Top Personality Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Personality quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Alexander Woollcott
There's absolutely nothing wrong with Oscar Levant that a miracle can't fix.
- Alexander Woollcott
Collection: Personality
Image of Julius Evola
To all organic conceptions of life Americans oppose a mechanistic conception. In a society which has 'started from scratch', everything has the characteristic of being fabricated. In American society appearances are masks, not faces. At the same time, proponents of the American way of life are hostile to personality.
- Julius Evola
Collection: Personality
Image of Mira Grant
Dramatic exits are the last refuge of the infantile personality
- Mira Grant
Collection: Personality
Image of Jacquelyn Mitchard
Friendship for me is made from a tapestry of personalities, each of whom shares a part of all I care about.
- Jacquelyn Mitchard
Collection: Personality
Image of Sebastian Horsley
It's better to be quotable than honest, I don't speak, I quote. I am a fraud. I have cobbled together my personality from hundreds of little bits. I am simultaneously the most genuine and the most artificial person you will ever meet.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Personality
Image of William Peter Blatty
We use concepts like "consciousness"---"mind"---"personality," but we don't really know yet what these things are.' He was shaking his head. 'Not really. Not at all.
- William Peter Blatty
Collection: Personality
Image of Prince
I ain't got no money - But I'm rich on personality
- Prince
Collection: Personality
Image of Alan Sugar
Effective leadership is about earning respect, and it's also about personality and charisma
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Personality
Image of Anneli Rufus
The whole world is a personality cult.
- Anneli Rufus
Collection: Personality
Image of Marianne Moore
Your thorns are the best part of you.
- Marianne Moore
Collection: Personality
Image of Beatrix Potter
I hold that a strongly marked personality can influence descendants for generations.
- Beatrix Potter
Collection: Personality
Image of Jane Welsh Carlyle
I am not at all the sort of person you and I took me for.
- Jane Welsh Carlyle
Collection: Personality
Image of Jonathan Stroud
What was it that drew you back? My marvellous personality, I suppose? Or my sparkling conversation?
- Jonathan Stroud
Collection: Personality
Image of Diego Boneta
Every project is different. When I'm working on my albums, I've worked with different producers and they've all had different personalities. The recording studio sets the vibe, and that changes as well.
- Diego Boneta
Collection: Personality
Image of Zachary Quinto
I was definitely an extroverted personality at a young age and theater was an outlet for me to channel that energy.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Personality
Image of Booth Tarkington
Whatever does not pretend at all has style enough.
- Booth Tarkington
Collection: Personality
Image of Selma Lagerlöf
He who is sorrowful can force himself to smile, but he who is glad cannot weep.
- Selma Lagerlöf
Collection: Personality
Image of Arnold Newman
It seems to me that no one picture can ever be a final summation of a personality. There are so many facets in every human being that it is impossible to present them all in one photograph.
- Arnold Newman
Collection: Personality
Image of Dion Fortune
There is a life behind the personality that uses personalities as masks. There are times when life puts off the mask and deep answers unto deep.
- Dion Fortune
Collection: Personality
Image of Jesse Ball
…There are times when something is asked of us, and we find we must do it. There is no calculation involved, no measure of the necessity of the thing itself, the action that must be performed. There is simply an acknowledgment that we will do the thing in question, and then the thing is done, often at considerable personal cost. " "What goes into these decisions? What tiny factors, invisible, in the jutting edges of personality and circumstance, contribute to this inevitability?
- Jesse Ball
Collection: Personality
Image of Samael Aun Weor
We need to transmute the lead of personality into the gold of the Spirit. This work is only possible in the laboratory of the Alchemist.
- Samael Aun Weor
Collection: Personality
Image of Morgan Llywelyn
If you would have peace, genuine peace, you must accept all the aspects of your personality and learn to be comfortable with them.
- Morgan Llywelyn
Collection: Personality
Image of Richard M. Nixon
The Jews are just a very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious personality.
- Richard M. Nixon
Collection: Personality
Image of Novala Takemoto
I have a, shall we say, morbid personality.
- Novala Takemoto
Collection: Personality
Image of Charlie Brooker
My theory is that we used to have several personalities, and now we're encouraged to have one online.
- Charlie Brooker
Collection: Personality
Image of Theodor Adorno
Intolerance of ambiguity is the mark of an authoritarian personality.
