Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 53

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 53 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Martin Amis
In my experience of fights and fighting, it is invariably the aggressor who keeps getting everything wrong.
- Martin Amis
Collection: Fighting
Image of El-P
I hope that people take away hope, maybe not in an obvious sense, but in the form of hearing somebody who's genuinely fighting to stay above water. And in that fight, there's hope. In that fight, maybe there's positivity.
- El-P
Collection: Fighting
Image of Georgia Harkness
The primary battle which religion must fight today is the battle to justify its own existence.
- Georgia Harkness
Collection: Fighting
Image of Leonardo DiCaprio
Mozambique is having an economic resurgence but still four out of 10 people there have HIV or AIDS...There's astounding conditions but what I was left with...was the power of the human spirit there and the fact these people have been through so much and they were still dancing in the streets
- Leonardo DiCaprio
Collection: Fighting
Image of Phil Collins
To me, groups of musicians playing together, not fighting each other, but playing a groove together is one of the most exciting things to listen to.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bill Crawford
You can't fight fire with fire, or fear with fear.
- Bill Crawford
Collection: Fighting
Image of James MacDonald
This fight is not going to be over in 10 minutes or 10 weeks; there's no quick solution. If you think it's taking too long, remember, God is with you.
- James MacDonald
Collection: Fighting
Image of Georges St-Pierre
I will never blame a fighter if he doesn't fight me because he takes care of his own interest first, and prioritize the interests of his family first, that's completely normal.
- Georges St-Pierre
Collection: Fighting
Image of Georges St-Pierre
Fighting is about knowledge, knowledge is a very important part of it.
- Georges St-Pierre
Collection: Fighting
Image of Georges St-Pierre
To fight a bigger guy you need to train with bigger guys and it takes a lot more on your body. And it's not your weight class.
- Georges St-Pierre
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jack Johnson
I won from Mr. Jeffries because I outclassed him in every department of the fighting game. Before I entered the ring I was certain I would be the victor. I never changed my mind at any time.
- Jack Johnson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jack Johnson
The fight between life and death is to the finish, and death ultimately is the victor . . . I do not deplore the passing of these crude old days.
- Jack Johnson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jeff Cooper
The purpose of the pistol is to stop a fight that somebody else has started, almost always at very short range.
- Jeff Cooper
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jeff Cooper
The one who fights back retains his dignity and his self-respect.
- Jeff Cooper
Collection: Fighting
Image of e. e. cummings
My advice to all young people who wish to become poets is: do something easy, like learning how to blow up the world - unless you're not only willing, but glad, to feel and work and fight till you die.
- e. e. cummings
Collection: Fighting
Image of Larry Holmes
Leading up to the fight [Trevor Berbick] took every opportunity he could to badmouth Larry Holmes and I just blew up. After I beat him in the ring, he tried to get me going again, saying he deserved another fight, wasn't happening.
- Larry Holmes
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ray Davies
Powerman don't need to fight, powerman don't need guns, powerman got money on his side.
- Ray Davies
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ted Cruz
I think that is why we're seeing conservatives uniting behind our campaign, because I have a proven record as a consistent conservative of standing up to Washington and fighting for the constitution.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Suzanne Collins
When I was young I was trained in stage fighting and rapier and dagger, for several years.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Fighting
Image of Suzanne Collins
It's just me and the Bane. And I'm fighting him because he killed all of those innocent mice and people, and I have to stop him. Not because Sandwich says so but because I say so.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Fighting
Image of Georges St-Pierre
A fight is 10% physical and 90% mental.
- Georges St-Pierre
Collection: Fighting
Image of Georges St-Pierre
It's easy to talk, it's harder to fight.
- Georges St-Pierre
Collection: Fighting
Image of Plato
Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.
- Plato
Collection: Fighting
Image of Nicolas Ghesquiere
For me, I go somewhere for three days, and then I come back and I want to change everything, and so it's a fight with everybody. I'm transforming and convincing. It's more than designing. It's shaking people and trying to give them direction. I'm a bit of a control freak. This is a problem as I get older, and it's something I should work on. I should be more confident - learn to trust people and give them freedom and delegate.
- Nicolas Ghesquiere
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chuck Todd
At least on the domestic side of things that you`re seeing, [Mike] Pence has that influence big time. But when it comes with what political fights to have?
- Chuck Todd
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ashly Lorenzana
No one is fighting for my freedom unless they are doing it on my soil.
