
Image of Mika
Lady Gaga has a very unjaded intelligence. It's brilliant, 'cause it's anti-snob.
- Mika
Collection: Intelligence
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I'm fascinated by religion, but I'm not particularly religious.
- Mika
Collection: Religion
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Some people say I've got a five-octave range, which is ridiculous. That would mean I'd sing like Mariah Carey or that alien in 'The Fifth Element.' And I'm nothing like that blue alien. I've got a range of about 3 1/2 octaves.
- Mika
Image of Mika
I'm not necessarily that big of a clubbing junkie, but I really like dance music as a genre.
- Mika
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I say I have a midlife crisis every time I start and finish a record.
- Mika
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The stage is my territory, my boxing ring. That's where I'm free.
- Mika
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New York is a bit of a dangerous place to me because you often leave in a blur.
- Mika
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I'd never compare myself to Freddie Mercury because I look up to him far too much. As an artist, not necessarily as a person.
- Mika
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I make mistakes. I say stupid things. I do idiotic things. And, quite frankly, I'm proud of them. Why not make mistakes?
- Mika
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I completely understand the responsibility I have in continuing the sonic style that I have created.
- Mika
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I'm not creating an enigma or leaving mystery, I'm just respecting myself enough as an artist to give myself room to grow and not to be devoured all in one go.
- Mika
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I was born out of classical music.
- Mika
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I never talk about anything to do with my sexuality.
- Mika
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Some people make records that are defined by their sexuality, but mine really are not.
- Mika
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I was quite the quiet teenager. I was a bit of a loner, a little bit of an outsider.
- Mika
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Sometimes I dress like what I want for lunch, because all I can think about is having a tuna sandwich.
- Mika
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I lack trust in others.
- Mika
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You never know which gig is going to be your last.
- Mika
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Melody is disarming. It's anarchic!
- Mika
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You can't believe the amount of speculation you get over your private life.
- Mika
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As a teenager, in my songbook, I used to script what my lighting would be like. I used to dance in my roo;, it was like putting myself in a trance, and making myself feel good about things, almost like a private ceremony of begging people to like you.
- Mika
Image of Mika
Most of the people who write pop music were outsiders at some time in their life.
- Mika
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They say shyness is a form of egotism, and you are only shy because you care too much about what people think of you. And maybe its true, maybe I am just an egotist.
- Mika
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I've always said in the press, I can fall in love with a man. I can fall in love with a woman. And I've always said that I have no shame in that.
- Mika
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I don't know where my father is from. I just don't. He's lived in so many countries.
- Mika
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Strangely, I feel that I become increasingly reclusive in my normal life and more open and candid in my music.
- Mika
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Identity for me is something that has to be played with and explored, and not become complacent about or uninterested in.
- Mika
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I was brought up in many different cultures, moving around all the time, and I find my identity in my songs. I project the identity I want to have throughout the songs that I write.
- Mika
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I think my music generally transcends a lot of genres.
- Mika
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I was always told that I was too strange or that I was too cheesy by different groups of people, like the record companies said I was way too weird and the indie people wouldn't even let me in their band.
- Mika
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When you're not part of a club, you have to find another way of surviving.
- Mika
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To me, being a classical snob in the highest possible way and being an indie snob is just as bad!
- Mika
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I can't just listen to music walking down the street unless I have a reason to. I can't just listen to music as a piece of junk in the background. It drives me insane.
- Mika
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My relationship with my mother is not cute.
- Mika
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I am terrible at relationships.
- Mika
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I'm dangerously generous.
- Mika
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I've never, ever labeled myself.
- Mika
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If I really like the smell of something - a piece of tar or my goddaughter's plastic doll - I put a tiny piece in a bottle with a label. I keep them in a fridge in my bathroom.
- Mika
Image of Mika
I'm not a great dancer. I know I'm not. But I know that I can move. I can throw shapes, just not in the right order.
- Mika
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You can't deny your limitations.
- Mika
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I love collaborating with strong women.
- Mika
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I am totally unapologetic about pop music.
- Mika
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I think, 'How could anybody mock a good pop song?' It is timeless; it transcends barriers; it breaks down every single type of social barrier that you can possibly have. It can deal with the most difficult subjects, even if it abstracts the subject matter.
- Mika
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My life isn't tabloid-friendly.
- Mika
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There's always apprehension whenever I launch anything, it seems. When I launch a tour, people are always, 'Oooh, is this gonna work?' And when I launch an album: 'Ooh, is this gonna work?' Or a new video. 'Really?' It's always like that - but I've always acted on the impulse that I have nothing to lose.
- Mika
Image of Mika
In the past, it weighed on me because nobody in my family is gay. I had no role models so I had to find my own way.
- Mika
Image of Mika
In my older songs, I used to hide behind fictional characters to deflect attention away from myself.
- Mika
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Oh, I'm quite harmless in real life.
- Mika
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I write songs to turn myself into something else. And then I become that, and I want to become something else.
- Mika
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The best way to make the most serious point in the world is to be as unserious as possible.
- Mika