Top Criminals Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Criminals quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Bernhard Schlink
So I was still guilty. And if I was not guilty because one cannot be guilty of betraying a criminal, then I was guilty of having loved a criminal.
- Bernhard Schlink
Collection: Criminals
Image of Don Roff
When you print out your manuscript and read it, marking up with a pen, it sometimes feels like a criminal returning to the scene of a crime.
- Don Roff
Collection: Criminals
Image of Val McDermid
A society gets the criminals it deserves.
- Val McDermid
Collection: Criminals
Image of Kingman Brewster, Jr.
There is no lasting hope in violence, only temporary relief from hopelessness.
- Kingman Brewster, Jr.
Collection: Criminals
Image of Billy Sunday
Sinners cannot find God for the same reason that criminals cannot find a policeman: They aren't looking!
- Billy Sunday
Collection: Criminals
Image of Eustace Mullins
The Federal Reserve System is not Federal; it has no reserves; and it is not a system at all, but rather, a criminal syndicate.
- Eustace Mullins
Collection: Criminals
Image of William Randolph Hearst
Most criminals are not born; they are made.... What the State really punishes in a criminal is often its own neglect, its own failure to do its duty to the citizen.
- William Randolph Hearst
Collection: Criminals
Image of Frank Rich
Hollywood no longer depicts reporters in ruthless pursuit of criminals, high and low. Now they are the criminals.
- Frank Rich
Collection: Criminals
Image of Charles Starkweather
I always wanted to be a criminal, but not this big a one.
- Charles Starkweather
Collection: Criminals
Image of Edgar Rice Burroughs
It is a characteristic of the weak and criminal to attribute to others the misfortunes that are the result of their own wickedness.
- Edgar Rice Burroughs
Collection: Criminals
Image of Leopold von Ranke
History is no criminal court
- Leopold von Ranke
Collection: Criminals
Image of Robert H. Jackson
If certain acts in violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.
- Robert H. Jackson
Collection: Criminals
Image of John R. Rice
The best way to get rid of criminals is to stop raising them.
- John R. Rice
Collection: Criminals
Image of Daniel Craig
The movie business is based on criminals. Some of them are in movies and some of them make movies.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Criminals
Image of Eugene V. Debs
Capitalism needs and must have the prison to protect itself from the criminals it has created.
- Eugene V. Debs
Collection: Criminals
Image of Ronnie Corbett
A cement mixer collided with a prison van on the Kingston Pass. Motorists are asked to be on the lookout for 16 hardened criminals.
- Ronnie Corbett
Collection: Criminals
Image of Clarence Darrow
A criminal is someone without the capital to incorporate
- Clarence Darrow
Collection: Criminals
Image of Jose Mujica
What was my great sin? To have revealed the private property of the bank - well if this is being a criminal, then maybe I'm a great criminal.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Criminals
Image of Patrick McHenry
Letting someone down is not criminal action.
- Patrick McHenry
Collection: Criminals
Image of L. E. J. Brouwer incorrect theory, even if it cannot be inhibited by any contradiction that would refute it, is none the less incorrect, just as a criminal policy is none the less criminal even if it cannot be inhibited by any court that would curb it.
- L. E. J. Brouwer
Collection: Criminals
Image of Scott Harshbarger
Eliminating the death penalty...will not hinder the prosecutorial capacity to seek, or the court's ability to impose, 'life without parole' sentences for serious, heinous crimes and criminals.
- Scott Harshbarger
Collection: Criminals
Image of Roger Hodgson
Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you radical, liberal, fanatical, criminal.
- Roger Hodgson
Collection: Criminals
Image of Jane Mayer
What these memos do is they make legal acts that were criminal prior to these memos.
- Jane Mayer
Collection: Criminals
Image of Nuhu Ribadu
Governor Tinubu’s criminal case is of international dimension.
- Nuhu Ribadu
Collection: Criminals
Image of David Shuster
Many conspiracies are not criminal, even conspiracies that involve slamming somebody.
- David Shuster
Collection: Criminals
Image of S. S. Van Dine
Of all the criminal cases in which Philo Vance participated as unofficial investigator, the most sinister, the most bizarre, the seemingly most incomprehensible, and certainly the most terrifying was the one that followed the famous Greene murders.
