Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 54

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 54 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Bhagat Singh
Society must fight against this belief in God as it fought against idol worship and other narrow conceptions of religion. In this way man will try to stand on his feet. Being realistic, he will have to throw his faith aside and face all adversaries with courage and valour. That is exactly my state of mind.
- Bhagat Singh
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ricky Hatton
I have been blowing past the majority of my opponents, so people get the impression of me as an attacking, body punching, and brawler type. I do like to put the pressure on, but I have very underrated boxing skills. I have won nine amateur titles. I had 80 amateur fights, and won 76 if them. You do not get that kind of record without having talent. The good thing is I have not really needed all my talent yet. When I get an opportunity to show that talent, people will start taking me more seriously.
- Ricky Hatton
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Spence
Remember: everyone you meet is fighting a mighty battle. Be kind. Be understanding.
- John Spence
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tyrese Gibson
Ive never had to fight hard for anything Ive gotten in the past.
- Tyrese Gibson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ted Cruz
I will fight to defend liberty.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mark Cuban
YouTube has gotten so big that you're not a standard unless YouTube adopts you. And that's a big fight.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alan Dershowitz
I will continue to fight for justice, fairness, and constitutional rights until my dying breath.
- Alan Dershowitz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Suzanne Collins
Living out here, I have found that many creatures would prefer not to fight. But if your first instinct is to reach for your sword, you will never discover that.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gautama Buddha
How can a troubled mind Understand the way? If a man is disturbed He will never be filled with knowledge. An untroubled mind, No longer seeking to consider What is right and what is wrong, A mind beyond judgements, Watches and understands. Know that the body is a fragile jar, And make a castle of your mind. In every trial Let understanding fight for you To defend what you have won.
- Gautama Buddha
Collection: Fighting
Image of Emily Dickinson
To fight aloud is very brave, but gallanter, I know, who charge within the bosom, the Cavalry of Woe.
- Emily Dickinson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Suzanne Collins
aren't they the very reason I have to try to fight? Because what has been done to them is so wrong, so beyond justification, so evil that there is no choice? Because no one has the right to treat them as they have been treated?
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paulo Coelho
A warrior of light knows that certain impossible battles are worth fighting and so he/she is not afraid of being disappointed, knowing the power of his/her love.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robertson Davies
I think we're living in an age which despises humanity and despises bravery and doesn't need bravery because modern warfare has rather gone beyond bravery. It is a kind of warfare where people are fighting enemies they never see, killing people of whom they know nothing.
- Robertson Davies
Collection: Fighting
Image of George Clooney
I'd think,'In a relationship, we should never have his kind of fight.' Then, instead of figuring out how to make it work, I looked for a way to get out of it. The truth is, you shouldn't be married if your that kind of person.
- George Clooney
Collection: Fighting
Image of Don King
Oh yes, the Klitschkos. They got to learn how to fight. Period. But I'll tell you one thing - they're great human specimens. And I'd be happy to be able to work with them. If they chose to work with me. They had an opportunity when they got free of Peter Kohl - they didn't come to me. You know, I'm with who's with me. And I really don't care what fighter it is. I would be happy to promote them..Who could beat Vitali? Rahman could beat Vitali. His style is suited to beat Vitali.
- Don King
Collection: Fighting
Image of Don King
When I came into boxing, when it was more out of control, no fighters got an opportunity to fight. I came in: everybody got an opportunity to make a living in America.
- Don King
Collection: Fighting
Image of Don King
I will fight for America till the day I drop.
- Don King
Collection: Fighting
Image of George Clooney
When you go to Detroit you see a town that is resilient, that's just fighting to win again, and there's an energy to that. Just watching a city really fighting to get back on its feet and watching the inner strength of a city is tremendous.
- George Clooney
Collection: Fighting
Image of Laurie Anderson
There are plenty of ways you can play the game of fighting and really seem to be fighting without going for the jugular.
- Laurie Anderson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Daphne Oz
The most imminent battle our generation is going to have to fight is food transparency: how food is made/grown, where it comes from, the quality of the source, and how it will effect our health long term.
- Daphne Oz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Doug Benson
That's the interesting part of being a judge to me - I don't even care about these people's fights that they're having with each other, but I have to invest in it enough to figure out. I have to make a decision.
