Top Games Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Games quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Shane Warne
Find a way to get back in to the game, find a way to build a partnership, find a way to catch a ball, find a way to stop it.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Games
Image of Paolo Bacigalupi
I'm a chess piece. A pawn,' she said. 'I can be sacrificed, but I cannot be captured. To be captured would be the end of the game.
- Paolo Bacigalupi
Collection: Games
Image of Michael Scott
Master the rules of the game until you can play it better they can.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Games
Image of Nancy Pearcey
Yet church youth groups rarely teach apologetics, majoring instead on games and goodies.
- Nancy Pearcey
Collection: Games
Image of Maud Hart Lovelace
Was life always like that? she wondered. A game of hide and seek in which you only occasionally found the person you wanted to be?
- Maud Hart Lovelace
Collection: Games
Image of Joe Theismann
The term 'genius' is inapplicable to anyone in this game. A genius is Norman Einstein.
- Joe Theismann
Collection: Games
Image of Ben Nicholas
My first scene was a streaking scene, I had to streak at a footy game, thats how I get introduced.
- Ben Nicholas
Collection: Games
Image of Yani Tseng
I really want to thank Annika Sorenstam. She helped me a lot about my game, about the mentals, and she told me go step by step.
- Yani Tseng
Collection: Games
Image of Mena Suvari
Working in television, many times you read a script, you work on the pilot, and then you play the waiting game to see if you're able to make it a series.
- Mena Suvari
Collection: Games
Image of Yogi Berra
Make a game plan and stick to it. Unless it's not working.
- Yogi Berra
Collection: Games
Image of David Lee Roth
Remember, life is just a game and no one gets out alive
- David Lee Roth
Collection: Games
Image of Leon Panetta
My impression is that Putin feels that he can basically manipulate the West to do what he ultimately wants to achieve, and that he feels he's gotten away with it so far, and that all he has to do is basically play the same game.
- Leon Panetta
Collection: Games
Image of Tom Seaver
Im a huge advocate of pitching. You have to have good pitching as the solid core, the foundation. It keeps you in every game.
- Tom Seaver
Collection: Games
Image of Mark Wahlberg
You can't have a conscience in the pimp game.
- Mark Wahlberg
Collection: Games
Image of Tom Bissell
When I play too many video games I begin to feel chubby-minded, caffeinated, bad.
- Tom Bissell
Collection: Games
Image of Hope Solo
People didn't put pressure on me. I just played for the love of the game.
- Hope Solo
Collection: Games
Image of Ann Richards
Power is what calls the shots, and power is a white male game.
- Ann Richards
Collection: Games
Image of Babe Ruth
Life is a game like any other; we just don't take it as seriously.
- Babe Ruth
Collection: Games
Image of Elena Ferrante
There was something unbearable in the things, in the people, in the buildings, in the streets that, only if you reinvented it all, as in a game, became acceptable. The essential, however, was to know how to play, and she and I, only she and I, knew how to do it.
- Elena Ferrante
Collection: Games
Image of David Ortiz
It doesn't matter if we are down 3-0. We just have got to keep the faith like that one piece you were saying in "Keep on Going," because the game is not over till the last out.
- David Ortiz
Collection: Games
Image of Paul Samuelson
A growing nation is the greatest ponzi game ever contrived.
- Paul Samuelson
Collection: Games
Image of Michael Ian Black
Hosting a show, even a talk show or a game show, there's so much business you have to conduct. There's so much guiding you have to do.
- Michael Ian Black
Collection: Games
Image of Michael Ian Black
You have to lead, in the case of a game show, a contestant through the architecture of the show. So there's a lot of rules there, literal and implied, that you have to navigate.
- Michael Ian Black
Collection: Games
Image of Jesse Owens
We must respect the rights and properties of our fellowman. And then learn to play the game of life, as well as the game of athletics, according to the rules of society. If you can take that and put it into practice in the community in which you live, then, to me you have won the greatest championship.
- Jesse Owens
Collection: Games
Image of Ron Wyden
If we are going to have a health care program that works for all Americans, we are going to have to get beyond the blame game.
- Ron Wyden
Collection: Games
Image of Anita Shreve
To ward off a feeling of failure, she joked that she could wallpaper her bathroom with rejection slips, which she chose not to see as messages to stop, but rather as tickets to the game.
