David Letterman

Image of David Letterman
It's two days until tax time. I know it's late, but there is still time to deduct this show as a loss.
- David Letterman
Collection: Loss
Image of David Letterman
Snooki is now a published author. I'm blaming Sarah Palin. She lowered the bar.
- David Letterman
Collection: Bars
Image of David Letterman
The mayor of Sochi is now saying that there are no gay people in Sochi. So the only thing that is flaming over there now is the Olympic torch.
- David Letterman
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Letterman
Hey, guess who's gay? The Green Lantern from the comic books. Today Mitt Romney knocked him down and shaved his head.
- David Letterman
Collection: Book
Image of David Letterman
I worry about Rick Perry. One, he's too conservative, Two, his debating skills. And three ... Oh crap, what was three?
- David Letterman
Collection: Skills
Image of David Letterman
Did you folks see President Bush's State of the Union Address? How about that surprise announcement? Howard Dean has been captured and he's in the hands of interrogators.
- David Letterman
Collection: Hands
Image of David Letterman
While I was gone, I had quintuple bypass surgery on my heart. Plus, I got a haircut.
- David Letterman
Collection: Heart
Image of David Letterman
Final installment of Things More Fun Than Reading the Sarah Palin Memoir: Driving into a tree, microwaving your head, and getting stabbed in the eye with a carrot.
- David Letterman
Collection: Fun
Image of David Letterman
They found a cave once lived in by Osama bin Laden and the only thing in the cave were some boxer undershorts, and macaroni. I'm telling you, you add an old stack of Playboys, this could be my place. It's like I have a twin.
- David Letterman
Collection: Add
Image of David Letterman
Now there are reports that Osama bin Laden would like to commit suicide on television. This is the kind of lead-in I have been praying for every since I came to CBS. Bin Laden is planning a televised suicide or, as I call it, hosting the Academy Awards.
- David Letterman
Collection: Suicide
Image of David Letterman
What a day. It's 53 and gloomy - like President Obama.
- David Letterman
Collection: President
Image of David Letterman
President Obama has two years left as president. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets to appoint two new Kardashian husbands.
- David Letterman
Collection: Husband
Image of David Letterman
Yesterday was Election Day. If we have any Democrats in the audience, I'm sorry but you're going to have to give up your seats.
- David Letterman
Collection: Giving Up
Image of David Letterman
A lot of issues were on the ballots. In New York City there was Proposition 14. That would put a ceiling on the number of late-night talk shows. And California passed Proposition 21. That would change guacamole officially to guac.
- David Letterman
Collection: New York
Image of David Letterman
Newt Gingrich says he wants to get rid of Social Security. Who is more qualified to give this country financial advice than a guy who ran up a half-million dollar bill at Tiffany?
- David Letterman
Collection: Country
Image of David Letterman
Yesterday was the New York City Marathon. Republicans won in a landslide.
- David Letterman
Collection: New York
Image of David Letterman
When I stopped smoking cigars it was the biggest mistake I made in my life. So my resolution for 98 is Im going to start smoking cigars again. I gave them up about a year and a half ago, and I now realize that it may have been my one last fun, interesting thing to do.
- David Letterman
Collection: Fun
Image of David Letterman
Bronco Rick Perry is the first candidate I've ever heard say he's not doing well because he's sleepy. You know, we criticized George W. Bush a lot, but there was one thing he was very disciplined about, and that was getting his full eight years of sleep.
- David Letterman
Collection: Sleep
Image of David Letterman
I just heard George W. Bush's new plan for airline security. From here on out, every plane will now have its own hockey dad.
- David Letterman
Collection: Dad
Image of David Letterman
Herman Cain said, starting today, if you buy into his 9-9-9 plan, he'll throw in a free 32-ounce soda.
- David Letterman
Collection: Cain
Image of David Letterman
One day you're the leader of Iraq, the next day you're being checked for fleas on Fox News.
- David Letterman
Collection: Next Day
Image of David Letterman
Over the weekend Mitt Romney went body surfing. He has not body surfed since the '90s when he starred on 'Baywatch.'
- David Letterman
Collection: Weekend
Image of David Letterman
President Bush says he is looking forward to the testimony of Condoleezza Rice. Yes, he is very excited about Condoleezza Rice's testimony before Congress. Well, it makes perfect sense - he wants to know what was going on, too.
- David Letterman
Collection: Perfect
Image of David Letterman
John Walker, while he was in Afghanistan, told people his goal was to have four wives. ... Do we need any further proof that this guy is out of his mind? Four wives? That's how al Qaeda gets you to become a suicide bomber.
- David Letterman
Collection: Suicide
Image of David Letterman
Last night, President Bush gave a prime-time press conference. It was such a big deal that Fox decided to preempt American Idol. Which made sense to me, you don't want too many amateurs on in one night.