- Ashly Lorenzana
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paulo Coelho
Defeat exists but not suffering. A true warrior knows that when he loses a battle, he is improving the skill with which he wields a sword. He will be able to fight more skilfullly next time.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paulo Coelho
I'm alive. When I'm eating that's all I think about. If I'm on the march, I just concentrate on marching. If I have to fight,it will be just as good a day as any to die. If you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happy man. Life is the moment we are living now.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fighting
Image of Adrien Broner
We’ll fight Pacquiao, I’ll stop this fight [Carlos Molina] to fight Pacquiao. What would I got to do?
- Adrien Broner
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chael Sonnen
I go to practice every day. I really don't have a training camp. In the boxing world, and that's where that came from, almost every time a guy would get out of the ring and he wouldn't break a sweat again until he went to his next training camp. He would do absolutely nothing until he started training for the next fight.
- Chael Sonnen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chael Sonnen
Say what you want before the fight but when it's done, you accept the result.
- Chael Sonnen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chael Sonnen
For me, and people like me, fighting isn't what we do; it's who we are.
- Chael Sonnen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Dinesh D'Souza
In my view, the pro-life movement at this point should focus on seeking to reduce the number of abortions. At times it will require political education and legal fights, at times it will require education and the establishment of alternatives to abortion, such as adoption centers. Unfortunately, such measures are sometimes opposed by so-called hard-liners in the pro-life movement. These hard-liners are fools. Because they want to outlaw all abortions, they refuse to settle for stopping some abortions; the consequence is that they end up preventing no abortions.
- Dinesh D'Souza
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paulo Coelho
Only the defeated know LOVE. because it is in the realm of love that we fight our first battles - and generally lose.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paulo Coelho
No, I'm not mistaken. I know you don't love me. But I'm going to fight for your love. There are some things in life that are worth fighting for to the end. You are worth it.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paulo Coelho
Defeat is for the valiant. Only they will know the honour of losing and the joy of winning I am not here to tell you that defeat is a part of life: we all know that. Only the defeated know Love. Because it is in the realm of love that we fight our first battles – and generally lose. I am here to tell you that there are people who have never been defeated. They are the ones who never fought. They managed to avoid scars, humiliations, feelings of helplessness, as well as those moments when even warriors doubt the existence of God.’’ Manuscript Found In Accra – Paulo Coelho
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fighting
Image of Plato
A man who really fights for justice must lead a private, not a public, life if he is to survive for even a short time.
- Plato
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lysa TerKeurst
Find that courageous yes. Fight for that confident no.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ann Coulter
Hussein praised his sons for putting up a brave fight, noting that U.S. forces had surrounded their compound with advanced weaponry, ground troops and warplanes. In case that didn't work, U.S. forces were prepared to tell Janet Reno that a small Cuban boy was inside the house.
- Ann Coulter
Collection: Fighting
Image of Benedict Cumberbatch
Sometimes when you do fight scenes you think, "Oh, I'll be hit in the face," because people get carried away with their vanity and want to look too cool to care, but we were all really careful with each other.
- Benedict Cumberbatch
Collection: Fighting
Image of Louis C. K.
People are always fighting for attention with things now because there's so much content. Actually, if you don't tell people stuff - you just keep your mouth shut - you don't have to whisper it, you just don't yell. Take the bullhorn off your mouth and it's a secret.
- Louis C. K.
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rasheed Ogunlaru
There are ultimately two choices in life: to fight it or to embrace it. If you fight it you will lose - if you embrace it you become one with it and you'll be lived.
- Rasheed Ogunlaru
Collection: Fighting
Image of Georges St-Pierre
Watching myself fight, I realize the line between success and failure is so narrow, it's scary.
- Georges St-Pierre
Collection: Fighting
Image of Georges St-Pierre
I'm always scared when I fight. But that fear is what keeps me more alert and more focused. It's good to have fear.
- Georges St-Pierre
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ted Cruz
I've spent my whole life fighting for free-market principles and the Constitution. That's not going to change.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michael Hyatt
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sarah Dessen
I wondered again why the right thing always seemed to be met with so much resistance, when you'd think it would be the easier path. You had to fight to be virtuous.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Fighting
Image of e. e. cummings
If at the end of your first ten or fifteen years of fighting and working and feeling, you find you've written one line of one poem, you'll be very lucky indeed.
- e. e. cummings
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jeff Cooper
It is true that a victim who fights back may suffer for it, but one who does not almost certainly will suffer for it.
- Jeff Cooper
Collection: Fighting