Jack White

Image of Jack White
I have three dads: my biological father, God and Bob Dylan.
- Jack White
Collection: Dad
Image of Jack White
Art is only worth what people will pay for it. Artists do not get paid by the hour.
- Jack White
Collection: Art
Image of Jack White
Art doesn't sell itself, it has to be sold.
- Jack White
Collection: Art
Image of Jack White
Selling is nothing more than asking questions and waiting for an answer.
- Jack White
Collection: Asking Questions
Image of Jack White
Like it or not, people tend to buy paintings to match their drapes, couch or carpet. I know you want them to be so overwhelmed with your skills they can't resist hauling your art home. These three factors are what dictate most art sales.
- Jack White
Collection: Art
Image of Jack White
Collectors are paying for our education by purchasing our art.
- Jack White
Collection: Art
Image of Jack White
My mother was 45 when she had me, so when I was in high school my parents were the same age as my friends' grandparents.
- Jack White
Collection: Mother
Image of Jack White
The price we sell things for is not important. What is important is we sell art that has to be replaced. You become good in art by doing art. The more you sell, the more you must produce.
- Jack White
Collection: Art
Image of Jack White
Amy Winehouse: Did she invent white soul? Wearing a beehive? No. But she did something brand new and fresh, altogether as a package, and you see who's in her wake, from the Duffys to the Lana Del Reys. Adele selling 20 million records? That would not have happened if Amy Winehouse was alive.
- Jack White
Collection: White
Image of Jack White
I don't think there is room for 'artistic temperament.' Professional artists understand art is a business. If businesses ran their companies like many artists do their careers, they would not stay open a year.
- Jack White
Collection: Art
Image of Jack White
You will face boredom and frustration your entire career as artists. You will be very frustrated seeking a voice/style that collectors can connect with. Once you accomplish that voice/style people are clamoring for, you will become bored doing it.
- Jack White
Collection: Artist
Image of Jack White
The true professional makes art when he is not feeling good, if the studio is too cold or too warm or the walls are falling down. We are painters and we paint. If I were a sculptor, I'd sculpt.
- Jack White
Collection: Art
Image of Jack White
The wonderful news is that when a person with my lack of art background can be successful, then anyone can. I'm not super talented and had no art training. Nothing, nada, zip. No workshops or classes.
- Jack White
Collection: Art
Image of Jack White
For new bands, I think a major label is the safest place to be. Independent labels are the ones getting away with murder. A lot of them are hobbyists who rip-off young bands, taking advantage of people who would never get signed to a major.
- Jack White
Collection: Rip
Image of Jack White
Inspiration and creativity, they ride right next to one anotherNot everyday are you going to wake up, the clouds are gonna part and the rays are gonna come downsometimes you gotta just get in there and force yourself to work and maybe something good will come out of it.
- Jack White
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Jack White
I have a suggestion for all of those award seekers and blue ribbon hunters. Spend your efforts on making art that connects with people. Awards impress the grandkids but they don't move the gauge on selling your product. Art needs to touch the emotions of the buyer.
- Jack White
Collection: Art
Image of Jack White
All of us need to self-promote. We cannot sit back and wait for our gallery or rep to do it all.
- Jack White
Collection: Self
Image of Jack White
The most exciting rock 'n' roll band of the last 50 years who are still on the road today
- Jack White
Collection: Rocks
Image of Jack White
I really don't like to take the easy way out, if I can help it, on anything I do, I like to really make it a challenge. I don't know how to create by taking the easy routes. I've tried, you know, I've tried to let myself, but I always struggle to compensate.
- Jack White
Collection: Struggle
Image of Jack White
I think it takes a lot of trickery to keep up with the media and its perception of you. I don't know if I have it in me most of the time to care. The music is made first, and the interviews or photos to keep it alive come later as a necessary evil, I suppose.
- Jack White
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jack White
An auctioneer is such a uniquely American thing. I keep thinking in my head, perhaps it's not as American as I think, but it feels so Southern. It feels so American. Like, hundreds of years of American tradition is involved in it.
- Jack White
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jack White
You can't be an actor in a small town-you have to go to New York or L.A.
- Jack White
Collection: New York
Image of Jack White
What you think is fake in your head comes off as not enough on camera, a lot of times. You almost have to overdo it, in this overly, sort of Broadway, large-gestures kind of way to come off as being realistic on camera. It's strange. You almost have to act really fake to come off looking real.
- Jack White
Collection: Real
Image of Jack White
As an artist, you take things from your environment, and there's going to be a style coming out of your environment.
- Jack White
Collection: Artist
Image of Jack White
I think I've been a good boy long enough and given everyone around me a fair piece of the pie as far as all of the fleeting glory and reward that comes from the heavens - or the music press, whatever you want to call it.
- Jack White
Collection: Boys
Image of Jack White
Saying you love something out loud with the wrong intonation in your face can damn you and destroy what you're working on.
- Jack White
Collection: Damn You
Image of Jack White
People have sort of a problem trying to see an end to a situation as being positive or romantic.
- Jack White
Collection: People
Image of Jack White
I don't think about my mom when I'm onstage. I just don't really think about my kids when I'm working, and when we press stop and I walk outside, they're the first things I think about.
- Jack White
Collection: Mom
Image of Jack White
I think that most people, and by people I mean journalists, think that I pre-conceive everything and that I spend my afternoons dreaming up self-mythologizing points of interest.
- Jack White
Collection: Dream
Image of Jack White
If you're asking if I would be foolish enough, or insulting enough, to write about people in my life that I respect and sell it to the masses as a "break-up song," I can't imagine doing that to people I love.
- Jack White
Collection: Song