Abraham Verghese

Image of Abraham Verghese
There are moments as a teacher when I'm conscious that I'm trotting out the same exact phrase my professor used with me years ago. It's an eerie feeling, as if my old mentor is not just in the room, but in my shoes, using me as his mouthpiece.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Teacher
Image of Abraham Verghese
Rituals, anthropologists will tell us, are about transformation. The rituals we use for marriage, baptism or inaugurating a president are as elaborate as they are because we associate the ritual with a major life passage, the crossing of a critical threshold, or in other words, with transformation.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Marriage
Image of Abraham Verghese
Students undergo a conversion in the third year of medical school - not pre-clinical to clinical, but pre-cynical to cynical.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Medical
Image of Abraham Verghese
We have the sense that medical students come to medicine with a great capacity to understand the suffering of patients. And then by the end of the third year they completely lose that ability, partly because we teach them the specialized language of medicine.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Medical
Image of Abraham Verghese
What we need in medical schools is not to teach empathy, as much as to preserve it - the process of learning huge volumes of information about disease, of learning a specialized language, can ironically make one lose sight of the patient one came to serve; empathy can be replaced by cynicism.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Learning
Image of Abraham Verghese
Literature is a beautiful way of keeping the imagination alive, of visiting worlds you would never have time to in your day-to-day life. It keeps you abreast of a wider spectrum of human activities.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Imagination
Image of Abraham Verghese
Certainly when I got to medical school, I had role models of the kind of physicians I wanted to be. I had an uncle who, looking back, was probably not the most-educated physician around, but he carried it off so well.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Medical
Image of Abraham Verghese
I think America is really in denial about the degree to which residents, particularly foreign medical graduates, man the county hospitals of this country, and but for their services, I'm not sure how exactly we could manage.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Medical
Image of Abraham Verghese
Wasn't that the definition of home? Not where you are from, but where you are wanted
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Home
Image of Abraham Verghese
I think we learn from medicine everywhere that it is, at its heart, a human endeavor, requiring good science but also a limitless curiosity and interest in your fellow human being, and that the physician-patient relationship is key; all else follows from it.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Heart
Image of Abraham Verghese
What we need in medical schools is not to teach empathy, as much as to preserve it. The process of learning huge volumes of information about disease, of learning a specialised language, can ironically make one lose sight of the patient one came to serve; empathy can be replaced by cynicism.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: School
Image of Abraham Verghese
Tell us please, what treatment in an emergency is administered by ear?"....I met his gaze and I did not blink. "Words of comfort," I said to my father.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Father
Image of Abraham Verghese
We come unbidden into this life, and if we are lucky we find a purpose beyond starvation, misery, and early death which, lest we forget, is the common lot. I grew up and I found my purpose and it was to become a physician. My intent wasn't to save the world as much as to heal myself. Few doctors will admit this, certainly not young ones, but subconsciously, in entering the profession, we must believe that ministering to others will heal our woundedness. And it can. but it can also deepen the wound.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Believe
Image of Abraham Verghese
The key to your happiness is to own your slippers, own who you are, own how you look, own your family, own the talents you have, and own the ones you don't. If you keep saying your slippers aren't yours, then you'll die searching, you'll die bitter, always feeling you were promised more. Not only our actions, but also our omissions, become our destiny.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Motivational
Image of Abraham Verghese
Though I am fascinated by knowledge, I am even more fascinated by wisdom.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Fascinated
Image of Abraham Verghese
You are an instrument of God. Don't leave the instrument sitting in its case, my son. Play! Leave no part of your instrument unexplored. Why settle for 'Three Blind Mice' when you can can play the 'Gloria'? No, not Bach's 'Gloria.' Yours! Your 'Gloria' lives within you. The greatest sin is not finding it, ignoring what God made possible in you.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Son
Image of Abraham Verghese
The most important innovation in medicine to come in the next 10 years: the power of the human hand.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Motivation
Image of Abraham Verghese
In writing, as in medicine, there are no short cuts. You need stamina.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Writing
Image of Abraham Verghese
I still find the best way to understand a hospitalized patient is not by staring at the computer screen but by going to see the patient; it's only at the bedside that I can figure out what is important.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Important
Image of Abraham Verghese
No blade can puncture the human heart like the well-chosen words of a spiteful son.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Heart
Image of Abraham Verghese
A rich man's faults are covered with money, but a surgeon's faults are covered with earth.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Men
Image of Abraham Verghese
You live it forward, but understand it backward.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Life
Image of Abraham Verghese
We know the average American physician interrupts their patient in 14 seconds.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Average
Image of Abraham Verghese
By visiting patients in their home, by helping them come to terms with their illness, I could heal when I could not cure.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Home
Image of Abraham Verghese
I was taking care of people my age who were dying. The constant feeling, hearing from them, was that life is transient and can end very quickly, so don't postpone your dreams.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Dream
Image of Abraham Verghese
Not only our actions, but also our omissions, become our destiny.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Destiny
Image of Abraham Verghese
This is my life, I thought...I have excised the cancer from my past, cut it out; I have crossed the high plains, descended into the desert, traversed oceans, and planted my feet in new soil; I have been the apprentice, paid my dues, and have just become master of my ship. But when I look down, why do I see the ancient, tarred, mud-stained slippers that I buried at the start of the journey still stuck to my feet?
