Top Zero Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Zero quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Richard E. Byrd
In Winter, [the Antarctic] is perhaps the dreariest of places. Our base, Little America, lay in a bowl of ice, near the edge of the Ross Ice Barrier. The temperature fell as low as 72 degrees below zero. One could actually hear one's breath freeze.
- Richard E. Byrd
Collection: Zero
Image of Tommy Tenney
Ironically, it was the father's blessing that actually "financed" the prodigal son's trip away from the Father's face! and it was the son's new revelation of his poverty of heart that propelled him back into his Father's arms. Sometimes we use the very blessings that God gives us to finance our journey away from the centrality of Christ. It's very important that we return back to ground zero, to the ultimate eternal goal of abiding with the Father's in intimate communion. (pg. 243)
- Tommy Tenney
Collection: Zero
Image of Abraham Verghese
Pray tell us, what's your favorite number?"... "Shiva jumped up to the board, uninvited, and wrote 10,213,223"... "And pray, why would this number interest us?" "It is the only number that describes itself when you read it, 'One zero, two ones, three twos, two threes'.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Zero
Image of Dennis Miller
It takes zero politically correct people to screw in a lightbulb because they are perpetually in the dark.
- Dennis Miller
Collection: Zero
Image of Leon Panetta
In the zero-sum budget game, every dollar spent on this problem [illegal immigration] must be taken from somewhere else....No, we should not tolerate people immigrating illegally. But we need to treat this issue honestly and fairly.
- Leon Panetta
Collection: Zero
Image of Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
My own self-consciousness cries out to me coldly: how does one love zero?
- Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Collection: Zero
Image of Gary Paulsen
Personal inspection at zero altitude. The stories come from my life - if not my own experiences, then about topics and subjects that interest me.
- Gary Paulsen
Collection: Zero
Image of Matt Ridley
It is not a zero sum game. The simple idea of the gains from trade lies at the heart of the modern and the ancient economy, not the power of capital. There is nothing else to it.
- Matt Ridley
Collection: Zero
Image of Lisa Unger
It was a strange lightness, a drifting feeling. Zero gravity. I understood that everything that once seemed solid and immovable might just float away. And that this was a truth of life, not an illusion in the grieving mind of a child. Everything that is hard and heavy in your world is made up of billions of molecules in constant motion offering the illusion of permanence. But it all tends toward breaking down and falling away. Some things just go more quickly, more surprisingly, than others.
- Lisa Unger
Collection: Zero
Image of Robert Wright
In the great non zero sum games of history, if you're part of the problem, then you'll likely be a victim of the solution.
- Robert Wright
Collection: Zero
Image of Robert Wright
If two people stare at each other for more than a few seconds, it means they are about to either make love or fight. Something similar might be said about human societies. If two nearby societies are in contact for any length of time, they will either trade or fight. The first is non-zero-sum social integration, and the second ultimately brings it.
- Robert Wright
Collection: Zero
Image of Caitlin Moran
I want a Zero Tolerance policy on All The Patriarchal Bullshit.
- Caitlin Moran
Collection: Zero
Image of Humphrey Bogart
What's at the end of a million dollars? Zero, zero, zero... nothing. A circle with a hole in it.
- Humphrey Bogart
Collection: Zero
Image of Louis Sachar
Zero wasnt worried, " When you spend your whole life living in a shole", he said, "the only way you can go is up.
- Louis Sachar
Collection: Zero
Image of Louis Sachar
In a way, it made him sad. He couldn't help but think that a hundred times zero was still nothing.
- Louis Sachar
Collection: Zero
Image of Janet Yellen
The average net worth of the lower half of the distribution, representing 62 million households, was $11,000 in 2013. About one-fourth of these families reported zero wealth or negative net worth, and a significant fraction of those said they were "underwater" on their home mortgages, owing more than the value of the home. This $11,000 average is 50 percent lower than the average wealth of the lower half of families in 1989, adjusted for inflation.
- Janet Yellen
Collection: Zero
Image of Gosho Aoyama
while it's true in tennis, love is zero. but zero is also where everything starts. nothing would ever be born if we didn't depart from there. nothing would be ever achieved.
- Gosho Aoyama
Collection: Zero
Image of Nicolas Berggruen
Everybody is different and I think that we live in a material world. But for me, possessing things is not that interesting. Living in a grand environment to show myself and others that I have wealth has zero appeal. Whatever I own is temporary, since we're only here for a short period of time. It's what we do and produce, it's our actions, that will last forever. That's real value.
- Nicolas Berggruen
Collection: Zero
Image of John Bolton
The real issue of dealing with proliferation of weapons of mass destruction: nuclear, chemical or biological is: What is your tolerance for risk? And my tolerance for risk for WMD proliferation is pretty close to zero. Because otherwise, we and our allies are at the mercy of regimes like Ahmadinejad and the mullahs in Tehran, or Kim Jong Il and the Hitler-in-the-bunker mentality in Pyongyang, or others who don't share our calculus on the value of human life.
- John Bolton
Collection: Zero
Image of Michele Jaffe
You talk more when you're nervous," he said, still standing close to her. "No i don't. That's absurd. I'm just trying to explain to you-" "Do i make you nervous?" "No. I'm not nervous." "You're trembling." "I'm cold. I'm wearing practically zero clothes." His glance went to her lips, then back to her eyes. "I noticed.
- Michele Jaffe
Collection: Zero
Image of Deepika Padukone
Correct me if I am wrong, but I personally feel that the Indian body type is not cut out to be size zero. I am not size zero and I don't believe in that either.