- Theodor Adorno
Collection: Personality
Image of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Meditation is the sharp tool to dig out the great treasure hidden within everybody's inner personality.
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Collection: Personality
Image of Beatrice Sparks
They have accepted me as an individual, as a personality, as an entity. I belong! I am important! I am somebody!
- Beatrice Sparks
Collection: Personality
Image of A. B. Yehoshua
Since ideology is part of the human personality, it deserves a place in the kingdom of eternal truths.
- A. B. Yehoshua
Collection: Personality
Image of Sheldon B. Kopp
Everything good is costly, and the development of the personality is one of the most costly of all things. It will cost you your innocence, your illusions, your certainty. (10)
- Sheldon B. Kopp
Collection: Personality
Image of Randolph Bourne
A cultivation of the powers of one's personality is one of the greatest needs of life.
- Randolph Bourne
Collection: Personality
Image of Robert Bly
Every part of our personality that we do not love will become hostile to us.
- Robert Bly
Collection: Personality
Image of Maggie O'Farrell
As other authors have realized, heat can have a strange effect on us, can cause odd chemical reactions in the brain. Heat can bring out secrets; it can change people's personalities.
- Maggie O'Farrell
Collection: Personality
Image of Burton Silverman
Alas, it is just a single image - an extended moment perhaps. Unlike a biography, a portrait cannot present the many differing moments that make up a personality.
- Burton Silverman
Collection: Personality
Image of Wilhelm Steinitz
I am fully and entirely concentrated on the board. I never even consider my opponent's personality. So far as I am concerned, my opponent might as well be an abstraction or an automaton.
- Wilhelm Steinitz
Collection: Personality
Image of Willie Sutton
You can't rob a bank on charm and personality.
- Willie Sutton
Collection: Personality
Image of Eli Siegel
Concealment is equated, unknowingly to ourselves, with individuality; the more we conceal the more it seems we are asserting our very personality, resisting a somewhat repellent, unwelcome intrusion of other things into ourselves.
- Eli Siegel
Collection: Personality
Image of Jan Morris
the personality of St. John's, Newfoundland, hits you like a smack in the face with a dried cod, enthusiastically administered by its citizenry.
- Jan Morris
Collection: Personality
Image of Kate Bush
The only person with you all your life is you. Your parents die. Things inside you die — illusions, gushes of personality. Only you can sort yourself out. Yourself may not be all you need, but it’s all you’ve got.
- Kate Bush
Collection: Personality
Image of Natalia Makarova
Usually, English personalities are difficult; they dont take criticism easily.
- Natalia Makarova
Collection: Personality
Image of Tia Carrere
When I first met my agent, I said, "If something comes up and it fits my age range and personality, I would like you to send me up for it, even if it specifies blonde or brunette."
- Tia Carrere
Collection: Personality
Image of Jay Chiat
I'm uncomfortable when I'm comfortable ... I can't help it, it's my personality.
- Jay Chiat
Collection: Personality
Image of John Wimber
Worship is not about personality, temperament, personal limitations, church background, or comfort. It is about God.
- John Wimber
Collection: Personality
Image of Candace Cameron
There will never be another woman who owns the look, the personality, and the experience that you do. Those ingredients make up the recipe that defines who you are, and it's your gift from the Lord - own it.
- Candace Cameron
Collection: Personality
Image of Chester Himes
There is an indomitable quality within the human spirit that cannot be destroyed; a face deep within the human personality that is impregnable to all assaults.
- Chester Himes
Collection: Personality
Image of Georgette Leblanc
a personality devoted uniquely to its own development absorbs other lives.
- Georgette Leblanc
Collection: Personality
Image of Jean Klein
To identify yourself with your personality is more or less a reflex. You must see, when the reflex comes up, that it is a kind of feeling of insecurity; you are looking for a hold.
- Jean Klein
Collection: Personality
Image of Julian Clary
Rodents can come across as being quite vacant in the personality stakes
- Julian Clary
Collection: Personality
Image of Mary Augusta Ward
Is there any other slavery and chain like that of temperament?
- Mary Augusta Ward
Collection: Personality
Image of Susan Cain
Extroversion is an enormously appealing personality style, but we've turned it into an oppressive standard to which most of us feel we must conform.
- Susan Cain
Collection: Personality