Christine Feehan

Image of Christine Feehan
Life gives us choices. You either grab on with both hands and just go for it, or you sit on the sidelines.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Christine Feehan
Trust. Such an easy word. Such an impossible quality.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Quality
Image of Christine Feehan
The trouble is not really in being alone, it's being lonely. One can be lonely in the midst of a crowd, don't you think?
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Lonely
Image of Christine Feehan
And maybe that was love. Being so vulnerable and allowing someone else in so far they could hurt you, but they also give you everything.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Hurt
Image of Christine Feehan
I claim you as my life mate. I belong to you. I offer my life for you. I give to you my protection, my allegiance, my heart, my soul, and my body. I take into my keeping the same that is yours. Your life, happiness, and welfare will be cherished and placed above my own for all time. You are my life mate, bound to me for all eternity and always in my care.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Heart
Image of Christine Feehan
There were a thousand secrets in her eyes, a thousand wounds. A lifetime of distrust and betrayal. Isolation. How did one overcome such things?
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Betrayal
Image of Christine Feehan
I have traveled all over the world and gone to the highest peaks, and the densest jungles. The Carpathain Mountians will always be my homeland, but my home is a woman. Solange Sangria. You are home to me. Your body is my home. Your mind. Your heart and soul. It matters little to me where we are.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Home
Image of Christine Feehan
Betrayal is never easy to handle and there is no right way to accept it.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Betrayal
Image of Christine Feehan
Wolves? I should have known. Of course you have wolves. Doesn’t everybody?” She snapped her fingers. “The gun, Lucian. Hand it over. I’ve decided I have to shoot you after all. It’s the only way to preserve my sanity.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Gun
Image of Christine Feehan
She didn't know how to love, to give herself to someone, to out herself in someone else's keeping and take him into hers. She didn't trust anyone with her heart - or the darker places of her soul.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Heart
Image of Christine Feehan
The real question is, can you love the real me? Not the perfect person you want me to be, not that image you had of me, but who I really am.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Real
Image of Christine Feehan
She stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were dark, almost black, filled with pain. She'd let someone do that to her. She'd known all along she felt things too deeply. She became attached. She didn't want a lover who could walk away from her, because she could never do that - love someone completely and survive intact if her left her.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Pain
Image of Christine Feehan
I can't help it, Kate. And I'm laughing at me. I feel like one of those sappy men who run around with a big grin on his face all the time. I feel like grinning all the time around you, and it's so idiotic.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Running
Image of Christine Feehan
Jesse, we can’t do this.” “Sure we can, honey. It’s the perfect night for it. You’re a woman, I’m a man. Those little twinkling things overhead are stars. I believe it’s referred to as romance.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Stars
Image of Christine Feehan
I have to figure out why I worked at a job I hated for years. I have to find out why I can’t see what everyone else sees in me. I don’t feel beautiful. When I look in the mirror, I never saw beautiful. For this to happen to someone like me, it’s devastating, Jonas. I don’t want you to think it’s vanity, it isn’t. I can’t see me and I need to be able to do that. I need to find out what I’m like and what I want. I have to be comfortable in my own skin before I can be in a relationship the way you want.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Christine Feehan
You can't be anything but who you are. I wouldn't love you the same if you stopped being you. How do I change enough to accept that ruthless streak in you.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Love You
Image of Christine Feehan
Men always seemed to growl and sniff around each other, bristling over nothing, and just as suddenly become buddies at the least likely moments.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Men
Image of Christine Feehan
I know what it's like to battle everyday of my life, just for acceptance, just to survive.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Christine Feehan
If you allowed yourself to hear or feel amusement, you would hear and feel pain.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Pain
Image of Christine Feehan
Stay out of my mind. You certainly weren't invited.' Her hands went to her hips. 'And just for the record, your mind needs to be washed out with soap! Half the things you think we're going to do are never going to happen. I could never look at you again.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Christine Feehan
It's all well and good to look back after the fact and see what we should have done, but we rarely know what path is best when we take that first step.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Should Have
Image of Christine Feehan
I just want some time, Mikhail, to think things through. It’s frightening, the way I am about you. I think about you every minute; I want to touch you, just to know I can, to feel you beneath my fingers. It’s as if you crawled into my head and my heart, even my body, and I can’t get you out.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Heart
Image of Christine Feehan
I have one thing you don't,' he murmured against her neck, turning his head and nipping her earlobe. 'What?' His tongue teased her ear. 'Brute strength,' he whispered and removed the keys from her hand even as he captured her mouth with his. He didn't let her up until she kissed him back thoroughly, until her arms slid around his neck and she melted into him. He drove the truck with great satisfaction, smirking at her. 'Manly man, here, woman.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Men
Image of Christine Feehan
If I had a sense of humor, I'd be laughing right now.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Laughing
Image of Christine Feehan
You're the kind of man my mother warned me about.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Mother
Image of Christine Feehan
For Lily, there was only her phantom lover, bold enough, arrogant enough, crazy enough to dare follow her here when he was in far more danger than she could ever be.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Crazy
Image of Christine Feehan
If what he said was the truth, it broke her heart. If what he said was a lie, it was broken anyway.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Broken Heart
Image of Christine Feehan
Don't worry, now that I know about your little ego problem, I'll do my best to look all gushy when you pound you chest.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Ego Problem
Image of Christine Feehan
I realized I love him just as much or more than I did four years ago. That I'm never live with him" She raised her head to look at her sisters with haunted eyes. "And I don't know if I can live without him.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Eye
Image of Christine Feehan
...but you have to know when you close those doors, you don't leave anything for the other person.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Doors
Image of Christine Feehan
We never can just stop time. Or take moments back. Life doesn't work that way, does it?
