Top Son Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Son quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Fred Thompson
Russians don't take a dump, son, without a plan.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Son
Image of Jerry Bridges
We could not take one step in the pursuit of holiness if God in His grace had not first delivered us from the dominion of sin and brought us into union with His risen Son. Salvation is by grace and sanctification is by grace.
- Jerry Bridges
Collection: Son
Image of Lorenzo Snow
. . . This is the high destiny of the sons of God, they who overcome, who are obedient to His commandments, who purify themselves even as He is pure. They are to become like Him; they will see Him as He is; they will behold His face and reign with Him in His glory, becoming like unto Him in every particular.
- Lorenzo Snow
Collection: Son
Image of Jennifer Rardin
Have you dared to eat my son?" I laughed. Actually, it started out as more of a giggle that grew. Because my mind went straight to the gutter.
- Jennifer Rardin
Collection: Son
Image of Abraham Verghese
You are an instrument of God. Don't leave the instrument sitting in its case, my son. Play! Leave no part of your instrument unexplored. Why settle for 'Three Blind Mice' when you can can play the 'Gloria'? No, not Bach's 'Gloria.' Yours! Your 'Gloria' lives within you. The greatest sin is not finding it, ignoring what God made possible in you.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Son
Image of Philip Schaff
The Son of God, prompted by the same infinite love, laid aside his divine glory and mode of existence, emptied himself exchanged the form of God for the form of a servant, humbled himself and became obedient, even unto the death of the cross.
- Philip Schaff
Collection: Son
Image of Pope John Paul II
From Mary we learn to surrender to God's Will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary we learn to love Christ her Son and the Son of God!
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Son
Image of Bruce R. McConkie
But I shall not know any better then than I know now that he is God’s Almighty Son, that he is our Savior and Redeemer, and that salvation comes in and through his atoning blood and in no other way.
- Bruce R. McConkie
Collection: Son
Image of Bruce R. McConkie
Obviously the holy practice (of polygamy) will commence again after the Second Coming of the Son of Man and the ushering in of the millennium.
- Bruce R. McConkie
Collection: Son
Image of Ralph Moody
Son, there are times a man has to do things he doesn't like to, in order to protect his family.
- Ralph Moody
Collection: Son
Image of Hjalmar Branting
I do not overlook the fact that the appearance of these new, free nations in the European political community not only celebrates the return of the prodigal son but also creates new sources of friction here and there
- Hjalmar Branting
Collection: Son
Image of Paul Verlaine
Prends l'e loquence et tords-lui son cou! Take eloquence and break its neck!
- Paul Verlaine
Collection: Son
Image of Charles Buxton
Pounds are the sons, not of pounds, but of pence.
- Charles Buxton
Collection: Son
Image of F.B. Meyer
Ah, afflicted one, your disabilities were meant to unite with God's enablings, your weakness to mate His power. God's grace is at hand -sufficent-- and at its best when human weakness is most profound. Appropriate it and learn that those who wait on God are stronger in their weakness than the sons of men in their stoutest health and vigor.
- F.B. Meyer
Collection: Son
Image of Kevin DeYoung
God did not send a concept, an idea, or a virtue. He sent his Son. Follow the God of love, not love as your god.
- Kevin DeYoung
Collection: Son
Image of William Tyndale
For we love not God first, to compel him to love again; but he loved us first, and gave his Son for us, that we might see love and love again, saith St John in his first epistle.
- William Tyndale
Collection: Son
Image of William Samuel Johnson
Remember...that you are redeemed of the Lord [Ephesians 1:7]-that you are bought with a price [1 Corinthians 6:20], even the inestimable price of the precious blood of the Son of God...Acquaint yourselves with Him in His word and holy ordinances.
- William Samuel Johnson
Collection: Son
Image of Ozzy Osbourne
My son Jack just got out of rehab, he's 17 years old and he got hooked on Oxycontin and I'm just a little pissed off that he never gave me a few.
- Ozzy Osbourne
Collection: Son
Image of Craig T. Nelson
My youngest son is a writer. He wrote for The District and CSI: NY.
- Craig T. Nelson
Collection: Son
Image of Brigham Young
The only men who become Gods, even the Sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy
- Brigham Young
Collection: Son
Image of J. R. Moehringer
It takes just as many men to build a sturdy man, son, as it does to build a tower. You will look back on this time and remember remarkably little of it, excpt the extent to which I tried or did not try.
- J. R. Moehringer
Collection: Son
Image of Irenaeus of Lyons
He who was the Son of God became the Son of man, that man ... might become the son of God.
- Irenaeus of Lyons
Collection: Son
Image of Naomi Novik
Temeraire-- Never fear; I am going; the Son of Heaven will not tolerate delays, and Barham gives me leave. Allegiance will carry us! Pray eat something --L.
- Naomi Novik
Collection: Son
Image of Emile Coue
When I'm get­ting ready to per­suade a per­son, I spend one-third of the time think­ing about myself, what I'm going to say, and two-thirds of the time think­ing about him and what he is going to say. -Abra­ham Lincoln Always think of what you have to do as easy and it will be.
