Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 55

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 55 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Junot Diaz
There's little question that short stories, like poetry, don't get the respect they deserve in the culture - but what can you do? Like Canute, one cannot fight the sea, you have to go with your love, and hope one day, things change.
- Junot Diaz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Dane Cook
Created a word game to play with a person you're fighting with. Silent Treatment. Nothing happens until one of you quietly says, Hey, you hungry?
- Dane Cook
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chris Hayes
People in the media often tend to assume it`s like Trump and [Ted] Cruz fighting over the same voters but when you look at the people who say they`re voting for Donald Trump he does as well with voters who describe themselves as moderate or liberal as he does with voters who themselves as very conservative. So, not all the Trump base would go to Cruz as a second choice.
- Chris Hayes
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paulo Coelho
You can choose between being a victim of destiny or an adventurer who is fighting for something important.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fighting
Image of Socrates
I call myself a Peaceful Warrior... because the battles we fight are on the inside.
- Socrates
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kid Cudi
I don't like to power trip, but when you're a boss you have to fight for certain things.
- Kid Cudi
Collection: Fighting
Image of Stephen Colbert
I may not agree with what you have to say but I will fight you to the death for the right to fight you to the death.
- Stephen Colbert
Collection: Fighting
Image of Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
The actual fights themselves are very demanding. You don't want to drain yourself. But it pumps you up, gets you in the zone. It's a good way of getting you into the zone for the scene.
- Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
Collection: Fighting
Image of e. e. cummings
The hardest fight a man has to fight is to live in a world where every single day someone is trying to make you someone you do not want to be--
- e. e. cummings
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jay Roach
In his life, [Dalton] Trumbo uses wit and comedy to fight these very high-stakes battles.
- Jay Roach
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jay Roach
[ Dalton Trumbo] always said he fought so many fights, all seemingly different, but all about the concepts of fairness and justice.
- Jay Roach
Collection: Fighting
Image of Wayne Pacelle
Media coverage of the legislative fights is overwhelmingly negative for agriculture interests. The impression left among consumers is that the proponents had something to hide.
- Wayne Pacelle
Collection: Fighting
Image of Russell T Davies
Captain Jack: Rose, you are worth fighting for. [Jack kisses Rose passionately] Captain Jack: Wish I'd never met you, Doctor, I was much better off as a coward. [Jack kisses the Doctor the same way]
- Russell T Davies
Collection: Fighting
Image of Leonard Ravenhill
It may be that Satan has little cause to fear most preaching. Yet past experiences sting him to rally all his infernal army to fight against God's people praying.
- Leonard Ravenhill
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mika
Over the past few days I have been fighting off a virus that has affected the majority of my band and crew.
- Mika
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ice Cube
You can go raise the money outside of the industry, and then what you're doing is fighting with your money to get back into the industry, or for them to use your money instead of their own. So, you got to figure out how to do it within the flow of the industry.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Fighting
Image of Nate Parker
We have such a knee-jerk reaction to our young people, not recognizing our young people carry the torch. We condemn them for their hats worn a certain way or their hoodie worn a certain way, or their pants sagging a certain way, but the reality is, we need to meet them where they stand. We need to arm them with what they need to fight, and then we need to get the hell out the way and let them lead. That is something that is not happening in our communities.
- Nate Parker
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paulo Coelho
We could go back to the time when we first met: a man in emotional tatters over someone who had left him, and a woman madly in love with her neighbor. I could repeat what I said to you once: 'I'm going to fight to the bitter end.' Well, I fought and I lost, and now I'll just have to lick my wounds and leave.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bradford Cox
I feel very strongly about the subject matter in The Dallas Buyer's Club - about AIDS and people fighting illnesses, and fighting for survival against bad conditions.
- Bradford Cox
Collection: Fighting
Image of Frederick Lenz
Don't fight with your thoughts or try to suppress them with your will. This will only frustrate you and bind you to your thoughts even more strongly.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fighting
Image of George Eliot
Any coward can fight a battle when he's sure of winning.
- George Eliot
Collection: Fighting
Image of Andrea Dworkin
Feminism is a political practice of fighting male supremacy on behalf of women as a class, including all the women you don't like, including all the women you don't want to be around, including all the women who use to be your best friends whom you don't want anything to do with any more. It doesn't matter who the individual women are.
- Andrea Dworkin
Collection: Fighting
Image of Colin Firth
On his fight scene with Hugh Grant in Bridget Jones: It was a delicious experience.
- Colin Firth
Collection: Fighting
Image of Eve Ensler
There are three billion women in the world who have vaginas. I don't think we can stop fighting for our sexual liberation, for our right to control our bodies. But at the same time as we're doing that, we have to also be fighting for the rights of trans women and standing up for them and making sure that we're always providing platforms for them and listening to their concerns in solidarity.
