Top Australia Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Australia quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Henry Parkes
I have been disappointed in all my expectations of Australia, except as to its wickedness; for it is far more wicked than I have conceived it possible for any place to be, or than it is possible for me to describe to you in England.
- Henry Parkes
Collection: Australia
Image of Malcolm Turnbull
Americans understand that they have no stronger ally, no better friend, than Australia.
- Malcolm Turnbull
Collection: Australia
Image of Bruce Chatwin
Being lost in Australia gives you a lovely feeling of security.
- Bruce Chatwin
Collection: Australia
Image of Guy Pearce
Well, English is no problem for me because I am actually English. My whole family are English; I was brought up listening to various forms of the English accent. Obviously there are more specific ones that get a little bit tricky. Same with American stuff. But because in Australia we're so inundated with American culture, television, this that and the other, everyone in Australia can do an American accent. It's just second nature.
- Guy Pearce
Collection: Australia
Image of Jackie Huggins
For Indigenous Australians, equal rights and citizenship have not always translated into full participation in Australian society. All Indigenous Australians have only been counted in the census since the 1967 Referendum. Even so, State protection and welfare laws continued to control the lives of Indigenous Australians and denied them equal rights, well into the 1970's.
- Jackie Huggins
Collection: Australia
Image of Tony Abbott
Coal is good for humanity, coal is good for prosperity, coal is an essential part of our economic future, here in Australia, and right around the world.
- Tony Abbott
Collection: Australia
Image of Tony Abbott
The last thing Australia needs right now is instability and uncertainty.
- Tony Abbott
Collection: Australia
Image of Jay Park
Australia! I wanna see some saltwater crocodiles!
- Jay Park
Collection: Australia
Image of Peter Garrett
The challenge that climate change presents to us, both in Australia and around the world, won't be solved by ramping up the nuclear industry.
- Peter Garrett
Collection: Australia
Image of Richard Allen
Trees are, after all, our largest and oldest living things. They are Australia's natural, national treasures - the true Elders of our vast continent.
- Richard Allen
Collection: Australia
Image of Andrew Forrest
Australia has always encouraged the little bloke to have a go, the Aussie battler to get up.
- Andrew Forrest
Collection: Australia
Image of Andrew Forrest
Id like to see the University of Western Australia and the other four or five universities in Western Australia really excel through having some of the greatest minds in the world attracted to it.
- Andrew Forrest
Collection: Australia
Image of Billy Zane
I read the Phantom comics when I was in Australia shooting 'Dead Calm'' and when one of the crew told me that there were plans for a movie, I went for it. That was in 1987 and I told (producer) Graham Burke I was going to be the Phantom. We had a laugh about that recently because you usually get what you deserve, not what you desire, and that is especially true in Hollywood!
- Billy Zane
Collection: Australia
Image of Gough Whitlam
Australia's treatment of her Aboriginal people will be the thing on which the world will judge Australia and Australians - Not just now, but in the greater perspective of history.
- Gough Whitlam
Collection: Australia
Image of Peter Costello
The prudential regulation that I have put in place has been absolutely critical. The fiscal policy which we have put in place has been absolutely critical and if people looked at Australia now turn its back on economic reform, which of course industrial relations rollback or throwback would be, let me tell you, that would really start affecting confidence.
- Peter Costello
Collection: Australia
Image of Sourav Ganguly
Bangladesh is not India, Pakistan, South Africa or Australia.
- Sourav Ganguly
Collection: Australia
Image of Jim Laker
The aim of English cricket is, in fact, mainly to beat Australia.
- Jim Laker
Collection: Australia
Image of Bella Heathcote
In Australia, everyone gets a nickname and people started calling me "Izzy" and I hated it so I just adopted Bella.
- Bella Heathcote
Collection: Australia
Image of Malcolm Campbell
The corporate facilities that we have here are as good as anywhere in Australia and the motorcycle people are certainly going to enjoy those.
- Malcolm Campbell
Collection: Australia
Image of Steven Gould
Great,' I said. 'Visit exotic Australia. Get bitten by an exotic snake. Die exotically.
- Steven Gould
Collection: Australia
Image of Andrew Strauss
The previous generation, such as Alec Stewart and Nasser Hussain, lost to Australia on many occasions.
- Andrew Strauss
Collection: Australia
Image of Cameron Esposito
Australia's massive. I don't have a lot of downtime.
- Cameron Esposito
Collection: Australia
Image of M. E. W. Sherwood
English people ... are very kind, very friendly, interested in a general way, and consider us a great, wonderful, unknown sort of Australia, and that is all.
- M. E. W. Sherwood
Collection: Australia
Image of Troy King
In Alabama this would be a capital case, and if we don't get justice in Australia we're going to pursue the death penalty here
- Troy King
Collection: Australia
Image of John Howard
If I am wrong and you are right then the democratic process of the Australian community will vindicate you and condemn me.
