Jim Goad

Image of Jim Goad
As I view it, spending over two years in a cage is far worse than having your face pounded and dealing with a black eye for a week or two.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Eye
Image of Jim Goad
I certainly didn't emerge from prison regretting anything I ever wrote, nor did I feel remorse for my crime in the least.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Regret
Image of Jim Goad
Governments throughout the English-speaking sphere are creating and then ratcheting the torque on "hate-speech" laws with frightening eagerness.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Hate
Image of Jim Goad
Nowadays, you suffer the same risks - ostracism, career loss, possible assault - for being perceived as racist that you would have encountered a century ago for daring to question racist ideology.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Loss
Image of Jim Goad
When I see two women kissing, my only physical reaction is a strong desire to vomit in both of their mouths.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Strong
Image of Jim Goad
It amazes me that some people who ordinarily can recognize autocratic bullying, tacky sloganeering, and - especially - camp value are unable to spot it in this Hate Scare that grips the Western world.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Bullying
Image of Jim Goad
There's a reason the Third World came in third.
- Jim Goad
Collection: World
Image of Jim Goad
I tend not to hang with 'the crowd' because I believe that at any given moment in history, the crowd is only standing somewhere because some lone, brave nutjob broke down the walls for them first.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Wall
Image of Jim Goad
If I’d been talking about black trash, I might be lynched. If I was talking about white trash, I’d merely be another torchbearer in an ongoing national lynching.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Lynching
Image of Jim Goad
Most of those who spend their lives as critics secretly wish they'd be considered important enough for someone to bother criticizing them.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Wish
Image of Jim Goad
I don't believe that human ethnic groups are equal, and I believe that's fairly easy to prove.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Believe
Image of Jim Goad
A primary flaw in my psychology is that I'll give people a hundred yards' worth of rope with which to hang themselves, but once they reach that hundred-yard line, I strangle them to death with it.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Giving
Image of Jim Goad
I think that 99% of the snipers who take shots at me from electronic foxholes also realize they could never withstand the sort of public disparagement, nor the revelation of so many personal details, that I've endured for years and still remain as impenitent, obnoxious, and ready to argue all critics into the dirt as I am. I think this also jacks up their hatred level, because they realize they'd never be so strong-willed.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Strong
Image of Jim Goad
My crazy parents and those crazy Catholic nuns didn't do a good job of forcing me to keep the Ten Commandments, but they kept me forever fixated on the very idea of a taboo.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Goad
In contrast to how my father treated me, I won't hit him, I won't call him evil, I'll give him affection, and I'll pay attention to him.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Father
Image of Jim Goad
Whenever I visit an industrialized nation that isn't the United States, it immediately becomes apparent how much more educated and informed and aware of international events their citizens are compared to Americans.
- Jim Goad
Collection: United States
Image of Jim Goad
It's not exactly courageous to be an anti-racist these days; a hundred years ago, it was.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Years
Image of Jim Goad
Equality is a nice idea, but it's entirely impossible to prove.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Nice
Image of Jim Goad
Unlike the vast majority of people, I've been locked in a box like an animal and I've also been on the receiving end of bloody thrashings, so I feel uniquely qualified to judge which is worse.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Animal
Image of Jim Goad
Anyone who's ever had the misfortune of seeing me interact with house pets knows I have a wickedly strong paternal instinct bordering on the maternal.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Strong
Image of Jim Goad
One of the greatest pleasures I get from my measly professional career is confusing people. "Wait - he beats women and seems like a Nazi, but he has impeccable grammar and keen reasoning skills and sings country music and can, from time to time, say or do something really funny?" It absolutely doesn't compute for them. I enjoy that immensely.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Country
Image of Jim Goad
When you're indiscriminate in allowing people to post, the loudest and emptiest voices invariably drown out everyone else.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Voice
Image of Jim Goad
One day scientists will more fully understand the chemistry and neuro-circuitry that differentiates love from lust. I couldn't begin to explain the mechanics, but I know that they feel differently.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Lust
Image of Jim Goad
"Liberating" is a gay word, so let's phrase it this way: I know everything about me and still manage to be good friends with myself, so nothing anyone says that's truthful about me ever bothers me.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Gay
Image of Jim Goad
Here's an easy one: "Race is an entirely social construct." No, it's partially one, depending on how any given society seeks to define it and its implications. But there are basic things such as skin color and hair texture. Even a Martian who'd had no exposure to human "social constructs" would be able to spot those differences. But no Martian, as hard as he tried, could point at a "culture" or to "equality." Those are the social constructs. Those can't be measured in the same way as human DNA.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Hair
Image of Jim Goad
Different groups in different areas developed different traits to assure their survival.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Survival
Image of Jim Goad
I've noticed that if you spend ten years without shooting dope, people consider you an ex-junkie, but one never is considered an 'ex-woman-beater.'
