Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 56

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 56 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Jonathan Gottschall
I watch fights and I often feel morally compromised by it. I feel like I'm morally culpable for what's occurring because I'm the spectator and ultimately footing the bill for the spectacle.
- Jonathan Gottschall
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jean-Claude Juncker
Greeks have to know that they are not alone ... Those who are fighting for the survivor of Greece inside the Euro area are deeply harmed by the impression floating around in the Greek public opinion that Greece is a victim. Greece is a member of the EU and the euro. I want Greece to be a constructive member of the Union because the EU is also benefiting from Greece.
- Jean-Claude Juncker
Collection: Fighting
Image of T. S. Eliot
We fight to keep something alive rather than in the expectation that anything will triumph.
- T. S. Eliot
Collection: Fighting
Image of Brad Alan Lewis
The window of X Factor opportunity opens up in the closing seconds of a race-you might be sprinting at the time or just hanging one, trying to get across the finish line. With a supreme act of will, you can prolong your effort, essentially fighting off the inevitable lactic acid shutdown. You'll have little time for contemplating the options: either wholeheartedly go for it, or back off. You must train your X Factor to unequivocally respond the way you want-go for it. Once the window is closed, it's closed forever.
- Brad Alan Lewis
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kim Edwards
This is what he knew that Paul didn't: the world was precarious and sometimes cruel. He'd had to fight hard to achieve what Paul simply took for granted.
- Kim Edwards
Collection: Fighting
Image of Wladimir Klitschko
He [Tyson Fury] will be difficult opponent to adjust to, because of his style of fighting and physical conditions. Fans will certainly not be bored.
- Wladimir Klitschko
Collection: Fighting
Image of Peter Greenaway
If you never lived out your sexuality - it's a great force, and if you try to fight it, what does that create? Energy: positive and negative, self-loathing.
- Peter Greenaway
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jon Foreman
Nothing stays together without a fight.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Frederick Douglass
If the Negro knows enough to pay taxes to support the government, he knows enough to vote; taxation and representation should go together. If he knows enough to shoulder a musket and fight for the flag, fight for the government, he knows enough to vote.
- Frederick Douglass
Collection: Fighting
Image of Frederick Lenz
I think to be in a monastery or an ashram is not always the answer because we don't fight, we kick back. We don't listen to Sri Krishna.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Larry Ellison
If an open source product gets good enough, we'll simply take it. So the great thing about open source is nobody owns it - a company like Oracle is free to take it for nothing, include it in our products and charge for support, and that's what we'll do. So it is not disruptive at all - you have to find places to add value. Once open source gets good enough, competing with it would be insane. We don't have to fight open source, we have to exploit open source.
- Larry Ellison
Collection: Fighting
Image of Louis Farrakhan
[Bernie] Sanders is fighting against a system. He sounds good. The system is rotten to the core.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jon Foreman
I look for places where there's no one out on the water. I'd rather surf a wave to myself than fight a crowd.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kofi Annan
The fight against HIV/AIDS requires leadership from all parts of government - and it needs to go right to the top. AIDS is far more than a health crisis. It is a threat to development itself.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Fighting
Image of Snoop Dogg
I would like people to put down the guns. If you have a problem, talk about it or fight about it.
- Snoop Dogg
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sally Field
We just fight our way through it. But you can't just get up and walk out without repeating the behavior over and over.
- Sally Field
Collection: Fighting
Image of Walt Disney
Always fight for quality, whether giving or receiving.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Fighting
Image of Wladimir Klitschko
You can take your fitness seriously, but not yourself. That's the most difficult part: not to relax. That's the most difficult challenge I'm facing every fight.
- Wladimir Klitschko
Collection: Fighting
Image of Wladimir Klitschko
Earlier in my career, I never thought of boxing as a chess game, but I confirm that they are, in fact, very similar. You can plan your fights and strategy just like you would in chess.
- Wladimir Klitschko
Collection: Fighting
Image of Dwight D. Eisenhower
We have got to fight it [Communism] with something better, not try to conceal the thinking of our own people. They are part of America. And even if they think ideas that are contrary to ours, their right to say them, their right to record them, and their right to have them at places where they are accessible to others is unquestioned, or it isn't America.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ashraf Ghani
Ninety percent of our police are fighting terrorists, so we don't have enough oriented towards their key duty, which is enforcement of the law. But these are precisely the inheritance that we want to overcome. Particularly the mark for success for us would be that a woman can not only walk in the streets of every major city, but can go from one province to another without any hindrance.
- Ashraf Ghani
Collection: Fighting
Image of Harlan Ellison
Time is like a river flowing endlessly through the universe. And if you poled your flatboat in that river you might fight your way against the current and travel upstream into the past. Or go with the flow and rush into the future. This was in a less cynical time before toxic waste dumping and pollution filled the waterway of Chronus with the detritus of empty hours wasted minutes years of repetition and time that has been killed.
- Harlan Ellison
Collection: Fighting
Image of Adam Duritz
Losing fights, or even winning fights, can be heartbreaking, and you can throw that away, but the truth is that it does make our lives better.
- Adam Duritz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Epictetus
Freedom isn't the right or ability to do whatever you please. Freedom comes from understanding the limits of our own power and the inherent limits set in place by nature. By accepting life's limits and inevitabilities and working with them rather than fighting them, you become truly free.