- Anita Shreve
Collection: Games
Image of Robert Greene
A lot of, a big problems that people have nowadays is that they can't stand moments of no stimulation in their life so they're constantly lurking, looking for entertainment, video games.
- Robert Greene
Collection: Games
Image of Leo Rosten
Machines certainly can solve problems, store information, correlate, and play games - but not with pleasure.
- Leo Rosten
Collection: Games
Image of Diane Abbott
White people love playing 'divide & rule'. We should not play their game.
- Diane Abbott
Collection: Games
Image of Steve Spurrier
You keep playing, you get a lead and build on it. People get mad when you keep playing, but that's part of the game, too.
- Steve Spurrier
Collection: Games
Image of Jonny Wilkinson
Right through to the end of the last World Cup game, I still couldnt bear the thought of not being perfect or letting people down.
- Jonny Wilkinson
Collection: Games
Image of Damon Runyon
In all the history of the boxing game, you'll find no human interest story to compare with the life narrative of James J. Braddock.
- Damon Runyon
Collection: Games
Image of Shigeru Miyamoto
It isn't about games, for me, personally, and it never really was. It was about creating something - anything - far bigger than yourself.
- Shigeru Miyamoto
Collection: Games
Image of Shigeru Miyamoto
When we're doing an action game, we make the second level first. We begin making level 1 once everything else is completed.
- Shigeru Miyamoto
Collection: Games
Image of Carl Yastrzemski
The moment the game (AL Pennant versus the Twins) was over I sprinted for the dugout. The fans were pouring onto the field. If they'd caught me they'd have torn my uniform into shreds for souvenirs.
- Carl Yastrzemski
Collection: Games
Image of Cal Ripken, Jr.
Get in the game. Do the best you can. Try to make a contribution. Learn from today. Apply it to tomorrow.
- Cal Ripken, Jr.
Collection: Games
Image of Cal Ripken, Jr.
I was always compared to the Energizer Bunny in my consecutive game streak because every day I showed up and went to work and they said he keeps going and going and going, but a lot of people do that.
- Cal Ripken, Jr.
Collection: Games
Image of Nas
I broke into shakespeare's tomb and stole his remains, grinded the bones, smoked it, then got in the game
- Nas
Collection: Games
Image of Eleanor Porter
Oh, yes; the game was to just find something about everything to be glad about—no matter what 'twas
- Eleanor Porter
Collection: Games
Image of Willow Shields
Jen[nifer Lawrence]'s main goal in life is to get me to laugh while we're filming sad scenes. And it's the HUNGER GAMES.
- Willow Shields
Collection: Games
Image of Thomas Szasz
What people really need and demand from life is not wealth, comfort, or esteem, but games worth playing
- Thomas Szasz
Collection: Games
Image of Georges Perec
Chess is a fathead and feudal game.
- Georges Perec
Collection: Games
Image of Ernst Junger
The anarch knows the rules. He has studied them as a historian and goes along with them as a contemporary. Wherever possible, he plays his own game within their framework; this makes the fewest waves.
- Ernst Junger
Collection: Games
Image of Ernest Cline
Video games paid for my house. What am I saying? Go ahead and keep playing!
- Ernest Cline
Collection: Games
Image of Michael Gurian
We expect him to take up a lot of space in his gangly experiments with life, and we teach him, through task, work, game, activity, and experience how to use that space. Above all, we give him mentoring and supervision that respects and teaches his gifts, his visions, even his shadowy inner demons
- Michael Gurian
Collection: Games
Image of Ian Botham
Cricket is full of theorists who can ruin your game in no time.
- Ian Botham
Collection: Games
Image of Paul Weller
Sometimes you're ahead of the game and sometimes people don't get it and that's just one of those things you have to accept and carry on.
- Paul Weller
Collection: Games
Image of Sandra Gulland
Susanne Alleyn's Game of Patience is a well-crafted historical mystery, authentic in every detail. Wonderfully entertaining.
- Sandra Gulland
Collection: Games
Image of Shemar Moore
There's a thing called game, and when you're out and you're trying to push up on a female and you're going, "Yo, I want to be your knight in shining armor," chances are you're going to get a drink on your face.
- Shemar Moore
Collection: Games
Image of Tiffeny Milbrett
When it's game situation, when it's game day, game time, when it's World Cup, when it's these tournaments that happen once every so often, I live for that, I live for that challenge.
- Tiffeny Milbrett
Collection: Games