Diana Ross

Image of Diana Ross
I really, deeply believe that dreams do come true. Often, they might not come when you want them. They come in their own time.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Positive
Image of Diana Ross
Discipline is a necessary tool to help you get what you want in life. It forces you to stay on center and to move away from the things that are not necessary.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Moving
Image of Diana Ross
I can be a better me than anyone can.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Diana Ross
Most people are so hard to please that if they met God, they'd probably say yes, she's great, but.
- Diana Ross
Collection: People
Image of Diana Ross
My travels led me to where I am today. Sometimes these steps have felt painful, difficult, but led me to greater happiness and opportunities.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Travel
Image of Diana Ross
I'm from a singing family, but they're not professional singers, only gospel - my grandfather was a minister. I started to sing the music that was out then because my mother used to play it all the time. It was the end of the '50s, the beginning of the '60s. There was Frankie Lyman and the Teenagers, Etta James... We used to sit outside on the stoop and sing. We even used to put our radios and record players outside.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Mother
Image of Diana Ross
Do you know where you going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? Do you know?
- Diana Ross
Collection: Life Is
Image of Diana Ross
Hair has always been important.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Hair
Image of Diana Ross
I have a lust for life.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Lust
Image of Diana Ross
My life has often been described as 'from rags to riches' but in fact, the Ross's were never raggedy.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Rags
Image of Diana Ross
It tickles me, my daughter said that to me. She said, "Mommie, why is it that every time they say your name they put your age right behind it?"
- Diana Ross
Collection: Daughter
Image of Diana Ross
Criticism, even when you try to ignore it, can hurt. I have cried over many articles written about me, but I move on and I don't hold on to that.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Hurt
Image of Diana Ross
You can always tell where Diana Ross has been by the hair that's left behind!
- Diana Ross
Collection: Hair
Image of Diana Ross
A reporter once asked me if I ever cried. I wonder if people think I'm just as hard as a rock and have no emotions at all.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Thinking
Image of Diana Ross
My father worked hard, but we were still very poor; and I didn't want anybody arguing about money, so I became the entertainer, the one who wanted everyone to be happy. I didn't want there to be any problems.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Father
Image of Diana Ross
I want to live in Paris for a couple of years. I'm dying to do the Josephine Baker story. I really want to be there and do it. It's certainly my intention to do it.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Couple
Image of Diana Ross
I want to go Africa. I want to go to China. There are some places I want to go not to work, but to really explore and to see for my own education.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Want
Image of Diana Ross
I really think I want to live in a lot of places.I don't want possessions to hold me down.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Thinking
Image of Diana Ross
My name, Diana Ross, is my name and nobody should be able to use that for exploitative purposes but me.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Names
Image of Diana Ross
It seems like I don't have a lot of time for all the things I need to do. I'm spreading myself fairly thin. I have responsibilities to my children. I have a big staff that works for me. And when you have a staff, and I'm sure you know this, you're always concerned with everybody's life all the time.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Children
Image of Diana Ross
When I'm working I actually forget to eat. I don't eat sweets because I don't care about them. I have no real secrets. I just realize that as I get older I should stay strong so I exercise more.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Stay Strong
Image of Diana Ross
I always wanted to be a fashion designer and I learned costume illustration in high school. That was an incredible high school. It was more like a college. I'm moving more in that direction, just kind of merchandising my name.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Fashion
Image of Diana Ross
I don't know what my life would have been like if I'd never gotten into show business.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Show Business
Image of Diana Ross
I don't like to have too many makeup artists around, so I always like to do my own.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Artist
Image of Diana Ross
I am in prayer for his kids and the family.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Prayer
Image of Diana Ross
So every time I make a new circuit, a new time around, then I change the show. You can't change the songs; people still want to hear "Lady Sings the Blues" and they still want to hear some of the oldies.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Song
Image of Diana Ross
The only recording studio was in Motown - it was called Tamla/Motown at that time and we used to audition there because Smokey Robinson was at that studio and Berry Gordy was the president. I remember asking Smokey to listen to my group and he did. For the first couple of years we were just singing background. We used to back up Marvin Gaye; Mary Wells was there then, Marv Johnson, the Marvelettes, Martha Reeves and the Vandellas, Junior Walker and the All-Stars.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Stars
