Top Kissing Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Kissing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Matthew Gregory Lewis
She sealed his lips with a wanton kiss; 'Though I forgive your breaking your vows to heaven, I expect you to keep your vows to me.
- Matthew Gregory Lewis
Collection: Kissing
Image of Tina St. John
I never knew what it was to crave a woman’s touch. Or to hunger for a woman’s kiss.” “And now you do?” she asked hesitantly. “Since I met you, Corinne Bishop, I’ve been thinking of little else.
- Tina St. John
Collection: Kissing
Image of Nancy Werlin
Was true love when you wanted to slap someone and kiss him madly at the same time?
- Nancy Werlin
Collection: Kissing
Image of Mark Doty
And then we ease him out of that worn-out body with a kiss, and he's gone like a whisper, the easiest breath.
- Mark Doty
Collection: Kissing
Image of Elizabeth Scott
I told you we were meant to be," he says, still smiling, still so Finn, who was always here but who I just didn't see and now-- Well, now I kiss him.
- Elizabeth Scott
Collection: Kissing
Image of Sonya Sones
When we kiss, his lips on mine are like CPR-- breathing the life back into me.
- Sonya Sones
Collection: Kissing
Image of Amber Benson
I'm kissing Alyson Hannigan and I almost stuck my tongue in her mouth because we just got so into it at one point.
- Amber Benson
Collection: Kissing
Image of Weihui Zhou
Kissing with the tip of the tongue is like ice-cream melting. It was he who taught me that a kiss has a soul and colour of its own.
- Weihui Zhou
Collection: Kissing
Image of Casey Affleck
But when I start to kiss someone - lust is the easiest emotion to generate.
- Casey Affleck
Collection: Kissing
Image of Billy Bob Thornton
I figured I would have to tell someone to kiss my ass before it was all over, and I have -- twice.
- Billy Bob Thornton
Collection: Kissing
Image of Octavio Paz
The world is born when two people kiss
- Octavio Paz
Collection: Kissing
Image of Sonia Sanchez
what i need is traveling minds talktouch kisses spittouch you swimming upstream.
- Sonia Sanchez
Collection: Kissing
Image of David Rakoff
We’re creatures of contact regardless of whether/ we kiss or we wound. Still, we must come together.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Kissing
Image of Billie Letts
Come on, Forney.' Novalee, it's a parasite.' But it's a tradition.' It's a parasite! And you expect people yo stand under it and kiss?' Yes! it's what people do with mistletoe.
- Billie Letts
Collection: Kissing
Image of Agnes de Mille
Then I did the simplest thing in the world. I leaned down... and kissed him. And the world cracked open.
- Agnes de Mille
Collection: Kissing
Image of Kerstin Gier
I can’t do it, Gideon! I can’t make out the way you kiss me one moment and then act as if you loathed me like poison the next!” Gideon said, after a brief pause, “I’d much rather be kissing you the whole time than loathing you, but you don’t exactly make it easy for me.
- Kerstin Gier
Collection: Kissing
Image of Sade Adu
What could equal the bliss? / The thrill of the first kiss / It'll blow right to you / It's never as good as the first time.
- Sade Adu
Collection: Kissing
Image of Karen White
A great man once wrote, "Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire." If only I were as eloquent as Mr. de la Rochefoucauld...I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. And I want you. And I need your kiss. And your touch on my skin like a man needs water. Always.
- Karen White
Collection: Kissing
Image of Anna Paquin
The only thing I can definitely say is that you cease to be self-conscious after you've had to kiss somebody on-camera with 30 people watching.
- Anna Paquin
Collection: Kissing
Image of Alice Munro
The conversation of kisses. Subtle, engrossing, fearless, transforming.
- Alice Munro
Collection: Kissing
Image of Aimee Bender
…kissing George was a little like rolling in caramel after spending years surviving off rice sticks.
- Aimee Bender
Collection: Kissing
Image of Emile Zola
Lovers are made by a kiss.
- Emile Zola
Collection: Kissing
Image of Ellen Schreiber
I'm not through with you yet. Are you prepared to accept your punishment?" I nodded reluctantly. I wasn't sure what a vampire's punishment might be. But I was ready to find out. "I sentence you to a thousand kisses," he said. "Can I begin now?
- Ellen Schreiber
Collection: Kissing
Image of Helen Fisher
Saliva has testosterone and estrogen. When you kiss, you're having a chemical experience.
- Helen Fisher
Collection: Kissing
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
And, like a fool, she kissed him back. Kissed him a way that would leave no doubt about the way she felt about him. Kissed him because she knew the chances were slim she'd have very many kisses like that in her lifetime. Which is a sad thing when you're only seventeen.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Kissing
Image of J. Lynn
I started to kiss him back, slower and clumsy where his had been sure, practiced. I was worried I was doing it wrong, but then a deep sound came from him, almost a growl and instinctively I knew it was a sound of approval.
