Top fate Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of fate quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Ashwin Sanghi
Winning an award is a great feeling but winning the Vodafone Crossword Popular Choice Award is particularly exhilarating because it is based upon public voting. I find it a strange quirk of fate that Chanakya's Chant, a political tale, should end up winning an election!
- Ashwin Sanghi
Collection: Fate
Image of Vikram Seth
Don't put things off till it's too late. You are the DJ of your fate.
- Vikram Seth
Collection: Fate
Image of Elizabeth Smart
Life is a journey for us all. We all face trials. We all have ups and downs. All of us are human. But we are also the masters of our fate. We are the ones who decide how we are going to react to life.
- Elizabeth Smart
Collection: Fate
Image of Rafael Sabatini
Open the history of the past at whatsoever page you will and there you shall find coincidence at work bringing about events that the merest chance might have averted. Indeed, coincidence may be defined as the tool used by Fate to shape the destinies of men and nations.
- Rafael Sabatini
Collection: Fate
Image of Arthur W. Pink
Nothing in all the vast universe can come to pass otherwise than God has eternally purposed. Here is a foundation of faith. Here is a resting place for the intellect. Here is an anchor for the soul, both sure and steadfast. It is not blind fate, unbridled evil, man or Devil, but the Lord Almighty who is ruling the world, ruling it according to His own good pleasure and for His own eternal glory.
- Arthur W. Pink
Collection: Fate
Image of Joseph Bruchac
Do we make ourselves into what we become or is it built into our genes, into the fate spun for us by whatever shapes events?
- Joseph Bruchac
Collection: Fate
Image of Bobby Sands
Generations will continue to meet the same fate unless the perennial oppressor-Britain-is removed, for she will unashamedly and mercilessly continue to maintain her occupation and economic exploitation of Ireland to judgment day, if she is not halted and ejected.
- Bobby Sands
Collection: Fate
Image of Margaret George
It is only when our fate hangs in the balance, when our very life depends on something, that we see whether or not we trust that the rope to which we are clinging will support us. If we do not, then we let of of the ledge and swing on it with our full weight.
- Margaret George
Collection: Fate
Image of Peter L. Berger
Capitalism has been one of the most dynamic forces in human history, transforming one society after another, and today it has become established as an international system determining the economic fate of most of mankind.
- Peter L. Berger
Collection: Fate
Image of Christina Dodd
Fate Marches on, demanding we find our destinies
- Christina Dodd
Collection: Fate
Image of Malcolm Bradbury
But you are involved in the world, and your actions have consequences for other people, and if you don't recognize that, then that's the supreme kind of cruelty. Everyone shares someone else's fate to some extent.
- Malcolm Bradbury
Collection: Fate
Image of Deanna Raybourn
Fate is by far the greatest mystery of all.
- Deanna Raybourn
Collection: Fate
Image of Henry Miller
To be silent the whole day long, see no newspaper, hear no radio, listen to no gossip, be thoroughly and completely lazy, thoroughly and completely indifferent to the fate of the world is the finest medicine a man can give himself.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Fate
Image of Karen Hawkins
I've never found it helpful to treat fate with a gentle hand. Everytime I've stroked, hopin' fer a favor, she's slapped me hand and laughed at me. If ye want something, take fate by the throat and shake it out o' her.
- Karen Hawkins
Collection: Fate
Image of Helen DeWitt
There are people who think death a fate worse than boredom.
- Helen DeWitt
Collection: Fate
Image of Mira Grant
Never tempt fate. It plays for keeps.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Fate
Image of Sena Jeter Naslund
But I marry myself. I take my fate as within.
- Sena Jeter Naslund
Collection: Fate
Image of Lisa See
I wonder if there was anything I would have done differently. I hope I would have done everything differently, except I know everything would have turned out the same. That's the meaning of fate.
- Lisa See
Collection: Fate
Image of Meghan O'Rourke
We have an idea - a very modern idea - that dying is undignified. But I think this is because we have the illusion that we can control our bodies and our fates.
- Meghan O'Rourke
Collection: Fate
Image of P. L. Travers
Once we have accepted the story we cannot escape the story's fate.
- P. L. Travers
Collection: Fate
Image of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
The fate of a nation depends on the way that they eat.
- Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Collection: Fate
Image of Zhang Ziyi
A movie has its own fate, which often doesn’t depend on the performances of the director and actors.
- Zhang Ziyi
Collection: Fate
Image of H. G. Wells
Losing your way on a journey is unfortunate. But, losing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel.
- H. G. Wells
Collection: Fate
Image of Karen Rose
Fate is the opportunity. Choice is what you do with it.