- Jim Goad
Collection: Dope
Image of Jim Goad
If anything, I've probably tended more toward humor in my writing and veered more toward pleasure in my personal life.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Writing
Image of Jim Goad
I believe that to some degree there are situational and psychological laws of cause-and-effect, but I don't believe there's some Über-soul who doles out "justice."
- Jim Goad
Collection: Believe
Image of Jim Goad
I'm alive, happier than I've ever been, and I'm doing exactly what I want.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Alive
Image of Jim Goad
I don't regret any of my transgressions, because I believe I paid for them a million times over.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Regret
Image of Jim Goad
I could have completely lost my mind or became a junkie or abandoned all sense and judgment and committed some rash, stupid act that would have sent me right back into the cage. Instead, I chose to be happy - but not so much for the sake of happiness as for spite.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Stupid
Image of Jim Goad
What's good and bad, sweet spirit, are in the eye of the beholder.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Sweet
Image of Jim Goad
What are a genuine pain in the ass are all the misconceptions and outright lies. I read somewhere that in 2004 I was homeless in Seattle and drinking heavily, which came as a shock since I've never been homeless and haven't had a drink since 1982. I've also heard SEVERAL times that I'm a card-carrying member of several white-supremacist groups, when the last group I belonged to was the Boy Scouts.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Pain
Image of Jim Goad
Have you ever taken a sober look at any of the mutants who run these Hollywood-gossip sites? What a crew! None of them could ever, ever be stars, which is why they're always trying to "take the piss" from those they envy.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Running
Image of Jim Goad
I'm arrogant enough to tell you that I'm smart enough to have scored higher on my Scholastic Aptitude Test than any US president whose SAT score has been made public. I even scored higher than ex-presidential candidate Al Gore, whose SAT score was so high, it was deemed as potentially off-putting to voters.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Smart
Image of Jim Goad
Mind you, I live in an area of Atlanta that is nearly 88% black. But in six days in and around Melbourne, I saw maybe three people of African origin and maybe one easily identifiable Australian aborigine.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Atlanta
Image of Jim Goad
Though your major media kept smacking me upside the head with the word "multicultural," you goddamned Australians are the most racist bunch of people I've ever seen in my life.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Media
Image of Jim Goad
I've realized there are far more efficient and devastating methods of disturbing people than merely sloshing around in the pigpen with obvious, profane, scatological, flat-brained, grade-school offensiveness.
- Jim Goad
Collection: School
Image of Jim Goad
I'm the only convict who couldn't get into Australia.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Australia
Image of Jim Goad
I definitely don't know why men are turned-on by lesbianism.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Men
Image of Jim Goad
I'm still an obsessive personality, and I still think I'm right, and I still believe my literary balls hang far lower than nearly anyone else's alive.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Believe
Image of Jim Goad
More than most, I believe I'm highly attuned to how heresies eventually become mainstream belief systems and how the vast majority of people who consider themselves 'edgy' are those who only embraced radical ideas LONG after it became safe for them to do so.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Believe
Image of Jim Goad
I think that any time a person comes face-to-face with their own mortality - close enough to Death that they can smell its breath - they have a choice: 1) Fall to pieces; 2) Reassemble yourself and keep walking.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Fall
Image of Jim Goad
The idea of "karma" reeks of primitive religious superstition, so I don't place a lot of stock in it.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Karma
Image of Jim Goad
What's absolutely impossible to prove is the idea of innate and everlasting equality.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Ideas
Image of Jim Goad
My oldest brother was stabbed thirty to forty times and strangled to death with his own belt when I was eight years old. Much of my life has been pockmarked with violence. So I had a natural interest in the topic, along with a strong home-field advantage.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Strong
Image of Jim Goad
the fact that they stole their whole shtick from Woody Guthrie and the coal-mining bards. While the alternative nation meows about personal fashion angst, the Appalachian nation still sings about unemployment.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Fashion
Image of Jim Goad
You have to be careful because those feelings and bitterness can take over and consume in a bad way.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Feelings