Greg Gutfeld

Image of Greg Gutfeld
The modern progressive movement believes that dissenting language is objectionable, which then removes the brakes between anger and violence.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Anger
Image of Greg Gutfeld
There's a difference between being politically incorrect and boorish. And we've seen that line crossed a dozen times by smart people who've mistaken politics for punditry.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Politics
Image of Greg Gutfeld
In the absurd idiocy of identity regressive politics, looting is seen as protest, and protecting one's own property is seen as privilege.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Politics
Image of Greg Gutfeld
As a New Yorker, this is what you do: you confront, jab, and slap, sometimes wrongly, then smile and forget about it.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Smile
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Before language, cavemen simply grunted, and then they used the club. Communication changed that. It's the mechanism that created civilization and prevents its own destruction.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Communication
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Identity politics preaches a splintering of one large, collaborative group into competing vindictive ones - resulting in new, angry tribes whose central thesis is to not cooperate.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Politics
Image of Greg Gutfeld
For trance music to be good, it has to sneak up on you.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Music
Image of Greg Gutfeld
My best writing is often early in the morning and, sometimes, while working out.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Morning
Image of Greg Gutfeld
The federal government is enormous; it never shrinks. And the interest is killing us.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
What a contrast, Trump is feisty but flexible. Obama, cool but rigid. But he had no reason to bend. The media already bought into his shtick. His giddy fan base ate up every white-coated lie.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
ObamaCare was a lemon, but the media were his lemonheads.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
By silencing speech, the new Left makes life more dangerous by leaving violence as the only option. Maybe that's what they want.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Here is the problem with legacy: You'll sacrifice stuff that is not even yours to get it. Take President Obama's Iran deal, when he gave the shirt off his back - and ours, too.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Human evolution relies on cooperation, which is why identity politics feels so backward.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Social justice warriors want to return to the Dark Ages when you communicated with a club instead of joining one.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Back in the days of world wars, American companies didn't think twice about pitching in to help fight the enemy. Car companies helped bolster tanks, food companies created rations - sometimes they had to do it, but no one had to twist their arm.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Here is a fact: If Facebook were a religion, it will be the third largest behind Islam and Christianity. Its success is rooted and capitalizing on the human desire to bond.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Travel like a pro, not like a hobo. That's my motto.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
2017 may have been that year when identity politics hit a brick wall - and slumped limply on the pavement.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
In the American 'melting pot,' identity politics wants to smash that pot - to bring us back to the Dark Ages, when collaboration was sparse.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
I've done two shows every day for years, but I don't think I could work on just one show a week. I would go crazy, and I would drive everybody nuts. I've got to feel like I'm under pressure.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
I don't think Trevor Noah got his job by being a conservative.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
I hate 'Rolling Stone' - because I loved it so much. I had the 'Cheap Tricks' cover and the Clash cover on my wall for years, and I just hate what happened to it. It just became the smarmy grad student that sits next to you on the bus.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
It's not misogynistic to criticize a legendary female pop singer; it's misogynistic to think a legendary female pop singer can't handle it.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Generally, I don't bother trying to keep up with prolific bands - but Thee Oh Sees demand it.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
The bands I like are not obscure at all. Far from it.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
At a certain point, we need to figure out how to reward those who choose a path that offers, often, almost no reward.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
The girls I dated liked or disliked me, whether I weighed 140 or 150; and six-pack abs had no relevance on their love or repulsion.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
If you can have a skewed sense of your body, it stands to reason you could develop the same kind of thing about your relationships with others in a social network.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Thanks to an immersive lifestyle that involves Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, we've created a psychological three-sided mirror for our social impact on others.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
FNM didn't really become one of my favorite all-time bands until after I'd had all their records for a couple of years. And realized I was playing them every day.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
'Sol Invictus' works like your basic FNM record: the sequencing is an artful job, hustling you politely through all the gentle, harsh, weird surprises that follow - and then when it's over, you get back on the ride and start over, just like Space Mountain.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Listening to a FNM record is like a visit from a mysterious relative who knows more about your family than you did.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
I actually hate lyrics, and I hate it when they're quoted in reviews. I don't think they matter that much; it's the sounds of words - not the words - that I look for.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
I realize Twitter can be good, providing a video game of creativity for your brain.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Wherever socialism spread, misery followed - and still follows.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Creating a fan base of both fervent feelers and fanboys, Trump magnificently played off many fawning commentator's insecurities - using the deep desire to be liked or noticed by Trump as a method to keep their criticism of him tamped down.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Trump has manufactured the first-ever Celebrity Immunity Bubble - rendering him incapable of offense, no matter whom he offends. It's brilliant.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
It may feel good to think you're right. But it's better to allow the possibility that you're wrong.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
If America oppresses, why do so many people risk their lives coming here to be oppressed?
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
The good and bad thing about online trolling: it's not on the street, and it's not on the street! The good: nothing physical erupts; the bad: there are no brakes to stop it.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
We are all better served by objectively diagnosing trolls so they can change.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
A troll's life is a no-physical-contact existence. You will die alone, as you die daily, online.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Infected by political ideology, if you dare question climate models, your career is done.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Most Americans don't shout their politics, much less blast it from their TVs while serving you fried pickles - that's the Left.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
True, the country is divided, but it's not Right and Left. It's Left and Not Left. It is because, for liberals, politics is personal and therefore extremely loud. For the rest of us, we prefer community over calamity.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
I'm used to the Right being singled out by the entertainers.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
Actors seem brave and unpredictable, but they're spontaneous as a tax return.
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
No one wants a lecture when you're getting a latte. So if you get one without asking, isn't that grounds for some discipline?
- Greg Gutfeld
Image of Greg Gutfeld
How odd that the proponents of free expression think 'free' only applies to them.
- Greg Gutfeld