- Eve Ensler
Collection: Fighting
Image of Vijay Prashad
Mr. Assad is not going to be able to feel like there is a moderate opposition that actually threatens him. Currently, the Assad government looks out at the landscape, sees the rise of ISIS, sees that much of the rebel force has become largely Islamist, and then turns to the West and says, well, you know, they look toward the West and say, well, look, what you have is a terrorist group that's fighting against us. So in this context, I think, to talk about moderate opposition being created to put pressure on Damascus is rather illusionary.
- Vijay Prashad
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kofi Annan
A hungry mind is not free, and I felt if we were really going to make a difference and fight poverty we should at least start with the ability to feed ourselves, and the millions of Africans who don't have it.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jill Stein
I was previously involved in local and state politics, but not national, because grassroots democracy starts at the bottom. This was the breaking point for me, though - and it made the case that in order to fight locally, we have to fight nationally; we can't afford to neglect any area of life in this democracy.
- Jill Stein
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sherwood Anderson
The disease we all have and that we have to fight against all our lives is ... the disease of self.
- Sherwood Anderson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ben Fountain
If a person wants to be of any use to himself, he better insist on getting his fair share of beauty and pleasure, and if there's something about the system that's keeping him from getting his share, then I think he's well within his rights to fight to change that.
- Ben Fountain
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paul Feig
That's the thing with women's movies - there's so much about kind of catfighting. And my experience is women aren't - look, we all get in fights with people, but it's not that face-to-face aggression.
- Paul Feig
Collection: Fighting
Image of Charles Duhigg
There's a natural instinct embedded in friendship, a sympathy that makes us willing to fight for someone we like when they are treated unjustly.
- Charles Duhigg
Collection: Fighting
Image of Wayne Dyer
Work on what you support rather than fighting what you oppose.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Dwight D. Eisenhower
Before a battle, planning is everything. Once the fighting has begun, it's worthless
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Collection: Fighting
Image of Epictetus
Neither the victories of the Olympic Games nor those achieved in battles make the man happy. The only victories that make him happy are those achieved against himself. Temptations and tests are combats. You have beaten one, two, many times; still fight. If you defeat at last you will be happy your entire life, as if you have always defeated.
- Epictetus
Collection: Fighting
Image of Meister Eckhart
A man should orient his will and all his works to God and having only God in view go forward unafraid, not thinking, am I right or am I wrong? One who worked out all the chances before starting his first fight would never fight at all. And if, going to someplace, we must think how to set the front foot down, we shall never get there. It is our duty to do the next thing: go straight on, that is the right way.
- Meister Eckhart
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Eldredge
Every man is a warrior inside. But the choice to fight is his own.
- John Eldredge
Collection: Fighting
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Unlike those who fight truly intolerant things like terrorism throughout the world, Madonna is really the lone brave voice in the wilderness standing up against evil.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jeff Goodell
Bloomberg's $50 million is not going to revolutionize the electric power industry. But his willingness to fight is already inspiring others to see Big Coal differently.
- Jeff Goodell
Collection: Fighting
Image of Will Durant
Men decided that it was better to pay taxes than to fight among themselves; better to pay tribute to one magnificent robber than to bribe them all.
- Will Durant
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kofi Annan
The global HIV/AIDS epidemic is an unprecedented crisis that requires an unprecedented response. In particular it requires solidarity - between the healthy and the sick, between rich and poor, and above all, between richer and poorer nations. We have 30 million orphans already. How many more do we have to get, to wake up?
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jill Stein
We have not been successful in deterring the growth or expansion of any terrorist group that we've been fighting.
- Jill Stein
Collection: Fighting
Image of Conor McGregor
My diet is usually pretty consistent whether I'm training for a specific fight or not. I don't like to mess too much with it.
- Conor McGregor
Collection: Fighting
Image of Conor McGregor
Listen, I am in the fighting game, I don't care about anything else.
- Conor McGregor
Collection: Fighting
Image of Peter Drucker
Management and union may be likened to that serpent of the fables who on one body had two heads that fighting each other with poisoned fangs, killed themselves.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lupe Fiasco
If you're going to fight terrorism, to me, you fight the root causes of terrorism.
- Lupe Fiasco
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kofi Annan
I think what gives me hope is I have the sense that the people of Kenya have turned the page. They are keen to get a new political dispensation. They are keen to fight corruption and impunity, and in that sense they are leaving the political elite behind.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Fighting
Image of Eminem
I'm hatin' my reflection, I walk around the house tryin' to fight mirrors, I can't stand what I look like
- Eminem
Collection: Fighting
Image of Anthony Eden
We have many times led Europe in the fight for freedom. It would be an ignoble end to our long history if we tamely accepted to perish by degrees.
- Anthony Eden
Collection: Fighting
Image of Henry Van Dyke
The world is full of warfare 'twixt the evil and the good;I watched the battle from afar as one who understoodThe shouting and confusion, the bloody, blundering fight-How few there are that see it clear, how few that wage it right!
- Henry Van Dyke
Collection: Fighting