David Letterman

Image of David Letterman
It's so warm now, and Thanksgiving came so early - is it just me, or does it not really feel like Ramadan?
- David Letterman
Collection: Thanksgiving
Image of David Letterman
There's only one requirement of any of us, and that is to be courageous. Because courage, as you might know, defines all other human behavior. And, I believe - because I've done a little of this myself - pretending to be courageous is just as good as the real thing.
- David Letterman
Collection: Courage
Image of David Letterman
We inadvertently bombed the Chinese Embassy. But Clinton now is working very hard. He has sent a letter of apology to the Chinese. And, he's also given them a gift certificate for future nuclear secrets.
- David Letterman
Collection: Future
Image of David Letterman
The White House is giving George W. Bush intelligence briefings. You know, some of these jokes just write themselves.
- David Letterman
Collection: Intelligence
Image of David Letterman
I cannot sing, dance or act; what else would I be but a talk show host.
- David Letterman
Collection: Funny
Image of David Letterman
There is no off position on the genius switch.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
There's no business like show business, but there are several businesses like accounting.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
There's not a man, woman or child on the face of the earth who doesn't enjoy a tasty beverage.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
If it wasn't for the coffee, I'd have no identifiable personality whatsover.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
The worst tempered people I have ever met were those who knew that they were wrong.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
I have found that the only thing that does bring you happiness is doing something good for somebody who is incapable of doing it for themselves.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
Don't forget it's daylight savings time. You spring forward, then you fall back. It's like Robert Downey Jr. getting out of bed.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change color and fall from the trees.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
Next in importance to having a good aim is to recognize when to pull the trigger.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
Last night the United States dropped four 2,000 pound bombs on Saddam Hussein. I don't know anything about explosives, but, my God, do those things even need to explode?
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
New York... when civilization falls apart, remember, we were way ahead of you.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
I had no idea this thing was televised. Boy, is my face red.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
The weather here is gorgeous. It's mild and feels like it's in the eighties. The hot dog vendors got confused because of the weather and thought it was spring, so they accidentally changed the hot dog water in their carts.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
Experts say that Iraq may have nuclear weapons. That's bad news - they may have a nuclear bomb. Now the good news is that they have to drop it with a camel.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
Traffic signals in New York are just rough guidelines.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
I'm just trying to make a smudge on the collective unconscious.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
We have defeated Saddam Hussein and Iraq. The good news is Iraq is ours, and the bad news is Iraq is ours.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
I believe I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans. Am I either one? Absolutely not. Ladies and gentlemen, I am an American.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
The big debate right now is if Saddam is alive or dead. He's dead, then he's alive, then dead, then alive. It's just confusing. Today they showed videotape, and Saddam was speaking at his own funeral.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
People say New Yorkers can't get along. Not true. I saw two New Yorkers, complete strangers, sharing a cab. One guy took the tires and the radio; the other guy took the engine.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
President Bush has been silent on Schwarzenegger. Of course, he can't pronounce Schwarzenegger.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
We make a lot of fun at President Clinton's expense. But this transition is going to be tough because it's been 25 years since this guy has gotten laid in the private sector.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
I know these jokes aren't great, ladies and gentlemen, see this is the problem you run into when you're between impeachments.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
New York now leads the world's great cities in the number of people around whom you shouldn't make a sudden move.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
As you know now, Rush Limbaugh is the new face of the Republican Party, but they'll probably go with a different body.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
Here's a little known fact - Arnold is the first body builder to run for governor since Janet Reno.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
President Bush says he needs a month off to unwind. Unwind? When the hell does this guy wind?
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
Dick Cheney said he was running again. He said his health was fine, 'I've got a doctor with me 24 hours a day.' Yeah, that's always the sign of a man in good health, isn't it?
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
President Bush has said that he does not need approval from the UN to wage war, and I'm thinking, well, hell, he didn't need the approval of the American voters to become president, either.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
For the love of God, folks, don't try this at home.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
A lot of folks are still demanding more evidence before they actually consider Iraq a threat. For example, France wants more evidence. And you know I'm thinking, the last time France wanted more evidence they rolled right through Paris with the German flag.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
No one knows if Saddam is still alive. They keep showing old footage of him on TV saying that it's live. You know, it's like the same thing we do with Dick Cheney.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
Yesterday Senator John Kerry changed his mind and now supports the ban on gay marriages. I'm telling you this guy has more positions than Paris Hilton.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
Wherever we've travelled in this great land of ours, we've found that people everywhere are about 90% water.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
Congratulations are in order for Woody Allen - he and Soon Yi have a brand new baby daughter. It's all part of Woody's plan to grow his own wives.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
Iraq's elite Republican Guard is doing so badly they're changing their name to the Democratic Guard.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
It's official, Arnold said he will enter the race for governor. At least that's what everybody thinks he said.
- David Letterman
Image of David Letterman
America is the only country where a significant proportion of the population believes that professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was faked.
- David Letterman
Collection: Inspirational
Image of David Letterman
They say there are about 12 million illegal immigrants in this country. But if you ask a Native American, that number is more like 300 million.
- David Letterman
Collection: Country
Image of David Letterman
Don't use your bedroom for work, unless you're a prostitute.
- David Letterman
Collection: Use
Image of David Letterman
I wish the iPhone people would design one that's black and has two pieces, and it plugs into the wall and you can pick one piece up and talk into it. I tell you, the whole time I had one of those old-fashioned plug-in phones, not once did I misplace it.
- David Letterman
Collection: Wall
Image of David Letterman
Love: You can't start it like a car, you can't stop it with a gun.
- David Letterman
Collection: Love You
Image of David Letterman
I'm an environmentalist. Most of my jokes are recycled.
- David Letterman
Collection: Environmentalist
Image of David Letterman
You've got to be careful smoking weed. It causes memory loss. And also, it causes memory loss.
- David Letterman
Collection: Weed