Top Survival Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Survival quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Jeaniene Frost
Survival first, then heartbreak.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Survival
Image of E. O. Wilson
We are not afraid of predators, we're transfixed by them, prone to weave stories and fables and chatter endlessly about them, because fascination creates preparedness, and preparedness, survival. In a deeply tribal way, we love our monsters.
- E. O. Wilson
Collection: Survival
Image of Walter Mosley
Love makes you blind to your own survival. And if it doesn't then it's not love at all.
- Walter Mosley
Collection: Survival
Image of Studs Terkel
To survive the day is triumph enough for the walking wounded among the great many of us.
- Studs Terkel
Collection: Survival
Image of Catherine Fisher
Freedom is a small price to pay for survival.
- Catherine Fisher
Collection: Survival
Image of Roger von Oech
Flexibility is a requirement for survival.
- Roger von Oech
Collection: Survival
Image of Devon Monk
But it is clear to me that our survival—both yours and mine—will be dictated by how well you and I can work together.” “So we’re screwed?
- Devon Monk
Collection: Survival
Image of Lucien Bouchard
Global warming threatens the survival of our species.
- Lucien Bouchard
Collection: Survival
Image of Jonas Salk
Evolution favors the survival of the wisest.
- Jonas Salk
Collection: Survival
Image of Mary Caroline Richards
In a lethal world, poetry is necessary for survival.
- Mary Caroline Richards
Collection: Survival
Image of Buddy Wakefield
Jordan tattoos the words "forgive me" in thick black letters down the inside of his arm so that when he looks at his wrist he will remember not to hate himself so much. What he keeps forgetting is that there is life after survival.
- Buddy Wakefield
Collection: Survival
Image of Desmond Morris
We never stop investigating. We are never satisfied that we know enough to get by. Every question we answer leads on to another question. This has become the greatest survival trick of our species.
- Desmond Morris
Collection: Survival
Image of Stanley Milgram
But the culture has failed, almost entirely, in inculcating internal controls on actions that have their origin in authority. For this reason, the latter constitutes a far greater danger to human survival.
- Stanley Milgram
Collection: Survival
Image of Robert Ardrey
Aggressiveness is the principal guarantor of survival.
- Robert Ardrey
Collection: Survival
Image of Peter Watts
There's no such things as survival of the fittest. Survival of the most adequate, maybe. It doesn't matter whether a solution's optimal. All that matters is whether it beats the alternative.
- Peter Watts
Collection: Survival
Image of Charles Eisenstein
When everything is subject to money, then the scarcity of money makes everything scarce, including the basis of human life and happiness. Such is the life of the slave—one whose actions are compelled by threat to survival. Perhaps the deepest indication of our slavery is the monetization of time.
- Charles Eisenstein
Collection: Survival
Image of N. Scott Momaday
For the storyteller, for the arrowmaker, language does indeed represent the only chance for survival.
- N. Scott Momaday
Collection: Survival
Image of Lawrence Anthony
They taught me that all life forms are important to each other in our common quest for happiness and survival. That there is more to life than just yourself, your own family, or your own kind.
- Lawrence Anthony
Collection: Survival
Image of Tina Turner
I was a victim; I don't dwell on it.
- Tina Turner
Collection: Survival
Image of Walter Bargen
Each delicately and fiercely imaged poem is a tribute to perseverence and survival and a lesson for us all.
- Walter Bargen
Collection: Survival
Image of Donald E. Williams, Jr.
Despair is most often the offspring of ill-preparedness.
- Donald E. Williams, Jr.
Collection: Survival
Image of Carl Zimmer
We really depend on viruses for our complete survival.
- Carl Zimmer
Collection: Survival
Image of Josephine Hart
Our sanity depends essentially on a narrowness of vision--the ability to select the elements vital to survival, while ignoring the great truths.
- Josephine Hart
Collection: Survival
Image of Randi Rhodes
Vote like your nation's survival depends on it... because it does.
- Randi Rhodes
Collection: Survival
Image of Al Purdy
A collected poems' is either a gravestone or a testimonial to survival.