- John Howard
Collection: Australia
Image of Paul Keating
Australia without the Irish would be unthinkable... unimaginable... unspeakable.
- Paul Keating
Collection: Australia
Image of Eric Fellner
The problem with Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead is that they worked brilliantly in the UK, the US, and Australia; internationally they haven't worked so well because people don't know the films as well as in the English speaking languages. So when it comes to putting the budgets together it's quite challenging. So those are the problems you have.
- Eric Fellner
Collection: Australia
Image of Marc Morano
Coal is the moral choice, particularly for the developing world... The model for the world right now should be Australia. Australia gets it. Scientifically they get it, politically they get it and particularly when it comes to the United Nations, they get it. They are pulling out of this, they are repealing their carbon tax and Canada seems to be intrigued by what Australia is doing.
- Marc Morano
Collection: Australia
Image of Harold Larwood
A cricket tour in Australia would be a most delightful period in one's life if one was deaf
- Harold Larwood
Collection: Australia
Image of Elle Macpherson
I don't have a problem with nudity. I never have. I was born naked. I'd like to buried naked. It's a way of life in Australia.
- Elle Macpherson
Collection: Australia
Image of Sean Mackin
When I was fifteen or eighteen, I never even imagined I would be in a band, let alone being able to travel to places like Australia and New Zealand.
- Sean Mackin
Collection: Australia
Image of Serena Williams
I'm a big supporter of this product for women. And [my relationship with the brand Berlei] was so organic. I would go to the store and buy 40 or 50 bras every year because I could only get them in Australia at the time. And then eventually they heard that I would come and take all the stock.
- Serena Williams
Collection: Australia
Image of Steven Wright
Do the people in Australia call the rest of the world 'Up Over'?
- Steven Wright
Collection: Australia
Image of Mira Grant
Whoever authorized the evolution of the spiders of Australia should be summarily dragged out into the street and shot.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Australia
Image of Guy Pearce
Because in Australia we're so inundated with American culture, television, this that and the other, everyone in Australia can do an American accent. It's just second nature.
- Guy Pearce
Collection: Australia
Image of Judith Viorst
Some days are like that. Even in Australia.
- Judith Viorst
Collection: Australia
Image of E. O. Wilson
It was inspiring to learn of the new Bachelor of Environmental Studies Program, and I congratulate you for it. Singapore is geographically in the right central position for an influence in Asia and Australia, and NUS has the reputation and academic strength to make it effective.
- E. O. Wilson
Collection: Australia
Image of Dylan Moran
If you're talking about crowd enthusiasm, it varies. I have a decent following in Australia so I like there. I'm interested in playing everywhere.
- Dylan Moran
Collection: Australia
Image of Oprah Winfrey
I have named myself an unofficial ambassador for Australia and I have the biggest mouth on Earth.
- Oprah Winfrey
Collection: Australia
Image of Henry Rollins
Contemporary bands often will do tour-only releases pressed and sold only in Australia. Crikey!
- Henry Rollins
Collection: Australia
Image of Sharon Salzberg
My ideal registration system would be an opt-out one, where every single person is registered once they turn 18. In Australia, I’m told, everyone is registered to vote and you pay a fine if you don’t vote.
- Sharon Salzberg
Collection: Australia
Image of Mia Wasikowska
We have so many American and English films in Australia that we hear those accents often, so they're not too hard to pick up, but it's always a challenge.
- Mia Wasikowska
Collection: Australia
Image of Amartya Sen
The anti-globalization movement is one of the biggest globalized events of the contemporary world, people coming from everywhere, —Australia, Indonesia, Britain, India, Poland, Germany, South Africa—to demonstrate in Seattle or Quebec. What could be more global than that?
- Amartya Sen
Collection: Australia
Image of Sam Abell
Aboriginal Australia is a tough place to work, rough and tough.
- Sam Abell
Collection: Australia
Image of Tony Abbott
When the world is in trouble, Australia responds. Australia is a good, global citizen.
- Tony Abbott
Collection: Australia
Image of Tenzin Palmo
I never really wondered about getting from London to Lahaul. It all seemed such a natural progression. In London I felt I was in the wrong place and wanted to leave. I'd thought about going to Australia or New Zealand. It's nothing against England, but I knew I wasn't meant to be there.
- Tenzin Palmo
Collection: Australia
Image of Michael Bierut
Australia has always put out some good design, particularly environmental graphics. I associate that with Australia, more so that a lot of other places. Whether that has anything to do with the landscape, who knows?
- Michael Bierut
Collection: Australia
Image of Michael Bierut
Australia seems to strike a balance between big and small. It's big enough to have that diversity, but not so big that it disintegrates into something that is not connected.
- Michael Bierut
Collection: Australia
Image of Narendra Modi
'Dignity of Labour' is a subject to be learnt from Australia!
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Australia
Image of Christina Stead
Each Australian is a Ulysses.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Australia