Top Vanity Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Vanity quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Francis Quarles
Too much is a vanity; enough is a feast.
- Francis Quarles
Collection: Vanity
Image of William Makepeace Thackeray
All is vanity, nothing is fair.
- William Makepeace Thackeray
Collection: Vanity
Image of Walter Raleigh
Talking much is a sign of vanity, for the one who is lavish with words is cheap in deeds.
- Walter Raleigh
Collection: Vanity
Image of Juana Inés de la Cruz
In my opinion, better far it be To destroy vanity within my life Than to destroy my life in vanity.
- Juana Inés de la Cruz
Collection: Vanity
Image of Red Skelton
I don't need glasses, but I've just reached the age where curiosity is greater than vanity.
- Red Skelton
Collection: Vanity
Image of Alexander von Humboldt
The expression of vanity and self-love becomes less offensive, when it retains something of simplicity and frankness.
- Alexander von Humboldt
Collection: Vanity
Image of Michelle Rodriguez
I enjoy vanity . But I can't stick to any of that lifestyle for too long because, when its true colors come out, it's empty and cold and soulless.
- Michelle Rodriguez
Collection: Vanity
Image of Sándor Márai
We all of us must come to terms with what and who we are, and recognize that this wisdom is not going to earn us any praise, that life is not going to pin a medal on us for recognizing and enduring our own vanity or egoism or baldness or our potbelly.
- Sándor Márai
Collection: Vanity
Image of Stephen Hunt
All I have left is my anger at the foolishness of the world. The unnecessary cruelties, the pomposity and vanity of people who should know better. Most of the time I just want to shake some sense into the world.
- Stephen Hunt
Collection: Vanity
Image of Al Pacino
Vanity: my favorite sin.
- Al Pacino
Collection: Vanity
Image of Rabih Alameddine
There are two kinds of people in this world: people who want to be desired, and people who want to be desired so much that they pretend they don't.
- Rabih Alameddine
Collection: Vanity
Image of Adam Smith
The great secret of education is to direct vanity to proper objects.
- Adam Smith
Collection: Vanity
Image of Horace Walpole
It is difficult to divest one's self of vanity; because impossible to divest one's self of self-love.
- Horace Walpole
Collection: Vanity
Image of John Berryman
So if I were talking to a young writer, I would recommend the cultivation of extreme indifference to both praise and blame because praise will lead you to vanity, and blame will lead you to self-pity, and both are bad for writers.
- John Berryman
Collection: Vanity
Image of John Berryman
Praise will lead you to vanity, and blame will lead you to self-pity, and both are bad for writers.
- John Berryman
Collection: Vanity
Image of Anthea Turner
I have always liked clothes - throughout my life, my saving grace has been my own vanity.
- Anthea Turner
Collection: Vanity
Image of Thomas Chalmers
Guard against that vanity which courts a compliment, or is fed by it.
- Thomas Chalmers
Collection: Vanity
Image of Gregory Peck
If you have to tell them who you are, you aren't anybody.
- Gregory Peck
Collection: Vanity
Image of Ann Radcliffe
Vanity often produces unreasonable alarm.
- Ann Radcliffe
Collection: Vanity
Image of Mario Puzo
I want to tell you a story. I have no other vanity.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Vanity
Image of Pseudonymous Bosch
Despite my vanity, I fear for my sanity.
- Pseudonymous Bosch
Collection: Vanity
Image of Pascal Mercier
[Vanity] is an unrecognised form of stupidity, you have to forget the cosmic meaninglessness of all our acts to be able to be vain and that's a glaring form of stupidity.
- Pascal Mercier
Collection: Vanity
Image of Philip Kitcher
Anxieties about ourselves endure. If our proper study is indeed the study of humankind, then it has seemed-and still seems-to many that the study is dangerous. Perhaps we shall find out that we were not what we took ourselves to be. But if the historical development of science has indeed sometimes pricked our vanity, it has not plunged us into an abyss of immorality. Arguably, it has liberated us from misconceptions, and thereby aided us in our moral progress.
- Philip Kitcher
Collection: Vanity
Image of T. H. Robsjohn-Gibbings
The surroundings householders crave are glorified autobiographies ghost-written by willing architects and interior designers who, like their clients, want to show off.
- T. H. Robsjohn-Gibbings
Collection: Vanity
Image of Corra May Harris
Not everything you hear about yourself can be considered good publicity. And if you have delicate sensibilities, the currycomb of public imagination frequently rubs your vanities the wrong way.