- Al Purdy
Collection: Survival
Image of Bob Gibson
Rules or no rules, pitchers are going to throw spitters. It's a matter of survival.
- Bob Gibson
Collection: Survival
Image of Vinton Cerf
Humor is the only thing that allows you to survive every pressure and crisis.
- Vinton Cerf
Collection: Survival
Image of Alan Cooper
Computers no longer interface with humans--they interact, and the interaction will become steadily deeper, more subtle, and more crucial to our collective sanity and ultimate survival.
- Alan Cooper
Collection: Survival
Image of Susan Patron
And even if you carry a survival kit around with you at all times, it won't guarantee you'll survive. No kit in the world can protect you from all the possible bad things.
- Susan Patron
Collection: Survival
Image of Charles Darwin
The most important factor in survival is neither intelligence nor strength but adaptability.
- Charles Darwin
Collection: Survival
Image of Hugh Massingberd
Rupert Grayson manifested a talent for survival: it was said of him that even if - unlikely contingency - he had tried to drown himself in the Thames he would have been washed up alive in the Grill Room of the Savoy.
- Hugh Massingberd
Collection: Survival
Image of Louise Bernikow
Much female conversation is, in fact, about survival - but in code.
- Louise Bernikow
Collection: Survival
Image of Bernardine Dohrn
Killing a cop just because he's a cop, that'll happen. And that should happen. And there's nothing inhuman about it at all. It's survival. It's the most human thing in the world.
- Bernardine Dohrn
Collection: Survival
Image of Michael McMillian
Solving problems is at the foundation of our survival.
- Michael McMillian
Collection: Survival
Image of Judy Collins
Survival, I know, is to begin again.
- Judy Collins
Collection: Survival
Image of Ann Petry
Folks differs, dearie. They differs a lot. Some can stand things that others can't. There's never no way of knowin' how much they can stand.
- Ann Petry
Collection: Survival
Image of Louis Cozolino
We are not the survival of the fittest. We are the survival of the nurtured.
- Louis Cozolino
Collection: Survival
Image of Jason Momoa
A wolf is not bad for eating and tearing apart something, if it's for survival. It doesn't do it to be menacing.
- Jason Momoa
Collection: Survival
Image of Joel McHale
I used humor as survival, as a weapon and as comfort.
- Joel McHale
Collection: Survival
Image of Janet Fitch
How vast was a human being's capacity for suffering. The only thing you could do was stand in awe of it. It wasn't a question of survival at all. It was the fullness of it, how much could you hold, how much could you care.
- Janet Fitch
Collection: Survival
Image of Lofty Wiseman
The instinct to survive will never change, neither will the human body's amazing ability to endure.
- Lofty Wiseman
Collection: Survival
Image of Danitra Vance
Survival is not so much about the body, but rather it is about the triumph of the human spirit.
- Danitra Vance
Collection: Survival
Image of Laurence Gonzales
Survival is the celebration of choosing life over death. We know we're going to die. We all die. But survival is saying: perhaps not today. In that sense, survivors don't defeat death, they come to terms with it.
- Laurence Gonzales
Collection: Survival
Image of Daniel Carter Beard
There is but one way to learn to do a thing and that is to do it.
- Daniel Carter Beard
Collection: Survival
Image of Jon Lee Anderson
You need to be hyper-aware because it's your survival at stake.
- Jon Lee Anderson
Collection: Survival
Image of Cody Lundin
So do you want a turd sandwich or a turd sandwich with mustard. I'd go with the mustard, but still, it's a turd sandwich.
- Cody Lundin
Collection: Survival
Image of Cody Lundin
I know I look like a piece of sausage to those lions. A sausage with braids.
- Cody Lundin
Collection: Survival
Image of Cody Lundin
I'm all for the path of least resistance.
- Cody Lundin
Collection: Survival
Image of Cody Lundin
You get diarrhea out here, you dehydrate from the inside out - you leave the gene pool.
- Cody Lundin
Collection: Survival