- Emile Coue
Collection: Son
Image of Susan Boyle
I'm so proud of my son for being so funny!
- Susan Boyle
Collection: Son
Image of J. C. Ryle
There is only one door, one bridge, one ladder, between earth and heaven - the crucified Son of God.
- J. C. Ryle
Collection: Son
Image of Farley Mowat
Ah me son, we don't be takin' nothin' from the sea. We has to sneak up on what we wants and wiggle it away
- Farley Mowat
Collection: Son
Image of Eva Ibbotson
The dowager rose and slipped from her pew. There was the sound of tearing silk as she threw up her arms to embrace her son. Then: "Oh, Rupert, darling," she exclaimed in tones of theatrical despair, "don't you see? The game's up!
- Eva Ibbotson
Collection: Son
Image of Timothy Keller
God looks at the anxious and says, I tore my Son to shreds for you, and you're afraid I will not give you what you need?
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Son
Image of Dan Barker
If the Prodigal Son's a parable, and if Adam and Eve are metaphors, then maybe God is just figure of speech.
- Dan Barker
Collection: Son
Image of David Weber
Son, you'll know you're in love when a woman's voice settles into your spine.
- David Weber
Collection: Son
Image of Alain Robbe-Grillet
On n'e chappe pas a' son sort. One cannot escape destiny.
- Alain Robbe-Grillet
Collection: Son
Image of Jacob Grimm
Before the castle gate all was as the fox had said: so the son went in and found the chamber where the golden bird hung in a wooden cage, and below
- Jacob Grimm
Collection: Son
Image of Joseph Mawle
Weve got nine generations of farmers in my family, in Warwickshire. And I do feel connected to being a farmers son. There was a time when I didnt, when I rebelled against it, but theres certainly that sort of work ethic within me.
- Joseph Mawle
Collection: Son
Image of Hosni Mubarak
Saudi Arabia has lost one of its dutiful sons, a leader among the most dear of its leaders and men.
- Hosni Mubarak
Collection: Son
Image of Pauly Shore
Son-In-Law was kind of my crossover. It was the movie that brought me out of the MTV audience into the mainstream.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Son
Image of Judy Sheindlin
Your son went into your kitchen and took a kitchen knife.
- Judy Sheindlin
Collection: Son
Image of Rodman Philbrick
I don't have any of the answers, son. Never did. All I can do is keep asking the questions. Keep trying to make sense of why people do what they do.
- Rodman Philbrick
Collection: Son
Image of Mark E. Smith
We were playing a festival in Dublin the other week. There was this other group, like, warming up in the next sort of chalet, and they were terrible. I said, 'Shut them cunts up!' And they were still warming up, so I threw a bottle at them. The bands said, 'That's the Sons of Mumford' or something. 'They're number five in charts!' I just thought they were a load of retarded Irish folk singers.
- Mark E. Smith
Collection: Son
Image of Chris Paul
For me, hip-hop culture is involved in everything - it's in me, in who I am, in how I dress, how I talk. It's in my son and my wife.
- Chris Paul
Collection: Son
Image of Alice Cary
Nothing in this low and ruined world bears the meek impress of the Son of God so surely as forgiveness.
- Alice Cary
Collection: Son
Image of William John Locke
Don't be a genius, my son, it isn't good for anybody.
- William John Locke
Collection: Son
Image of John G. Lake
In Christ we become God's sons, man's servants and the devil's masters.
- John G. Lake
Collection: Son
Image of Joseph Haydn
I tell you before God, and as an honest man, your son (W A Mozart)is the greatest composer known to me by person and repute, he has taste and what is more the greatest skill in composition.
- Joseph Haydn
Collection: Son
Image of George W Truett
The right to private judgment is the crown jewel of humanity, and for any person or institution to dare to come between the soul and God is a blasphemous impertinence and a defamation of the crown rights of the Son of God.
- George W Truett
Collection: Son
Image of Archibald Alexander
In vain do we seek to awaken our churches to zeal in evangelism as a separate thing. To be genuine it must flow from love to Christ. It is when a sense of personal communion with the Son of God is highest that we shall be most fit for missionary work, either ourselves or to stir up others.
- Archibald Alexander
Collection: Son
Image of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
You can drive the devil out of your garden but you will find him again in the garden of your son.
- Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Collection: Son
Image of St. George Tucker
Whilst America hath been the land of promise to Europeans, and their descendants, it hath been the vale of death to millions of the wretched sons of Africa... Whilst we were offering up vows at the shrine of Liberty... whilst we swore irreconcilable hostility to her enemies... whilst we adjured the God of Hosts to witness our resolution to live free or die... we were imposing on our fellow men, who differ in complexion from us, a slavery, ten thousand times more cruel than the utmost extremity of those grievances and oppressions, of which we complained.
- St. George Tucker
Collection: Son