- Deepika Padukone
Collection: Zero
Image of Billie Piper
The whole size zero debate is disgusting. My sister, who's 13, looks amazing - but she's already worried about her figure.
- Billie Piper
Collection: Zero
Image of Mark Skousen
Gold and Silver have always had value, never gone to zero. Can you say the same for stocks and bonds?
- Mark Skousen
Collection: Zero
Image of Katy Perry
I went from zero to my own hero
- Katy Perry
Collection: Zero
Image of Alex Steffen
Carbon zero simply means that the emissions you are releasing either are zero or balance out to zero.
- Alex Steffen
Collection: Zero
Image of Freya Stark
Manners are like zero in arithmetic. They may not be much in themselves, but they are capable of adding a great deal of value to everything else.
- Freya Stark
Collection: Zero
Image of Ilya Prigogine
The statistical probability that organic structures and the most precisely harmonized reactions that typify living organisms would be generated by accident, is zero.
- Ilya Prigogine
Collection: Zero
Image of Martha Stewart
I love the challenge of starting at zero every day and seeing how much I can accomplish.
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Zero
Image of Anne Ursu
He squeezed Steve's shoulder possessively. "Oh, Zero. He is not you, I must admit. He does not have your bravery, your nobility, your je ne sais quoi, and all he talks about is this magical place called 'Canada'.
- Anne Ursu
Collection: Zero
Image of George Gilder
A fundamental principle of information theory is that you can’t guarantee outcomes… in order for an experiment to yield knowledge, it has to be able to fail. If you have guaranteed experiments, you have zero knowledge
- George Gilder
Collection: Zero
Image of Tom Udall
It’s happened to far too many Americans. You open up your phone bill and wonder why there’s an extra zero, or several, on the amount that you owe.
- Tom Udall
Collection: Zero
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Labeling and diagnosis is a catastrophic way to communicate. Telling other people what's wrong with them greatly reduces, almost to zero, the probability that we're going to get what we're after.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Zero
Image of Ron Paul
We need to take away the government's money power. The banking industry needs its welfare check ended. The dollar's soundness depends on its being untied from the machine that can make an infinite number of copies of dollars and reduce their value to zero.
- Ron Paul
Collection: Zero
Image of Apolo Ohno
I think we should all be pursuing something of zero regrets, and how do we become greater than we were yesterday.
- Apolo Ohno
Collection: Zero
Image of Sting
Turn the clock to zero, honey, we're starting up a brand new day.
- Sting
Collection: Zero
Image of Eliezer Yudkowsky
Your strength as a rationalist is your ability to be more confused by fiction than by reality. If you are equally good at explaining any outcome, you have zero knowledge.
- Eliezer Yudkowsky
Collection: Zero
Image of Lauren Slater
I was born from nothing and to nothing I will return. And yet, when i say the word nothing, when i admit, at last, 'I am nothing,' i feel mysteriously like something again, ground zero, genesis, the pull of possibilities.
- Lauren Slater
Collection: Zero
Image of Nick Vujicic
We all start with zero. We all start at the beginning. Do not give up.
- Nick Vujicic
Collection: Zero
Image of Alastair Reynolds
The human capacity for grief. It just isn't capable of providing an adequate emotional response once the dead exceed a few dozen in number. And it doesn't just level off - it just gives up, resets itself to zero.
- Alastair Reynolds
Collection: Zero
Image of Jeremy Renner
Oh, all those ridiculous people with zero talent who spend their lives making sure everyone knows their name. Those stupid, stupid people.
- Jeremy Renner
Collection: Zero
Image of Amory Lovins
Many analysts now regard modest, zero, or negative growth in our rate of energy use as a realistic long-term goal.
- Amory Lovins
Collection: Zero
Image of Rich Sommer
('Mad Men') was my final audition of the pilot season. It had been three miserable, horrible months where I had zero callbacks, zero positive reception, one of those pilot seasons that makes you pretty sure you are never going to be an actor and never want to be an actor. And then that happened.
- Rich Sommer
Collection: Zero
Image of Geoffrey Moore
A technology becomes truly disruptive when it drives the marginal cost of something that used to be scarce and expensive to approach zero. Thus, it used to be to deploy software at scale, you had to fund a data center, buy a set of servers, storage, and networking gear, build an in-house IT management capability, and buy an expensive stack of enabling software before you could even get started. Now you can get all that from Amazon or Microsoft on a pay-as-you-grow model.
- Geoffrey Moore
Collection: Zero
Image of Rosalind E. Krauss
More than a rejection or dissolution of the past, avant-garde originality is conceived as a literal origin, a beginning from ground zero, a birth.
- Rosalind E. Krauss
Collection: Zero
Image of Peter Thiel
The most contrarian thing of all is not to oppose the crowd but to think for yourself.
- Peter Thiel
Collection: Zero
Image of Peter Thiel
Monopoly is the condition of every successful business.
- Peter Thiel
Collection: Zero
Image of Tyler Hoechlin
Looking back, I'm proud of what I've been able to do, grateful for the fact that I really have very few, if almost zero, nightmare stories of being on sets and working with the wrong people.
- Tyler Hoechlin
Collection: Zero
Image of Alexander Cockburn
There is still zero empirical evidence that anthropogenic production of CO2 is making any measurable contribution to the world's present warming trend.
- Alexander Cockburn
Collection: Zero
Image of Giuseppe Peano
No number before zero. The numbers may go on forever, but like the cosmos, they have a beginning.
- Giuseppe Peano
Collection: Zero