Top Life And Love Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Life And Love quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Simon R. Green
Because nothing makes love and life matter more than the knowledge that some day it must end.
- Simon R. Green
Collection: Life And Love
Image of William Wordsworth
And suddenly all your troubles melt away, all your worries are gone, and it is for no reason other than the look in your partner's eyes. Yes, sometimes life and love really is that simple.
- William Wordsworth
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Twyla Tharp
Life is about moving, it’s about change. And when things stop doing that they’re dead.
- Twyla Tharp
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Fred Rogers
All I know to do is to light the candle that has been given to me.
- Fred Rogers
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Sidney Sheldon
Life is like a novel. It's filled with suspense. You have no idea what is going to happen until you turn the page.
- Sidney Sheldon
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Simone de Beauvoir
I am too intelligent, too demanding, and too resourceful for anyone to be able to take charge of me entirely. No one knows me or loves me completely. I have only myself
- Simone de Beauvoir
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Frederick William Robertson
Every natural longing has its natural satisfaction. If we thirst, God has created liquids to gratify thirst. If we are susceptible of attachment, there are beings to gratify that love. If we thirst for life and love eternal, it is likely that there are an eternal life and an eternal love to satisfy that craving.
- Frederick William Robertson
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Christine Feehan
Life gives us choices. You either grab on with both hands and just go for it, or you sit on the sidelines.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Chad Kultgen
Try to remember the moment when all the stupid innocent things you thought about life and love, all the things you thought mattered, all the things you though were true. . .try to remember when they all turned out to be lies. —Kyle
- Chad Kultgen
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Johannes Brahms
One should never forget that by actually perfecting one piece one gains and learns more than by starting or half-finishing a dozen.
- Johannes Brahms
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Jim Rohn
Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom. The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become. Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.
- Jim Rohn
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Lil B
We're a new generation of people. We need to be happy. We need to love each other. We need to accept each other for who we are and stop judging each other. Live life and love. Stop judging just to keep yourself secure. Look deeper. There's always something deeper than what it is.
- Lil B
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Doris "Granny D" Haddock
Let us choose life and love, and happily use our selves up in loving service to one another.
- Doris "Granny D" Haddock
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Lisa Vanderpump
Don't take life too seriously. Have fun in your life. And, never forget my mantra - love and laughter supersede all!
- Lisa Vanderpump
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Thomas Traherne
Sure Man was born to meditate on things, And to contemplate the eternal springs Of God and Nature, glory, bliss and pleasure: That life and love might be his eternal treasure.
- Thomas Traherne
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Martin Buber
All real living is meeting.
- Martin Buber
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Zebulon Pike
He was a man, that he always performed his promises, that he had never said he would return.
- Zebulon Pike
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Robert Murray M'Cheyne
If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies.
- Robert Murray M'Cheyne
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Johnny Cash
Life and love go on, let the music play.
- Johnny Cash
Collection: Life And Love
Image of James Martineau
I bow in reverence before the emotions of every melted heart....The more intense the delight in their presence, the more poignant the impression of their absence....When the tears of bereavement have had their natural flow, they lead us again to life and love's generous joy.
- James Martineau
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Eldridge Cleaver
Every highly successful person is a maniac on a mission. Too much agreement kills a chat
- Eldridge Cleaver
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Charlotte Sophia Kasl
When we come to the end of our days, the little things will seem so unimportant compared to how well we've loved, laughed and treasured our lives and loved ones.
- Charlotte Sophia Kasl
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Hank Williams, Jr.
The greatest of men, they don't get too big to cry. They just loose faith in love and life.
- Hank Williams, Jr.
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Rheta Grimsley Johnson
A man on a mission is far different from a drone on a deadline.
- Rheta Grimsley Johnson
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Aleister Crowley
The Devil' is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes... This serpent, SATAN, is not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil; He bade 'Know Thyself!' and taught Initiation. He is 'The Devil' of the Book of Thoth, and His emblem is BAPHOMET, the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection... He is therefore Life, and Love.
- Aleister Crowley
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Abu Umamah al Bahili
The best of the people are the first to greet others.
