Top Lust Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Lust quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Jessica Sorensen
When his lips return to mine, it's not just about lust or desire - it's about making us whole.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Lust
Image of Jacqueline Carey
There is no fulfillment that is not made sweeter for the prolonging of desire
- Jacqueline Carey
Collection: Lust
Image of John Wilmot
Natural freedoms are but just: There's something generous in mere lust.
- John Wilmot
Collection: Lust
Image of Lori Foster
We have to figure this out, Jackson, so leash the lust.” His chin went up as he stared down at her. “Woman, you ask the impossible.” “Do it anyway!
- Lori Foster
Collection: Lust
Image of Rachilde
A caprice is handled like a stew, and the pepper is added at the last minute.
- Rachilde
Collection: Lust
Image of Rachilde
I have never been loved enough to gain the desire of reproducing a being in the image of my lover and I have never been given enough pleasure so that my brain has not had the leisure to seek better...I have wanted the impossible.
- Rachilde
Collection: Lust
Image of Anne Stuart
If you lust after someone and have an absurd and overwhelming need to protect them, then the best way to deal with the situation is to marry the person.
- Anne Stuart
Collection: Lust
Image of Sarah Waters
It's a curious, wanting thing.
- Sarah Waters
Collection: Lust
Image of Pythagoras
Lust weakens both body and mind.
- Pythagoras
Collection: Lust
Image of Diana Ross
I have a lust for life.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Lust
Image of Alison Croggon
There is a great force in renunciation of power that those who are blinded by the lust for domination cannot understand because those who truly love do not desire power.
- Alison Croggon
Collection: Lust
Image of John Towner Williams
Lust and learning. That's really all there is, isn't it?
- John Towner Williams
Collection: Lust
Image of Jules Amedee Barbey d'Aurevilly
Yet, whether to the glory or to the shame of human nature, in what we call pleasure (with an excess of scorn, perhaps) there are abysses as deep as those of love.
- Jules Amedee Barbey d'Aurevilly
Collection: Lust
Image of Anselm of Canterbury
Lust desireth not procreation, but pleasure only.
- Anselm of Canterbury
Collection: Lust
Image of Robert Dodsley
The delights of lust terminate in languishment and dejection; the object thou burnest for nauseates with satiety, and no sooner hadst thou possessed it, but thou wert weary of its presence.
- Robert Dodsley
Collection: Lust
Image of Peaches Geldof
Our need to knock celebrities is...Twisted: it's deep in the mid-brain below the survival instinct. That lust to see a downfall. It's animalistic.
- Peaches Geldof
Collection: Lust
Image of James Ussher
Lust is the base of most physical ills, and like a tapeworm in the system, it feeds on our best energies and vitality.
- James Ussher
Collection: Lust
Image of Claudius Claudianus
Lust, forgetful of future suffering, hurries us along the forbidden path.
- Claudius Claudianus
Collection: Lust
Image of Piers Paul Read
Sins become more subtle as you grow older: you commit sins of despair rather than of lust.
- Piers Paul Read
Collection: Lust
Image of Moses ibn Ezra
Lust should be stifled, for it cannot lead to truth.
- Moses ibn Ezra
Collection: Lust
Image of Yaron Brook
Regulators are power-lusting mediocrities.
- Yaron Brook
Collection: Lust
Image of Jean Lorrain
Her vice takes hold of her again, but she still refrains until some moment when, gnawed by some hideous caprice, she comes aground like a mournful wreck ruined by lust, in the midst of her own banal, perfidious pollution.
- Jean Lorrain
Collection: Lust
Image of Eric Jerome Dickey
Physical attraction was about aesthetics, not sexual performance, not mental stimulation. Without a mental connection, a remarkable sexual performance yielded no lifelong guarantees. It was only lust. And lust was not love.
- Eric Jerome Dickey
Collection: Lust
Image of Zoroaster
Beware of lust; it corrupteth both the body and the mind.
- Zoroaster
Collection: Lust
Image of Patricia McConnell
At eighty-one, health club-lusting is as close as I'll ever come to getting laid again.