Image of Diana Ross
I just think Josephine Baker life story needs to be done. I think she was an extraordinary woman. To see someone who was basically a showgirl have the kind of lifestyle she had was extraordinary. I really think she made her own lifestyle.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Thinking
Image of Diana Ross
I would like to enjoy my life a little bit more so I can really have more fun, but my work is my fun.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Fun
Image of Diana Ross
I'm crazy about Diane Von Furstenberg. It's a relationship that's very different; I don't see Diane a lot. So when I saw the article in New York magazine she looked so beautiful and it was talking about her work, too. She set up the interview and it was happening. That's different than someone writing a book about you who you've never met.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Diana Ross
It's easier for me to sit with the producers and the writers and I give them my feelings and my thoughts and what I think I feel like singing about and then they go away and write it.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Writing
Image of Diana Ross
I lived on the north side of Detroit. Right down the street from me there was a young man by the name of Smokey Robinson. I was very proud to live down the street from him because he was our only celebrity in town. He was singing with the Miracles.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Men
Image of Diana Ross
Either black people end up being the best in sports, or else it's show business. You know, we all got rhythm.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Sports
Image of Diana Ross
I use Jimmy Galanos gowns for real special occasions and things - television, special occasions where I know I'm being filmed. But I never really wear his gowns on stage. My stage gowns are more costumey. There's different levels of things that I wear.I would never wear my stage gowns to a party.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Real
Image of Diana Ross
I jog and I roller-skate. I dance - that's the best exercise.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Exercise
Image of Diana Ross
I don't care about vacations. I go away and I come back real quick because I like my work. I really like my work to consume me.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Real
Image of Diana Ross
I don't know what I feel about wearing my furs anymore. I worked so hard to have a fur coat, and I don't want to wear it anymore because I'm so wrapped up in the animals. I have real deep thoughts about it because I care about the world and nature.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Real
Image of Diana Ross
People can take your name and write a book about you and they make money off of it. How is the public supposed to know you're not authorizing that book? As soon as you make a big stink about it it only makes the book sell more.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Book
Image of Diana Ross
It's not fair that our name can be used in any newspaper, any article connected with anything, and we can't really fight about it. It's like any newspaper that might take a picture of you, bad or good, and sometimes they're awful pictures, and they can use them without your approval and you can't do anything about it.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Fighting
Image of Diana Ross
You can have a lot of New York and still see what's going on in the rest of the world, I think - like in China.
- Diana Ross
Collection: New York
Image of Diana Ross
My problem is that people have been writing books about me.A lot of things that people write about you are incorrect, but you don't fight about it.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Book
Image of Diana Ross
All of a sudden I feel more womanly, I feel like I got a figure. I was always really straight up and down, the skinny one in the middle, like that poster at Elaine's of the Supremes at Lincoln Center - it was done by Joe Eula. To me that's really a reflection of the way I was. I was just like a bean pole. Now I'm getting a few curves and I like it.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Reflection
Image of Diana Ross
I've never been damaged or hurt by press. It's just that I think it's unfair to use your name in media.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Hurt
Image of Diana Ross
I'm really lucky, I have my performing career so I can continue to do personal appearances. Most actors have to do a film. But I thought I would wait until I found something I really liked.A lot of my friends feel that I'm wrong to wait. They say I should have done My Bodyguard, but I don't think so. I think I've been right.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Thinking
Image of Diana Ross
I spend too much money on my sets and my gowns. I think the presentation is important. I don't think people want to see the old show all the time.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Thinking
Image of Diana Ross
If I do an interview, then I take full responsibility. I figure I'm not going to talk to anyone that I think is unethical anyway.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Diana Ross
For some reason, my main movie, Lady Sings the Blues, to me really isn't me. I really can let go of Diana Ross when I see the movie. I'm really objective when I'm watching it. I liked that movie so much. That movie was like magic so that when I'm looking at it I'm really not seeing myself, I'm seeing the actress. I'm seeing another person, not the me of me.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Diana Ross
I really don't think that Detroit was any different than New York of Boston or Philadelphia. Kids always wanted to listen to music outside because that's where they hung out with their friends.
- Diana Ross
Collection: New York