- S. S. Van Dine
Collection: Criminals
Image of Michael Dibdin
Criminals have the same aspirations as everyone else. That's why they become criminals.
- Michael Dibdin
Collection: Criminals
Image of John Murphy
Touch me again, and I’ll end you… in a non-criminal way.
- John Murphy
Collection: Criminals
Image of Michael Isikoff
Every major criminal case is always built from the bottom up. You get the underlings, you get them to plead and cooperate, and that leads to the higher-ups.
- Michael Isikoff
Collection: Criminals
Image of Murong Xuecun
It is difficult to call myself a writer, even when I stand at a podium to receive a prize, I feel uncomfortable calling myself a writer—I am merely a word criminal.
- Murong Xuecun
Collection: Criminals
Image of Marc MacYoung
There is no reason to live in fear of crime and violence. There is however reason to take reasonable precautions. And in doing so, you will have deterred most criminals from choosing you as their victim.
- Marc MacYoung
Collection: Criminals
Image of Pierre Bourgault
It is quite normal to be racist, but it is criminal to remain one.
- Pierre Bourgault
Collection: Criminals
Image of Robert Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury
I rank myself no higher in the scheme of things than a policeman - whose utility would disappear if there were no criminals.
- Robert Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury
Collection: Criminals
Image of Thomas Kean, Jr.
My opponents will do anything they can to distract from their own flawed candidate. Bob Menendez is under federal criminal investigation. As far as I know, he is the only candidate for Senate under federal criminal investigation.
- Thomas Kean, Jr.
Collection: Criminals
Image of Tennessee Celeste Claflin
Criminality should be exterminated by disabling all notorious and irreclaimable criminals.
- Tennessee Celeste Claflin
Collection: Criminals
Image of William C. Brown
The deviant that does not observe the trivial uses of the language is a poet, a deviant who violates the banal customs of society is a criminal.
- William C. Brown
Collection: Criminals
Image of Franco Frattini
The free circulation of citizens, which is sacrosanct, cannot become the free circulation of criminals.
- Franco Frattini
Collection: Criminals
Image of F. Lee Bailey
A person in the business of defending criminal cases is going to live in controversy all of his or her life.
- F. Lee Bailey
Collection: Criminals
Image of Pope Sixtus V
While I live, every criminal must die.
- Pope Sixtus V
Collection: Criminals
Image of Bonnie Greer
We should differentiate between criminals who make violent threats online, and trolls who are just arseholes
- Bonnie Greer
Collection: Criminals
Image of Wolfgang Beltracchi
In a legal sense, I am a convicted criminal.
- Wolfgang Beltracchi
Collection: Criminals
Image of Lynne Stewart
My anti-authoritarian instincts let me directly to criminal defense work.
- Lynne Stewart
Collection: Criminals
Image of Chris Matthews
The FBI had a right to review that. And they did and they found Hillary Clinton not in any criminal violation.
- Chris Matthews
Collection: Criminals
Image of George Mikes
A criminal may improve and become a decent member of society. A foreigner cannot improve. Once a foreigner, always a foreigner. There is no way out for him.
- George Mikes
Collection: Criminals
Image of Iain Duncan Smith
If you knowingly and willingly embark on criminal behaviour, the consequences of that should be... that you lose some of your benefits under the current system
- Iain Duncan Smith
Collection: Criminals
Image of George Bernard Shaw
Of the three official objects of our prison system: vengeance, deterrence, and reformation of the criminal, only one is achieved; and that is the one which is nakedly abominable.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Criminals
Image of J. I. Packer
Justification is the truly dramatic transition from the status of a condemned criminal awaiting a terrible sentence to that of an heir awaiting a fabulous inheritance.
- J. I. Packer
Collection: Criminals
Image of Barack Obama
The kind of violence, looting, destruction that we saw from a handful of individuals in Baltimore, there's no excuse for that. That's not a statement. That's not politics. That's not activism. That's just criminal behavior.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Criminals
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
The criminal is quite frequently not equal to his deed: he belittles and slanders it.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Criminals
Image of Victoria Woodhull
A reform in the system of criminal jurisprudence, by which the death penalty shall no longer be inflicted . . . and by which our so-called prisons shall be virtually transformed into vast reformatory workshops, from which the unfortunate may emerge to be useful members of society, instead of the alienated citizens they now are.
- Victoria Woodhull
Collection: Criminals