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Doe
Image of Christine Feehan
It's your way of fighting. You refuse to engage and then you can't lose.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Fighting
Image of Christine Feehan
Torture can be a two edged sword.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Two
Image of Christine Feehan
I know you so well, dragon king, you only get that particular look on your face when you're burning to give me one of your lectures." "Do I give you lectures ?" "Oh, I don't mind. I think you're kind of cute when you do, and I don't really listen anyway.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Cute
Image of Christine Feehan
I'm an observer. I read about life. I research life. I find a corner in a room and melt into it. I can become invisible. It's an art, and I am a wonderful practitioner.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Art
Image of Christine Feehan
She was crawling out from under the huge tour bus when he first caught sight of her. She was small, like a child.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Children
Image of Christine Feehan
The house is made up of the spirits of our ancestors. Did you think they would lie idly by while we were under attack?" 'Cuz, yeah, didn't everybody's ancestors rise up and destroy enemies.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Lying
Image of Christine Feehan
Jonas. Their rock. Shattered into so many shards. Holding himself together through the sheer force of will.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Rocks
Image of Christine Feehan
Just remember who you belong to, Hannah. I wouldn't want to have to shoot anyone - or strangle you." She leaned over to kiss his shoulder. "Why am I the one to be strangled?" "It's a much more personal death.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Kissing
Image of Christine Feehan
He worked at stealing her heart to replace the one she'd taken from him.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Taken
Image of Christine Feehan
We could get kinky and see how bats and rats make love, he suggested in a whisper, warm breath against her neck. You are a sick man, Jacques. Very, very sick.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Men
Image of Christine Feehan
I look at you, and I see the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. Inside and out you are beautiful. I know you better than anyone else could ever know you, because I can see into your thoughts and read your memories. The very light in you, our tremendous capacity for loving, humbles me.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Christine Feehan
Shadow and dust shall be reclaimed, earth sealing the tomb from which you came. Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, warrior return, breathe your last. Air, earth, fire, water, hear my voice, obey my order, thrice around your grave do bound, evil sink into the ground. I now invoke the law of three, this is my will, so mote it be.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Warrior
Image of Christine Feehan
I want you forever, Kate. I want to grow old and have you here in my arms. I want children. I've wanted you for so long. I don't think that's about to change.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Children
Image of Christine Feehan
Your name is Lily Whitney. You are the woman I want at my side night and day. I want you to be the mother of my children someday. I want you for my lover. I want you for the person I turn to when the world gets to be too much.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Mother
Image of Christine Feehan
The secret weapon is cucumber.' Solange sat all the way up. 'Jasmine, cover your ears.' MaryAnn, Juliette and Jasmine burst out laughing. 'Sheesh, Solange. Get your mind out of the gutter.' 'MY mind is just fine, thank you. It's MaryAnn's I'm concerned about.' 'You put them on your eyes,' MaryAnn said, laughing even harder.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Eye
Image of Christine Feehan
Amanda Ashley is a master storyteller.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Amanda
Image of Christine Feehan
Have you ever heard of a condom? Don't Carpathians have condoms? Because I'm thinking that if you're all that worried, a condom might be just the thing." His smile was slow in coming. "I had not thought of that. As a rule Carpathians do not need such things.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Christine Feehan
Francesca took a navy blue sheath from a hanger and held it up. "This is darling, Gabriel. Don't you love it? You're right, I think we need to concentrate on much more feminine articles of clothing." He reached around her and fingered the soft material. "Where is the rest of it?" He was very serious, his dark eyes searching her face for signs she was teasing.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Eye
Image of Christine Feehan
Desari reached up to trace his lips. ‘You have a perfect mouth, Julian. An amazingly perfect mouth.’ He arched an eyebrow at her. ‘Just my mouth is amazing?’ ‘You are such a man.’ Her eyes laughed at him. ‘You need constant reassurance that you are magnificent.’ He nodded. ‘Magnificent. I like that. I could live with magnificent. Good choice of words, lifemate.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Eye