Top Warrior Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Warrior quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Eric Greitens
As warriors, as humanitarians, they've taught me that without courage, compassion falters, and that without compassion, courage has no direction.
- Eric Greitens
Collection: Warrior
Image of Morihei Ueshiba
A warrior's mission is to foster the success of others.
- Morihei Ueshiba
Collection: Warrior
Image of Morihei Ueshiba
Cast off limiting thoughts and return to true emptiness. Stand in the midst of the great void. This is the secret of the Way of a Warrior.
- Morihei Ueshiba
Collection: Warrior
Image of Jacqueline Carey
Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel.
- Jacqueline Carey
Collection: Warrior
Image of Mencius
I dislike death, however, there are some things I dislike more than death. Therefore, there are times when I will not avoid danger.
- Mencius
Collection: Warrior
Image of Alison Goodman
He grunted. 'You have the courage of a warrior.' I watched him turn away and gather the clothes from the ground. He thought me courageous? But I was terrified - always terrified. 'No,' I said flatly. 'I don't." He paused from stuffing the invaluable robe between two bales. 'Are you frightened now?' I nodded, shame flushing my skin. 'Is it going to stop you?' 'No.' 'That is the courage of a warrior.
- Alison Goodman
Collection: Warrior
Image of Cate Tiernan
Men are natural warriors, but a woman in battle is truly bloodthirsty
- Cate Tiernan
Collection: Warrior
Image of Shigeru Miyamoto
What if everything you see is more than what you see--the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn't? You either dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world than you think. Perhaps it is really a doorway, and if you choose to go inside, you'll find many unexpected things.
- Shigeru Miyamoto
Collection: Warrior
Image of Rick Riordan
Enemy giants moved towards the breech, and Tyson picked up the fallen warrior’s club. He yelled something to his fellow blacksmiths – probably ‘FOR POSEIDON!’ – but with his mouth full of peanut butter it sounded like, ‘PUH PTEH BUN.’ His brethren all grabbed hammers and chisels, yelled, ‘PEANUT BUTTER!’ and charged behind Tyson into battle.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Warrior
Image of Jacquelyn Frank
I would think you an utter fool if you did not doubt me, warrior. Instead, I am forced to respect your uncommon intelligence. Now what, do you suppose, should I do from there?
- Jacquelyn Frank
Collection: Warrior
Image of Tom Spanbauer
The key to being a warrior is not to be afraid of who you are.
- Tom Spanbauer
Collection: Warrior
Image of Robin Sloan
Why does the typical adventuring group consist of a wizard, a warrior, and a rogue, anyway? It should really be a wizard, a warrior, and a rich guy. Otherwise who's going to pay for all the swords and spells and hotel rooms?
- Robin Sloan
Collection: Warrior
Image of Miyamoto Musashi
True warriors are fierce because their training is fierce.
- Miyamoto Musashi
Collection: Warrior
Image of Faith Hunter
You don't have to shout from the mountaintops. Sometimes power comes in a soft, calm, compassionate way, like a quiet warrior.
- Faith Hunter
Collection: Warrior
Image of Steve Hockensmith
A battle cry" Mr. Bennet said "is a warrior's calling card. Only it does not say 'Good afternoon. I have come for tea and crumpets.' It says 'Death has come for you! Flee or be killed where you stand!
- Steve Hockensmith
Collection: Warrior
Image of Victor Pelevin
There's a scientific hypothesis that every person's name is a primary suggestive command that contains the entire script of their life in highly concentrated form. . . . According to this point of view, there is only a limited number of names, because society only needs a limited number of human types. Just a few models of worker and warrior ants, if I could put it like that. And everybody's psyche is preprogrammed at a basic level by the associative semantic fields that their first name and surname activate.
- Victor Pelevin
Collection: Warrior
Image of H. Beam Piper
English is the product of a Saxon warrior trying to make a date with an Angle bar-maid, and as such is no more legitimate than any of the other products of that conversation.
- H. Beam Piper
Collection: Warrior
Image of Robert Bly
The inner boy in a messed-up family may keep on being shamed, invaded, disappointed, and paralyzed for years and years. "I am a victim," he says, over and over; and he is. But that very identification with victimhood keeps the soul house open and available for still more invasions. Most American men today do not have enough awakened or living warriors inside to defend their soul houses. And most people, men or women, do not know what genuine outward or inward warriors would look like, or feel like.
- Robert Bly
Collection: Warrior
Image of Jennifer Estep
And I was stuck here at Warrior Freaks R Us.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Warrior
Image of Georges Bataille
The warrior's nobility is like a prostitute's smile, the truth of which is self-interest.
- Georges Bataille
Collection: Warrior
Image of Elizabeth Bear
She said, "You're a warrior. So how do you kill without rage?" "In compassion. Because of necessity." Hrahima set the empty water bowl back in Samarkar's hands. "The same way you carry water.
- Elizabeth Bear
Collection: Warrior
Image of Carlos Castaneda
If you were a warrior, you would know that the worst thing one can do is confront human beings directly.
- Carlos Castaneda
Collection: Warrior
Image of Yunmen Wenyan
If you walk, just walk. If you sit, just sit. But don't wobble.
- Yunmen Wenyan
Collection: Warrior
Image of Michael Savage
We need racist stereotypes right now of our enemy in order to encourage our warriors to kill the enemy.
