Jack White

Image of Jack White
A songwriter's heart is pure when they have the desire to keep digging deeper into music. And invariably, when you dig deeper it always leads you into the past.
- Jack White
Collection: Heart
Image of Jack White
Relationships of any kind are powerful, and they always influence an artist. It's inescapable.
- Jack White
Collection: Powerful
Image of Jack White
I love the Arctic Monkeys . Who doesn't? I'd love to see them live, but haven't got round to it yet. I never get to see bands because I'm never in the same town for more than two seconds.
- Jack White
Collection: Two
Image of Jack White
Captain Lone Wolf Gonzaullas was one of a kind. I'm sure he would agree to this truth, If you continuously compete with others, you will become bitter. If you constantly compete with yourself, you can become great.
- Jack White
Collection: Captains
Image of Jack White
I dislike the word 'emerging artist.' Emerging connotes to me an alligator coming up from the water. I consider all artists to be artists, not rising, emerging, amateur, beginning, but the real thing.
- Jack White
Collection: Real
Image of Jack White
I always stayed away from the studio environment as much as possible. But I just wanted to see if I could work in one. It's not easy. Just having an engineer's assistant around is enough for me to be uncomfortable. With more than one person there in the room, it feels strange.
- Jack White
Collection: Rooms
Image of Jack White
I'm excited by the band [White Stripes]. It really excites me. But it wouldn't excite me if there weren't those limitations, if we weren't living in that box, if we weren't trapped. Once that goes away, then I'll know that it's not worth doing it any more.
- Jack White
Collection: White
Image of Jack White
Any man with a microphone can tell you what he loves the most.
- Jack White
Collection: Men
Image of Jack White
Worry means tormenting yourself with disturbing thoughts or fretting about things we have zero control over. If you live in the north there is no need to worry about the snow. You will get plenty each year. If you live in California or Texas you needn't worry about rain because we won't receive any.
- Jack White
Collection: Zero
Image of Jack White
I won't join another band again.
- Jack White
Collection: Band
Image of Jack White
Your passion must be tempered with patience. Maybe long-suffering patience would be a better word.
- Jack White
Collection: Patience
Image of Jack White
I never wanted to play guitar when I was younger. I wanted to be a drummer because everybody plays guitar, and I didn't want to do what everybody else wanted to do.
- Jack White
Collection: Guitar
Image of Jack White
You hear a lot of people, they turn 40 and it really bugs them and they get depressed or whatever. I don't know - I just don't feel that way. I feel 19 years old all the time. I mean, it's not a lie. I could easily say, God, I feel 70. Or maybe I seem like I'm 70 or 200 or something to other people, I don't know. My brain feels 19 all the time. And that's a good spot.
- Jack White
Collection: Lying
Image of Jack White
We learn to beat fear by doing.
- Jack White
Collection: Beats
Image of Jack White
Smart art galleries know it's not the words on paper but the emotion in the piece that makes clients pull out the credit card or check book. The gallery's number one concern is will this stuff sell? What your bio, artist's statement or resume articulates will be of no help if you don't make art that connects with buyers.
- Jack White
Collection: Art
Image of Jack White
I have so much music inside me I'm just trying to stay afloat. I don't tend to write for a particular band - you have to just write the songs and then let God into the room and let the music tell you what to do.
- Jack White
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Jack White
I say this often, THINK. There is something in life called common sense. Webster's says common sense is sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts. Perhaps this is why in 1776, Thomas Paine used these words as a title for the most famous pamphlet ever written.
- Jack White
Collection: Simple
Image of Jack White
I was in a Montessori school. There was a drum circle with all the kids passing around a little bongo drum. I was the last person in the circle, and when it got to me I played 'Shave and a Haircut, Two Bits' - in front of all the parents. Blew the crowd away at five years old.
- Jack White
Collection: School
Image of Jack White
Some guys are afraid of "fashion" even those this isn't really fashion. It's more "style". A lot of guys don't want to look like they care too much. The idea of standing in a fiting room and trying things on and saying, "How does this look?" I think maybe that experience is a little bit intimidating.
- Jack White
Collection: Fashion
Image of Jack White
Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. I'll share the formula I learned while forging my way forward as a full-time painter for forty-four years. The steps all break down to one simple sentence: Make art that connects with enough folks for you to earn a splendid living.
- Jack White
Collection: Art
Image of Jack White
It's easy to learn but takes a lifetime to master.
- Jack White
Collection: Lifetime
Image of Jack White
Vinyl survived, we managed not to kill it. Knowing that you’ve taken part in this fight... You can’t imagine the happiness it brings. Every time I see a kid going out of the store with a vinyl record under the arms, my heart beats faster. Music should only be this. An intense emotion.
