Michael Scott

Image of Michael Scott
Campus ... brings back so many memories that I would ... have made.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Memories
Image of Michael Scott
What the guys have learned is that whether you're preaching to one or 10,000, it really doesn't matter. That one person you touch may change the nation - could be the Billy Graham of Ethiopia.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Change
Image of Michael Scott
And Prometheus was flying directly toward them. William Shakespeare shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Now, I've never been a warrior,and I know little about tactics,but shouldn't we be flying in the other direction?" They were close enough now to see the wide-eyed anpu in the nearest craft. "We will," Prometheus said. "Just as soon as the missiles explode." "Which missiles?" Shakespeare asked. "The two just behind us.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Warrior
Image of Michael Scott
Don't take me for a fool!" Dee interrupted angrily, but then had to lean over the boat as another bout of nausea gripped him. Virginia grinned and winked at Josh. "It's hard to sound masterful when you're throwing up, isn't it?" "I hate you, Virginia Dare," Dee mumbled. "I know you don't really mean that," she said lightly. "I do," he croaked.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Hate
Image of Michael Scott
You told me it was a mistake to fight the scarred warriors. They were the survivors.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Mistake
Image of Michael Scott
Once you have been touched by magic, you are forever changed. You leave a trail.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Forever
Image of Michael Scott
The Elders had nothing but contempt for human emotion; they considered it their biggest weakness. Perenelle knew it was humankind's greatest strength.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Weakness
Image of Michael Scott
The fifth force was the magic of Time, the greatest of all the magics.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Magic
Image of Michael Scott
We had little or no emotion. We lacked the capacity to feel fear, to experience love, to enjoy the sensations of happiness and delight.The finest warriors are not only those who do not fear, but those who are without anger.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Warrior
Image of Michael Scott
He is many things - dangerous and devious, cunning and deadly, a good friend and an implacable enemy - but he comes from an age when a man's word was indeed precious.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Good Friend
Image of Michael Scott
What you call magic is nothing more than an act of the imagination fired by the senses, then given shape by the power of your aura.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Imagination
Image of Michael Scott
You're saying we lost the powers of magic because we grew lazy.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Lazy
Image of Michael Scott
It's always been Apple's goal to ship something we were proud of and something people would be proud to own, and I think that's still true from thirty years ago.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Thinking
Image of Michael Scott
Virginia," Billy said urgently. "Don't do this." "Shut up,Billy." "Think of the people in San Francisco." "I don't know any of the people in San Francisco," Virginia answered, then paused. "Well,actually I do,and I don't like them. But I do like you,Billy, and I'm not going to allow you to end up as lunch for some raggedy lion-monster-thingy." "A sphinx," Machiavelli corrected her. He was standing at the bars again. "Mistress Dare," the Italian said carefully. "I absolutely applaud you for what you want to do for your friend. But I urge you to think of the bigger picture.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Thinking
Image of Michael Scott
Great change always comes down to the actions of a single person.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Action
Image of Michael Scott
And in their rush to create wonders, they have ignored the wonders all around them, ignored the mysteries, the beauty.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Ignored
Image of Michael Scott
Her hands flew to her mouth. 'Are we even twins?' Josh rested his hand on her shoulder and brought his forehead to rest against hers, strands of their blond hair mingling. 'I will always be your brother, Sophie. I will always look after you.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Brother
Image of Michael Scott
There have always been people like you, Nicholas Flamel. People who think they know what's best, who decide what people should see and read and listen to, who ultimately try to shape how the rest of the world think and acts. I've spent my entire life fighting the likes of you.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michael Scott
Good or bad is a matter of perspective. I met an immortal hunami once, a man called William Shakespeare, who wrote that there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Men
Image of Michael Scott
Have you any idea how to wake a hibernating Elder?” Machiavelli shook his head. “Mars, what about you? Any advice?” “Yes. Don’t.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Ideas
Image of Michael Scott
So you should be able to see them clearly in your imagination. We always find it easier to visualize what we fear; it's what keeps us afraid of the dark.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Dark
Image of Michael Scott
Adults, Sophie has decided a long time before, were really bad at making up good excuses.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Long
Image of Michael Scott