- Michael Savage
Collection: Warrior
Image of Bryan Stevenson
We don't need police officers who see themselves as warriors. We need police officers who see themselves as guardians and parts of the community. You can't police a community that you're not a part of.
- Bryan Stevenson
Collection: Warrior
Image of Taisen Deshimaru
You must concentrate upon and consecrate yourself wholly to each day, as though a fire were raging in your hair.
- Taisen Deshimaru
Collection: Warrior
Image of Jerry Pournelle
Of course most people underestimate the warrior characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon and Norman peoples anyway. It takes a heap of piety to keep a Viking from wanting to go sack a city.
- Jerry Pournelle
Collection: Warrior
Image of David Foreman
Free shackled rivers!...The finest fantasy of eco-warriors in the West is the destruction of [Glen Canyon] Dam and the liberation of the Colorado [River].
- David Foreman
Collection: Warrior
Image of Brandon Bays
Relaxing, embracing, surrendering, trusting - these are the only tools of a lover of truth. So, turn from warrior into a lover.
- Brandon Bays
Collection: Warrior
Image of Gozo Shioda
SHUCHU RYOKU - Focus all your energy to one point.
- Gozo Shioda
Collection: Warrior
Image of Tsukahara Bokuden
Mental bearing (calmness), not skill, is the sign of a matured samurai. A Samurai therefore should neither be pompous nor arrogant.
- Tsukahara Bokuden
Collection: Warrior
Image of James F. Cooper
The sight of a coward's blood can never make a warrior tremble.
- James F. Cooper
Collection: Warrior
Image of Rosario Dawson
I'm a New Yorker, so there are some aspects of being a tough woman that I thought I could bring to the role - but it's such a different world as a woman who's like a warrior.
- Rosario Dawson
Collection: Warrior
Image of Chris Mooney
Although not initially of his own choosing, Michael Mann has been the most important, resilient, and outspoken warrior in the climate battle--responding to threats and persecution with courage and resolve every step of the way. Anyone who cares about the climate issue must read his fascinating--and enraging--story.
- Chris Mooney
Collection: Warrior
Image of Daniel Bryan
We are inducting Connor "The Crusher" Michalek into the WWE Hall of Fame with the Warrior Award, and it's going to be really hard with the waves of emotion that will set in. I will have to share with everyone what he meant to me and also deal with how sad his story is. He was so inspiring to people, it is going to be really emotional for me. It should be very special!
- Daniel Bryan
Collection: Warrior
Image of Richard Machowicz
We hear the word Warrior used to describe women and men who show up, give their very best, and refuse to quit until the goal is reached.
- Richard Machowicz
Collection: Warrior
Image of Lierre Keith
Do we want to feel better or do we want to be effective? Are we sentimentalists or are we warriors?
- Lierre Keith
Collection: Warrior
Image of Yagyu Jubei Mitsuyoshi
The undisturbed mind is like the calm body water reflecting the brilliance of the moon. Empty the mind and you will realize the undisturbed mind.
- Yagyu Jubei Mitsuyoshi
Collection: Warrior
Image of David Gell
Sooner or later we all must die. Warriors choose to do so on their feet, standing between their enemies and those they hold dear. With a weapon in their hands. Cowards choose to do so on their bellies. Unarmed.
- David Gell
Collection: Warrior
Image of Richard Strozzi-Heckler
The path of the Warrior is lifelong, and mastery is often simply staying on the path.
- Richard Strozzi-Heckler
Collection: Warrior
Image of Rod Coronado
As Earth warriors, we choose to be participants in the ancient battle between good and evil. On our side stand the waters and wind, and all things wild and of the Earth. On the other side, consumed with greed and in persuit of power, control and money, stand all the dark forces that lay waste to Her.
- Rod Coronado
Collection: Warrior
Image of Pietro Metastasio
An old warrior is never in haste to strike the blow.
- Pietro Metastasio
Collection: Warrior
Image of Phil Woods
I have no illusions about being a genius musician. I pride myself on being a soldier, a warrior for jazz. I trained a lot of young people, and I've learned my lessons well. I'd like to keep the flame burning.
- Phil Woods
Collection: Warrior
Image of Milton Katselas
A warrior knows that his days are few which leads him to an intense experience of life that is unknown to others.
- Milton Katselas
Collection: Warrior
Image of John Vinocur
The public relations warriors fought and lost Monte Carlo's Battle of the Magazine Covers.
- John Vinocur
Collection: Warrior
Image of Chip Kelly
When a warrior goes down, you pick up his shield and go play in honor of him.
- Chip Kelly
Collection: Warrior
Image of David Gemmell
Do not speak badly of yourself, for the warrior that is inside you hears your words and is lessened by them.
- David Gemmell
Collection: Warrior
Image of David Gemmell
Fear is an aid to the warrior. It is a small fire burning. It heats the muscles, making us stronger. Panic comes when the fire is out of control, consuming all courage and pride.
- David Gemmell
Collection: Warrior
Image of Evan Wright
A true warrior can only serve others, not himself...When you become a mercenary, you're just a bully with a gun.
- Evan Wright
Collection: Warrior
Image of Alexander the Great
Without Knowledge, Skill cannot be focused. Without Skill, Strength cannot be brought to bear and without Strength, Knowledge may not be applied.
- Alexander the Great
Collection: Warrior