- David Letterman
Collection: Night
Image of David Letterman
President Bush insisted that there was nothing in the August 6th, 2001 briefing, which was titled 'Bin Laden determined to attack the United States', that hinted what bin Laden was up to. Bush says that he would have moved mountains to stop the attack. Yeah, but he draws the line at reading a memo.
- David Letterman
Collection: Reading
Image of David Letterman
CIA Director George Tenet has now testified before the 9/11 commission and he said we are still making the same dumb mistakes, like leaving memos on the President's desk.
- David Letterman
Collection: Mistake
Image of David Letterman
President Bush wants to build a space station on the moon. And from the moon, he wants to launch people to Mars. You know what this means. He's been drinking again.
- David Letterman
Collection: Drinking
Image of David Letterman
The candidates at the Republican debate looked like a town council that was outlawing dancing. They looked like a board of directors that was lying about poisoning a river.
- David Letterman
Collection: Lying
Image of David Letterman
President Bush announced he has a five-point strategy for getting out of Iraq. Points six through 10 will be handled by the Kerry administration.
- David Letterman
Collection: Iraq
Image of David Letterman
Here's some news from Afghanistan. We're sending more troops to seal up the borders. Can we try that here? Three months, 12,000 pounds of bombs and billions and billions of dollars and the highest ranking enemy we've captured so far is an American.
- David Letterman
Collection: Enemy
Image of David Letterman
But down in Florida in the early voting, there were computer glitches, confusing ballots, long lines and chaos. And when President Bush heard about this, he said, 'Mission accomplished!'
- David Letterman
Collection: Florida
Image of David Letterman
It looks like President Bush will be handing over power to the Iraqis by June 30th. That's amazing and not only that, but it looks like he'll be handing over power to the Democrats by November 2nd.
- David Letterman
Collection: June
Image of David Letterman
Kim Jong Il made his staff call him “dear” and spent the day drinking cognac. It's like I have a twin, ladies and gentlemen.
- David Letterman
Collection: Drinking
Image of David Letterman
John Kerry had surgery on his right shoulder this week to repair some damage. It was pretty bad, he had no feeling. It was almost like he was a Republican.
- David Letterman
Collection: Feelings
Image of David Letterman
Mitt Romney said he's not concerned about the very poor. What he means is people making less than a million.
- David Letterman
Collection: Mean
Image of David Letterman
I heard doctors revived a man who had been dead for 4-1/2 minutes. When they asked him what it was like being dead, he said it was like listening to Yankees announcer Phil Rizzuto during a rain delay.
- David Letterman
Collection: Rain
Image of David Letterman
Critics of the Wall Street protesters claim that they have old ideas, nothing new, and they're never going to work. Wait a minute., that sounds like this show.
- David Letterman
Collection: Wall
Image of David Letterman
You know who's also joining the Wall Street protesters? Kanye West. That's a real good idea -- a guy with diamonds in his teeth protesting greed.
- David Letterman
Collection: Wall
Image of David Letterman
They're saying President Obama doesn't have any friends. The problem is that he can't get Congress to approve one.
- David Letterman
Collection: President
Image of David Letterman
When Martha gets out she'll be under house arrest in her big $40 million mansion in Bedford. Boy, that'll teach her. She's only allowed out of the house for doctors visits, grocery shopping, or to dump more stock.
- David Letterman
Collection: Boys
Image of David Letterman
I'm still here. I knocked off another competitor.
- David Letterman
Collection: Competitors
Image of David Letterman
Arnold is now the front runner. Everyone was snickering about it a month ago, now it looks like he will be the next governor of California. He is so confident he has already chosen a body oil for the inauguration.
- David Letterman
Collection: Oil
Image of David Letterman
Arnold Schwarzenegger got into a huge debate with Arianna Huffington about immigration - going back and forth - finally immigration came in and hauled them both away.
- David Letterman
Collection: Immigration
Image of David Letterman
An old interview of Arnold Schwartzenegger has surfaced where he admits to smoking a lot of pot and having sex with hookers. Finally a Republican all Californians can get behind.
- David Letterman
Collection: Sex
Image of David Letterman
I'm nothing if not an optimist.
- David Letterman
Collection: Optimist
Image of David Letterman
Osama bin Laden... lived in one house for, like, six years with three wives. And earlier today, they ruled his death was a suicide.
- David Letterman
Collection: Suicide
Image of David Letterman
Newt Gingrich wants to repeal child labor laws. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the man that we need to lead us into the 18th century.
- David Letterman
Collection: Children
Image of David Letterman
Have you folks been following the controversy with John Kerry and his service in Vietnam and the Swift Boat campaign? It all took place in Vietnam and now it just won't go away. I was thinking about this - if John Kerry had just ducked the war like everybody else he wouldn't have this trouble.
- David Letterman
Collection: War