- Abu Umamah al Bahili
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Garrett Hedlund
You look at what interests a person and then you formulate what their opinions are, in terms of how they see the world, and how they see love and life.
- Garrett Hedlund
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Richard Carlton
Our company has indeed stumbled onto some of its new products. But never forget that you can only stumble if you're moving.
- Richard Carlton
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Laura Miller
Nonfiction brought me back to earth and sobered me up whenever it seemed like I'd become too drunk on the lives and loves of imaginary people, but that doesn't mean it was any less thrilling or transporting, although it was often more illuminating.
- Laura Miller
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Elie Tahari
Follow the truth to life and love what you do... Be passionate about it to the point where you’re willing to do anything for it.
- Elie Tahari
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Debora Spar
Feminism wasn’t supposed to make us miserable. It was supposed to make us free; to give women the power to shape their fortunes and work for a more just world. Today, women have choices that their grandmothers could not have imagined. The challenge lies in recognizing that having choices carries the responsibility to make them wisely, striving not for perfection or the ephemeral all, but for lives and loves that matter.
- Debora Spar
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Debora Spar
Strive not for perfection..but for lives and loves that matter.
- Debora Spar
Collection: Life And Love
Image of John Heilpern
But my relief that David Auburn's Proof is less about its ballyhooed higher mathematics than the fragility of life and love was matched by my delight in his fine and tender play. (...) Proof surprises us with its aliveness and intelligent modesty, and we have not met these characters before.
- John Heilpern
Collection: Life And Love
Image of E. M. Forster
Life never gives us what we want at the moment that we consider appropriate.
- E. M. Forster
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Julianne Hough
I'd feel a little bit dead inside, if I didn't have dancing. It's such a way of expression and exercise and life and love. You laugh, when you're being corny and dorky-dancing. It's everything.
- Julianne Hough
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Nils Frahm
You can learn to write. But what you write is something that depends on your taste and on your vision or whatever. Also, of course, the music I listened to inspired my idea of music. When people ask me "Where's your inspiration? Where does it come from?" I have no idea. Music is about music. Not about life and love.
- Nils Frahm
Collection: Life And Love
Image of T. D. Jakes
Real value isn’t in what you own, drive, wear or live. The greater value is found in love and life, health and strength, friends and family!
- T. D. Jakes
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Beccy Cole
Rainbows is a pretty honest look at my approach to life and love. While I admit to not exactly being an angel, I do try and live life to the fullest and give as much as I can of myself in the process
- Beccy Cole
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Martin Laird
Wisdom, health, life and love cannot be found in trying to control the wind, but rather in harnessing the wind in the sails of receptive engagement of the present moment.
- Martin Laird
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Sarah Barthel
I feel like I write about life and love and death; it's just what I gravitate towards.
- Sarah Barthel
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Helen Mirren
It's a mystery that thing about chemistry because often people who hate each other in real life and hate each other on the set have great chemistry on the screen. And people who love each other in real life and love each other on the set have absolutely no chemistry whatsoever.
- Helen Mirren
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Henry David Thoreau
However mean your life is, meet it and live it.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Rajneesh
Respect Life and Life will respect You. Love Life and Love will shower Blessings on You.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Leo Tolstoy
In spite of death, he felt the need of life and love. He felt that love saved him from despair, and that this love, under the menace of despair, had become still stronger and purer. The one mystery of death, still unsolved, had scarcely passed before his eyes, when another mystery had arisen, as insoluble, urging him to love and to life.
- Leo Tolstoy
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Brendon Burchard
The simple fact that you care, that you want to do your best, that you strive to enjoy life and love, this makes you so much more than enough.
- Brendon Burchard
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Ian Somerhalder
We are all dropped into our lives on this planet with a limited amount of time and cosmic understanding, yet we know one thing for certain: we wish to live. We share this yearning for life and love with all the beings that fly, grow, slither or swim amongst us.
- Ian Somerhalder
Collection: Life And Love
Image of Pope John Paul II
Take heed all of you who have at heart mankind's future! Take heed men and women of good will! May the temptation to seek revenge give way to the courage to forgive; may the culture of life and love render vain the logic of death; may trust once more give breath to the lives of peoples.
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Life And Love