We do not always get what we want. Sometimes life presents us with surprises.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Want
Image of Michael Scott
I'll have an awesome blossom, EXTRA awesome.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Extras
Image of Michael Scott
Marethyu stretched out his right hand and Aten took it in his. "Let me tell you this," the hook-handed man said. "We will meet again,you and I,in a different place and a different time." "You know this to be true?" "I do." "Because you have seen the future?" "Because I have been there.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Men
Image of Michael Scott
I'm not a magician. I'am an alchemyst, a man of science, though perhaps not the science you would be familiar with.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Men
Image of Michael Scott
But magic, like everything else, follows certain natural laws. Magic needs energy wherever it can find it. If no other source of energy is available, it will take the life force of the magician who created it. That is why every use of magic weakens the magician.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Law
Image of Michael Scott
the best lie is wrapped around a core of truth
- Michael Scott
Collection: Lying
Image of Michael Scott
Dee's search for knowledge was always his greatest strength... and his weakness.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Weakness
Image of Michael Scott
We're all homos. Homo sapiens.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Homo Sapiens
Image of Michael Scott
The Alchemyst had discovered that the seats revolved and had been amusing himself by swinging back and forth. His chair squeaked with each turn.Finally Prometheus turned and glared at the immortal. "If you do that one more time, I'm going to feed you to the Lotan myself." "And I will help," Niten added.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Helping
Image of Michael Scott
A warrior with a cause is the most dangerous soldier of all
- Michael Scott
Collection: Warrior
Image of Michael Scott
Middle school's amazing. It is extraordinary. An extraordinary time.
- Michael Scott
Collection: School
Image of Michael Scott
we are nothing more than the sum of our memories and experiences
- Michael Scott
Collection: Memories
Image of Michael Scott
People are dying who haven't had that opportunity to say yes to the Lord.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Michael Scott
Here, you can walk into a bookstore and pick up a Bible or Christian literature and learn. Over there, they are lucky if they have one Bible for a whole village.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Christian
Image of Michael Scott
it is only when no one remembers that you are truly lost. That is the true death.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Remember
Image of Michael Scott
Nowadays I find chocolate and/or chocolate-based snacks to be great motivators. Everyone loves chocolate. If someone has a lot of work to do, put a piece of fudge in a glass container (so they can see it) and let them know that if they accomplish their tasks, they can eat the fudge. You'll definitely get a reaction!
- Michael Scott
Collection: Success
Image of Michael Scott
When I said that I was king of forwards, you've got to understand that I don't come up with this stuff. I just forward it along. You wouldn't arrest a guy who was just passing drugs from one guy to another.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Kings
Image of Michael Scott
I don't want somebody sucking up to me because they think I am going to help their career. I want them sucking up to me because they genuinely love me.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Thinking
Image of Michael Scott
He came to a decision and looked at Dagon before climbing into the car. "Find the Disir." Dagon stiffened, showing a rare sign of emotion. "Is that wise?" he asked. "It is neccessary.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Wise
Image of Michael Scott
I love babies. I think they are beautiful in all sorts of different ways. I try to pick up and hold a baby every day, if possible, because it nourishes me. It feeds my soul. Babies are drawn to me. And I think it's because they see me as one of them. But ... cooler and with my life put together a little bit more. If a baby were president, there would be no taxes. There would be no war. There would be no ... government, and ... things could get terrible. And actually probably it would be a better screenplay idea than a serious suggestion.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Michael Scott
But magic is really only the utilization of the entire spectrum of the senses.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Magic
Image of Michael Scott
Artists want to sell their work, sure. But they aren't out there asking questions about what people want and what they don't want, now are they?
- Michael Scott
Collection: Artist
Image of Michael Scott
The idea of selling a Cezanne to buy a Morisot seems explosively contentious.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Ideas
Image of Michael Scott
The problem with contemporary art is that no one bothers to do the research necessary to give people what they want.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Art
Image of Michael Scott
Guess what? I have flaws. What are they? Oh I donno, I sing in the shower? Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me-- no, don't sue me. That is opposite the point I'm trying to make.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Opposites
Image of Michael Scott
When you've lived as long as I have, nothing much surprises you.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Long
Image of Michael Scott
Fools lie, clever men stick to the truth.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Clever