Laugh Out Loud: Hilarious Quotes for Every Occasion - Page 21

Brighten your day with a selection of humorous and funny quotes. Laugh out loud with witty and amusing insights. Page 21 provides more funny quotes.

Image of Jack Paar
It was plain to see the Hollywood undertakers take care of everything. If you die you don't have to lift a finger.
- Jack Paar
Collection: Funny
Image of Jack Paar
Then there was the time in Hollywood when I sat down in a breakaway chair and it collapsed on me. I was nearly knocked out and might have been even more seriously hurt but my fall was broken by the smog.
- Jack Paar
Collection: Funny
Image of Jack Paar
The California cemeteries make dying sound so attractive it's a real effort to keep breathing.
- Jack Paar
Collection: Funny
Image of Jack Paar
Son of Lady Chatterley's Lover had obvious commercial advantages (as a title for this book), but it impugned the marital status of my parents, something that enough critics were already doing.
- Jack Paar
Collection: Funny
Image of Rene Russo
There is so much more than that little space from 14 to 40. And if you cut that off and begin to believe that you are not good past a certain age, then you end up scared and insecure and afraid. That is definitely NOT beautiful.
- Rene Russo
Collection: Funny
Image of Earl Wilson
Today, there are three kinds of people: the haves, the have-nots, and the have-not-paid-for-what-they-haves.
- Earl Wilson
Collection: Funny
Image of Earl Wilson
Somebody figured it out- we have 35 million laws trying to enforce Ten Commandments.
- Earl Wilson
Collection: Funny
Image of Jennifer Morrison
That’s why you call it a budget. You set it and you don’t budge.
- Jennifer Morrison
Collection: Funny
Image of Heraclitus
Stupidity is better kept a secret than displayed.
- Heraclitus
Collection: Funny
Image of Jane Bryant Quinn
The shortest period of time lies between the minute you put some money away for a rainy day and the unexpected arrival of rain.
- Jane Bryant Quinn
Collection: Funny
Image of Samuel Ullman
Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing child-like appetite of what's next, and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from God, so long are you young.
- Samuel Ullman
Collection: Funny
Image of A. A. Milne
People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
- A. A. Milne
Collection: Funny
Image of Flannery O'Connor
You shall know the truth, and it will make you odd.
- Flannery O'Connor
Collection: Funny
Image of Spike Milligan
One day the "Don't Knows" will get in and then where will we be?
- Spike Milligan
Collection: Funny
Image of Spike Milligan
Money can't buy friends, but you can get a better class of enemy.
- Spike Milligan
Collection: Funny
Image of Matthew Pearl
Yes, we rather condemn people for eternity without the courtesy of informing them.
- Matthew Pearl
Collection: Funny
Image of Jim Bouton
Back then, if you had a sore arm, the only people concerned were you and your wife. Now it's you, your wife, your agent, your investment counselor, your stockbroker, and your publisher.
- Jim Bouton
Collection: Funny
Image of David Beckham
I definitely want Brooklyn to be christened, but I don't know into what religion yet.
- David Beckham
Collection: Funny
Image of Erma Bombeck
Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the 'Titanic' who waved off the dessert cart.
- Erma Bombeck
Collection: Funny
Image of Erma Bombeck
When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.
- Erma Bombeck
Collection: Funny
Image of Navjot Singh Sidhu
It's always darkest before the dawn. So if you're going to steal your neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.
- Navjot Singh Sidhu
Collection: Funny
Image of Larry the Cable Guy
You learn a lot though when you have kids, I'll tell you what. Did you know when a baby poops its diapers, you're not supposed to hit him with a rolled-up newspaper?
- Larry the Cable Guy
Collection: Funny
Image of Larry the Cable Guy
Bought a pair of boots the other day, and they was some silicone gel in there. Big red letters said, "Do not eat." Do they really need that stuff in them boots? Is there really some dude opening a pair of boots goin', "Boy, look at them boots. What the hell? I better eat that. I don't know what the hell that is."
- Larry the Cable Guy
Collection: Funny
Image of Tom Shales
"More fun than a barrel of monkeys." Has anyone ever stopped to think how cranky, if not downright vicious, a barrelful of monkeys would be, especially once released from the barrel?
- Tom Shales
Collection: Funny
Image of Kathleen Norris
In spite of the cost of living, it's still popular.
- Kathleen Norris
Collection: Funny
Image of Candice Bergen
Living in LA is like not having a date on Saturday night.
- Candice Bergen
Collection: Funny
Image of Pat Williams
What do you have when you have an agent buried up to his neck in sand? Not enough sand.
- Pat Williams
Collection: Funny
Image of Victor Borge
Clarinets, like lawyers, have cases, mouthpieces, and they need a constant supply of hot air in order to function.
- Victor Borge
Collection: Funny
Image of Victor Borge
The conductor is a peculiar person. He turns his back on his friends in the audience, shakes a stick at his players in the orchestra, and then wonders why nobody loves him.
- Victor Borge
Collection: Funny
Image of Victor Borge
I wish to thank my parents for making it all possible? and I wish to thank my children for making it necessary.
- Victor Borge
Collection: Funny
Image of Victor Borge
Mendelssohn never wrote any Water Music. However, he wrote the Scotch Symphony, which is even better, or at least stronger.
- Victor Borge
Collection: Funny
Image of Nassim Nicholas Taleb
They are born, put in a box; they go home to live in a box; they study by ticking boxes; they go to what is called "work" in a box, where they sit in their cubicle box; they drive to the grocery store in a box to buy food in a box; they talk about thinking "outside the box"; and when they die they are put in a box.
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Collection: Funny
Image of Tsugumi Ohba
There are no nudists in cold areas.
- Tsugumi Ohba
Collection: Funny
Image of W. G. Sebald
Men and animals regard each other across a gulf of mutual incomprehension.
- W. G. Sebald
Collection: Funny
Image of Tom Waits
A gentleman is someone who can play the accordion, but doesn't.
- Tom Waits
Collection: Funny
Image of Flann O'Brien
Another day gone and no jokes.
- Flann O'Brien
Collection: Funny
Image of Jules Renard
Being bored is an insult to oneself.
- Jules Renard
Collection: Funny
Image of Steven Wright
When I was in school the teachers told me practice makes perfect; then they told me nobody’s perfect so I stopped practicing.
- Steven Wright
Collection: Funny
Image of Steven Wright
How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn’t live there?
- Steven Wright
Collection: Funny
Image of Steven Wright
Right now I’m having amnesia and déjà vu at the same time. I think I’ve forgotten this before.
- Steven Wright
Collection: Funny
Image of Steven Wright
Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.
- Steven Wright
Collection: Funny
Image of Steven Wright
Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?
- Steven Wright
Collection: Funny
Image of Steven Wright
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese
- Steven Wright
Collection: Funny
Image of Steven Wright
If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, doesn't it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked, and dry cleaners depressed?
- Steven Wright
Collection: Funny
Image of Steven Wright
Tell a man that there are 400 billion stars and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint and he has to touch it.
- Steven Wright
Collection: Funny
Image of Steven Wright
If it’s zero degrees outside today and it’s supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be?
- Steven Wright
Collection: Funny
Image of Steven Wright
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat
- Steven Wright
Collection: Funny
Image of Steven Wright
If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?
- Steven Wright
Collection: Funny
Image of Steven Wright
Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist but a person who drives a racing car not called a racist?
- Steven Wright
Collection: Funny