- Karen Rose
Collection: Fate
Image of Charles Bradlaugh
Will any one, save the most bigoted, contend, that it is not certain gain to humanity to spread unbelief in the terrible doctrine that eternal torment is the probable fate of the great majority of the human family?
- Charles Bradlaugh
Collection: Fate
Image of Blair Underwood
Its really a luck of the draw or fate or destiny, whatever you want to call it, but you dont know if youre going to resonate with people or not.
- Blair Underwood
Collection: Fate
Image of Mark Kurlansky
Fate likes to tease paranoids.'
- Mark Kurlansky
Collection: Fate
Image of Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Sacrifice of live, sacrifice for love. Fate is gentle and harsh; she gives and she takes.
- Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Collection: Fate
Image of Algernon Charles Swinburne
Fate is a sea without a shore, and the soul is a rock that abides.
- Algernon Charles Swinburne
Collection: Fate
Image of Simon Pegg
We might not know we are seeking people who best enrich our lives, but somehow on a deep subconscious level we absolutely are. Whether the bond is temporary or permanent, whether it succeeds or fails, fate is simply a configuration of choices that combine with others to shape the relationships that surround us. We cannot choose our family, but we can choose our friends, and we sometimes, before we even meet them.
- Simon Pegg
Collection: Fate
Image of Simone de Beauvoir
One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman. No biological, psychological, or economic fate determines the figure that the human female presents in society; it is civilization as a whole that produces this creature, intermediate between male and eunuch, which is described as feminine.
- Simone de Beauvoir
Collection: Fate
Image of Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Capital dictates the fate of humanity.
- Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Collection: Fate
Image of Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
I will always buy extra yarn. I will not try to tempt fate.
- Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Collection: Fate
Image of Muriel Barbery
We think we can make honey without sharing in the fate of bees, but we are in truth nothing but poor bees, destined to accomplish our task and then die.
- Muriel Barbery
Collection: Fate
Image of Bernard Berenson
There are two futures, the future of desire and the future of fate, and man's reason has never learnt to separate them.
- Bernard Berenson
Collection: Fate
Image of Michelle Alexander
The fate of millions of people—indeed the future of the black community itself—may depend on the willingness of those who care about racial justice to re-examine their basic assumptions about the role of the criminal justice system in our society.
- Michelle Alexander
Collection: Fate
Image of David Clement-Davies
But of all the animals, man holds the fate of the world in his hands.
- David Clement-Davies
Collection: Fate
Image of Azar Nafisi
Only curiosity about the fate of others, the ability to put ourselves in their shoes, and the will to enter their world through the magic of imagination, creates this shock of recognition. Without this empathy there can be no genuine dialogue, and we as individuals and nations will remain isolated and alien, segregated and fragmented.
- Azar Nafisi
Collection: Fate
Image of Bill Walton
There are no guarantees in life. The simple twists of fate and the breaks of the game are the two maxims that define so much of the success and failure in life.
- Bill Walton
Collection: Fate
Image of Yevgeny Yevtushenko
No people are uninteresting. Their fate is like the chronicles of planets. Nothing in them is not particular, and planet is dissimilar from planet.
- Yevgeny Yevtushenko
Collection: Fate
Image of Katsura Hoshino
Drawing Lavi’s smile eases me precisely because he has such a sad fate.
- Katsura Hoshino
Collection: Fate
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
I am afraid we are little better than straws upon the water; we may flatter ourselves that we swim, when the current carries us along.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Fate
Image of Nancy Farmer
But I also know that to ignore joy while it lasts, in favor of lamenting one's fate, is a great crime.
- Nancy Farmer
Collection: Fate
Image of Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton
In life there are meetings which seem Like a fate.
- Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton
Collection: Fate
Image of Jeffrey Sachs
The defining challenge of the 21st century will be to face the reality that humanity shares a common fate on a crowded planet.
- Jeffrey Sachs
Collection: Fate
Image of Gamal Abdel Nasser
Fate does not jest and events are not a matter of chance. There is no existence out of nothing.
- Gamal Abdel Nasser
Collection: Fate
Image of Gamal Abdel Nasser
Fate does not play jokes.
- Gamal Abdel Nasser
Collection: Fate
Image of Darin Strauss
Diminish the influence of fate
- Darin Strauss
Collection: Fate
Image of Edna O'Brien
It is increasingly clear that the fate of the universe will come to depend more and more on individuals as the bungling of bureaucracy permeates every corner of our existence.
- Edna O'Brien
Collection: Fate
Image of Hugh Howey
"What we control," Juliette said, "is our actions once fate puts us there."
- Hugh Howey
Collection: Fate