Michael Scott

Image of Michael Scott
For me, the favourite chapters have always been the last chapters in the books. I knew exactly how each book would end - and how the first chapter of the following book would begin. I knew I wanted to leave the readers with answers - and a bunch of new questions!
- Michael Scott
Collection: Book
Image of Michael Scott
Guess what? I have flaws. What are they? Oh I donno, I sing in the shower? Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I’ll hit somebody with my car. So sue me – no, don’t sue me. That is opposite the point I’m trying to make.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Volunteer
Image of Michael Scott
What is it like being single? I like it! I like starting each day with a sense of possibility. And I’m optimistic, because everyday I get a little more desperate. And desperate situations yield the quickest results.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Being Single
Image of Michael Scott
The best moment is when you walk into a bookstore and see a pile of your books – that is the oddest experience in the world!
- Michael Scott
Collection: Book
Image of Michael Scott
I’m always writing – its what I like to do. But when I’m not writing, I’m reading.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Reading
Image of Michael Scott
I have a huge music library and deliberately choose the piece of music to match the piece I’m writing. So, every book I write has its own “soundtrack.”
- Michael Scott
Collection: Book
Image of Michael Scott
Research is always the best part. As we dug deeper into the history and mythology behind each of the hallows, we discovered more and more stories – some of them deserving of novels in themselves.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Stories
Image of Michael Scott
I never base characters on real people – you can get into so much trouble that way!
- Michael Scott
Collection: Real