- Corra May Harris
Collection: Vanity
Image of Fulke Greville, 1st Baron Brooke
O wearisome condition of humanity! Born under one law, to another bound; Vainly begot and yet forbidden vanity; Created sick, commanded to be sound.
- Fulke Greville, 1st Baron Brooke
Collection: Vanity
Image of Neil Kinnock
The unforgivable political sin is vanity, the killer diet is sour grapes.
- Neil Kinnock
Collection: Vanity
Image of Andrew Davidson
Vanity is both a great motivator and a great deceiver.
- Andrew Davidson
Collection: Vanity
Image of Christian Friedrich Hebbel
Religion is the highest vanity.
- Christian Friedrich Hebbel
Collection: Vanity
Image of Eleanor Bron
The world is so rife with narcissists that none of them take enough notice of me.
- Eleanor Bron
Collection: Vanity
Image of Myrtle Reed
It is personal vanity of the most flagrant type which intrudes itself, unasked, into other people's affairs. There are few of us who do not feel capable of ordering the daily lives of others, down to the most minute detail.
- Myrtle Reed
Collection: Vanity
Image of Fairfield Porter
If you are vain it is vain to sign your pictures and vain not to sign them. If you are not vain it is not vain to sign them and not vain not to sign them.
- Fairfield Porter
Collection: Vanity
Image of Sara Coleridge
The desire to be the object of public attention is weak, but the excessive dread of it is but a form of vanity and over-self-contemplativeness.
- Sara Coleridge
Collection: Vanity
Image of Sir Fulke Greville
Vanity is the poison of agreeableness; yet as poison, when artfully and properly applied, has a salutary effect in medicine, so has vanity in the commerce and society of the world.
- Sir Fulke Greville
Collection: Vanity
Image of Shana Alexander
Hair brings one’s self-image into focus; it is vanity’s proving ground. Hair is terribly personal, a tangle of mysterious prejudices
- Shana Alexander
Collection: Vanity
Image of Thomas Haden Church
I have a healthy sense of vanity. I like to look good for myself, which is what a lot of women say. I want to stay fit.
- Thomas Haden Church
Collection: Vanity
Image of Alexander Alekhine
Chess is a matter of vanity.
- Alexander Alekhine
Collection: Vanity
Image of Arthur Lynch
Vanity is easily forgiven, for we are all vain, and even as we laugh at the weakness of others we feel that their vanity has touched the responding chord of our own.
- Arthur Lynch
Collection: Vanity
Image of Walter J. Phillips
Take away a painter's vanity, said a famous landscape painter, and he will never touch a pencil again.
- Walter J. Phillips
Collection: Vanity
Image of Anna Brownell Jameson
Extreme vanity sometimes hides under the garb of ultra modesty.
- Anna Brownell Jameson
Collection: Vanity
Image of Alice Thomas Ellis
Those who live on vanity must, not unreasonably, expect to die of mortification.
- Alice Thomas Ellis
Collection: Vanity
Image of Ali Khamenei
Today, America poses a threat to peace and security in the world. Therefore, the slogan "Death to America" is no longer used only by our people. Today, you see throughout the world people setting fire to the effigy of the American president and chanting the slogan "Death to America." This is because of the American regime's exaggerated demands, its arrogance, its vanity, and its desire to control, and because it is a pawn in the hands of the Zionists.
- Ali Khamenei
Collection: Vanity
Image of Jack Newfield
He knows which fighters to steal, how to exploit anyone's vice, vanity or insecurity and make a profit for himself.
- Jack Newfield
Collection: Vanity
Image of Andy Whitfield
So when I look in the mirror I'm driven by both vanity and fear.
- Andy Whitfield
Collection: Vanity
Image of Anna Faris
I feel like all comedy does require a lack of vanity, but multi-cam, especially.
- Anna Faris
Collection: Vanity
Image of Fernando Torres
Purpose without virtue is vanity.
- Fernando Torres
Collection: Vanity
Image of Charlotte Lennox
What is called liberality is often no more than the vanity of giving, of which some persons are fonder than of what they give.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Vanity
Image of Eliza Haywood
Those Women who boast the Affections of their Admirers, have a greater share of Vanity than Love.
- Eliza Haywood
Collection: Vanity
Image of Edmund Stoiber
Irresponsibility, cowardice, personal vanity, whining and chaos are becoming the maxims of political action. There is a stink in Berlin - a huge one!
- Edmund Stoiber
Collection: Vanity