- Epictetus
Collection: Fighting
Image of Fyodor Dostoevsky
The more incompetent one feels, the more eager he is to fight.
- Fyodor Dostoevsky
Collection: Fighting
Image of Keith Ellison
Hopefully folks will look at the good things that I've done over the years, you know, my 10 years in Congress, my 12 years in state legislature, my many years of community organizing for the environment, for police accountability, for criminal justice reform, economic empowerment, trying to fight for small-business people, all these things.
- Keith Ellison
Collection: Fighting
Image of Greg Gutfeld
People that want to control words will never ever try to break up, like, a fight on a subway. They will never confront an aggressive person on the bus. They prefer their fights to be easy.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Fighting
Image of Fiona Apple
Most of the time you need something to fight against. If something is bothering me, then the only way to get past it is to work through it.
- Fiona Apple
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rickson Gracie
When I am fighting I am keeping my mind empty for any expectations. I am waiting for something unique, completely new.
- Rickson Gracie
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ralph Fiennes
Education, awareness and prevention are the key, but stigmatisation and exclusion from family is what makes people suffer most
- Ralph Fiennes
Collection: Fighting
Image of Becca Fitzpatrick
That was a good fight back in the gym,” he said. “But I think you could benefit from a few more boxing lessons.
- Becca Fitzpatrick
Collection: Fighting
Image of Louis Farrakhan
May Allah bless Iran, bless the leadership of Iran, and bless our Muslim Umrah to throw off the yoke of neo-colonialism, and the divisions that Shaitan is exploiting, causing us to fight and kill one another.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Fighting
Image of Conor McGregor
A fight is mental, not just physical and psychological warfare is absolutely part of that.
- Conor McGregor
Collection: Fighting
Image of Aaron Eckhart
I love the fight game. I like the brutality. I like the mentality. I like the aggressiveness, but I like the technique and skill. I like the stakes. I like the people around in the gym. I like the everyday, working class feel of a boxing gym.
- Aaron Eckhart
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jimmy Fallon
Today Russia announced that it will join America's fight with the terror group ISIS. Then Putin said, "But I did not say which side.
- Jimmy Fallon
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jimmy Fallon
John Walker Lindh, a twenty-year-old American studying in Pakistan, was captured in Northern Afghanistan fighting for the Taliban. Experts call it the worst semester abroad program ever.
- Jimmy Fallon
Collection: Fighting
Image of Richard Paul Evans
sometimes it's the fight that makes a thing worth having
- Richard Paul Evans
Collection: Fighting
Image of Justin Trudeau
The emphasis of that statement about my temptation to switch to the separatist side in Quebec was that someone who obviously loves Canada with everything he has, has been right here and fights for Canada all the time - for him to say something like that, something must be very wrong with Canada.
- Justin Trudeau
Collection: Fighting
Image of Nina Dobrev
The things and the projects that I want to be a part of are not the ones that I get offered. I get offered a lot, but it's not what I'm interested in. So I have to fight very hard for the things that I want to do and to work with the filmmakers that I want to work with.
- Nina Dobrev
Collection: Fighting
Image of Epictetus
By accepting life's limits and inevitabilities and working with them rather than fighting them, we become free.
- Epictetus
Collection: Fighting
Image of T. S. Eliot
We are not here to triumph by fighting, by strata gem, or by resistance, not to fight with beasts as men. We have fought the beast and have conquered. We have only to conquer now, by suffering. This is the easier victory.
- T. S. Eliot
Collection: Fighting
Image of LeCrae
I think success is being exactly who God called us to be and fighting to your death to live that out.
- LeCrae
Collection: Fighting
Image of Conor McGregor
I don't give a f***. We're not fighting. I don't care what anyone thinks about me. All the stuff I have to do outside the fighting, the promotion, this, I don't give a f***. But when I am facing up for a fight, I know what they're thinking. I can read their minds. When I am going face to face with an opponent, nose to nose, I can smell the fear, and I'm feeling no fear at all.
- Conor McGregor
Collection: Fighting
Image of Niall Ferguson
Why did the Germans and Japanese keep fighting after 1943 when every rational hope of victory had disappeared?
- Niall Ferguson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Yasser Arafat
I swear to God, I will see [the Palestinian state], whether as a martyr or alive. Please, God, give me the honor of becoming a martyr in the fight for Jerusalem.
- Yasser Arafat
Collection: Fighting
Image of Frederick Lenz
The road for Arjuna is unexpected. Sri Krishna says you have to face that which you fear the most that which you're most attached to and eliminate it. In this case he has to fight a battle, and the battle is his attachments.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fighting
Image of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
The mediocre always feel as if they're fighting for their lives when confronted by the excellent.
- Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Collection: Fighting
Image of T. S. Eliot
We fight for lost causes because we know that our defeat and dismay may be the preface to our successors' victory, though that victory itself will be temporary; we fight rather to keep something alive than in the expectation that anything will triumph.
- T. S. Eliot
Collection: Fighting
Image of Judd Apatow
The only thing worse than a crappy TV show which Paddy Chayevsky couldn't have conceived in his worst nightmare is two megacorps fighting over who thought of the crappy show first.
- Judd Apatow
Collection: Fighting