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Cancer
Image of Abraham Verghese
He was teaching me how to die, just as he'd taught me how to live.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Teaching
Image of Abraham Verghese
Pray tell us, what's your favorite number?"... "Shiva jumped up to the board, uninvited, and wrote 10,213,223"... "And pray, why would this number interest us?" "It is the only number that describes itself when you read it, 'One zero, two ones, three twos, two threes'.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Zero
Image of Abraham Verghese
He had so many ways of climbing into the tree house in his head, escaping the madness below, and pulling the ladder up behind him.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Climbing
Image of Abraham Verghese
The world turns on our every action, and our every omission, whether we know it or not.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Omission
Image of Abraham Verghese
Make something beautiful of your life.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Abraham Verghese
According to Shiva, life is in the end about fixing holes. Shiva didn't speak in metaphors. fixing holes is precisely what he did. Still, it's an apt metaphor for our profession. But there's another kind of hole, and that is the wound that divides family. Sometimes this wound occurs at the moment of birth, sometimes it happens later. We are all fixing what is broken. It is the task of a lifetime. We'll leave much unfinished for the next generation.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Broken
Image of Abraham Verghese
The bottom line: health care reform is about the patient, not about the physician.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Physicians
Image of Abraham Verghese
Ignorance was just as dynamic as knowledge, and it grew in the same proportion.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Abraham Verghese
Being the first born gives you great patience.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Giving
Image of Abraham Verghese
I was angry with myself because I still loved her, or at least I loved that dream of our togetherness. My feelings were unreasonable, irrational, and I couldn't change them. That hurt.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Dream
Image of Abraham Verghese
There is a point when grief exceeds the human capacity to emote, and as a result one is strangely composed-
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Grief
Image of Abraham Verghese
In an emergency, what treatment is given by ear? Words of Comfort.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Comfort
Image of Abraham Verghese
To be around someone whose self-confidence is more than what our first glance led us to expect is seductive.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Self Confidence
Image of Abraham Verghese
The flip side of suicide is that it leaves a lingering question in the minds of the people who survived. Its like a cancer thats metastasized. The suicide is the cancer and the metastasis is all these people saying, Why? Why? Why?
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Suicide
Image of Abraham Verghese
I always wondered if the good people who send us bibles really think that hookworm and hunger are healed by scripture? Our patients are illiterate.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Thinking
Image of Abraham Verghese
We are all fixing what is broken. It is the task of a lifetime. We'll leave much unfinished for the next generation.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Broken
Image of Abraham Verghese
The only way to know where you are is by where you have just been.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Way
Image of Abraham Verghese
Yesterday misspent can't be recall'd Vanity makes beauty contemptible Wisdom is more valuable than riches.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Vanity
Image of Abraham Verghese
God will judge us, Mr. Harris, by--by what we did to relieve the suffering of our fellow human beings. I don't think God cares what doctrine we embrace.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Thinking
Image of Abraham Verghese
What treatment in an emergency is administered by ear?
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Ears
Image of Abraham Verghese
We come unbidden into this life, and if we are lucky we find a purpose beyond starvation, misery, and early death which, lest we forget, is the common lot.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Lucky
Image of Abraham Verghese
Life, too, is like that. You live it forward, but understand it backward. It is only when you stop and look to the rear that you see the corpse caught under your wheel.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Looks
Image of Abraham Verghese
Don't Let Him Know is a rich, evocative and brilliantly told tale of family, of loyalties, and of love that must stay secret. Sandip Roy has broken new ground in this tale of the modern Indian family. A lovely read
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Loyalty