- Jack White
Collection: Taken
Image of Jack White
If you have twenty guys in the room and you just bring in one girl, you change the entire mood and everyone plays different.
- Jack White
Collection: Girl
Image of Jack White
It's kind of ridiculous that I find inspiration in just getting away from everything. But when you've gone through it, you realize that it's the enemy. It's a distraction from what you're really doing. You've got to keep moving. Like a shark.
- Jack White
Collection: Moving
Image of Jack White
You can't steal an artist's songs and also tell him he can't license that music to a commercial.
- Jack White
Collection: Song
Image of Jack White
I believe I am a better director than actor. I enjoy acting if the part is right. Directing comes very naturally to me. I enjoy it. I am very confident in my work.
- Jack White
Collection: Believe
Image of Jack White
Every time there's a list of the 100 greatest records of all time, all those albums were recorded in two days. Hardly any of them took a year, I'll tell you. In this day and age, I think it's important that people know that.
- Jack White
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jack White
I can't imagine being anything creative in a major town because everybody's doing the same exact thing you're doing. How can you not get confused about what you yourself are doing?
- Jack White
Collection: Confused
Image of Jack White
I certainly wouldn't want a song that I'd already written to be used on a commercial. That seems strange.
- Jack White
Collection: Song
Image of Jack White
Deadlines and things make you creative.
- Jack White
Collection: Creative
Image of Jack White
A riff can take on the aspect of a chorus in a listener's psyche.
- Jack White
Collection: Chorus
Image of Jack White
I think the most important thing is to start with something that fits perfectly. Don't worry about having it in five colors.
- Jack White
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jack White
If you emphasize one part of the song, it trivializes the rest of the music.
- Jack White
Collection: Song
Image of Jack White
The biggest failures come round and spring ultimate surprises of survival.
- Jack White
Collection: Spring
Image of Jack White
We've had experience of involvement in a local scene, and it was a good one, and we've learned a lot from it, and I don't have any need to join into that ever again. It's too counterproductive to writing music and performing to the best of your abilities. It's okay when you're 20 years old - you're getting out there and you're learning - but not when you're 30 years old.
- Jack White
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack White
Every album I've done pretty much has been not in a pleasant, quote-unquote, environment - it's freezing cold, or it was somebody's house with not-that-great equipment. It's always something that spurs on to get the job done.
- Jack White
Collection: House
Image of Jack White
It is a myth that art has to be sold. It is not like stocking a grocery store where people fill a pushcart. Art is a product that has no apparent need. The salesperson builds the need in the mind of the buyer.
- Jack White
Collection: Art
Image of Jack White
Onstage, I don't feel any glory from people clapping in the audience, but when they're pushing me to do something new that feels good.
- Jack White
Collection: People
Image of Jack White
I've always been making up my own restrictions for myself, from day one, and it's compelling, because it forces me to think. That's always been a driving force for me.
- Jack White
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jack White
When you put something out there into the world, there's all these words you don't want to hear, that you hope people don't say. I don't like anything that starts with 're' - like retro, reinvent, recreate - I hate that. It's always like living in the past - copying, emulating.
- Jack White
Collection: Hate
Image of Jack White
It's a sound bite. It's very of this age, because that's what people want.
- Jack White
Collection: People
Image of Jack White
The secret of a successful art career is to make more art that folks think they need than pieces they just want. When a piece of art emotionally connects with a person the work becomes a need. You are then on your way to becoming successful.
- Jack White
Collection: Art
Image of Jack White
There's Catholic guilt about things, then there's the guilt of being the youngest of 10, so when nice things happen to you, you're not really allowed to enjoy them.
- Jack White
Collection: Nice
Image of Jack White
In all my songs, I take on roles and play characters. It's a unique way to explore ideas and decisions I might not think or make in real life.
- Jack White
Collection: Song
Image of Jack White
It's harder to put yourself in a place where you could easily be seen as a fake. But that's more interesting to me.
- Jack White
Collection: Interesting
Image of Jack White
The day that music is taken for free by the majority is the day that the phrase "sell out" doesn't exist any more.
- Jack White
Collection: Taken
Image of Jack White
It's hard to find other musicians that push you to go somewhere new all the time.
- Jack White
Collection: Musician
Image of Jack White
Punk is an attitude, not a genre, age group, or time period. What's interesting is trying to define the blues and punk in different ways. They are very close cousins.
- Jack White
Collection: Cousin
Image of Jack White
I have very little interest in the bottom line or signing artists to help make the label profit. That's a lucky, unique position to be in, but it all comes out in the wash.
- Jack White
Collection: Artist