- Doug Benson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paulo Coelho
A warrior is always aware of what is worth fighting for. He does not go into combat over things that do not concern him, and he never wastes his time over provocations.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fighting
Image of James Connolly
I can always guarantee that the Irish Citizen Army will fight but I cannot guarantee that it will be on time
- James Connolly
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paulo Coelho
Before I die, I want to fight for life.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fighting
Image of Elizabeth Lesser
Many people don't wake up. They fight against a difficult time, shut the window and become more bitter. Fortunately or unfortunately, however you see it, we are served up those opportunities over and over in our life. So if you've shut the window, don't worry, another hard time is going to come around the corner - to give you that chance all over again.
- Elizabeth Lesser
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alan Cohen
You empower what you fight.You withdraw power from what you release.
- Alan Cohen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alan Cohen
The purpose of life is not to fight against evil and misfortune; it is to unveil magnificence.
- Alan Cohen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Brendan Rodgers
I will always fight for my life for Liverpool, and that will be on and off the field.
- Brendan Rodgers
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chuck D
Most artists are always fighting for their fame. They have that fear, like the saying goes, "out of sight, out of mind." They need to keep themselves out there. I have never had that fear. If I have any fear, it's not doing enough to reach people.
- Chuck D
Collection: Fighting
Image of e. e. cummings
An intelligent person fights for lost causes, realizing that others are merely effects
- e. e. cummings
Collection: Fighting
Image of Daniel Dennett
Up till now, we can suppose, nervous systems solved the 'Now what do I do?' problem by a relatively simple balancing act between a strictly limited repertoire of actions - if not the famous four F's (fight, flee, feed, or mate), then a modest elaboration of them.
- Daniel Dennett
Collection: Fighting
Image of Charles Dickens
But injustice breeds injustice; the fighting with shadows and being defeated by them necessitates the setting up of substances to combat.
- Charles Dickens
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gilbert Arenas
When something drastic happens in our life, one person goes and hides and doesn't want to be seen. That's what I did. [Others] want to stand up and fight and think they're tough. Like if someone gets shot, you're either scared of guns or you think you're Superman. In my situation, I wanted to hide. I didn't want to be seen anymore.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Fighting
Image of Georges St-Pierre
Before each one of my fights, I make a point of saluting my opponent. I salute the other fighter out of respect, even though he is trying to take something from me.
- Georges St-Pierre
Collection: Fighting
Image of Georges St-Pierre
I can choose whoever I want, in MMA things change very rapidly, sometimes you don't know what'll happen and there's a guy that upsets everybody. I could fight who the fans would like me to fight the most. For me that's important.
- Georges St-Pierre
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gautama Buddha
I do not fight with the world but the world fights with me.
- Gautama Buddha
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ted Cruz
I like Donald Trump. I appreciate that he's focusing on illegal immigration. It's an issue I've been fighting a long, long time. I think people are very concerned, for example, about the problems of sanctuary cities and - and that is something that's a - that people are finally turning their attention to.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio was fighting to grant amnesty and not to secure the border, I was fighting to secure the border. And this also goes to trust, listening on to campaign trails. Candidates all the time make promises. You know, Marco said," he learned that the American people didn't trust the federal government."
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Suzanne Collins
I flee what I can't fight. What can only do me harm.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Fighting
Image of Diablo Cody
I've never even seen a great set fight or a great set meltdown. I seem to always be on these incredibly relaxed sets.
- Diablo Cody
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chuck D
Find like-minded people and try not to be individualized to the point where you try to fight it all and think about it all on your own.
- Chuck D
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mos Def
To me, it's like happiness is about happiness, but happiness is a fight.
- Mos Def
Collection: Fighting
Image of Megan Chance
I absolute adore epic journeys that require a protagonist to fight for every victory in the hopes of finding triumph.
- Megan Chance
Collection: Fighting
Image of Roald Dahl
careful those who fight with monsters, that they might become monsters themeselves.
- Roald Dahl
Collection: Fighting
Image of Vin Diesel
Fight sequence to me isn't just about the athleticism. It so often is about what the emotion that is behind it and how willing you are to really, really challenge that emotion or really take that emotion to that place so you're feeling a certain intensity for the whole time when you're shooting the actual physical scenes.
- Vin Diesel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ice Cube
I've been fighting my whole career to show a different side and prove naysayers - not prove them wrong, because I don't think you should get your energy from negative people.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chris Hayes
It's not uncommon for revolutions to stem from a radicalized group just outside the circle of power. That's what the French Revolution was all about; that's what the American Revolution was. The question is: Will all those groups, because of the nature of partisan polarization and ideological polarization, just fight each other? Or is there capacity to organize?
- Chris Hayes
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paulo Coelho
There are some things in life that are worth fighting for to the end.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paulo Coelho
Do not forget: seek to win all your battles, including those you fight against yourself. Do not fear the scars. Do not be afraid of victory.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fighting