think the American people should see that the corporations abandoned them long ago. That people will have to build their own economies and rebuild democracy as a living democracy. The corporations belong to no land, no country, no people. They have no loyalty to anything apart from the base-line - their profits. And the profits today are on an unimaginable scale; it has become illegitimate, criminal profit - profits extracted at the cost of life.
- Vandana Shiva
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Ayelet Waldman
Perhaps my children will one day pledge their loyalty to the Republican Party. Or perhaps they'll dismiss my liberalism as mild pap, and become anarchists. Either way may well be a reaction to my manipulation, my values. We are all the product of the indoctrination we received at the hands of our parents, even when we are repudiating that ideology.
- Ayelet Waldman
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Jun Mochizuki
Let me give you a word of advice. A loyalty that holds fast will become a blade, and will some day pierce those you hold dear. Open both eyes wide. That is, if you… don’t want to end up like me.
- Jun Mochizuki
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Stanley Hauerwas
Whenever a people are bound together in loyalty to a story that includes something as strange as the Sermon on the Mount, we are put at odds with the world.
- Stanley Hauerwas
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Gail Caldwell
That she was irreplaceable became a bittersweet loyalty: Her death was what I had now instead of her.
- Gail Caldwell
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Stanley Bing
What about passion, dedication, loyalty? Can a robot provide those? No! On the other hand, it's easier to retire a robot when its day is done.
- Stanley Bing
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Carl Schurz
We have come to a point where it is loyalty to resist, and treason to submit.
- Carl Schurz
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Laurence Tribe
The only way the avoid a constitution crisis, and I'm not saying we're there yet, is to reassure the public that the person leading the government is someone who has loyalties other than to himself, not loyalties to the foreign governments that helped him financially.
- Laurence Tribe
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Henry Jenkins
If old consumers were assumed to be passive, then new consumers are active. If old consumers were predictable and stayed where you told them, then new consumers are migratory, showing a declining loyalty to networks or media. If old consumers were isolated individuals, then new consumers are more socially connected. If the work of media consumers was once silent and invisible, then new consumers are now noisy and public.
- Henry Jenkins
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Simone Elkeles
One of the things that makes me who I am is the loyalty I have to people I hold close to my heart.
- Simone Elkeles
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Nas
My success symbolizes loyalty, great friends, Dedication, hard work, routine builds character. In a world full of snakes, rats and scavengers
- Nas
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Jose Rizal
It is enough for the evil people to succeed, for the good people to do nothing.
- Jose Rizal
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Megan Whalen Turner
No," he said. "Relius was right and I was wrong. You are My Queen. Even though you cut my head from my shoulders, with my last breath as a noose tightens, to the last beat of my heart if I hang from the walls of the palace, you are My Queen. That I have failed you does not change my love for you or my loyalty.
- Megan Whalen Turner
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Nalini Singh
Love is the greatest form of loyalty, one that places happiness of the beloved over the lover.
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Wilson Rawls
Men," said Mr. Kyle, "people have been trying to understand dogs ever since the beginning of time. One never knows what they'll do. You can read every day where a dog saved the life of a drowning child, or lay down his life for his master. Some people call this loyalty. I don't. I may be wrong, but I call it love--the deepest kind of love.
- Wilson Rawls
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Margaret Heffernan
Companies don't have ideas. Only people do. And what motivates people are the bonds of loyalty and trust they develop around each other.
- Margaret Heffernan
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Vladimir Putin
It's better to be hanged for loyalty than be rewarded for betrayal.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Wilferd Peterson
When we become more fully aware that our success is due in large measure to the loyalty, helpfulness, and encouragement we have received from others, our desire grows to pass on similar gifts. Gratitude spurs us on to prove ourselves worthy of what others have done for us. The spirit of gratitude is a powerful energizer.
- Wilferd Peterson
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Harold Nicolson
These, then, are the qualities of my ideal diplomatist. Truth, accuracy, calm, patience, good temper, modesty and loyalty. They are also the qualities of an ideal diplomacy. But, the reader may object, you have forgotten intelligence, knowledge, discernment, prudence, hospitality, charm, industry, courage and even tact. I have not forgotten them. I have taken them for granted.
- Harold Nicolson
Collection: Loyalty
Image of John Mortimer
Loyalty to the school to which your parents pay to send you seemed to me like feeling loyalty to Selfridges.
