W. C. Fields

Image of W. C. Fields
Abstaining is favorable both to the head and the pocket.
- W. C. Fields
Image of W. C. Fields
Set up another case bartender! The best thing for a case of nerves is a case of Scotch.
- W. C. Fields
Image of W. C. Fields
I'd like to see Paris before I die... Philadelphia will do.
- W. C. Fields
Image of W. C. Fields
There are only two real ways to get ahead today - sell liquor or drink it.
- W. C. Fields
Image of W. C. Fields
The world is getting to be such a dangerous place, a man is lucky to get out of it alive.
- W. C. Fields
Image of W. C. Fields
Never cry over spilt milk, because it may have been poisoned.
- W. C. Fields
Image of W. C. Fields
Here lies W. C. Fields. I would rather be living in Philadelphia.
- W. C. Fields
Image of W. C. Fields
The cost of living has gone up another dollar a quart.
- W. C. Fields
Image of W. C. Fields
If there's a will, prosperity can't be far behind.
- W. C. Fields
Image of W. C. Fields
I must have a drink of breakfast.
- W. C. Fields
Image of W. C. Fields
I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol and wild women. The other half I wasted.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Gambling
Image of W. C. Fields
You can fool some of the people some of the time -- and that's enough to make a decent living.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: People
Image of W. C. Fields
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Indecisive
Image of W. C. Fields
I personally stay away from natural foods. At my age I need all the preservatives I can get.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Funny
Image of W. C. Fields
Money will not buy happiness, but it will let you be unhappy in nice places.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Nice
Image of W. C. Fields
I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Emotion
Image of W. C. Fields
Reality is an illusion that occurs due to the lack of alcohol.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Drinking
Image of W. C. Fields
Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Inspirational
Image of W. C. Fields
Beer: Helping ugly people have sex since 3000 B. C.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Sex
Image of W. C. Fields
Some people are born losers; others acquire the knack gradually.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: People
Image of W. C. Fields
Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore always carry a small snake.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Funny
Image of W. C. Fields
First prize was a week in Philadelphia. Second prize was two weeks.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Two
Image of W. C. Fields
The advantages of whiskey over dogs are legion. Whiskey does not need to be periodically wormed, it does not need to be fed, it never requires a special kennel, it has no toenails to be clipped or coat to be stripped. Whiskey sits quietly in its special nook until you want it. True, whiskey has a nasty habit of running out, but then so does a dog.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Running
Image of W. C. Fields
If I had my life to live over again, I'd live over a saloon.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Saloons
Image of W. C. Fields
Thou shalt not steal-only from other comedians.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Comedian
Image of W. C. Fields
The best thing to break is a contract.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Break
Image of W. C. Fields
Indeed, moderation is my middle name (though I do not often use it in signing legal documents)
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Funny
Image of W. C. Fields
I write my scripts short and they develop on the set, which I have found a far better premise both economically and practically.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Writing
Image of W. C. Fields
Fields' reply: He'd think I was a sissy.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Drinking
Image of W. C. Fields
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house unless they have a well-stocked bar.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Drinking
Image of W. C. Fields
In the ten years since I had run away from home...I had gone through more strange experiences than the average person crowds into a whole lifetime.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Running
Image of W. C. Fields
The movie people would have nothing to do with me until they heard me speak in a Broadway play, then they all wanted to sign me for the silent movies.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Movie
Image of W. C. Fields
My heart is a bargain today. Will you take it?
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Funny
Image of W. C. Fields
Business is an establishment that gives you the legal, even though unethical, right to screw the naive-right, left, and in the middle.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Giving
Image of W. C. Fields
I would rather be living in Philadelphia.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Comedy
Image of W. C. Fields
The low-ceiling price bazaar for sexual relief was a street called Middie Alley. You could barely get a pushcart through this avenue. Top price-twenty-five cents.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Twenties
Image of W. C. Fields
Ye Gads, no! I couldn't stand the noise.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Wine
Image of W. C. Fields
I've been on a 46-year diet of olives and alcohol. The latter I consume. The former I save and use over again in more alcohol. In my lifetime, I imagine, I have consumed at least $200,000 worth of whisky.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Years
Image of W. C. Fields
It's a wonderful thing, the D.T.'s. You can travel the world in a couple of hours. You see some mighty funny and curious things that come in assorted colors.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Couple
Image of W. C. Fields
A comic should suffer as much over a single line as a man with a hernia would in picking up a heavy barbell.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Men
Image of W. C. Fields
The funniest thing a comedian can do is not do it.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Comedian
Image of W. C. Fields
Ultimately chess is just chess - not the best thing in the world and not the worst thing in the world, but there is nothing quite like it.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: World
Image of W. C. Fields
I can do anything I want to do!
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Want
Image of W. C. Fields
After two days in the hospital, I turn to the nurse.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Funny
Image of W. C. Fields
I could be stranded in any town in the United States with ten cents and within an hour make $20 with the shell game.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Games
Image of W. C. Fields
I'm searching for loopholes.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Loopholes
Image of W. C. Fields
I was almost put out of business by a well-meaning corpse.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Wells
Image of W. C. Fields
Never eat at a place called 'Moms', but if the only other place in town has a sign that says 'Eats', go back to Moms.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Mom
Image of W. C. Fields
I didn't squawk about the steak, dear. I merely said I didn't see that old horse that used to be tethered outside here.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Horse