- J. Lynn
Collection: Kissing
Image of Francesca Lia Block
A kiss about apple pie a la mode with the vanilla creaminess melting in the pie heat. A kiss about chocolate, when you haven't eaten chocolate in a year. A kiss about palm trees speeding by, trailing pink clouds when you drive down the Strip sizzling with champagne. A kiss about spotlights fanning the sky and the swollen sea spilling like tears all over your legs.
- Francesca Lia Block
Collection: Kissing
Image of Shana Abe
I've wanted you from the moment I first saw you in the museum. Before that. I wanted every part of you from the first time I felt you, your presence. I want you in the sky, and against the earth. I want to kiss you again, I want to touch you, I want to feel you in my arms and I want to hear you gasping my name when I'm inside you. I want all that, and I want it badly. Every time I look at you, I want it. So you're going to have to become used to that, Rue. It won't change." (Christoff to Rue)
- Shana Abe
Collection: Kissing
Image of Linda Howard
Don’t kiss me,” she said warningly. “I don’t intend to,” he replied, smiling a little. “I don’t have my whip and chair with me.
- Linda Howard
Collection: Kissing
Image of Prince
I just want your extra time and your.......... Kiss
- Prince
Collection: Kissing
Image of Laurie Faria Stolarz
it's a kiss full of promise, of trust and of all that is magic.
- Laurie Faria Stolarz
Collection: Kissing
Image of Susan Minot
Boy poison - a boy's kisses were like a poison, which infected you and after you were exposed you craved more, like an addict.
- Susan Minot
Collection: Kissing
Image of Bill Murray
Grab this day by the neck and kiss it.
- Bill Murray
Collection: Kissing
Image of Lori Foster
Every time you slip, you owe me a kiss.
- Lori Foster
Collection: Kissing
Image of Lori Foster
I want to make a bet with you.” Her interest perked up. “You do? About what?” Already knowing it wouldn’t go over well, Spencer braced himself. “I bet you can’t go a month without cursing.” Her chin tucked in, and her brows came down. “What does that have to do with anything?” He had no idea, except that it annoying him to hear her be so coarse. “Go a month without cursing.” He hated himself, but he said, “Every time you slip, you owe me a kiss.
- Lori Foster
Collection: Kissing
Image of Larry the Cable Guy
- Larry the Cable Guy
Collection: Kissing
Image of Malorie Blackman
So why did you want to kiss me?" "We're friends aren't we?" Callum shrugged. I relaxed into a smile. "Of course we are." "And if you can't kiss your friends who can you kiss?" Callum smiled.
- Malorie Blackman
Collection: Kissing
Image of Jonathan Stroud
Much has happened since last we met, Bartimaeus," he went on. "Do you remember how we parted?" "No." I did. "You set light to me, old friend. Struck a match and left me burning in a copse." The crow shifted uneasily beneath the cleaver."That's a gesture of endearment in some cultures. Some hug, some kiss, some set each other on fire in small patches of woodland.
- Jonathan Stroud
Collection: Kissing
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
A kiss, she thinks, has to be entirely balanced -- it has to have a little conflict, a little dialectic, a little revolution.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Kissing
Image of Pete Seeger
Parents are the hardest-working members of the population. But they do it for the highest wages. Kisses.
- Pete Seeger
Collection: Kissing
Image of Annette Curtis Klause
what red lips you have," he said in her ear. Did she dare say it? "All the better to kiss you with, my dear," she replied. And then their lips met.
- Annette Curtis Klause
Collection: Kissing
Image of Pablo Neruda
In one kiss, you'll know all I haven't said.
- Pablo Neruda
Collection: Kissing
Image of Robert James Waller
Once a person knows a kiss and a kind word, you can't blame him for never wanting to live without them again. - "The Bridges of Madison County"
- Robert James Waller
Collection: Kissing
Image of Kamila Shamsie
Love is like an eternal flame, once it is lit, it will continue to burn for all time.
- Kamila Shamsie
Collection: Kissing
Image of Gail Carson Levine
Kisses were better than potions.
- Gail Carson Levine
Collection: Kissing
Image of Tom Brokaw
No text message will ever replace the first kiss.
- Tom Brokaw
Collection: Kissing
Image of Jenna Black
So all you want is a kiss?" I asked. A little voice in my head said I was heading for one of those slippery slopes. I told the little voice to shut up. "Well, maybe more than one. But basically, yeah.
- Jenna Black
Collection: Kissing
Image of Kevin Nealon
I don't mind seeing two guys kissing, you know, as long as they're clean-shaven.
- Kevin Nealon
Collection: Kissing
Image of Jared Padalecki
Whenever I drive under a yellow light, I always kiss my finger and tap it on the roof of the car. And I do that when I get onto a plane as well!
- Jared Padalecki
Collection: Kissing
Image of David Benioff
She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. He mouth was cold, her lips rough from the winter wind, and if the mystics are right and we are doomed to repeat our squalid lives ad infinitum, at least I will always return to that kiss
- David Benioff
Collection: Kissing