- John Mortimer
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Livia Bitton-Jackson
My stories are of gas chambers, shootings, electrified fences, torture, scorching sun, mental abuse, and constant threat of death. But they are also stories of faith, hope, triumph, and love. They are stories of perseverance, loyalty, courage in the face of overwhelming odds, and of never giving up!
- Livia Bitton-Jackson
Collection: Loyalty
Image of R. A. Salvatore
But what of faith? What of fidelity and loyalty? Complete trust? Faith is not granted by tangible proof. It comes from the heart and the soul. If a person needs proof of god's existence, then the very notion of spirituality is diminished into sensuality and we have reduced what is holy into what is logical.-Drizzt Do'urden
- R. A. Salvatore
Collection: Loyalty
Image of David Benioff
I have never been much of a patriot. My father would not have allowed such a thing while he lived, and his death insured that his wish was carried out. Piter commanded far more affection and loyalty from me than the nation as a whole. But that night, running across the unplowed fields of winter wheat, with the Fascist invaders behind us and the dark Russian woods before us, I felt a surge of pure love for my country. We ran for the forest, crashing through the stalks of wheat, beneath the rising moon and the stars spinning farther and farther away, alone beneath the godless sky.
- David Benioff
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Lester B. Pearson
Under this flag may our youth find new inspiration for loyalty to Canada; for a patriotism based not on any mean or narrow nationalism, but on the deep and equal pride that all Canadians will feel for every part of this good land.
- Lester B. Pearson
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Eugene B. Sledge
War is brutish, inglorious, and a terrible waste... The only redeeming factors were my comrades' incredible bravery and their devotion to each other. Marine Corps training taught us to kill efficiently and to try to survive. But it also taught us loyalty to each other - and love. That espirit de corps sustained us.
- Eugene B. Sledge
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Dan Simmons
In the end--when all else is dust--loyalty to those we love is all we can carry with us to the grave. Faith--true faith--was trusting in that love.
- Dan Simmons
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Martha Stout
The sociopath wants the person to be easily enough fooled to stick with him. This can be accomplished by looking for someone who is very, very loyal. Most of us consider loyalty to be a very positive trait - and it is a positive trait. But it also blinds people to some of the traits of the person they're loyal to.
- Martha Stout
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Jennifer Haigh
It was a lesson most people learned much earlier; that even friendship could have an undisclosed shelf life. That loyalty and affection, so consuming and powerful, could dissipate like fog.
- Jennifer Haigh
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Hans Selye
Leaders are leaders only as long as they have the respect and loyalty of their followers.
- Hans Selye
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Roger Scruton
In place of the old beliefs of a civilization based on godliness, judgment and historical loyalty, young people are given the new beliefs of a society based on equality and inclusion, and are told that the judgment of other lifestyles is a crime. ... The "non-judgmental" attitude towards other cultures goes hand-in-hand with a fierce denunciation of the culture that might have been one's own
- Roger Scruton
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Jim Carroll
On a whim, he stopped and bought a watch from a sidewalk vendor. Normally, Billy could not abide keeping time, especially when it was attached to one’s body. Time was like a relentlessly needy lapdog one had to haul around. It barked too much and had no sense of loyalty.
- Jim Carroll
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Joseph Rotblat
Technology is driving us together. In many ways we are becoming like one family. With the global threats resulting from science and technology, the whole of humankind now needs protection. We have to extend our loyalty to the whole of the human race.
- Joseph Rotblat
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Joseph Rotblat
Whatever system of governance is eventually adopted, it is important that it carries the people with it. We need to convey the message that safeguarding our common property, humankind, will require developing in each of us a new loyalty: a loyalty to mankind. It calls for the nurturing of a feeling of belonging to the human race. We have to become world citizens.
- Joseph Rotblat
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Zygmunt Bauman
Ideally, nothing should be embraced by a consumer firmly, nothing should command a commitment till death do us part, no needs should be seen as fully satisfied, no desires considered ultimate. There ought to be a proviso 'until further notice' attached to any oath of loyalty and any commitment. It is but the volatility, the in-built temporality of all engagements that truly counts; it counts more than the commitment itself, which is anyway not allowed to outlast the time necessary for consuming the object of desire (or, rather, the time sufficient for the desirability of that object to wane).
- Zygmunt Bauman
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Richard Wright
Love grows from stable relationships, shared experience, loyalty, devotion, trust.
- Richard Wright
Collection: Loyalty