- Patricia McConnell
Collection: Lust
Image of Avram Davidson
What is cheaper than lust or of less value than alchemy or aphrodisiacs?
- Avram Davidson
Collection: Lust
Image of John Fletcher
Tyranny is yielding to the lust of the governing.
- John Fletcher
Collection: Lust
Image of Frank Scoblete
The slot machines sit there like young courtesans, promising pleasures undreamed of, your deepest desires fulfilled, all lusts satiated.
- Frank Scoblete
Collection: Lust
Image of Lionel
I see no reason in morality, why literature should not have as one of its intentions the arousing of thoughts of lust. It is one of the effects, perhaps one of the functions of literature to arouse desire, and I can discover no grounds for saying that sexual pleasure should not be among the objects of desire which literature presents to us, along with heroism, virtue, peace, death, food, wisdom, God, etc.
- Lionel
Collection: Lust
Image of Teresa Mummert
Here is how you know if it is love or lust. Push them in front of a bus. If you jump in the way and save them it is love.
- Teresa Mummert
Collection: Lust
Image of Antoni Lange
I loved life too much to lust for life.
- Antoni Lange
Collection: Lust
Image of Wendy Wright
There is not only a lack of success for condoms. It's worse than that - they are utter failures.
- Wendy Wright
Collection: Lust
Image of Rose Macaulay
The impulse to ask questions is among the more primitive human lusts.
- Rose Macaulay
Collection: Lust
Image of Rajneesh
Future arises out of your misery, not out of your celebration. A really celebrating person has no future; he lives this moment, he lives it totally. Out of that total living arises the next moment, but it is not out of any lust. Of course, when out of celebration the next moment arises, it has more capacity to bless you. When out of celebration the future arises, it goes on becoming more and more rich. And a moment comes when the moment is so total, so whole, that time completely disappears.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Lust
Image of Tom Robbins
Of the seven deadly sins, lust is definitely the pick of the litter.
- Tom Robbins
Collection: Lust
Image of William Penn
Love grows, lust wastes by enjoyment.
- William Penn
Collection: Lust
Image of Will Self
Lust was a positive high-tension cable, plugged into my core, activating a near-epileptic seizure of conviction that this was the one thing I had to do in life.
- Will Self
Collection: Lust
Image of Alice Munro
The skin of everyday appearances stretched over such shamelessness, such consuming explosions of lust.
- Alice Munro
Collection: Lust
Image of Max Beerbohm
Beauty and the lust for learning have yet to be allied.
- Max Beerbohm
Collection: Lust
Image of William Blake
The lust of the goat is the bounty of God.
- William Blake
Collection: Lust
Image of Banana Yoshimoto
Why is it that everything I eat when I’m with you is so delicious?’ I laughed. ‘Could it be that you’re satisfying hunger and lust at the same time?
- Banana Yoshimoto
Collection: Lust
Image of Sara Shepard
When someone covets something they desire and lust over it.Usually it's something they can't have. You've always had that problem.
- Sara Shepard
Collection: Lust
Image of Sara Shepard
I kind of have to go to the bathroom," Aria said woozily. Ezra smiled. "Can I come?
- Sara Shepard
Collection: Lust
Image of Franny Billingsley
I was asking about lust, wasnʼt I? I was fairly certain of it. But isnʼt love supposed to come before lust? It does in the dictionary.
- Franny Billingsley
Collection: Lust
Image of William Faulkner
Life was created in the valleys. It blew up onto the hills on the old terrors, the old lusts, the old despairs. That's why you must walk up the hills so you can ride down.
- William Faulkner
Collection: Lust
Image of Eloisa James
Oh, I have felt lust. And I've indulged lust. But no other woman has turned me into another person.
- Eloisa James
Collection: Lust
Image of Susan Sontag
I have always been full of lust - as I am now - but I have always been placing conceptual obstacles in my own path.
- Susan Sontag
Collection: Lust
Image of George Will
It is no longer enough to be lusty. One must be a sexual gourmet.
- George Will
Collection: Lust
Image of F.B. Meyer
The flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh.
- F.B. Meyer
Collection: Lust
Image of Stephenie Meyer
I know love and lust don't always keep the same company.
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Lust